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1、(完整版)2018年安徽教师招聘考试中学英语真题2018年安徽教师招聘考试中学英语真题(总分:120。00,做题时间:150分钟)一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1。I took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday.( )we had together there.A.What good timeB。What a good timeC.How good timeD。How a good解析:2。Why not live in your new house?Sounds a good id

2、ea,but it( )。It will be OK next month。A.will paintB。had paintedC。is being paintedD。has been解析:3.If you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about the future,You( )miss the excellent opportunity.A.mayB.needntC.couldD.mustnt解析:4。( )after care fully,the plant can live through the wi

3、nter。A.LookedB。LookingC.To lookD。Having looked解析:5.No sooner( )down to relax than her smartphone rang.A。Alice satB.at AliceC.does Alice sitD.had Alice sat解析:6.Life in the city is tough for a parent( )kids arent keeping up in school.A。hisB.of whomC。whoseD.of which解析:7。How amazing!You cant imagine( )l

4、ittle animals can eat( )much food。Really?A.such;soB.such;suchC.so;suchD.so;so解析:8.George Orwell is best known for his two novels,Animal Farm and 1984,( )of which were written and published toward the end of his life。A.allB.bothC.eachD。either解析:9。If you are in any doubt as to( )you should be doing th

5、ese exercises,consult your doctor.A.thatB.ifC。whateverD.whether解析:10。( )my dad is known to only a few people in the town,his reputation among them is great.A。AsB.SinceC。WhileD.Unless解析:11.Some people thin you change your mind,the less likely you are to fo cus your attention on your work.( )A.more fr

6、equentB.most frequentlyC.the most frequentD.the more frequently解析:12。Its 20 years since I left my hometown;it has changed( )my recognition。A。aboveB.beyondC。withinD.over解析:13.If you( )to Mr。Smith more carefully,you could work out the problem without any difficulty now。A。listenedB。listenC.had listened

7、D。have listened解析:14.What is the relationship between ”furniture”and “table”?( )A.AntonymyB.HyponymyC。PolysemyD。Synonymy解析:15。The novel, Withering Heights,was written by( )。A.Emily BronteB.James JoyceC。Jane AustenD.Robert Browning解析:二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)(总题数:1,分数:15。00)My grandmother passed away

8、 a couple of years ago,but the legacy o f the peas still lives on.It took place at the Biltmore Hotel,which。to my eightyear-old(16),was just about a place to eat。My grandmother, my mother, and I were having lunch the after shopping. I grandly (17) a Salisbury steak, (18) about the knowledge that ben

9、eath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy (肉汁)。When brought to the ta ble, it was (19) by a plate of peas which I have always hated. It is a complete (20) to me why anyone would( 21) eat p eas。 And I was certainly not about to eat them. “Eat your peas,” my (22)said。“Mother, said my mo

10、ther in a low voice。 “He doesnt like peas. Leave him (23) My grandmother did not reply, but looked me in the eye, and uttered the fateful words that (24) my life: “Ill pay you five dollars can eat those peas I began to force myself to eat them. And I found my mother seeme dabit (25) 。which made me n

11、ervous.But my grandmother had a satisfied look。 Every single pea made me want to throw up。 (26) the magic a 1 image of five dollars floated before me,I finally finished every last on e of them.My grandmother (27) me the five dollars with a flourish (夸张动作)。 A few weeks later, my grandmother left for

12、aunt Lilians. That night, at dinner, my mother served two of my favorite foods along with a big, steaming bowl of peas。 She offered me some peas,and I naturally(28) She fixed me with a cold eye as she heaped a huge pile of peas onto my plate. Then came the words that still( 29) in my head today.“You

13、 ate them for (30),”she said.“You can eat them for love.”(分数:15)(1)。(分数:1)A.dreamB。mindC。imaginationD.sorrow解析:(2).(分数:1)A.orderedB.roastedC。soldD。swallowed解析:(3).(分数:1)A.curiousB。doubtfulC。disappointedD。confident解析:(4)。(分数:1)A.protectedB。controlledC。accompaniedD.strengthened解析:(5)。(分数:1)A.honorB。my


15、tC。soD。for解析:(12).(分数:1)A.handedB。chargedC.finedD。borrowed解析:(13).(分数:1)A.acceptedB.returnedC.apologizedD。declined解析:(14)。(分数:1)A。talkB.growC。ringD.shrink解析:(15).(分数:1)A。tasteB。respectC.kindnessD。money解析:三、阅读理解(共12小题,每小题2分,满分24分)(总题数:3,分数:24.00)AStudies have shown that higher temperatures from clima

16、te change an d weather extremes will r-educe food production.But scientists are finding that rising levels of carbon dioxide and other planet-warming gasses t hreaten food quality.The researchers grew rice plants in a controlled environment。They se t carbon dioxide levels to what scientists are pred

17、icting for our planet b y the end of the century.They found that the resulting rice crops had lowe r than normal levels of vitarmins?minerals and prolein。The researchers said the effects of planet-warming gasses would be most severe for the po orest citizens in some of the least developed countries,

18、 mainly in Southea st Asia. These people generally eat the most rice and have the least com plex diet,they noted。Scientists estimated that almost 150 millionprople might be at risk of having little protein or zinc in their diet by 2050.One of these scientists,Sam Myers of Harvard University in the A

19、me rican state of Massachusets, said the findings like this are an example o f the surprises climate change creates.“My concern is, there are many m ore surprises to come,” he said。 Myers noted that pollution, loss of some species, destruction of forests, and other human activities are likely to pro

20、duce unexpected problems。He said that you cannot completely chan ge all the natural systems that living organisms have grown to depend o n over millions of years without having effects come back to affect our own health。The new study suggests away to lower the nutritional harm of dim at echange。 One

21、 way, Kobayashi said is to grow different forms of rice that have shown to be more resistant to higher carbon dioxide levels。(分数:8)(1)。According to Paragraph 2,who will suffer most severe effects of plane t-warming gasses?(分数:2)A.The poorest citizens in Singapore.B。Not only Chinese but also Japanese

22、。C。People in the United States of America.D。People in Indonesia. Cambodia and Laos。解析:(2)。What conclusion can be drawn from what Sam Myers said?(分数:2)A。Unexpected problems rarely result from human activities。B。Poor people eat the least rice and have the most complex diets。C.Changing natural systems

23、may affect our own health eventually.D.Higher temperatures from climate change-benefit food production.解析:(3)。What is the purpose of the last paragraph?(分数:2)A.To advocate further research.B。To suggest a possible solution。C。To confirm the results of the study.D。To promote an appropriate lifestyle.解析

24、:(4)。What does the text mainly tell us?(分数:2)A。Warming gasses increases food production。B.Some scientific experiments have been carried out。C.Rising levels of carbon dioxide threaten food quality。D。The nutritional harm of climate change has been lowered.解析:BAcording to a Swedish study that says dog

25、ownership could reduce heart disease.A study of 3。4 million people between the ages of 40 and 8 0 found that having a dog was associated with a 23 reduction in death fr om heart disease and a 20% lower risk of dying from any cause over the 12 years of the study. Previous studies have suggested dogs

26、relieve social isolation and depression both linked to an increased risk of heart disease and early death。Dog owners show better responses to stress,have higher levels of physical activity and slightly lower cholesterol(胆固醇)levels.The American Heart Asociation was sufficiently swayed by a review of

27、dozens of studies to release a statement in 2013 saying that owning a dog” wasprobably associated with a reduced risk of heart disease: Their reluctance to more strongly approve dog ownership is because most studies are w hat is called observationalresearchers note an association?but cant prove caus

28、ation。This means that other factors might explain why dog owners are healthier than,say goldfish owners-for cxample,perhaps only people who are fit in the first place buy pets that need daily walkies.Tove Fall, an epidemiologist (流行病学家)and the leading author of this latest study, says they tried the

29、ir bestto allow for any differences in education,existing ilhea 1th and lifestyles between those with and without dogs。 The study found the biggest positive impact of having a dog was on people living alone.“It seems that a dog can be asubstitute for living with other people in terms of reducing the

30、 risk of dying,says Fall。Dogs encourage you to walk,they provide social support and they make life more meaningful。If y ou have a dog,you inleract more with other people。 If you do get ill and go into hospital and you have a dog,theres ahuge motivation to try to get back home。(分数:8)(1).What has the

31、Swedish study found about keeping a dog?(分数:2)A.It may increase the risk of heart disease。B.It may be beneficial to peoples health。C。It can cure people of mental diseases.D.It can make its own a lot younger.解析:(2)。Why is the example of “dog owners and goldfish owners” mentioned?(分数:2)A.To point out

32、only healthy people will keep a dog。B.To prove dog owners are healthier than fish owners。C.To find out the differences between keeping a dog and goldfish.D。To suggest the findings of dog ownership need to be further confirmed解析:(3).What does Tove Fall try to tell us?(分数:2)A.People living alone may g

33、et a lot out of keeping a dog.B。People interact with their dogs to improve social skills。C.People keeping dogs tend to go to hospital less.D。People have a similar lifestyle with their dogs.解析:(4).What can be a suitable title for the text?(分数:2)A。Every dog has its day.B。Give a dog a bad name。C.Is a d

34、og really humans best friend?D.Is owning a dog good for your health?解析:CAt universities across the US, the class 2012,is celebrating the end of coll ege. But, for the estimated 1.8 million students receiving bachelors de gree this spring。the financial crisis that unfolded during their first year on

35、campus in 2008 is still casting a long shadow ov er their futures.Almost five years after the crisis began,the overall unenmployment r ate is still above 8 percent while that for resent university graduates is st uck at 6.8 percent。 For many young Americans,the promise of a degree has turned to disa

36、ppointment as they find themseIves strugaling to get their first job, still burdened by student debt。 What is worse,studies show that graduating at a time of high unemploymeat can damage a young personsearning power for the rest of their career and have an impact on the broader econony as well。Seven

37、teen-year-old Chelsea Katz,who planned to atend the Univemity of Maryland in the autumn,said she took into account the economy an d possible dett when picking school and choosing her degree。A survey from Rutgers University found that about a quarter of the e mployed graduates said their position was

38、 below their level of education a quarter said they were earning less than they had expected, and a quarter said they had to acept a job outside their ficld in order to find work。 These conditions are making young people hard to pay back the student loans that have become very common in higher educa

39、tion because rising tuition fees surpass inco me growth.In the past decade,published prices for tuituon fees have risen by 29 percent at private schools and 72 percent at public insitutions,accorling to the College Board。 The public universities,once seen as a ticket to higher earnings for middle an

40、d low-income stude nts, have been hard hit by deep cuts to state budgets that have transferred more of the cost burden on to students and their families.(分数:8)(1).What does the underlined word that77 in Paragraph 2 refer to?(分数:2)A.The financial crisis。B.The unemployment rate。C。The promise of a degr

41、ee。D.The shadow over their future。解析:(2)。What is the prospect of many American college graduates future care er?(分数:2)A。Disappointing.B.Unclear。C。Hopeful.D。Positive。解析:(3).Why is it difficult for young people to repay their student loans?(C)(分数:2)A.The interest rates of their student loans are much

42、higher。B.Most of them dont want to find work after leaving college.C.Their income growth cant keep up with rising tuition fees。D。Most of the graduates cant find work because of their majors.解析:(4).What can we leam about the public universities according to the text?(分数:2)A。They have been cutting the

43、 tuition fees。B。They charge low-income students nothing。C.They fond their students from poor families.D.They are on a much tighter budget than before。解析:四、翻译(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)(总题数:5,分数:10.00)16.We have two senses guarding us from danger。_正确答案:(我们拥有两种感觉来帮助我们规避危险。)解析:17.They are placed in the mouth an

44、d the nose,ready to direct us in the choice of food._正确答案:(它们就在我们的嘴巴和鼻子里,随时准备着引导我们选择食物。)解析:18.If we followed the leading of these senses more obedientlv。it could be much better for many of us。_正确答案:(如果我们能够更加遵从这些感觉的指引,那么这对我们中的大多 数人会是好事。)解析:19。Too many people force themselves by habit to acquire taste

45、s.such as a taste for beer,pepper and tea,none of which are liked by children。_正确答案:(太多人习惯于强迫自己去尝试各种味道,比如啤酒、胡椒和茶,没 有一个是孩子喜欢的。)解析:20.Our taste for them is not a natural one,and many of the diseases that trouble us arise from the consumption of these articles。_正确答案:(我们对这些口味的偏好并不是天生的,而且许多困扰我们的疾病 正是由食用这些物品所引起的.)解析:五、书面表达(总题数:1,

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