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1、(完整word)托福作文最常用句型集。最常用句型集表示举例的句型:citequotementiontakepoint out1.We may anexample ofis filledaboundsHistoryOur society2. with the examples ofa number ofnumerousfactsexamplesevidencefurtherfactsexamplesalready4. To the familiar may be added。rareisolateduniquestorycaseinstancesituationheardreadencounte

2、redone of many examplestypical of dozens5. The is not , it is I have indicatesrevealssuggestsdemonstratesrecentgeneralAThat Conducted by Taken by study6.releasedprovidedfigures/statisticsfindings/datagraph/tableAccording toAs can be seen inAs is shown/evidenced in7.the byto show thatas toagainstin f

3、avor ofevidenceproofgoodeverylittlesufficientconsiderablestrong9.There is (no) goes to show thatpoints to the fact thatpiles up to show thatlends support to the view that10.All evidence Personal experienceExamples I heard/read of11。 leads me to conclude that形容FACTessentialindisputableself-evidentund

4、eniableastonishingprofounddeplorablestrikingstatisticalconcretenotable“表明”brings outsets forthrevealsdemonstratesindicatesrevealssuggestsoutweigh any benefit we gain fromcarry more weight than those of表示比较与分析的句型:1。The advantages of BA. 2. For one thing, it . For another, itenormoussubstantialconside

5、rablea distinctoverofsecuresenjoysgainshas。2. Although A advantage , it cannot Compete with B insounds ridiculousmeans nothingmentionedconsideredtaken into consideration3. As advantage when Bs advantages are 4. When the advantages and disadvantages ofare carefully compared, the most conclusionself-e

6、videntobviousstrikingis doubt 5. Although everyone believes that I whether the argument bears much analysisclose examinationbeliefideasviewswidelycommonlygenerallyAs opposed toContrary tobelieveargueheldaccepted8。 , I that popularbeliefnationwideideacommonly-accepted assumption9。Although the is that

7、, a current study indicates thatdesirablelaudableunderstandableinclinationtendency10。Although the tois , one may still wonder whetheris fair.neglectfail11.They may be right about, but they seem toto commonlyheldwidelyfeltgenerallyacceptedagreedmentiontake into account the fact that12。Although it is

8、that, it is unlikely to be true that this is not to sayit is unlikelyit doesnt followit doesnt meanit wont be the caseIt is true that,True,To be sure,Admittedly,13.but thatfoolishabsurdan errorwrongthinkbelievetake the viewpossiblenaturalreasonable14。It would be to that, but it would befoolishabsurd

9、wrongclaimarguetothat, and it would be more to believe thatbelieveacceptresistrejectnoeveryabsolutelyin fact15。There is reason for us to thatgivencitedofferedidentified表示原因的句型:convincingimportant1。Among the mostreasonsby people for, onestressedemphasizedmentionedshould be sign ofresult ofresponse to

10、reaction totrendincreasephenomenonregardseeviewthink of2。One may theas a due toowing toattributable toresults fromarises fromis because ofmainlylargelypartlyincreasechangefailuresuccess3.Thein / is the fact that/ several factorsproblemphenomenoncausesrootsblamecriticize4.We may for, but the for the

11、go far deeper。attributeascribeoweincreasedecreasechange5。One may the to, butis not by itself anadequate explanation。ofwhytrendproblem6.One may trace this back to, but it doesnt answer the question manydifferentseverala number ofa variety ofgrowthchangedeclineincreasedramaticmarkedsignificantextraord

12、inarycausesreasons7.There are for thisin First, Second, Finallychangeincreasedecreasesuccessfailuredevelopmentconspire towardsaccount forcontribute tolead toresult ininfluencenumbermultitude8.A of factors could the infactorcausecontributingcontributory9.Another ofisplaying a partcontributing to this

13、10。Also isprimarymainmost importantFor another, Another isFor one thing, One reason isaredodid11.Why ? . 。 Perhaps theReason isriseincreasedecreasealsopartlymainlysolelychiefly12.is responsible for the invariedmanycomplicatedprofoundlieare foundmaybeperhapsprobablyreasonscauses13.The forare and they

14、 in the factit doesnt explainthey are only partly rightteenagersstudents14.Some people suggest that the fault is with who 。 But considerabledrasticmarkedsweepingfavourableundesirablecauseproducebring aboutchangerise15。It may a in数字的表达句型:from 5 to 10 percent of the totalto 15 percentby 15 percentincr

15、easedrosejumpedshot up1. In 1990, it from 10 to 5 percentto 15 percentby 15 percentdecreaseddroppedfell2. By comparison with 1990, it compared withas compared withas againstnearlyalmostmore thanfigurepercentagenumberpopulationdoubledtripled3. The has thatof last year.two and a half timestwicesix tim

16、esalmostmore thanaboutdroppedincreaseddecreased4. It has , compared withtwice4 timeshalfnumberpercentage5。The is as much as that of 1990.the recent 5 yearsthe past few years1992something of a plateau50 percentto an average of 50 percentreachedapproachedrisen to6。It has in in .7.It accounts for 15 pe

17、rcent of the total26 traffic accidents26 teenage suicidesa 26 percent increase decline in birth rateswaswerehas been8。There in March, up from 20 percent for the same period last yearan increase of 3 percent in a three-month periodonly 65.3 births per 1000 females of childbearing agesecond-highestsec

18、ond-lowest 。 That is the upwarddownwardrate in history, continuing a trend begun in the 1970s。onlyless thanmore thanalmostaboutoveras many asthree-quarters40 percent ofone out of fiveone in fourcollege populationgraduateshousewives9.By 1990, ,preferred tolikedlast year1980as againstas compared with,

19、 less thanmore than15 percent15 per thousandnumberrate10.The was , halfthirdquartera(n) of the 1990 total。开头句型:下面是文章起头常用的一些句型,掌握这些句型,有助于你较快、较好地写好文章起头。saybelieveclaimthinkarguethe (vast) majority ofmost/manyquite a fewWhen asked aboutWhen it comes to Faced with1., people asdifferently.regardview/seet

20、hink ofconsiderconceivethat, but other people development / improvement / rise / growth ofgeneral recognition / realization / acknowledgement ofcommon interest inwomen / children playing an increasingly big rolein society / family life, 2. With (the) vast changes await this countrys society。onabouto

21、veras totodaynowadaysdiscussiondebatecontroversygeneralmuchpublic3. There is a the criticizeobject toof . Those who argue thatadvocatefavorThey believe that。, but people who , on the other hand, argue thatgeneralwidespreadgrowingwidely-heldCurrentlyIn recent yearsIn the past few yearsFor many years

22、nowishas been4. , there a (n) feelingconcerntrendthatawarenessrealizationbelieffeeling towardsconcern overattitude towardstrend towardsawareness ofrealization ofillusion of believerealizerecognizeunderstandacceptseebe awarebeginningcominggettinggrowingever-increasingsignificant5. Now people in numbe

23、rs are tothatbelievedthoughtheldacceptedfeltrecognizedacknowledgedcommonlywidelygenerallyincreasinglythinkbelieve6. Now, it is that , they 。., butwonderdoubtI whetherproportionpercentagepopulationnumberastonishingincreasingsizablesignificantteenagersstudents7. Recently there is a (n) of whostudysurv

24、eyreportpollrecentnewofficial8. According to a (n) suddendramaticsharpmarkedcrime ratedivorce rateteenage smokingriseincrease9. In the past 5 years there has been a in the growingincreasingsurprisingconsiderablenumberamountIn city after city across the countryAt offices and plants across the country

25、10. , a (n) ofproblemissuequestionbrought to public attentionposed among peoplein the limelight11. Recently the ofhas been controversialnoteworthyloomedarisencropped upproblemissue12. The ofhas now as 。apparentevidentobviousepidemicunder waytrendtendencyphenomenondangerousdisastrousundesirable13. Mo

26、st foris the which is nowuntruefoolishdangerousundesirablebasicimportantessentialemotion-arousingideaopinionviewbeliefnotionissuetrendattitudethanasmoreso14. No is now the one thatwidelycommonlygenerally(which is now held by)ideaissuechangeevidentpopularNever in Chinese historyNowhere in the world15

27、. has the ofbeen more than结尾句型:drawreachcome toarrive atFrom what has been discussed aboveBecause of all the above reasonsTaking into account all these factorsJudging from all evidence offeredConsidering all the factors abovemaycould1. , we safelythe conclusion thatconclusionviewviewpointsidearesult

28、consequencesupportsjustifiesconfirmswarrantspoints toleads to例:From what has been discussed above, we could safely draw the conclusion that as a source of gaining knowledge, books are better than experience, although both of them have their own advantages。 remarkablesoundjustunmistakableunshakableun

29、doubtedObviouslyUndoubtedlyClearlyevidenceanalysis2。 , all the a(n) that例:Obviously, all the evidence confirms an undoubted conclusion that not all the progress is always good。重要的插入语列举:l indeed, surely, however,nevertheless,nonetheless,admittedly, notwithstanding, obviously,besides, furthermore, bri

30、efly, similarly,l honestlyfranklygenerally (speaking), naturally, luckilyfortunately,astonishingly, conversely, undeniably, undoubtedlyl strange to say, needless to say, most important of all, worse of alll in sumshort summary , in other words, in a sense, in general, in my viewopinionjudgment,l in

31、consequence, in conclusion l in the first place,in addition l On the contrary, in contrastl to my joydelightsatisfaction surpriseastonishmentamazement regret disappointment,l of course, l for instanceexample, l in fact, as a matter of factl to be sure, to sum up, to tell the truth, to start with, l

32、I am sure, I believewondersuppose, it seems, as I see it, what is important (serious), Im afraid, it is said 因果关系表达的方法列举:n Lead toresult inn Result fromn Because ofdue tothanks toowing toby reason ofon account ofn Becauseforsinceasn As a result outcomeconsequence ofn In consequence in the end conseq

33、uentlyn The effectinfluenceimpactn Affectinfluencen Son thereforetherebyhencethus综合写作重要句型举例:1。 The lecture discusseswhich differs from the main idea in the reading that 2。 The professor made the point that The reading , in contrast, held a different view.3。 Another important point showed in the list

34、ening material is that but the reading presents a conflicting idea that4。 Finally, the professor stated that .which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who said that.。5. In general, the professor discussed the problem of that the reading viewed in a contraryopposingdifferent angle.6. Accord

35、ing to the lecture on the other hand while the reading stated that 7. The professor made the point that on the contrary in contrast however, the writer demonstrated an idea that8。 The lecture supportsillustrates the idea that9. The lecture contradictsrefutes is contrary to is the opposite of the idea that10. Contrary to the belief in the passage that the professor says that11。 The professor refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that by saying that

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