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1、2021年高考英语二轮复习 任务型阅读考点专项练习2021年高考英语二轮复习 任务型阅读考点专项练习年级:姓名:任务型阅读高考押题专练A请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Public SpeakingPublic speaking can be defined as the act of making a speech in front of a group of listeners. Compared with conversation, usually public speaking is more of a “one

2、way” talking.There are three types of public speaking. An informative speech has a purpose to inform, or give knowledge to its audience about something that they probably did not know before. The important thing to watch is not to put in too much information. Besides, the speaker would try to change

3、 the mindset, perception, or behavior of the audience for their own good. The speaker needs to look for common ground with the audience and try to relate to what they might agree on. The last type is a ceremonial speech. It tends to be less formal and more personal than the other types of speeches.

4、No matter how well you know the person you are giving speech about, try not to say bad things about them, even if it is meant to be a joke.The key to perfecting anything is through practice, including public speaking. Aside from it, a speaker is to know who the audience will be. Try to get as much i

5、nformation as possible regarding this particular area. Knowing the “battlefield” in advance will give the speakers a huge advantage. They would be able to plan beforehand, for example, where they want to stand, and how they are going to face the audience. Last, as is mentioned above, practice is nec

6、essary. Sparing some time to practice will help build confidence and help determine how long the presentation will last.Language is the main aspect a speaker needs to pay attention to while giving a speech. It needs to be used clearly. A speaker needs to choose their words carefully and make it clea

7、r to the audience what they mean by it. Often, when given a speech, the audience look to the speaker to give them something new and useful. Thus, the speaker needs to know how to deliver their speech to fulfill the audiences expectations. Language and delivery alone will not be sufficient if the spe

8、aker does not have the body language. The movement and gesture of a speaker also affect the audience. For example, if the speaker keeps pacing around the room, it will distract the audience from the topic and confuse them. When speaking in front of a small audience, you can look briefly from one per

9、son to another, but in a larger audience, it is not better to do so. While closing the speech or presentation, speakers can restate their main points, just to remind the audience of the important things that have been said. They can also end it with a special message and encourage the audience to as

10、k questions.Public SpeakingA common phenomenonIn public speaking, often a speaker gives a talk, others just listening, without 1._ information.Types ofpublic speakingAn informative speech is to 2._ the audience with an appropriate brand new knowledge.A persuasive speech is used to convince the audie

11、nce. Therefore, finding 3_ between a speaker and the audience is important.A ceremonial speech is relatively 4._ and private. However, dont say bad things even if they are acquaintances.Making5_for the speechKnow the listeners identities and get much information about the topic.Know how the “battlef

12、ield” is 6._ out in advance to plan beforehand.Spare time to practice to build confidence and decide the 7._ of the presentation.Public SpeakingPresenting the speech8._ using ambiguous words and know how to meet the audiences expectations.Use the body language, 9._ glancing at a small audience from

13、one person to another.Restate important points when closing the speech to give the audience a deep 10._End a speech or presentation with a special message and encourage the audience to ask questions.答案:1.exchanging/swapping2.provide/equip3similarity/similarities4.informal/casual5preparations6.laid7.

14、length/duration/time8Avoid9.like10.impressionB请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Emojis Catch Fire; Creators Seek IP ProtectionEmojis(表情符号) are part and parcel of a great many messages exchanged by users of instant message apps, social media, email and the like. As the latest form

15、of intellectual property(IP) in China, they are turning out to be a moneyspinner and also an IP worth further protection in China.Consider Rumi, a pandalike emoji, which has been downloaded on social media more than 340 million times, representing more than one fourth of Chinas entire population. Mo

16、re and more users love to use emojis because they help spice up their messages with slick meanings, moods or states of mind that are best expressed quickly, not in words, but through interesting or funny images.Not only do they use, they also tip. Chinas largest social media platform WeChat told Chi

17、naDaily that more than 6.9 million users tipped emoji artists in 2017, part of nearly 14 million yuan($2 million) in all. It can be handsome return. Zhang Xuchen, 39, a parttime emoji creator from Tianjin, said that he earned a good income of the tens of thousands of yuan a year simply through tippi

18、ng from customers, which supplements(贴补) his job as a forklift truck driver.StarMoly, founded in 2016, is the developer of Rumi. It owns more than 30 emojis, which have been downloaded more than 1.4 billion times. “Driven by the wide use of social media in nearly every corner in China, emojis are un

19、doubtedly a promising IP,” said Lin Dongdong, president of StarMoly. Unlike traditional IPs, the companys emojis will change their costumes and status according to different situations, which brings the digitalbased images alive.StarMoly has also cooperated with a great number of companies to develo

20、p its IPs. It has authorized its emojis to TheShapeofWater, an Oscarwinning film, to use them in domestic publicity. “To protect our IPs, we select our partners with great caution. We only choose those wellknown and highquality brands including Lays, Microsoft, Discovery and Taobao to make sure that

21、 our IPs are protected,” Lin said, noting that there are indeed many cases of abuse and piracy in the emojis and their related sectors in China.“Emojis are very likely to be pirated because most of them are in digital forms, which are very easy to be copied and used again,” said Cheng Yanbo, an anal

22、yst. “Besides, it is a brandnew and wild area that is not effectively supervised(监管)”A good example, he said, is the facepalm emoji, one of the countrys most widespread characters. It was recently registered as a trademark by a clothing maker from Zhejiang province instead of the emojis creator, WeC

23、hat. “To protect these emoji IPs, related rules and regulations are needed to protect the IP rights of both creators and companies,” he said, adding that education on the subject is supposed to keep up.Passage OutlineSupporting DetailsIntroductionEmojis, instant messages used online, bring in a larg

24、e fortune to creators and 1._ further IP protection as well.Reasons for emojis 2._Emojis help users 3._ their meanings, moods, or states of mind more quickly than words.Emojis help create interesting, exciting and funny images.4._ in pointRumi, an emoji 5._ like a panda, has been downloaded by over

25、a quarter of Chinas entire population.Zhang Xuchen created emojis parttime but earned a good income because customers 6._ him.The president of StarMoly, which 7._ Rumi, recognizes emojis as a promising IP.Problems with emojisEmojis are very likely to be pirated because the 8._ of them are in digital

26、 forms.There is a(n) 9._ of effective supervision because its a brandnew industry.SolutionRelated rules and regulations are needed to protect the IP rights of both creators and companies, and education should 10._ closely.答案:1.deserve2.popularity/currency3.express/convey4.Cases5.looking6.tipped7.dev

27、eloped/created/produced/made8.majority9lack/shortage/absence10.followCWhen you listen to artists like JayZ, or Common, just the thought of freestyle rap might be frightening enough to make your shy away. Scientific research shows that rap might offer you an opportunity for selfexploration and expres

28、sion. Besides, freestyle rap might improve your brains creative power, too, and when it does, it can free you from boredom and relax you from everyday tasks. Heres how.In a study, brain researcher Siyuan Liu and his colleagues compared freestyle rap and rehearsed rap of native English speakers to se

29、e how their brains operated under both conditions. When you perform a rehearsed act, the lateral prefrontal cortex(PFC)(额叶前皮层), which is instrumental in thought control and recall, is activated. But they found that for more spontaneous(自发的) singing, the lateral PFC is not activated because you rely

30、more on strong emotions to find the right language without the distraction of prepared melodies. When trying to complete a task, your focused brain is essential. But for creativity, your brain must go into regrouping mode to avoid habits and form new ideas. Freestyle rap will train you to access thi

31、s capacity in your brain.During this rap study, leftsided brain regions which are responsible for language and movement were also activated. These regions are usually activated by the act of speaking, so there was no surprise that rapping had the same effect. However, freestyle rap causes these regi

32、ons to be activated above normal, which indicates that something special occurs. Freestyle rap requires you to find novel words and phrases that rhyme. This search for unique language patterns is a way to train your brain to become more creative. However, words are not all the same. By making freest

33、yle rap part of your everyday routine, you will add emotional weight to your words, allowing you to communicate in a more effective and accurate way.The rehearsed and freestyle rappers in the study had no difference in movement. They produced the same number of syllables, and the primary movement ar

34、eas in the brain were similar in both groups. However, there was greater involvement of secondary movement areas in freestyle rap. When secondary movement areas engage, the movement is more enriched. This is similar to the way an inspired figure skater moves as opposed to that of a wellrehearsed ska

35、ter who goes on technically but without the same beautiful sense of timing. Secondary movement in rap reflects the demand for rap speed, the rushed need to find the best words, and the way such words fit with a rhythm. Consequently, when you want to express yourself at greater speed to catch someone

36、s attention or create a bigger impact in a meeting or something like that, your essay in freestyle rap can be of great help to you.To understand the connections between the different brain regions, the researchers of the study expanded to further analyses. The results indicated that freestyle rap re

37、quires the brain to access special regions involved with emotion and motivation. This makes sense when you think about the emotional intensity(强度) behind JayZs rap tracks that require him to process information and storylines. In this way, freestyle rap reminds you to invest in what you truly care a

38、bout. Rather than functioning like a robot in your daytoday life, you can put your unique spin on things.Benefits offreestyle rapIt might enable you to explore and express yourself.It may empower your brain with creativity.It can help you 1._ yourself of boredom and daily tasks.Four waysfreestylerap

39、 2_a betteryouYou learn to let goUnlike rehearsed rap, performing freestyle rap 3._ to activate the lateral PFC.When completing freestyle rap, you turn to your emotions and your brain becomes more focused.Freestyle rap trains your brain to be creativeno longer under the 4._ of your habits and formin

40、g new ideas.You gain5_to powerful wordsFreestyle rap can also activate your brain regions 6._ for language and movement.With freestyle rap, you need to search for novel words and phrases in rhyme.Freestyle rap helps give emotional weight to your words, allowing you to communicate effectively and acc

41、urately.You become a fascinating speakerBesides the primary movement areas7._ in both rapper groups, secondary movement areas are more activated in freestyle rap.Secondary movement in rap signals the need for speed, word selection and ways to make words arranged in rhyme.Your attempt at freestyle ra

42、p can 8._ you in attracting others on occasions like a meeting.You find emotional richness and motivationFreestyle rap requires the brain to access special regions concerning emotion and motivation.Freestyle rap makes 9._ on rappers to process information and storylines.Freestyle rap reminds you to

43、devote yourself to what really 10._ you.答案:1.rid2.unlocks/makes3.fails4.control5access6.responsible7.involvement8.benefit9demands10.interestsDGenerally speaking, people often quickly return to a set level of happiness despite lifes ups and downs. For instance, people who win the lottery(彩票抽奖) tend t

44、o return to roughly their original level of happiness after the novelty of the win has worn off. The same is true for those who are in major accidents and lose the use of their legs. The change in the ability can be damaging at first, but people generally return to their preaccident levels of happin

45、ess after the habituation period. This phenomenon is called hedonic adaptation(享乐适应)There are activities that are more or less affected by hedonic adaptation. Some of these activities are known as pleasures. They can lift your mood and leave you feeling great, but their effects can be relatively tem

46、porary. Whats more, we get used to them relatively quickly. If you have the same meal every day for a week, for example, you may find it to be less pleasurable by the end of the week. Satisfactions are also such activities affected by hedonic adaptation. They can get us into a feeling of “flow” wher

47、e we dont notice the passage of time and are thoroughly devoted to what were doing. Satisfactions are activities that require more effort and thought, but the payoff is higher as well. The more we devote, the more we enjoy!Knowing that pleasures are temporary in their effects may make them seem less worth the effort than satisfactions. There are reasons why they can be perfect for certain situations, however. First, they bring a quick lift in the mood without a great deal of effort. This is actually quite valuable becau

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