1、(完整版)包河公园导游词3篇(完整版)包河公园导游词3篇包河公园导游词3篇包河公园导游词范文1:包河公园,位于合肥老一环南环外包河区芜湖路,在城东南的旧城墙外侧,因北宋清官包公及其后裔居住之地而得名。风景区内还建有包公祠和包公墓,更使这一名胜古迹流芳百世,万民敬仰.明嘉靖年间,在包公幼年读书的河心香花墩上修建了包公祠,正殿端坐八尺高的包公塑像,王朝、马汉、张龙、赵虎侍立两旁,并置有龙头、虎头、狗头三铡;两边厢房陈列着包公墓出土文物,包括家训及包氏家谱等展品。祠东六角亭有井一口,传说贪官污吏喝了井水头痛难忍,故名 廉泉 。包河东南占地3公顷的松柏丛中,是包公及其夫人、子孙的墓园。为纪念包公千年诞
2、辰,在包河公园原有的基础上重新规划建设了包公文化园,简称 包公园 .包河公园除包公祠、包公墓外,还新建了青天阁、包公纪念馆、功德广场、水面喷泉等。重新规划建成的包公园内,包公祠、包公墓园、清风阁三处为主体景点建筑,另有与包公有关的脚印塘、浮庄两处开放式景点.脚印塘:原是包河中一座小岛上的一个池塘,它与包河呈丁字形,拦腰横卧在包河当中。脚印塘长近20米,宽约8米,颇似巨人留下的一个深深脚印。传说,包拯幼年在香花墩读书时,常到此地游玩。那时岛北并没有 玉带桥 ,有一天,包拯在这里玩得高兴想到对岸去看看,水面虽不宽,但无桥无船,于是,只好猛地向前一跳。由于传说包拯原为天上文曲星下凡投的胎,所以这一跳
3、便在小岛上留下了一个又深又大的脚印,天长日久形成一个小塘,所以人们称它为 脚印塘 .这个传说,有点神话色彩,出于合肥老百姓对包拯的敬仰。浮庄:原为包公书院,重建于1983年,201X年8月,又进行修建,占地20余亩。它南与包公墓、清风阁相邻,西与包公祠遥相呼应,是一组由茶楼、莲塘、亭榭、曲桥等景组成的依水而建的古典园林,具有江南园林与徽派建筑艺术特色。浮庄四周绿水潆洄,犹如浮在水面上的古代村庄,所以前国防部长张爱萍将军为它取名 浮庄 。包公祠包公祠位于合肥市城南的包河湖畔,有一个狭长的小岛,岛上绿树成阴,繁花似景,其中一座白墙青瓦的古建筑就是包公祠,包公祠是中国历史上清官代表人物包拯的祠堂。如
4、今包公祠已成为合肥一道绮丽的风景。这里四季游人不断,凡是到合肥的人都要来缅怀这位历史清官。包河藕包河藕乃一大看点,此藕无丝,也象征着包拯公正无私.引领万民致敬.包河公园导游词范文2:相信大家都听说过包拯吧,他可是个铁面无私、清正廉明的官员,许多动画片、电视剧都表现过他。这个暑假,我和爸爸妈妈便来到他的故乡 合肥去游览,感受他的特殊魅力。到了合肥,我一定要去包河公园看一看。走进包河公园,迎面便碰到由导游带领的一群游人.导游在向游人介绍:我们正前方这条河,叫包河,共十五公顷水面。水中的鱼,背部颜色较黑,叫 铁面鱼 水中的藕,据说切开拉不出丝,称 无私藕 。这些合起来叫 铁面无私 。这条河生动地诠释
5、了包拯的性格和品质。 我也在旁边听了导游的介绍,使我了解了这些知识,也使我进一步明白 包青天 精神对后人的重大影响。那些人走后,我们继续向前走。我看见一个大门上悬挂的一块匾,上面写着 包孝肃公祠 。开始还不明白什么意思,听了妈妈的解释,我才知道, 孝肃 是包拯去世后人们对他的尊称。走进公祠,一座金灿灿的包拯大铜像矗立在厅堂的正中,两边还站立着王朝、马汉、张龙、赵虎。在最左边有 龙头 、 虎头 、 狗头 三铡,既阴森,又庄重。人们纷纷在这里合影留念。另外,在塑像上面还悬挂着五个匾,,分别题词为 广阳正气 、 色正芒寒 、 千秋遗直 、 公正清廉 、 清风亮节 ,它们生动美了包拯的人格和情操.接着
6、,我们还去了 廉泉 、 流芳亭 、 回澜轩 、 清风阁 。站在 清风阁 上眺望远处的景致真好。对了,我们还去了 包公墓 。走进墓室,一股凉气扑面而来。在两侧各砌有一面石壁,石壁上绘有二十四孝故事,我印象特别深的有卧冰求鲤、哭竹生笋、怀橘遗亲,它们都在阐释 孝 的含义,同时扬包拯是一个孝顺亲人、长辈的典范。墓室头顶上有一扇玻璃门,里面有包拯的棺木和遗物,许多人都来瞻仰。看着包拯留下的生前遗迹,我们更是怀念这位铁面无私的 包青天 .游览了包河公园,我想到,我们都要学习包拯做一个正直的人。包河公园导游词范文3:我走在大路上,下面的包河公园就一览无余。清澈的包河似乎无边无际,一艘艘小船儿慢悠悠地在湖面
7、上开动着,真像一只只可爱的小鸭子在水面上嬉戏玩耍。我性子很急,飞一般地冲向包河.能看见包河的水绿油油、蓝盈盈的,一片片树叶洒落在河面上,把原本就美丽的包河打扮得更加具有情趣。一只只小鱼在水里欢快地嬉戏着,看着这一切,仿佛看到了古代的大清官 包拯.包公办事公正、为人正直,两袖清风,从不收一点不义之财。我们继续前进。我一边走着,一边观赏河水。在太阳的映照下,包河就好像穿上了一件镶满金片银片的外衣,还金光闪闪呢!一边的垂柳把河水当作镜子,用的玉手小心翼翼地水洗梳洗着自己的长发,把整个包河公园打扮得更加美丽。当然,去包河公园游玩,划船是必不可少的。这不,舅舅刚付过押金,我就迫不及待的爬上了船.我坐在驾
8、驶员的位置上,一手扶着方向盘,一手搭在门上,迎面吹来凉爽的风,简直瑕意极了! 咔嚓 一声,舅舅把我、包河以及一旁的柳树留了下来。这次包河公园之旅,让我一生回味!看过包河公园导游词.附送:第 4 页 共 9 页包河公园英文导游词3篇包河公园英文导游词3篇包河公园英文导游词范文1:Hatos park, loated in the south ring road of hefei an old outsouring riverfront uhu road, on the outside of it southeast of the old alls, due to the northern son
9、g dnast offiial named bao and its desendants the land of the living. Was built in the seni bao temple and paket emeter, makes this a fair death honors the hole life of plaes of histori interests and respet all the people。Bao Ming jiajing period, in reading the hannel mouth piers built on bao temple,
10、 main hall sits eight feet tall statue of baogong involved, dnast, mahan, get, anfang stand on both sides, and there are three Zha bibok, tiger, dog; Both sides ing emeter unearthed ultural relis on displa pakage, inluding the famil preepts and exhibits suh as pao famil tree. Temple east hexagonal p
11、avilion has a ell, legend orrupt offiials drank Wells have a headahe, so the name CV 23 。 Hatos southeast overs an area of 3 hetares of onifers, is the emeter bao and his ife and hildren。 To memorate the one thousand anniversar of baogong involved in hatos park to planning and onstrution on the basi
12、s of the original ulture of baogong involved, hereinafter referred to as pakage park. Hatos park in addition to the bao temple, emeter, also a ne sk ourt, bao memorial, benedition, suh as square, the ater fountain。Reorganize built bao park, bao temple, bao emeter, ool breeze pavilion three as the ma
13、in seni spot building, another footprint assoiated ith bao tong, floating zhuang to open spots。The footprints pond:Originall hatos a pond on a small island, it and jump to the hatos, middle lies in hatos. Footprints pond nearl 20 meters long, about 8 meters ide, as the giant left a deep footprint.In
14、 the legend, bao zheng outh pier reading, often to visit here. Then north island did not jade belt bridge , one da, zheng have a good time here think of to see the other side, the surfae is not ide, but ithout a bridge ithout a boat, so had to suddenl jump forard。 Beause legend bao originall anted h
15、eaven desent in the foetus, so that a single island left a deep and big footprints, over time to form a small pond, so people all it footprints pond 。 This ma be a mth legend, olour, for hefei itizens to bao s admiration.Floating zhuang:Former XXdem of baogong involved, reonstrution in83, in August
16、201X, and to build, overs an area of 20 mu。 Its south and neighbouring paket emeter, the ind pavilion, est and bao temple from afar is a set of the teahouse, the lotus pond, TingXie, inding sene of lassial gardens built in aordane ith the ater, ith jiangnan gardens and artisti arhitetural haraterist
17、is.Floating around the green ater sirl zhuang, like floating on the surfae of the anient village, so the former defense seretar general zhang aiping named floating zhuang for it。Bao templeBao temple is loated in hefei hatos lake, south of the ton, there is a long and narro island, the island green t
18、rees, olorful floers like sene, ith a hite all park of anient buildings is the temple of baogong involved, bao temple is the offiial representative figure in the histor of Chinese bao s anestral temple. Hefei no bao temple has bee a beautiful sener。 The four seasons here visitors onstantl, as anone
19、ho to hefei to honor the offiial histor.Hatos lotus rootHatos lotus root is a big attration, the lotus root silk, also smbolizes the bao zheng impartiall。 Lead all the nations.包河公园英文导游词范文2:Believe that everone heard of bao zheng, he is a impartial offiials, to be honest and lean, man animated films,
20、 TV sho him。 This summer holida, m parents and I ent to visit his hometon hefei, feeling his speial harm。In hefei, I must go to hatos park to take a look at。 Into the hatos park, ill meet head-on guided a group of tourists。 Guides to sho visitors: e in the river, alled hatos, a total of 15 hetares o
21、f the ater. The fish in the ater, the bak olor is blak, alled tough fish; the lotus root, in the ater ut is said to have to pull out silk, alled selfless lotus root. These together is alled the untouhables . The river a vivid interpretation of bao s harater and qualit. I listen to the tour guide als
22、o beside the introdution, I understand the knoledge, also enable me to further understand the signifiant influene to the later generations bao zheng spirit。Those ho go after, e ontinue to move forard. I sa a gate hanging on a plaque, it reads BaoXiaoSu male shrine . Began to also don t understand ha
23、t meaning, listen to the mother s explanation, I didn t kno, filial piet mood is bao died people addressed to him。 The male temple, a golden bao zheng big statue stands in the enter of the hall, both sides still stand dnast, mahan, get, an-fang。 In the left of leading , tiger , dog three Zha, is dar
24、k and solemn. Take photos ith people here. In addition, on the statue and hanging five tablets, and insription respetivel for guang Yang vital qi , olor is old mountain , straight of the entur, lean justie and ool breeze bright da , the gave praise bao s personalit and sentiment.Then, e ent to the C
25、V 23 , liufang pavilion , rings bak porh and the ind pavilion . Standing on the ind pavilion overlooking the distant sener is reall good。B the a, e also ent to paket emeter . Into the tomb, a hill。 Cliff in QiYou side all on eah side, ith 24 filial piet stories, I as partiularl impressed ith the arp
26、 ling ie o, r bamboo ra bamboo shoots, traes of orange , the are both in the interpretation of the meaning of filial piet , praising bao zheng is a model of filial piet famil, elders。 Burial hamber head on a glass door, there are bao s offin and relis, man people ame to visit。 Looked at bao zheng ha
27、d left b the ruins, e also miss the impartial bao zheng .Visited hatos park, I think, e all should learn to zheng make a man of integrit.包河公园英文导游词范文3:I alk in the road, the folloing hatos park ill take in everthing in a glane. Clear hatos seems endless, little small boats gliding slol moving on the
28、surfae of the lake, like onl ute little duks pla in the ater。 M temper is ver urgent, generall to hatos。 Can see hatos ater green, LanYingYing, piees of the leaves fall in the river, dressed beautiful hatos alread more appealing. The onl fish in the ater happil, athing it all, seem to see the anient
29、 offiial bao zheng. Bao handle affairs justie, integrit, remain unorrupted, never aept a little ealth.We move on。 I alked, hile athing the river. In the bakdrop of the sun, hatos like put on a studded gold piee silver piee of oat, still shining! On one side of the eeping illos the river as a mirror,
30、 arefull ashed ith jade hand ash and dress her long hair, the hole hatos look more beautiful in the park。Of ourse, to hatos park, roing is indispensable。 It s not m unle had just paid the deposit, I an t ait to limb on the ship。 I m sitting in the driver s position, a hand heel, one hand on the door, bloing straight ool ind, simpl means defet! Clik sound, unle, m hatos and illo left aside.This trip to hatos park, let m life aftertaste!看过包河公园英文导游词.第 9 页 共 9 页