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1、2021届高考英语二轮创新复习 专题一 第一节 细节理解题学案2021届高考英语二轮创新复习 专题一 第一节 细节理解题学案年级:姓名:专题一 阅读理解【题型总览】试卷年份体裁考查类型细节理解推理判断主旨大意词句猜测全国卷2020年应用文;议论文;说明文;说明文75212019年应用文;记叙文;说明文;议论文75212018年应用文;说明文;说明文;说明文7521全国卷2020年应用文;说明文;说明文;记叙文92222019年应用文;夹叙夹议文;说明文;说明文84212018年应用文;说明文;议论文;议论文9321全国卷2020年应用文;记叙文;说明文;说明文83312019年应用文;议论文;


3、。【备考方案】词汇层面:在阅读过程中,对于无关紧要的词汇要学着“跳过去”,比如人名、地名、组织名等。对语篇中适量词汇意义的理解存在模糊甚至不知其意的状况是正常现象,大不必心生焦虑;对影响阅读质量、影响解题的关键生词要“猜出来”,具体方法在后面“词句猜测”部分进行阐述;对于课标要求的词汇要“熟起来”,尤其要注意“一词多义”和“熟词生义”现象。句意层面:对于阅读中设题处的长难句要学会分析。分析长难句的核心技法是根据五种基本句式摘出句子主干主谓(宾),其关注点有:1.一个句子有且只有一个谓语,如果一个句子有了两个或两个以上的谓语,则必有连词或从句的出现(注意定语从句和宾语从句连词的省略,而to do

4、,doing在没有be动词时都不是谓语动词);2.去除所有修饰成分,包括介词短语、非谓语动词、修饰语等;3.充分利用并列成分。语篇层次:学习语篇知识是发展语言运用能力的基础,不同类型的语篇有不同的(命题)特点。考虑语篇,要考虑语篇的体裁、发展线索、框架结构、语篇的立论句等。这些信息不仅有助于加深对语篇意义的理解,还有助于使用不同类型的语篇进行有效的表达与交流。除整体语篇外,还要考虑语篇的段落,明确各个段落的主题句、各段落在语篇中的作用及目的。第一节细节理解题常见设问形式1特殊疑问句形式。以when,where,what,which,who,how much/many等疑问词引出的问题。2判断是

5、非形式。含有TRUE/FALSE,NOT TRUE或EXCEPT等判断是非的问题。此时要注意题干中是否含有否定词,如not,never等。3以“According to.”开头的提问形式。4填空形式。如:The biggest challenge for most mothers is from _正确选项特征1同义替换。替换关键词,如把lose ones job换成了be out of work;变换词性,如把important变换成of importance;改变语态,如主动语态变成被动语态。2信息归纳。用精练的语言来概括原文中比较分散或复杂的信息,设置为正确答案。3正话反说。把原文中的意

6、思反过来表达而成为正确选项。干扰选项特征1张冠李戴。是原文信息,但不是题目要求的内容。2无中生有。符合常识,但不是文章的内容。3曲解文义。与原文的内容极其相似,只是在某个细节处有些变动。4颠倒是非。在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反。5正误参半。部分正确,部分错误。授课提示:对应学生用书第4页题型1直接信息题(2020高考全国卷A片段)The Lake District Attractions GuideDalemain Mansion & Historic GardensHistory,Culture & Landscape(景观).Open:.Town:.Dove Cottage & Th

7、e Wordsworth MuseumDiscover William Wordsworths inspirational home.Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage,walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches of the collection in the Museum.Visit the shop and relax in the caf.Exhibitions,events and family activities throughout the year.Open:.Town:

8、Grasmere23Where should visitors go if they want to explore Wordsworths life?APenrith.BKendal.CCarlisle. DGrasmere.思维可视化技巧点拨利用平行结构可快速定位信息。文中每一个湖区旅游指南的信息和位置具有一致性和对应性,只要看清一个湖区景点指南中信息呈现的先后顺序,其他几个湖区景点指南中信息的呈现顺序也就明了了。读完题干后就可以根据这一特征快速地查找所需要的信息。如读完23题题干后,直接到每个湖区景点指南下搜索即可,而且重点搜索含discover(题干中explore的同义词)的部分。题

9、型2间接信息题(2020高考全国卷B片段)There are three books I reread annually.The first,which I take to reading every spring,is Ernest Hemingways A Moveable Feast.Published in 1964,its his classic memoir of 1920s Paris.The language is almost intoxicating(令人陶醉的),an aging writer looking back on an ambitious yet simple

10、r time.Another is Annie Dillards Holy the Firm.25What do we know about the book A Moveable Feast?AIts a brief account of a trip.BIts about Hemingways life as a young man.CIts a record of a historic event.DIts about Hemingways friends in Paris.思维可视化技巧点拨细节理解题正确答案的选项通常不是文中的原话,而是使用与文中词语同义或近义的词汇来表达,这增加了题

11、目的难点,需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语义的转换,将确定的文章信息进行加工,然后进行进一步的辨别。上题中正确选项中的as a young man与文中an aging writer looking back on an ambitious yet simpler time匹配。题型3综合推断题(2020高考全国卷C片段)When you were trying to figure out what to buy for the environmentalist on your holiday list,fur probably didnt cross your mind.But some

12、ecologists and fashion(时装)enthusiasts are trying to bring back the market for fur made from nutria(海狸鼠)Unusual fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn have showcased nutria fur made into clothes in different styles.“It sounds crazy to talk about guiltfree furunless you understand that the nutria a

13、re destroying vast wetlands every year,” says Cree McCree,project director of Righteous Fur.Scientists in Louisiana were so concerned that they decided to pay hunters D|S5 a tail.Some of the fur ends up in the fashion shows like the one in Brooklyn last month.Nutria were brought there from Argentina

14、 by fur farmers and let go into the wild.“The ecosystem down there cant handle this nonnative species(物种)Its destroying the environment.Its them or us,” says Michael Massimi,an expert in this field.29Why are scientists concerned about nutria?ANutria damage the ecosystem seriously.BNutria are an enda

15、ngered species.CNutria hurt local catsized animals.DNutria are illegally hunted.思维可视化技巧点拨从文章中找到包含所需信息的段落,迅速确定关键词所在的句子(句群),然后重点解读。对于离散的细节理解或数字运算题,需要先找到与之相关的事实或数据,然后再进行简单分析及相应整合。授课提示:对应学生用书第5页A(2020永州三模)Modern architecture has brought many amazing buildings to the world.Here are some of the strangest

16、buildings in the world.Habitat 67,Montreal,CanadaHabitat 67 is a very interesting arrangement of cubes,which looks like the building blocks that children play with.It is pretty interesting how it was designed.In its material sense,the cube is a symbol of stability.It looks so original and at the sam

17、e time comfortable for living.It was created as a main attraction for Expo 67,one of the worlds largest universal expositions(博览会),where housing was one of the main themes.The Basket Building,Ohio,United StatesThe Longaberger Basket Company building in Newark,Ohio might just be a strangest office bu

18、ilding in the world.The 180,000squarefoot building,a copy of the companys famous market basket,cost $30 million and took two years to complete.Many experts tried to persuade Dave Longaberger to change his plans,but he wanted an exact copy of the real thing.The Crooked House,Sopot,PolandFinished in 2

19、003,the Crooked House has an extraordinary and amazing structure.Its design was based on the pictures of Polish artist Jan Marcin Szancer and Swedish painter Per Dahlberg.It looks as if it had been taken from a cartoon: The building lines are not straight,but they are balanced,so the house is not ug

20、ly at all,just strange!The interesting part is how builders managed to create this genius idea,but the house is a fact and everyone admires their creativity.La Pedrera,SpainIt is situated in the Eixample district of Barcelona,Catalonia,Spain.The story of the house is pretty interesting.The house was

21、 designed by Antoni Gaudi and built for a married couple.It is an extraordinary but stylish building considered to be highly unconventionalthere is not even one straight line!语篇解读这是一篇应用文,介绍了四个令人惊奇的现代建筑。1Which of the buildings above is associated with a toy?AHabitat 67.BThe Basket Building.CThe Crook

22、ed House.DLa Pedrera.解析:细节理解题。根据Habitat 67,Montreal,Canada中第一句“.which looks like the building blocks that children play with.”可知答案。答案:A2What can we learn about the Basket Building?AIt was built for exhibition.BIt was designed following the pictures.CIt was constructed according to its original desig

23、n.DIt might be the strangest office building in the world.解析:细节理解题。根据The Basket Building,Ohio,United States中“Many experts tried to persuade Dave Longaberger to change his plans,but he wanted an exact copy of the real thing.”可知这个建筑物是根据最初的设计建造的。答案:C3What do the Crooked House and La Pedrera have in com

24、mon?AThey both look very ugly.BThey are built by Antoni Gaudi.CTheir design patterns are common.DTheir construction lines are bent.解析:细节理解题。根据The Crooked House,Sopot,Poland中的“The building lines are not straight”和La Pedrera,Spain中的“there is not even one straight line”可知这两个建筑物都没有用直线设计。答案:DBReducing,re

25、using,and recycling is a way of life in Sweden.Recycling is required by law and garbage is sorted at home before it goes to a recycling center.Recyclables are sorted into seven categories and recycling stations are within just 300 meters of all residential areas.“Recycling almost everything is a mus

26、t in Sweden now.It actually feels very uncomfortable when you visit another country and cant find easy ways to recycle,” said Owen Gaffney,an expert at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth.But not all of its garbage is recycled.Sweden uses alternatives that include incinerating garbage to ma

27、ke electricity instead of using fossil fuels(化石燃料)to heat 1.2 million homes.About half of household garbage is sent to one of the 33 wastetoheat plants.Sweden is importing garbage from other countries to keep these plants running.Sweden is also a world leader in turning food waste into ecofriendly b

28、iogas.It has made food waste collection compulsory beginning in 2021.There is a food waste biogas plant,which allows biogas to be used to run public buses and to heat apartment buildings.Sweden now wants to deal with those remaining items that cannot be recycled by using a circular(循环论证的)economy app

29、roach.It means that products can be reused and only recycled when absolutely necessary.The Swedish government formed an advisory group to find a way of making this part of its environmental policy.This will not work effectively unless people are taught to change their behavior.Now the government is

30、reforming its tax code so that people could get cheaper repairs or buy used things.The large Swedish clothing retailer(零售商)H&M operates a recycling program that gives customers discounts when they bring back old clothing.Sweden is fighting climate change by doing all the right stuff.Waste recycling

31、and the plans to switch to a circular economy will go a long way in reducing its carbon footprint and will help stop global warming.语篇解读本文讲述了在瑞典,减少、再利用和回收是一种生活方式。瑞典政府鼓励人们回收和使用二手商品,废品先分类,再回收。4What do we know about Sweden?ASweden imports household garbage for biogas.BIt is convenient to recycle things

32、 in Sweden.CHalf of garbage in Sweden is used to produce heat.DEverything is recycled after being used in Sweden.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Recyclables are sorted into seven categories and recycling stations are within just 300 meters of all residential areas.”可知,在瑞典回收物品是很方便的。答案:B5What does the underlined wor

33、d in Paragraph 2 mean?ABurning.BTreating.CThrowing. DReusing.解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可知,瑞典通过焚烧化石燃料的替代品垃圾来发电,为120万个家庭供热。画线词incinerating的意思是“焚烧”,与burning同义。答案:A6What does the advisory group do?ATeach people how to save fossil fuels.BConduct a survey about the local economy.COffer advice on environmental poli

34、cy.DMake sure the citizens recycle wisely.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The Swedish government formed an advisory group to find a way of making this part of its environmental policy.”可知,瑞典政府成立了一个咨询小组,目的是找到一个方法使通过循环经济法处理不能被回收利用的产品的做法成为政府环境政策的一部分,即咨询小组的职责就是为环境政策提供建议。答案:C7How does the government encourage its citiz

35、ens to reuse?AIt provides various recycling programs.BIt cuts down taxes on new products.CIt gives discounts to regular buyers.DIt offers lower prices for repairs.解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Now the government is reforming its tax code so that people could get cheaper repairs or buy used things.”可知,政府正在改革其免税代码,以便使维修更便宜,并鼓励人们购买二手商品。答案:D熟词生义:Para.2:plant 常用义:n.植物v.种植文章义:n.发电厂,工厂a nuclear reprocessing plant核物质再处理厂a chemical plant化工厂

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