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1、第三人称单数(三单)1、把下列句子改成一般疑问句并做肯定、否定回答。(1)I usually get up at six oclock.(2)We usually write e-mails on Saturday evening.(3)They have the same hobby.(4)Suhai and Su yang like listening to music after school.(5)Helen usually watches TV in the evening.2、He _(get) up at five oclock.3、_you_(brush) your teeth

2、 every morning?4、What _( do ) he usually _( do ) after school?5、Tom _ ( study ) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school.6.、Kitty sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister.7、At eight at night, she _( watch ) TV with her parents.8、_Mike_( read ) English every day?9、How many lessons _ your

3、 classmates_( have ) on Monday?10、We often _ ( play ) football in the playground.11、Let him _(play)basketball.12、Everyone_(know)what he really like.13、Those girls_(be)my friends.14、That girl_(call)me every Sunday.15、How_(do)she_(spell)the word?16、否定句:在动词前+doesnt或dont.(1)She_ _(do)her homework every

4、day.(2)He_ _(live)in Huanggang.(3)He_ _(need)a pair pf shoes.(4)Danny_ _(see)the apple tree?(5)She_ _(come)from America.(6)The girl_ _(look)out of the window and sees many birds in the sky.(7)Jenny runs home and_ _(sit)on the chair.17、一般疑问句:(1)_the desk_(have)four legs? Yes,it does.(2)_she_(do)her h

5、omework every day?(3)_he_(live)in Huanggang? No,he doesnt.(4)_he_(need)a pair of shoes? NO,he doesnt.(5)Does Danny_(see)the aoole tree?(6)_she_(come)from America?(7)_the girl_(look)out of the window and sees many birds in the sky?(8)_Jenny runs home and_(sit)on the chair?18、用动词的适当形式填空:(1)He _(be) a boy.(2)He _(like) to _(go) to school.(3)My mother _(do not) like red.(4)A boy with two cats _(go) home.

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