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1、七年级上单词英译汉Starter Unit 11. good2. morning3. Good morning! 4. hi5. hello6. afternoon 7. Good afternoon!8. evening9. Good evening!10. how11. are12. you13. How are you?14. I15. am16. fine17. thanks18. OK19. HB20. CD21. BBC22. Alice23. Bob24. Cindy25. Dale26. Eric27. Frank28. Grace29. HelenStarter Unit 2

2、30. what31. is32. this33. in34. English35. in English36. map37. cup38. ruler39. pen40. orange41. jacket42. key43. quilt44. it45. a/an46. that47. spell48. please49. NBA50. P51. KgStarter Unit 352. color/colour53. red54. yellow55. green56. blue57. black58. white59. purple60. brown61. the62. now63. see

3、64. can65. say66. my67. S68. M69. L70. UFO71. CCTVUnit 172. name73. nice74. to75. meet76. too77. your78. Ms.79. his80. and81. her82. yes83. she84. he85. no86. not87. zero88. one89. two90. three91. four92. five93. six94. seven95. eight96. nine97. telephone98. number99. phone100. telephone/ phone numb

4、er101. first102. first name103. last104. last name105. friend106. China107. middle108. school109. middle school110. Gina111. Jenny112. Brown113. Alan114. Tom115. Mike116. Jack117. Mary118. Miller119. Linda120. Jane121. Green122. SmithUnit 2123. sister124. mother125. father126. parent127. brother128.

5、 grandmother129. grandfather130. grandparent131. family132. those133. who134. oh135. these136. they137. well138. have139. day140. Have a good day!141. bye142. son143. cousin144. mom145. aunt146. grandma147. dad148. uncle149. daughter150. here151. photo152. of153. next154. picture155. girl156. dog157

6、. Sally158. Kate159. PaulUnit 3160. pencil161. book162. eraser163. box164. pencil box165. schoolbag166. dictionary167. his168. mine169. hers170. excuse171. me172. excuse me173. thank174. teacher175. about176. What about?177. yours178. for179. thank you for180. help181. welcome182. Youre welcome.183.

7、 baseball184. watch185. computer186. game187. card188. ID card189. notebook190. ring191. bag192. in193. library194. ask195. askfor196. find(found)197. some198. classroom199. e-mail200. at201. call202. lost203. must204. set205. a set of206. Anna207. John208. DavidUnit 4209. where210. table211. bed212

8、. bookcase213. sofa214. chair215. on216. under217. come218. come on219. desk220. think221. room222. their223. hat224. head225. yeah226. know227. radio228. clock229. tape230. player231. tape player232. model233. plane234. model plane235. tidy236. but237. out238. everywhere239. alwaysUnit 5240. do(doe

9、s)241. have242. tennis243. ball244. ping-pong245. bat246. soccer247. soccer ball248. volleyball249. basketball250. hey251. let252. us253. lets=let us254. go255. we256. late257. has258. get259. great260. play261. sound262. interesting263. boring264. fun265. difficult266. relaxing267. watch268. TV269.

10、 watch TV270. same271. love272. with273. sport274. them275. only276. like277. easy278. after279. class280. classmate281. BillUnit 6282. banana283. hamburger284. tomato285. ice-cream286. salad287. strawberry288. pear289. milk290. bread291. birthday292. dinner293. week294. think about295. food296. sur

11、e297. How about?298. burger(=hamburger)299. vegetable300. fruit301. fight302. apple303. then304. egg305. carrot306. rice307. chicken308. so309. breakfast310. lunch311. star312. eat313. well314. habit315. healthy316. really317. question318. want319. be320. fatUnit 7321. much322. How much?323. sock324

12、. T-shirt325. shorts326. sweater327. trousers328. shoe329. skirt330. dollar331. big332. small333. short334. long335. woman(women)336. Can I help you?337. need338. look339. pair340. take341. Here you are.342. ten343. eleven344. twelve345. thirteen346. fifteen347. eighteen348. twenty349. thirty350. Mr

13、.351. clothes352. store353. buy354. sale355. sell356. all357. very358. price359. boy360. a pair ofUnit 8361. when362. month363. January364. February365. March366. April367. May368. June369. July370. August371. September372. October373. November374. December375. happy376. Happy Birthday!377. old378.

14、How old?379. party380. See you!381. first382. second383. third384. fifth385. eighth386. ninth387. twelfth388. twentieth389. test390. trip391. art392. festival393. dear394. student395. thing396. term397. busy398. time399. Have a good time!400. thereUnit 9401. favorite (=favourite)402. subject403. sci

15、ence404. P.E. ( = physical education)405. music406. math407. Chinese408. geography409. history410. why411. because412. Monday413. Friday414. Saturday415. for sure416. free417. cool418. Tuesday419. Wednesday420. Thursday421. Sunday422. A.M.423. P.M.424. useful425. from426. from to427. Mrs.428. finish429. lesson430. hour4

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