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1、Unit 2 Topic 2 Section B Unit 2 Topic 2 Section B 教学目标v1.学会谈论人物相貌。Learn to talk about peoples appearances.v2.继续学习have/has的否定形式。Go on learning the negative form of “have/has”.v3.继续学习what引导的特殊疑问句。Go on learning special questions with “what”.What does she look like?She has short brown hair.Learn some n

2、ew wordsgive giv给letter let 信;字母sorry sri对不起,抱歉;难过like laik像;跟一样tall t:l高的 (short)will wil会;将for f :给;因为;对于.young j 年轻的 (old)man mn男人 pl.menwoman wumn成年女子,妇女 pl.womensnowman snumn雪人 pl.snowmen I give to I give What does she look like?她长得怎么样?她长得怎么样?看起来像看起来像the letterthe letter.Jane.JaneSorry,I dont k

3、now her.很抱歉,我不认识她。很抱歉,我不认识她。She has short brown hair.她长着棕色的短发。她长着棕色的短发。short blond hair big black eyesv1.Her hair is brown.(对划线部分提问)v _ _ is her hair?v2.Please give the box to Mr.Yang .(同义句转换)vPlease _ Mr.Yang _ _.v3.Ann has small eyes and a small nose.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)v_Ann _ small eyes and a small

4、nose?v-No,_ _.v4.She has black hair .(对划线部分提问)v_does she _ _?v5.她长着金黄色的短发。vShe _ _ _ hair.6.-Jim,do you know the tall girl?v-_,I dont know her.-_vA.Thanks Youre welcome.B.Excuse me Thats right.vC.Sorry Youre welcome.D.SorryThats all right.v7.I _ my mom.vA.look like B.look C.look at What colorgivethe

5、 boxDoes haveWhatlook likehas short blondDA she doesnt tWhat color is the flag?Red,white and blue.Where is he from?He is from Cuba.What does he look like?He has brown hair and black eyes.Cuba1What color is the flag?Where is he from?What does he look like?Red and white.He is from Japan.His hair is bl

6、ack andhis eyes are black.Japan2What color is the flag?Where is she from?What does she look like?Red and white.She is from Canada.Canada3She has red hair and gray eyes.What color is the flag?Where is she from?What does she look like?Blue,red and white.She is from America.She has blond hair andblue e

7、yes.America4What does she look like?She is a young girl.She is tall.What does she look like?Short blond smalltall red longWhat does he look like?short,black hair,big black eyes.gray?black2 Pair work1.He is short.He has black hair and big black eyes.2.She is tall.She has red hair and long legs.3.She

8、is young.She has short blond hair and a small nose.4.He is old,but he doesnt have gray hair.His hair is black.34121a Look,listen and say.Pay attention to the intonation.Listen again and fill.Here is a _ for Maria.Maria is in Class _,Grade _.She is _.Her hair is _ and_.The _ will give the letter to h

9、er.letterFourSeventallbrownshortgirl4 Work aloneListen to the passage and color the snowman.4 Work aloneListen again and answer the following questions.1.Does the snowman have black eyes?_2.What color is his nose?_3.Does he have short arms?_4.Does he have hair?_No,he doesnt.His nose is red.Yes,he do

10、es.No,he doesnt.I have big eyes I dont have big eyes.Linda doesnt have a red ruler.Linda has a red ruler.Class activity用have,has,dont have,doesnt have,does填空。1.We _ small eyes.2.She_ apples,but she has two oranges.3._ she _ a big nose?4.I_ a small nose,but my mom has one.5.Tom and I _ the same frien

11、d.6.She _ black hair.have doesnt have Does have dont have have has 同步练习v1.Her hair is brown.(对划线部分提问)v _ _ is her hair?v2.Please give the box to Mr.Yang .(同义句转换)vPlease _ Mr.Yang _ _ .v3.Ann has small eyes and a small nose.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)v_Ann _ small eyes and a small nose?v-No,_ _.v4.She has black

12、 hair .(对划线部分提问)v_ does she _ _?v5.她长着金黄色的短发。vShe _ _ _ hair.v6.小明有双黑色的大眼睛。vXiao Ming _ _ _ _.v7.-Jim,do you know the tall girl?v-_,I dont know her.v-_vA.Thanks Youre welcome.B.Excuse me Thats right.vC.Sorry Youre welcome.D.SorryThats all right.v8.I _ my mom.vA.look like B.look C.look at What colorgivethe boxDoes have she doesnt tWhatlook likehas short blondhas big black eyesDA

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