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1、毕业论文(设计)Title: An Analysis the Origin of American and British Surnames and its Cultural Connotations题 目: 浅析英美姓氏起源及文化内涵学生姓名 孙雪云 学 号 BC09110521 指导教师 董志友 讲师年 级 2009级英本五班专 业 英语系 别 外国语言文学系黑龙江外国语学院本科生毕业论文(设计)任务书姓名学号专业班级毕业论文(设计)题目:毕业论文(设计)的立题依据主要内容及要求进度安排 10月 20日 选题 10月 20日 10月 30 日 接受指导老师的指导 1 月 6 日 1月 20

2、 日 拟定论文大纲 1 月 21 日 2月 28 日 搜集、查阅、整理相关资料 3 月 1 日 3月 20 日 论文开题 3 月 21日 4月 20 日 初稿审定 4 月 21日 4月 30 日 第一次修改 5月 1 日 5月 15 日 第一次审定 5月 15日 5月 30 日 第二次修改 5 月 30 日 6月 5 日 定 稿6月 5 日 6月 15 日 论文评阅小组评审论文(设计) 6 月 10日 毕业论文(设计)答辩学生签字:指导教师签字:年 月 日黑龙江外国语学院2013届毕业论文摘要 姓氏是一种文化现象。英语姓氏体现了英语民族的文化,同时反映了英语名族的社会生活。英语姓氏来源很广,含

3、义也很丰富,本文从以下几点进行了阐述:(1)英美姓氏的构成形式及含义;(2)英美姓氏的来源,主要从以下几个方面进行论述: 血液、地名、职业、与个人自身相关、动植物、圣经、昵称绰号;(3)英美姓氏的文化内涵,主要从以下几个方面进行论述:宗教信仰、民族风情、思维方式、历史风貌、社会变迁、身份地位、自然崇拜。通过对以上几个方面的深入探讨,分析了英美姓氏的起源及文化内涵,了解了其中的文化蕴含,有助于我们更深刻的理解西方文化和学习语言,进而提高语言运用能力。关键词:英美姓氏;文化内涵;来源iiAbstractSurname is a cultural phenomenon. English surnam

4、es reflect the national culture, and reflects the social life of English nations at the same time. The source of the English surname is very wide. Its meaning is also very rich, this text is better described from the following points: (1) Constitute forms of American and British surnames; (2) The so

5、urce of the British and American surname; mainly discussed from the following aspects: the blood, place names, profession, associated with individual itself, plants and animals, the bible, nickname; (3) American and British surnames culture connotation, mainly discussed from the following aspects: r

6、eligious beliefs, national customs, way of thinking, historical style and features, social change, status, natural worship. Through in-depth discussion of the above aspects, analyses the origin of the American and British surnames and cultural connotations, and know about its culture. Help us to dee

7、p understand the western culture, study language and improve the language abilities.Key words: American and British surnames, the cultural connotation, source黑龙江外国语学院2013届毕业论文Contents摘要iAbstractiiChapter 1 Introduction1Chapter 2 Constitute Forms of American and British Surnames3Chapter 3 The Sourse

8、of the British and American Surnames53.1 Occupational Titles53.2 Physiological Characteristic63.3 The name of the Animals and Plants63.4 Nicknames73.5 Place Names and Building Names73.6 Patronymic Surnames83.7 The Color83.8 The Surname from the Mother Name93.9 The Bible9Chapter 4 Cultural connotatio

9、n104.1 National Customs104.2 Religious Belief114.3 Social Change124.4 Identity134.5 Way Of Thinking144.6 Historical Features144.7Nature Worship15Chapter 5 Conclusion16Bibliography19Acknowledgements20 An Analysis the Origin of American and British Surnames and its Cultural ConnotationsChapter 1 Intro

10、ductionName is a symbol; it is a sign of the difference between each other of people. English surnames is very wide, meaning is also very rich. It implies an ethnic language, history, geography, religion, and class status information. Discussion about English surnames culture connotation, understand

11、 the cultural implication, help us learning language and learning culture, avoid pragmatic failure in communication and under the different cultural context, improved the pragmatic competence.British have only name and no surname in a very long period of time. The reasons of the formation of English

12、 name is very simple, is to distinguish between two people of the same name. Surname in Europe appears only back to the early fourteenth Century, until sixteenth Century was widely popular.China has the book of family name. In fact, not only hundreds and it may be thousands on. English surname is a

13、great many, Oxford University house published Surname dictionary (By Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges editor) including the UK and Ireland common surname up to fifteen thousand. But most family names are let person feel very strange, not many people use, the main surname is also only a few dozen. Li,

14、 Wang and Zhang are main surname of China and English three surnames is Smith, Jones, Williams.The 11 century British aristocracy began to use their homes as last name, and a generation to generation. Ordinary people have a plenty of choice their own surnames, or other people give their nickname as

15、a family name. Because the name is immutable, “name” to become the most important part of the name after. For Christian people, usually a week after a child is born by the parents go to church baptism, at the same time, as the priest, parents, relatives and friends give their children a name, it is

16、called “baptismal name” “given name”. For no religious people, the parents give the child a name according to their wishes. The origin of the name is associated with the countrys history development. To understand English name after habits and methods of the country is an opportunity to learn Englis

17、h national culture background, help to our daily communication. Surname as a title of family system with inheritance, and the family members have in common, can constitute a branch of culture, the surname culture. Surname is a history product of social development, its emergence and development is a

18、ffected by a country specific social environment and cultural background, but also from the side reflect the cultural information of a nations history, religion, customs, values, morals, ethics, etc. and convey the national psychology, thinking mode and value orientation, is the living fossil of a n

19、ational culture.The connotation of the English name is special rich. Understand English surnames, is a great help to learners of English, improve my English level and Chinese college students know about Britains last name. Chapter 2 The source of the British and American surnameThe surname of Englis

20、h has been existed in a fixed mode. English surname originated from many languages; Old English, Old French,The ancient Norse,The Irish language,Gaelic, Celtic, welsh, Gaulish, Germanic, Latin, Hebrew and so on. The origin of the English surname reflected the English history. In the history, English

21、 has been afflicting the war and invaded by other racial countries; England has a wide connection with other racial countries.Before the Norman Conquest, on the peninsula of England Anglo - Saxons was still in the backward tribal society stage. Each family to rely on kinship formed groups, they live

22、d dispersed in different villages, Kinship constitutes was link between the internal tribal groups. When people had no surnames, the name of the family members is an important symbol of mutual recognition. Due to the backward mode of production, transportation occlusion, the narrow space, people use

23、 only “name” seems to meet the communication needs of internal tribal, no need to create a set of identification symbol system make their original simple lifestyle become complicated. The Norman conquest of England, the British feudal system formation was completed and has been strengthened and deve

24、loped, the feudal systems development promote the development of economic and social. Social contacts personnel on complex, a lot of the same name to the people in the political, trade, and the statutes, tax and other aspects to create a lot of trouble and inconvenience. More accurate, convenient, e

25、ffective, reliable regional occasion is becoming more and more necessary. Norman the use of force to conquer the British but the British (Anglo - Saxons) defeated in their own language (English) the ruling class language (French) and making it the national unity of language. The Norman surname confo

26、rmed to the historical development, adapted to the needs of economic development, gradually popular in the UK.British people began to use surname is after the Norman conquest, the Normans conquered not only bring a lot of English vocabulary development, also brought the surnames for British,initial

27、these surname still changeable and after fixed down gradually, become a surname can be passed from generation to generation.Chapter 3 American and British surnames constitute forms We know that the source of Chinese surname is very complex, but most of the them contact with life and, and the same of

28、 the them are name after animals, plants or other natural objects, such as horses, cattle, dragon, willow, plum, plum, leaf, valley, wheat, river, gold, stone, etc.; Some of the them use the professional as surname, such as witch, jungle, etc. English surnames are complex and diverse. In the Late Pe

29、riod of the middle Ages, population growth, the flow of the population also increases, which leads to the underlying social English names in not enough. Previously, a British farmer named John, Tom and Job is ok, now cant, now more people have same name, must be to invent a new name.The first way is

30、 behind the name additional son, said is someones son, such as Johnson, Thomson and jobson. Later found that this way is too monotonous too rustic and came up with many other methods. But in a word, the surname comes from life or myths and legends. It can be roughly seven classes: use profession, th

31、e physiological characteristics, mountains/ water/ animal/ plant, nickname, residence, and Christian doctrine or myths/ legends as surname.A minority of the surnames is made of the two words, combined with the hyphen and existed compound surname in English. For example: Lloyd-Jones, Bartlett-Smith a

32、nd so on. This compound surname has been existed combined the parents name. This can avoid to repeat, and it reflect a way of inherit. The fortune of English aristocracy prescribes that it will be inherited by the descendents. If there is not the male successor, the female descendent must combine th

33、e two familys name. This is the origin of English compound name.3.1 Occupational titlesEnglish surnames include carpenter, thatcher, hunter, Taylor, Turner, carter, etc, Last name comes from the original professional carpenter, roofing, hunter, tailor, Turner, coachman, etc.The professional as a nam

34、e, that is to say what ancestors do offspring have the surname? Therefore, American singer Karen Carpenters ancestors must have been a Carpenter; The handsome boy of the magic Harry Potter ancestors is certainly make POTS; Former British prime minister, Mrs. Thatchers family had also dont like now s

35、o broadly, turned out to be a cover thatched house. In addition, a professional as the name also have Baker, Cook, Smith, day, Fisher, Hunter Sawyer Sheriff, etc. This also with Chinas last name as well as.3.2 Physiological characteristicSome words to describe individual gastric body and personality

36、 traits, such as: Longman, Brown, Black, Sharp, Read, Hardy, Daum, etc, English surnames, its meaning for those tall, Brown skin, tanned Black hair person, smart, erudite, bold Hardy, finger deformity. To body parts name for the surname, such as the Back, Cheek, Hand, Brain, Fist, Finger, etc. Engli

37、sh surname is to the human body parts for the name of the last name.3.3 The name of the animals and plantsSome people as worship and tribute for animals or plants use their name as a surname. Have common Bird, Fish, the Lion, Swan, Wolf, Fox, Apple, Bush, Flower, Rose, Wood, etc.Surname from animals

38、. This way to produced mainly because in the Middle Ages, people like to use what they advocate sign of animal decorate their heads. Such as someone like brave lion, they use the lions surname for the surname. Also, such as: Bull, Fox, Peacock, Lamb, Bird, Badger, bandicoots, Hart, etc.3.4NicknameIn

39、 Greek, hypokoristic refers to pet or nickname, the nickname is a name of person. Nickname sounds more kind, such as Pip is Phillips nickname, Kit is a nickname for Christopher, some English surname is by some of the nicknames. Nickname including diminutive, abbreviation and childhood name. It is ca

40、lled express kind between relatives and friends in English nation, is derived on the basis of the given name.Nicknames, this word comes from Old English “an eke name” or “also Name”. Sometime the nickname is a kindly makes fun of, sometimes is the disgust expression. A lot Modern surname is evolved

41、from ancient nickname, such as: the nickname of describe the human body characteristics: Tubby, Brodhead. The nickname of described herein intelligence or personality characteristics: wise, sharp, angel, ironsides. The nickname of use animal name tracing painting looks or temperament: Lamb, sheep, d

42、escribed, bull.Nickname for the surname, also use ancestor features for the surname, may be also others for his father give nickname. People could have name no surname yet, but if there are a few people as the same name, people will be in after their name add their respective features to distinguish

43、, over time, these features will become their surname. Such as several people at the same time are called Rock, and one of the rocks is relatively high, people call it Rock Longfellow. Similarly, chin bearded man can surname Beard, bang big waist round may name is Broad, may be a Little small. The a

44、ncestors of the first astronauts to land on the moon must be arm grow very strong, hence the name of Armstrong.3.5 Places name and Building nameThis way used in France before, the 11th century after the Norman Conquest of England into England. It should be noted that many of the noble family name in

45、 this manner. This last name often has DE, Del particle, meaning. Saxon corresponding way is “a”, such as: John ate Brook, Edgar Atwell, and William Atwood. Later, at particles were removed, the appearance of the above name is now; John Brooks, Edgar Well, William Wood. Similar last name is Everest,

46、 Ford, Hill, Lake, and Field.Residence of family name, that is to say ancestors lived in what place, what last name their offspring. Many British people surnamed Hill, for example, the ancestors of these people such as visible living in the mountain, and the former British Prime Minister Winston Chu

47、rchills ancestors lived in a church Hill. Some peoples ancestors lived in the swamp, so they will name of Marsh, and some ancestors lived at the edge of the stream, so they will name is brook. As a result, more bad is the current US President George Bush, it may ancestors lived in the bushes, interacting with fox, the flow of the hedgehog. China also has many ancestors live as family name, one of the most famous is famous as the west door celebrate big handsome boy, and he had lived old Simon.3.6 patronymic surnames Many European count

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