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1、1 (每日一练每日一练)全国通用版初三英语结果状语从句知识总结例题全国通用版初三英语结果状语从句知识总结例题 单选题 1、Li Jins progress is _ great _ he is able to talk with foreigners in fluent English.Aso,thatBnot,untilCsuch,thatDas,as 答案:A 解析:句意:李进的进步是如此之大,以至于他能够用流利的英语与外国人交谈。考查结果状语从句。sothat 如此以至于,so 后接形容词或副词原级;notuntil 直到才;suchthat 如此以至于,such 后接名词或名词性短语;

2、asas 同一样,中间用形容词或副词原级。根据题干“Li Jins progress isgreathe is able to talk with foreigners in fluent English”,可知是结果状语从句,great“巨大的”是形容词,故选 A。2、The girl is a nice girl we all want to help her.Asuch;thatBtoo;toCso;thatDenough;to 答案:A 解析:句意:这个女孩是一个那么好的女孩,以至于我们都想帮助她。本题主要考查结果状语从句。A,such.that“很以至于”;B,too.to“太反而不

3、”;C,so.that“很以至于”。D,enough;to 足够了。结合题意可知,这是一个很好的女孩,以至于“我们”都想帮助她,因此排除 B 项。又因为“such+a+形容词+可数名词单数”是固定用法,表明“多么”,so 后面只能直接跟形容词或副词,enough 跟2 形容词或副词要后置,因此排除 C、D 项。故选 A。3、Which of the following is WRONG?AHe told me that if he was free,he would come to our party.BNow that the rain has stopped,would you like

4、to go out for a walk?CYou should make it a rule to leave things where you can find them again.DThey are so hard-working students that they do well in the exams.答案:D 解析:句意:下列哪一项是错误的?考查句子结构。so+形容词/副词+that 从句或者 such+a/an+形容词+名词+that 从句均表示“如此以致于”,D 选项中是“形容词+名词”结构,故选项 D 应把 so 改成 such。故选 D。4、How do you li

5、ke the movie Star Wars?It is _ exciting _ Id like to see it again.Asuch;thatBso;thatCenough;toDtoo;to 答案:B 解析:句意:你觉得电影星球大战怎么样?它是如此令人兴奋以至于我想再看一遍。A.such;that 如此以至于;B.so;that 如此以至于;C.enough;to 足够能够;D.too;to 太而不能。to后跟动词原形,不能跟句子,排除 C,D;根据题干可知该题考查 sothat 与 suchthat 的用法区别;so 与 such的后面都可以跟 that 从句;但 so 的后面跟

6、形容词或副词,so+adj/adv+that 从句;such 的后面跟名词;such+名词+that 从句;句中的 exciting 是形容词,故答案选 B。小提示:3 sothat引导结果状语从句,so 后面加形容词或副词,其意为“如此以至于”。如:1)This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.这本书很有趣,人人都想看看。2)He ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with him.他跑得那么快,我没赶上他。so that 引导目的状语从句,其从句中的谓语动词通常和 can,ma

7、y,should 等情态动词连用,而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号,意为“以便,为了,使能够”。如:They got up early so that they could catch the early bus.为了能赶上早班车,他们早早就起床了。另外 such that也是引导的结果状语从句,such 后面跟名词,如:This is such an interesting book that everyone wants to read it.5、William runs_first prize.Aenough fast to winBfastly enough to winCtoo fast

8、ly to winDso fast that he can win 答案:D 解析:句意:威廉跑得太快了,他能赢得一等奖。考查结果状语从句。我们知道 enough 可以做形容词和副词,作形容词放在修饰的名词前面,作副词放在修饰的形容词或副词后面。其位置一般是:enough+名词;形容词、副词+enough。本题的 fast 是副词,应该放在enough 前面,因此选项 A 不对;fast 本身具有副词的词性,不用再加-ly 了,排除选项 B/C;选项 D 中的so that:如此以至于。语境是:威廉跑得如此的快,以至于他能赢得一等奖。故选 D。6、John is _ clever boy th

9、at everyone likes him.AsoBsuchCsuch aDtoo 答案:C 解析:句意:约翰是一个很聪明的男孩,大家都喜欢他。考查固定句型。So+形容词或副词+that 从句,表示如此以至于;such+a/an+形容词+名词单数+that 从句,4 表示如此一个以至于;boy 是名词单数,排除 AD;clever 首字母是以辅音音素开头的,用不定冠词 a。根据题意,故选 C。7、Mr.Black shared _ creative idea with us that we achieved a great success in the end.AsoBsuchCso aDsu

10、ch a 答案:D 解析:句意:布莱克先生与我们分享了这样一个创意,我们最终取得了巨大的成功。考查结果状语从句。so/such.that.“如此以至于”;idea 是可数名词单数,so 和 such 的区别为 so adj.a/an n.=such a/an adj.n.故选 D。8、The movie,the Wandering Earth(流浪地球)is _ popular that many people like to watch it.AquiteBtooCveryDso 答案:D 解析:句意:电影流浪地球很受欢迎,很多人都喜欢看。考查副词。quite 很;too 太;very 非常

11、;so 如此;根据“that many people like to watch it.”可知,此处应该是sothat,是结果状语从句的连词,表示“如此以至于”,故选 D。9、Lucy,you look tired.Whats wrong?I was _ busy _ I didnt go to bed until 2 a.m.last night.Atoo;toBenough;toCso;thatDas;as 答案:C 解析:句意:露西,你看起来很累。怎么了?我昨天晚上很忙,以致凌晨两点钟才睡觉。5 考查 so.that.引导结果状语从句。too.to.“太而不能”,to 后跟动词或动词短语;enough.to.“足够去做”,to 后跟动词或动词短语;so.that.“如此以致”,that 后跟从句;as.as.“和 一样”。根据句子结构及语境可知,“露西看起来很累,因为她太忙以致凌晨两点钟才睡觉”。所以,此处应用 so.that.引导结果状语从句。故选 C。

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