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1、高一年级英语学科导学案 必修三Unit 2 Healthy Eating主备人: 审核人:【教总33】 第一课时 The First PeriodTeaching contents: Words and expressions Teaching Aims: Learn the new words and expressionsTeaching Procedures:1. diet n. 日常饮食,规定饮食v 节食 be/go on a diet节食keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的膳食 put sb. on a diet限制某人的饮食,控制某人的饮食diet 指习惯的食物或规

2、定的食物,如病人的疗养食物,或减肥者的食物。food 是一般的用语,凡能吃能喝的具有营养的东西都称为food。强调种类时,food 可用复数.You must put yourself on a diet because you are too fat.你必须限制饮食,因为你太胖了。The doctor put me on a very strict diet.医生严格限制我的饮食。2. balance v.平衡;权衡,抵消 n.天平,平衡 keep/lose ones balance保持/失去平衡balance A against B 权衡;比较A和Bbalanced adj.保持平衡的 k

3、eep a balanced diet保持饮食平衡What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet?你如果没有均衡的饮食将会怎么样?I found it hard to keep my balance on the icy path.我觉得在结冰的小道上走路要保持身体平衡是相当困难的。Dont lose your balance, or you will fall off.不要失去平衡,否则你会掉下去的。3. ought应当,应该。为情态动词,无人称和时态的变化,后接带to 的动词不定式. ought to可表示义务,要求,或劝告

4、(和should 差不多,只是语气稍重一些)。暗含有“按理论或道理应该之意”。否定式为ought not to(oughtnt to),疑问式为ought I/you to?ought to + have + 过去分词 表示对过去应该做而实际上未做的事情的谴责、遗憾。By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. 到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。You ought to give up smoking; I gave it up last year.你应该戒烟, 我去年就戒掉了。He ought to have kept his pro

5、mise.他原本应该遵守自己的诺言。Ought we to do it at once?我们应该马上做这件事吗?4. lose weight减肥,减轻体重,put on weight = gain weight增加体重,发福lose heart 泄气,灰心,lose ones life 献身,牺牲,lose ones job失业,lose ones way 迷路 Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight? Come inside Yong Huis slimming restaurant. (=Are you tired of all that fa

6、t? Do you want to lose weight?)“肥腻的东西吃厌了吧!想变瘦吗?请到雍慧减肥餐馆来。If you want to lose weight, you must go on a diet.如果你想要减肥,你必须节食。Homework: 模块测评-词汇集训课后反思【教总34】 第二课时The Second PeriodTeaching Aims: Go on learning the new words and expressionsTeaching Procedures: 5. get away with被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚,偷携某物潜逃,偷走get away

7、from逃离、逃避(某人、某地、某事)6. tell lies= tell a lie 撒谎,说谎,tell the truth 说实话 lie (v)-lied-lied-lying (说谎) lie-lay- lain-lying (躺,位于)lay-laid-laid-laying (下蛋,产卵)No one can get away with breaking the law.任何人不可能逃脱违反法律的惩罚。Thieves robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.盗贼抢劫银行,掠走了大批现款。The boy lying on t

8、he floor lied that the cock in his house laid an egg yesterday morning.正躺在地板上的那个男孩撒谎说,他家的公鸡昨天早上下了一个蛋.7strength n. 强项;长处;优势;力量,体力 builduponesstrength增强实力strengthenvt.加强,增强 The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it provided plenty of energygiving food.王鹏餐馆的饮食优点在于它能提供含有足够热量的食物。Eacho

9、fushasourownstrengthsandweaknesses.我们每个人都有自己的强项和弱项。It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again.你可能需要几个星期才能恢复体力。8. look forward to sth/doing sth 期盼,期待,盼望9. debt n.债务,欠款 be in debt 欠债,get/fall into debt负债,be out of debt 还清债务(表状态)pay off the debts 还清债务(表动作)be in sbs debt欠某人的债He did

10、not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. 他不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。Im looking forward to your reply. 我盼望着您的回信/音。Im heavy in debt at the moment, but hope to be out of debt when I get paid.现在我欠债很多,希望在发了工资后能还清。You saved my life, I am forever in your debt.你救了我的命,我永远感激不尽。The

11、couple worked hard day and night in order to pay off all their debts.为了还清所有的债务,这对夫妇夜以继日地拼命干活。10.limit vt.限制;限定 n.界限,限度 beyond the limit超过限度 within the limits of 在.范围内 limit sth to把某物限制在.内 limited adj.有限的be limited to sth 受限制于.11.benefit v.有益于;有助于;受益 n.好处,利益,优势benefit from/by 从.中受益,得益于 benefit sb 对某人

12、有益,对某人有利for the benefit of 为了.的利益, be of great benefit to 对.有很大好处I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. 我发现你的菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不着急了,我也开始宣传我餐馆食物的好处。I believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.我认为教学不应该局限在教室里。We must limit expense

13、 to what we can afford.我们必须将开销限制在我们的经济能力范围之内。His speech benefits us a lot= We benefit a lot from/by his speech.他的演讲使我们受益匪浅。The method of learning English is of much benefit and I believe I can benefit from it.这种学习英语的方法很有益,我坚信我能从中受益。For the benefit of those people who arrived late, Ill just go over t

14、he plan again.为了那些迟到的人,我将把计划再复习一遍。Homework: 模块测评-词汇集训课后反思:【教总35】 第三课时 The Third PeriodTeaching Aims:To improve students ability to read English.Teaching important and difficult points: 1 finish reading tasks well.2 let students be interested in reading.Teaching proceduresStep1:Greetings and revision

15、.Let students answer some questions about warming up. (Some foods names)Step2 have a new class.1) pre-readingLet students discuss 3 questions before reading. (Text .page 9)2) fast readingLet students finish exercise 1 (textbook .page11)3) careful readingLet students try to finish exercise 2.3.4(text

16、book.page11) and fill in the form.Wang Pangs restaurantYong Huis restaurantFoodMutton kebabs; roast pork; stir-fried vegetables; fried riceRaw vegetables; fruit;drinkCola; ice creamwaterpriceCheapExpensivestrength of the dietGiving its customers energy-giving foodMake its customers thinweakness of t

17、he diet Cause the customers to be fatThe customers become tired quickly课后作业:完成学业质量模块测评P20练习【教总36】 第四课时 The Fourth PeriodTeaching Aims:To explain the textTeaching procedures1. What could have happened?到底发生了什么事?could (不能用 can) have done 表示对过去本来能够做却未做的事情的谴责、遗憾。其否定形式 couldnt have done 表示能力。can/could hav

18、e done 表示对过去发生情况可能性较大的推测,一般用在否定句和疑问句中,表示不相信或怀疑的态度。You could have done better, but you didnt try your best.你本可以做得更好,但是你没有尽力而为。(表惋惜)I think that he couldnt/cant have gone abroad. I saw him just now.我认为他不可能出国了。我刚才还看见他了。Can/Could he have passed the exam?他可能通过了考试吗?2. Nothing could be better, he thought.

19、他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了”。Nothing/nobody/never/not/no等表否定意义的词+比较级 表示最高级的含义I think nothing is more pleasant than travelling.我想没有什么比旅游更令人愉快的了。We cant agree more.我们非常同意。He had never spent a more worrying day.他从来没有度过这样烦恼的日子。3 tire vt.使疲惫;使厌烦,使疲倦be/get tired of对.感到厌倦/厌腻,be tired from/with因.而疲劳/劳累tired adj 疲倦的,厌烦的

20、 tiring adj 令人疲劳的,令人厌倦的You may be tired with reading for a long time, but you shouldnt be tired of it.看书时间长了你会感到疲劳,但不应该对看书感到厌烦。She was tired with teaching, but she was not tired of teaching.她因教学感到很疲劳,但是她没有厌倦教书。4 curiosity n.好奇,好奇心 out of curiosity出于好奇 with curiosity = curiously好奇地curious adj.好奇的,稀奇古

21、怪的,求知的be curious about sth 对某事感到好奇 to do sth 急于做某事;渴望做某事it is curious that真奇怪.,很好奇. They were curious about the people living upstairs.他们对住在楼上的人感到好奇。It is curious that she didnt tell anyone about it.很奇怪她没有告诉任何人这件事。We are curious to know what has happened there.我们渴望知道在那儿发生了什么.【活学活用】用curiosity的适当形式填空T

22、he boy was watching the cartoon about dinosaurs with_ .and he was _ about dinosaurs disappearance from the earth and he wanted to find out the mystery.Key: curiosity, curious, Homework: 模块测评分层测评四课后反思【教总37】 第五课时 The Fifth PeriodTeaching Aims:To explain the textTeaching procedures1. Wang Peng was amaz

23、ed at this and especially at the prices. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant! He could not believe his eyes. 王鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格。这比在他的餐馆里吃一顿好饭花的钱还要多。他几乎不能相信他的眼睛! amaze vt. 使大为吃惊,使惊奇 n. 吃惊,好奇。强调“使惊异, 困惑”间或有“惊叹, 佩服”的意思 amazing adj. 令人惊奇的,令人惊异的(常用来修饰物), amazed adj.吃惊的,惊奇的(多用来描述人的心理活动、感觉等,修饰人

24、) at sh 对某事感到惊奇/吃惊be amazed to do sth 做某事感到吃惊 that 很惊讶. amazement n. 惊奇,惊讶 to ones amazement表示“使某人感到惊讶的是 in amazement惊奇地,惊愕地I was amazed at the news.我对那个消息感到吃惊。He was amazed that some people didnt agree to the plan.他很惊讶有些人不同意那个计划。The old man told us an amazing story.那位老人给我们讲了一个令人惊奇的故事。6. He could no

25、t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He had better do some research! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。他最好做一番调查!have sb doing sth 使(让)某人一直不断地做某事,容忍或允许某人做某事(用于否定句,尤其与 wont, cant连用)。cant have sb doing sth不容许某人做某事have sb do sth使(让)某人做某事 have sth done请(让)别人做某事,使某事完成,经历或遭遇某情况have sth to do 有某事要做She had he

26、r audience listening attentively. 她使听众听得入神。I cant have you speaking to your mother in a rude manner. You must apologize to her immediately.我不允许你用那种 粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。I wont have you smoking at your age. 我不能让你在这个年纪就抽烟。7. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. 也许写

27、个新的标牌、打点折,能够帮他赢回顾客discount vt. 打折扣,减价出售;削价出售,打折;减价, n. 折扣,打折 at a discount 减价,打折扣 win back 赢回,重新获得These goods will be sold at a discount.这些货物将减价出售。The party is struggling to win back voters.这场晚会尽力赢回一些投票者。How can I win back her trust?我如何才能赢回她的信任?Homework: 模块测评-词汇集训课后反思【教总38】 第六课时 The Sixth PeriodTeac

28、hing Aims:1) To explain the grammarTeaching procedures情态动词的特殊用法1. can ,could(1)表惊异、怀疑、不相信、不耐烦等态度。(主要用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中。常用于否定句、疑问句或惊叹句中)Can the story be true? 这个故事会是真的吗?Hecant(couldnt)beoversixty.他不可能超过六十岁。Howcanyoubesocareless?你怎么这么粗心?(2)can nottooenough表示无论怎样也不过分,越越好:You cant be too careful.你越细心越好。2.ma

29、y, mightmay表示推测时一般不用于疑问句,在疑问句中通常用can来代替。Can he be at home? 他可能在家吗?- It may be, or may not be. 可能是,也可能不是。在回答以may引起的问句时,一般不用may这个词,而用其它方式,肯定回答用:Yes, please.Certainly. Yes, of course. Sure. Go ahead, please.否定回答用: No, you cant. (最常见)No, you mustnt. (具有强烈禁止的意思)- May/Might I come into the room to see my

30、mother? 我可以进房间看我母亲吗?- No, you mustnt. She needs to have a good rest. 不,你不能进。她需要好好休息。(2)may/might as well+V原形:最好,还是的好,倒不如You may as well stay here over night.你还是呆在这儿过夜好。3.must(1)表示必然结果:All men must die.人固有一死。(2)表示一种与说话人愿望相反、不耐烦的感情色彩,可译为“一定要、偏偏、非要”。 Why must it rain today? 为什么偏偏在今天下雨? When I was takin

31、g a nap, a student must knock at the door. 正当我午睡时,偏偏一个学生在这个时候来敲门。4.shall用于第二、第三人称陈述句,表说话人的意愿。有“命令、允诺、警告、决心”等意思YoushalldoasIsay.按我说的做。(命令) Youshallhavemyanswertomorrow.你明天可以得到我的答复。(允诺) Heshallbesorryforitoneday,Itellyou.有一天他会后悔的,我告诉你。(警告) Nothingshallstopusfromcarryingouttheplan.什么也不能阻止我们执行这项计划。(决心)5

32、.Should(1)Should可以用在if引导的条件从句,表示推测和可能性,是“ (按理说)应该”之意一件事听起来可能性很小,但也不是完全没有可能,相当于“万一”的意思。Ask her to ring me up if you should see her. 你万一见到她,请让她给我打个电话。 If you should change your mind, please let us know. 万一你改变主意,请通知我们。与what, how, why等词连用,表示意外、惊讶等情绪, How should I know? 我怎么会知道呢 Why should I fear? 我为什么会害怕

33、? What should she do but cry for help? 除了呼救外,她还能干什么? I dont know why you should think I did it. 我真不知道你凭什么认为这件事是我干的。(2)should 可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的。尤其在以 why, who, how 等开头的修辞疑问句或某些感叹句中常常译为“竟会”、“居然”Its strange that he should be late. 真奇怪,他竟会迟到。6.must & need & have to1) must 表示推测时, 只能用于肯定句。must do 对

34、一般时的肯定推测,must be doing 对现在的动作进行肯定推测 ,must have done 对过去发生的事情作出的肯定判断。They have bought a new car. They must have a lot of money. 他们买了一辆新车。 他们一定很有钱He must be reading novels now. 他现在一定在看小说The road is wet. It must have rained last night.路是湿的。昨天晚上一定下雨了。2) need .作情态动词时,仅用于否定或疑问句,后接动词原形,表“需要”You neednt retu

35、rn the book now.- Need he start from the beginning?- Yes, he must. - No, he neednt/doesnt have to. .neednt have done 表示做了本不必要做的事情,意为“本不必要”Our color TV set is still good enough. You neednt have bought a new one.作实义动词时,表示“需要”,有人称、时态、和数的变化,后接名词或动词不定式,若主语为物,后接名词、ving或不定式的被动式。He needs to finish it this e

36、vening. The classroom needs cleaning/to be cleaned. 注意对need问句的回答: -Need I finish the work today? -Yes, you must. - No, you neednt. -No, you dont have to.neednt 对其它情态动词的回答:-Shall I tell John about it? -No, you neednt. -No, you dont have to。7. can/could have done “本可以,本可能做某事” .用于肯定句中,表示对过去发生的事情有能力做而没有

37、做的遗憾或判断。 You could have had a better mark. 你本来可以考的更好。8. can/could not have done 对过去发生行为进行推测:不可能做某事I saw him just now so he couldnt have gone abroad. 刚才我还看见他了, 所以他不可能出国的。 9.情态动词的反义疑问句1当陈述句部分有情态动词must时(1)must表示“必须、禁止“时,反意疑问部分要用must (mustnt) 。 You mustnt stop your car here, must you?(2)must表示“有必要”时,反意疑

38、问句部分要用neednt。 They must finish the work today, neednt they? You must see the doctor, neednt you?(3)当must用来表示对现在的情况进行“推测”时,反意疑问部分要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。 He must be good at maths, isnt he? 当must用来表示对过去的情况进行“推测”(must + have done)时:a). 单纯表示对过去的推测, 与现在无关, 反意疑问句附加部分用过去式。b). 表示对过去的推测且影响到现在或持续现在, 反意疑问句附加部分用现在完

39、成式。 She must have read the novel last week, didnt she?You must have told her about it, havent you?She must have had a very good time, didnt she?He must have lived here at least ten years, hasnt he?2.当陈述部分含有情态动词used to时,疑问部分可用usednt或didntThe old man used to smoke, didnt he?或usednt he? 3. 当陈述部分带有情态动词o

40、ught to时,疑问部分用oughtnt或shouldntWe ought to read this book, oughtnt we?或shouldnt we?4.当陈述部分含有had better时,疑问部分用had 。 Youd better finish your homework now, hadnt you?5.陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用dont +主语(didnt +主语) We have to get there at eight tomorrow, dont we?6. 陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用

41、 wouldnt +主语He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldnt he?情态动词dare或need的反意疑问句,疑问用 need (dare ) +主语We need not do it again, need we?He dare not say so, dare you/he?当dare, need 为实义动词时,疑问部分用助动词do + 主语。She doesnt dare to go home alone, does she? 课后作业: 模块测评-语法集训课后反思:【教总39】 第七课时 The Seventh

42、 PeriodTeaching Aims:2) To explain the materialsTeaching procedures1. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. 或许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关闭自己的餐馆。earn ones living by = make ones living by=live by通过.谋生make a living=earn a living 谋生 Mary earned/made her living by

43、selling flowers in the street.玛丽靠在街上卖花谋生。He tried for an hour and failed after all. 他试了一个钟头,终究还是失败了。I know he hasnt finished the work but, after all, hes very busy.我知道他还没做完工作,但别忘了他很忙。不定冠词(a/ an)+序数词 表示又一,再一的意思 定冠词(the)+序数词 表示第几的意思 This is the second time that I have come here. 第二次来 The man had two h

44、ouses in the country, and he bought a third one. 又买了一所房子。3. Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre. 也许我们应该把我们的想法综合起来,作出一份富于营养、热量和纤维的平衡食谱。combine sthA with sthB =be combined with=combine sthA and sthB together把A与B结合起来combination kmbnen n.结

45、合,混合,组合,结合体We must combine the theory with pracitce.=the theory must be combined with pactice.我们必须把理论与实际相结合。4. In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.这样,他们减少了饭菜中的脂肪含量,增加了纤维素。他们的平衡食谱非常有效,王鹏很快就瘦了,而雍慧却胖了.cut down 削减,压缩,砍倒,伐倒 cut through 走近路,穿过 cut in插嘴,插话cut off 切断,中断(通话,水、电、煤气灯) cut up 切碎,剁碎,cut out 删除succeed v.成功 successful adj. 成功的,有成就的

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