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1、【三年经典】2011-2013年全国各地高考英语试题分类汇编:名词性从句【2011北京卷 22】_ Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness. A. WhichB. WhatC. ThatD. Whom【答案】B【考点】考察名词性从句中的主语从句。【解析】句意:这个惊人的消息使我意识到我们将面临多么严重的问题。结合句意可知答案为A,此处what引导的宾语从句是一个感叹句。【2011北京卷 31】The shocking news mad me realize _ terrible problems we would fa

2、ce. A. whatB. howC. thatD. why【答案】A【考点】考查名词性从句中的宾语从句。【解析】由句中的IS可知其前面是由what引导的主语从句,且what在从句中作offer的宾语,故答案为A项。【2011上海卷 35】There is clear evidence _ the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.A. whatB. ifC. howD. that【答案】D【考点】考查名词性从句中的同位语从句。【解析】句意为:证据表明,所有能够说明的感觉中最困难的是身体的疼痛。分析句子结构,从句

3、中不错成分,故用关联词that。【2011上海卷 38】The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of _ others actually understand.A. whyB. thatC. whichD. what【答案】D【考点】考查名词性从句中的宾语从句。【解析】句意为:你试图通过言语表达的意思或许恰恰跟别人理解的相反。【2011山东卷 26】I am afraid hes more of a talker than a doer, which is _ he never finis

4、hes anything. A. that B. when C. where D. why【答案】D【考点】考查表语从句。【解析】句义:我恐怕他比起来一个实践家更是一个空谈家,那就是他一事无成的原因。本文“which is.”引导的一个非限定性定语从句中有一个表语从句根据句意用“why”引导。【2011山东卷 33】Weve offered her the job, but I dont know_ shell accept it.A. where B. what . whether D. which【答案】C【考点】此题考查宾语从句的引导词。【解析】根据句意“我们提供给她了这份工作,但我不知

5、道她是否会接受”。whether “是否“, where “哪里“what “什么”,which “哪个“。【2011江西卷 26.】The villagers have already known _ well do is to rebuild the bridge. A. thisB. thatC. whatD. which【答案】C【考点】考察宾语从句和主语从句。【解析】村民们已经知道我们将要做的事情是重建这座桥,后面的宾语从句的主语从句中缺少主语且指物,所以选择what。【2011江苏卷 26】It was never clear _ the man hadnt reported th

6、e accident sooner.A. that B. how C. when D. why【答案】A【考点】考查主语从句。【解析】句意:这名男子没有早点报告这次事故的原因根本没有搞清楚。It在句中是形式主语,真正的主语是why引导的主语从句。【2011安徽卷 33】His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out _it is he is trying to express. A. that B. how C. who D. what【答案】D【考点】考查名词性从句。【解析】句意为:他的笔迹非常混乱,很难弄清他想表达什么意

7、思。本题考查动词短语make out引起的的宾语从句,该空在宾语从句中作express的宾语,表示事物,故选择D项。That在宾语从句中不作句子成分;how作方式状语;who作主语,指人。只有what可用作宾语并且指事物。【2011四川卷 10】Our teachers always tell us to believe in _ we do and who we are if we want to succeed. A. why B. how C. what D. which【答案】C【考点】考查名词性从句。【解析】in介词之后所接的宾语从句中缺少及物动词do的宾语,指事物,故填what。w

8、hy“为什么”;how“怎么样”;which“哪一个”。【2011辽宁卷 23】Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach _ to read first. A. what B. who . how D. why【答案】C【考点】考查名词性从句。【解析】句子意思:20个学生想要去听旨在教授如何快速阅读的课程。根据句子结构可知,that aims to teach _ to read first.是定语从句,修饰先行词class,在此定语从句中,teach后接的宾语从句中缺少表示方式的连接词,故how正确。此处为“连接词

9、+to do”结构。【2011辽宁卷 32】When the news came _ the war broke out, he decided, to serve in the army. A. since B. which C. that D. because【答案】C【考点】考查同位语从句。【解析】句意:当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定去部队服役。此处的“ the war broke out”解释说明the news的具体内容,且从句中不缺少成分,故为同位语从句,用that连接。【2011天津卷 13】Modern science has given clear evidence _ sm

10、oking can lead to many diseases.A. what B. which C. that D. where【答案】C【考点】考查名词性从句中的同位语从句。【解析】句意为:现代科技已经给出了充分的证据,表明吸烟可能引起许多疾病。【2011陕西卷 15】Id like to start my own businessthats _ Id do if I had the money. A. why B. when C. which D. what【答案】D【考点】考查名词性从句中的表语从句。【解析】后面从句不完整,do后面缺少宾语,所以要填连接代词what,答案D。【2011

11、重庆卷 22】It is still under discussion _the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.A. whether B. when C. which D. where【答案】A【考点】考查名词性从句。【解析】still under discussion“还在讨论中”说明“旧中巴车站是否应该被一个宾馆替代”还没决定。且根据后面的whetheror not也可以做出正确选择。【2011重庆卷 34】It is not always easy for the public to see _

12、 use a new invention can be of to human life.A. whose B. what C. which D. that【答案】B【考点】考查宾语从句。【解析】What引导宾语从句,同时在从句中作use的定语。还原句子为“a new invention can be of what use”。【2011湖南卷)31】Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious _the problem itself is. A. what B. that C. which D. why【答案】A【考点】本题考察的是名词

13、性从句中主语从句。【解析】从句中缺表语,排除B和D;又因题目没有给出problem的范围,故选A;句意:在解决问题之前,一定要弄清楚问题是什么。【2012安徽】27. The limits of a persons intelligence, generally speaking, are fixed at birth, but _he reaches these limits will depend on his environment. A. where B. whether C. that D. why 【答案】B【2012重庆】34. Evidence has been found t

14、hrough years of study_ childrens early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.A. why B. how C. whether D. that【答案】D【2012全国】24. It is by no means clear the president can do to end the strike.A. how B. whichC. that D. what【答案】D【2012北京】24. Jerry did not regret giving the comment but

15、 felt _ he could have expressed it differently.A. why B. how C. that D. whether【答案】C【2012福建】35. We promise _ attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever【答案】C【2012陕西】20. As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose _ s

16、uits you best.A. whatever B. whichever C. whenever D. wherever【答案】B【2012山东】25. It doesnt matter _ you pay by cash or credit card in this store.A. how B. whether C. what D. why【答案】【2012湖南】26. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesnt matter _ you have lived there for a short or a long time.

17、A. why B. how C. whether D. when【答案】C【2012天津】9. It doesnt matter _ you turn right or left at the crossingboth roads lead to the park.A. whether B. how C. if D. when 【答案】A【2012江西】25. It suddenly occurred to him _ he had left his keys in the office.A. whether B. where C. which D. that 【答案】D【2012辽宁】34.

18、 The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for _ he could find about Mark Twain.A. wherever B. however C. whatever D. whichever【答案】C【2012四川】17. Scientists study _ human brains work to make computers.A. when B. how C. that D. whether【答案】B【2012浙江】4. I made a promise to myself _ this

19、year, my first year in high school, would be different.A. whether B. what C. that D. how 【答案】C【2012江苏】27. The notice came around two in the afternoon _ the meeting would be postponed.A. when B. that C. whether D. how 【答案】B1. 【2013北京31】_ makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of

20、the writer. A. ThatB. WhatC. WhoD. Which1. B。 本题考查主语从句。is之前为主语从句。从句中缺少主语指事物,故选what。That只起引导作用,不充当成分,排除;Who指人;不符合语境,排除;Which充当定语,起修饰作用,也不符合上下文的语境,排除。【句意】让这本书如此不同寻常的是作者富于创造的想象力。2. 【2013北京33】 Experts believe _ people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. A. whyB. whereC. thatD. wha

21、t2. C。本题考查宾语从句。动词believe之后为宾语从句,从句陈述一个事实,结构完整,不缺少成分,故选用that。why作原因状语;where做地点状语;what作主语或宾语。【句意】专家们相信人们只在必须的时候购物就会浪费更少的食物。3. 【2013湖南28】. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell _ close you may be to victory. A. howB. thatC. whichD. where3. A。本题考查宾语从句。动词tell之后为宾语从句,宾语从句部分为感叹句转换而

22、来,修饰形容词close用how,故选A。that, which和where都不能引导感叹句。【句意】千万不要让失败打击你,你可能不知道自己距离成功有多近。4. 【2013江西30】_ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.A. WhoeverB. WhateverC. WhicheverD. Wherever4. C。本题考查主语从句。主句谓语为will have to pay,之前为主语从句,根据句意, whichever“无论哪一个”,作定语,修饰one,故选C。Whoever作主语;Whatever指物,不符合题意;W

23、herever指地点,作地点状语,也不符合语境。【句意】无论你们当中哪个人弄坏窗子都必须赔偿。5. 【2013山东30】Its good to know_ the dogs will be well cared for while were away. A. what B. whoseC. which D. that 5. D。本题考查宾语从句。动词know之后为宾语从句,从句中意思完整,也不缺少成分,故用that表陈述一件实事。what作主语或宾语;whose作定语;which作定语,后面一般接of结构。【句意】知道当我们外出时这这些狗狗将会得到精心的护理是一件好事。6. 【2013陕西20

24、】It remains to be seen the newly formed committees policy can be put into practice. A. that B. which C. what D. whether6. D。本题考查主语从句。it作形式主语,真正主语为横线后的主语从句。从句中结构完整,因此排除代词B和C两项;“有待被观察”的事情应是不确定的事而不是表陈述,排除表陈述的that,选用whether“是否”。【句意】这项新出炉的委员会的政策能否实施还得拭目以待。7. 【2013四川6】 _ you said at the meeting describes

25、a bright future for the company.A. When B. How C. What D. That7. C。本题考查主语从句。此句谓语动词为describes,之前的部分即为主语从句。从句中缺少谓语said的宾语,故选用代词what作said的宾语引导主语从句; that在名词性从句中不做成分,只表陈述的语气;而when和how为副词,只能做状语,不能作主干成分。【句意】你在会议上所说的话描述了公司一个光明的前途。8. 【2013天津15】 I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my pa

26、rents.A. That B. Which C. Whether D. What8. D。本题考查主语从句。主句谓语为is,之前为主语从句,从句中缺少动词tell的直接宾语,指事物,故填what;而which意为“哪一个”,that、whether只起引导作用,均不做成分。【句意】我想对你说的是我对父母亲的深深的爱和尊重。9. 【2013新课标I卷26】Police have found appears to be the lost ancient statue.A. whichB. whereC. howD. what9. D。本题考查宾语从句。动词found后所接为宾语从句,从句中缺少主

27、语指事物,故填上代词what。Which表示在确定范围里的选择;where和how只能作状语。【句意】警察们已经发现看起来就是那尊失踪的雕像。10. 【2013浙江16】The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief _ you are better than anyone else on the sports field.A. how B. that C. which D. whether10. B。本题考查同位语从句。belief后所接的从句对其内容进行解释说明,故为同位语从句,that表示陈述一个事

28、实,所以答案B正确。how如何;which哪一个;whether是否;均不符合语境。【句意】通往最高水平的成功之路就是拥有坚定的信念:在运动场上你比任何人都更棒。11. 【2013重庆28】. _struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son.A. That B. It C. What D. Which11. C。本题考查主语从句。主句谓语动词was之前为;主语从句中缺少主语指事物,故使用代词what;that表陈述,不做成分;which表示在确定范围内进行选择,译为“哪一个”。【句意】这部电影让我最感动的地方就是父亲对儿子的深深的爱。12. 【2013安徽21】From space, the earth looks blue. This is _about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water. A. why B. how C. because D. whether12. C。本题考查表语从句。is后面为表语从句。前面是结果,后面是原因,所C正确。why,how和whether均不符合语境。【句意】从太空上看地球是蓝色的。这是因为地球表面大约71%的面积被水覆盖。8

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