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1、-高中英语语法强化训练(非谓语动词续)( )1.European football is played in 80 countries ,_it the most popular sport in the world A. making B, makes C. made D to make( )2The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _the next year . A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried outD. to carry out ( )3.The purpos

2、e of new technologies in to make life easier, _it more difficult.A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. dont make( )4.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the doctor _,Sorry to miss you; will call later.A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading( )5.Iv worked with children before ,so I kn

3、ow what _in my new job.A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects( )6.Acomputer does only what thinking people _.A. have it to B. nave it done C. have done it D. having it done( )7.What worried the child most was _to visit his mother in the hospital . A. his not allowing B. his not being

4、 allowed C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed( ) 8.Cleanig woman in big cities usually get _by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay( )9.They are not very good, but we like_.A. anyway to play basketball with themB. to play basketball with them anywayC. to play with them basketb

5、all anywayD. with them to play basketball anyway( )10 He sent me an e-mail ,_to get further information.A. hoped B hoping C. to hope D. hope( )11._is 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Being rounded B it was founded C. Founded D. Founding( )12,The _boy was

6、last seen _near the East Lake.A. Missing, playing B. missing, playC missed ,played D missed ,to play( )13.Tony was very unhappy for _ to the party.A. having not been invited B. not having invitedC. having not invited D not having been invited( )14.-Do your brother intend to study German?- Yes ,he in

7、tends _.- A. / B. to C. so D. that( )15.He claimed _in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.A. being badly treated B. treating badlyC. to be treated badly D. to have been badly treated( )16.To fetch water before breakfast seemed to me a rule_.A. to never B never to be brokenC. never

8、to have broken D. never to be breaking( )17.She asked me to help her, _that she couldnt move the heavy suitcase alone A. only to realize B. realizing C. having been realized D. realized( )18.Robert is said _abroad, but I dont know country be studied in . A. to have studied B. to study C. to be study

9、 D to have been studying ( )19.-Let me tell you something about the journalists.- Dont you remember _me the story yesterday?A. told B. telling C .to tell D. to have told( )20,There are five pairs _,but Im at a loss which to buy.A. to be chosen B. to choose fromC. to choose D. for choosing( )21-Mum ,

10、why do you always make me eat an egg every day? -_enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. A. Get B Getting C To get D. To be going( )22 .The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the_. A.20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars to remainC. remained 20 dollars D. remaining20 dolla

11、rs( )23.Will those _the children from abroad come to the headmasters office? A. teaching B. teach C. who teaches D. who teaching( )24.While building a tunnel though the mountains,_.A. an underground lake was discoveredB. there was an underground lake discoveredC. a lake was discovered undergroundD.

12、the workers discovered an underground lake( ) 25.I meant _,but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A. to do B. to C. doing D doing to ( )26._more time, hell make a first-class tennis player.A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given( )27. Do you have any letters _ today? -I had my son

13、_it this morning .Thank you anyway. A. post , to post B. posting ,post C. being posting , posted D. to be post ,post ( )28.He went to American _some English as well as _. A. learning ,to travel B. learning, traveling C. to learn, travel D. to learn ,to travel( )29.The party was a success ,but we tho

14、ught it a pity not _you. A. to invite B. to be inviting C. to have invited D. to be invited( )30.When I handed the report to Hohn , he said that George was the person_.A. to send B. for sending it C. to send it to D. for sending it to ( )31Once your business because international, _constantly will b

15、e part of your life.A. your fly B. your flight C. fight D. flying( )32“ Can you read ?”Mary said _to the notice.A. angrily pointing B. and point angrilyC. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing( )33. At first he didnt mean _ part, but he couldnt resist _a try. A. to take ,having B. taking, to have

16、C. to take, to have D. taking, having( )34.The walls of the rooms are said _white in no time. A. to be painted B. painted C. to paint D. having been painted( )35.We are not _fools _believe what he says. A. such, as B. so, to C. such, who are D. such, as to( )36.The old man seems _here for more than

17、twenty years. A. to be living B. to have lived C. to have been lived D. to live( )37The explosion sent us _in all directions.A. run B. running C to run D. ran( )38.I regret _you that we are unable to offer you employment . A. to have inform B. having informC. to inform D. informing( )39.Did you see

18、that boy _the police over there. A. questioned B. to be questioned C. being questioned D. questioning( )40._everything into consideration ,they ought to be given another chance. A. Taken B. Taking C. To take D. Having taken( )41.Theres no need _.We have got plenty of time. A. having B. to hurry C. t

19、o be hurried D being hurried ( )42.-Whats the chance of there _an election this year?- I have no idea.A. is B .to be C. being D. be( )43.If _,the experiment will be successful.A. carefully doing B . it done carefully C. carefully done D. doing carefully( )44.Good care must babies particularly while

20、they are ill.A. take B. taken of C. be taken D. be taken of( )45.Little Franz thought of nothing but _football .A. play B. to play C. played D. playing( )46._a reply he decided to write again.A. Not receiving B. ReceivingC. Not having received D. Having not received( )47._to someone , a British pers

21、on often shakes hands with the stranger.A. Introducing B. To introduceC. To be introduced D. On being introduced( )48.With lots of trees and flowers _here and there, the city looks very beautiful.A. having planted B. plantedC. have been planted D. to be planted( )49.Paul cant attend the party _at To

22、ms house at present because he is preparing for the speech at the party _at Marys house tomorrow.A. being held, to be held B. to be held ,held C. held ,being held D. to be held ,to be held( )50.-Car 17 won the race.- Yes ,but its driver came close to _. A. having been killed B. have been killed C. b

23、e killed D. being killed( )51.Thedetective,_toreada newspaper ,glanced at the man _next to a woman. A. pretending ,seat B. pretending ,seated C. pretended, seating D. pretended, seated( )52.-What made you so angry?-_.A. Tom having been late again B. Tom to be late again C. Toms being late againD. To

24、m was late again( )53.-Shall we go swimming? Ok, Ill just go and get _. A. to change B. changing C. changed D. it changed( )54.The way he had the problem _his ability.A. setting showed B. settled showingC. settled showed D. settled showing( )55._,his eyes fill with tears again.A. When asked B. On as

25、king C. On being D .When he was asked( )56The proposal I objected to _finally last night and I did not feel happy about it .A. passing B. pass C. was passed D passed( )57.There are only 30 seconds _and we cant but _without him. A. to go ,to go B. to go ,go C. going ,go D. going ,to go.( )58.John pla

26、nned _around Europe on horseback, but his ambition has not been achieved till today. A. to have traveled B. to travel C. traveling D. his traveling( )59.Tom drank up the whole bottle of milk, _even a drop to his little brother. A. not leave B. leaving C. not leaving D. not to leave( )60. When _behin

27、d , the little girl always cries for Mum.A. leaving B. being left C. t leave D. left( )61 .There _to buses. we had no choice but _at a small hotel for the night.A. were ,to stay B. being , to stay C. being ,stay D. were ,stay( )62._used to be her job ,but she has now turned_. A. To teaching ,to adve

28、rtising B. Teaching, t advertiseC. Teaching ,to advertisingD. To teach , an advertising( )63.Rather than _on a crowed bus, I prefer _to work every day.A. to ride ,to walk B. riding ,walking C. ride ,to walk D. to ride, walking( )64. When I passed the park I saw the grass _by some workers with lawn m

29、overs. A. cut B to be cut C. being cut D. cutting( )65-The project _for housing development is very important.-I see , but he is sure to work it out on time. A. made B to be made C. making D. having been made( )66.The boy with leg _needs _.A. broken , being looked after B. breaking, to look afterC.

30、broken, looking afterD. breaking ,to be looked after( )67.I saw him stop off the pavement, _the road ,and disappear into the post office A. crossed B. crossing C. cross D. to cross( )68.Why do you stand watch the milk _over. A. boiling B. boiled C to boil D. being boiled( )69.-Do you feel like _ther

31、e or shall we take a bus. -Id like to walk . But since there isnt much time left ,Id rather you _a taxi.A. walking, hire B. to walk , hire C. walking ,hired D. to walk. hired( )70.Do you know the man, with his hand _his eyes ? A. to shade B. shading C. shaded D. being shaded( )71.I can hardly imagin

32、e Peter _across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed( )72.The Olympic Games, _in 776 B.C ,did not include women players until 1912. A. first played B. to be first played C. first playing D. to be first playing( )73. In the past , people used _that the moon

33、was too far away _.But now it is possible for man _there by spaceship.A. to think ,not to reach ,to get B. .to think ,to reach ,to getC. to thinking ,to reach ,will get D. thought ,to reach , to get to ( )74.Her son promised _in the bedroom until the baby stopped_. A. staying ,to cry B . to stay ,cr

34、ying C. for staying , to cry D. to stay, to cry( )75.I hadnt expected Robert _,but I had hoped_.A. to apologize, that he could callB. apologize, that he would callC. to apologize, him call me D. to apologize ,him to call me( )76.I wondered whether the film was _worth_. A. very, to see B. well, seein

35、g C. very ,beginning D. well , to be seen( )77.The man managed to make himself _with his _French.A. understood, breaking B. understand ,brokenC. understand ,breaking D. understood ,broken( )78.I forbid _here, Who has permitted you _ here?A. smoking, to make B. smoke ,smokingC. smoking, smoking D. to

36、 smoke , smoking( )79.Mrs Smith warned her daughter _after drinking.A. never to drive B . to never drive C. never driving D. never drive( )80.A person _a foreign language most be able to use the language _all his own.A. learning ,forgetting B. to learn, to forgetC. using ,but D. who learns ,to forge

37、t( ) 81._from the moon ,our earth ,with water _seventy percent of its surface, appear as a “blue ball”A. See ,covered B. Seeing ,covering C. Seen ,covering D. To see, to cover( )82.As she is looking forward to _from me ,please remember _this letter on your way to school. A. hear ,post B. hearing ,to

38、 post C. be heard ,posting D. be hearing, to posting( )83.The sentence needs _.A. to improve B. improve C. improvingD .improved( )84.The lecture began by _us where the island was and went on _about its history. A. telling ,talking B. to tell ,to talk C. telling , to talk D. be told ,talking( )85.Aft

39、er seeing the movie._.A. the book was read by himB. the book made him want to read it C. he wanted t read the bookD. the reading of the book interested him( )86.He is said _for five years.A. to have died B. to die C. to have been dead D. dead( )87.I dont think it advisable_.A. your studying math B.

40、you to study math C. for you to study math D. of you to study math.( )88 It is foolish _such a mistake.A. for me to make B. for me makingC. of me to make D. of me making( ) 89.-Shall we go skating or stay at home? -Which _do yourself? A. do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should

41、 you rather( )90.Tom kept quiet about the accident _lose his job.A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to( )91.She reached the top the hill and stopped _on a big rock by the side of the path.A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest( )92.Whats the language _to Germany? A

42、. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak( )93.-I usually go there by train. -Why not _by boat for a change? A. to try going B. trying C. to try and go D. try going( )94.The next morning she found the man _in bed ,dead.A. lying B, lie C. lay D. laying( )95Most of the people _to the party were fa

43、mous scientists. A. invited B. to inviting C being invited D. inviting( )96. Good morning .Can I help you? -Id like to have this package _,madam. A. be weighed B to be weighed C. to weigh D weighed( )97.There was a terrible noise _the sudden burst of lightA. followed B .following C. to be followed D. being followed( )98._ ,I went to the railway station to see my friend off.A. After eating quickly my dinnerB. After my quickly eating dinnerC. After eating my dinner quicklyD. After eating my quickly dinner( )99.- The light in the office is still on. -Oh ,I forget_.A. turning it off B. turn it

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