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1、(完整word)城市化的负面影响(英文演讲稿)The negative effects of urbanizationThere are many advantages of urbanization。 However,there are also many disadvantages of urbanization。The negative influence on the environment。Water pollutionUrban water pollution is mainly caused by industrial waste water and domestic sewag

2、e。 dmestik su:d生活污水。Please look at the picture on the top right。From 2006 to 2012 the number of domestic sewage becomes bigger and bigger.And the number of industrial waste water remain stable。But the total amount is increasing.Look at the picture on the lower right.We can see that the ability of tr

3、eating the urban waste water have improved year by year。But,compared with the increase of the number of urban waste water,the ability of treating polluted water havent improved.Air pollutionNowadays,haze weather has become a daily one in large part of China。With the development of urbanization,the n

4、umber of cars in china are growing rapidly.Besides China is a coalbased energy structure. Vehicle vi:hkl exhaust and coal firing seriously pollute the air.The negative influence on the society.Noise pollution。In the city,well be disturbed dst:rbd by jet airplanes,car horns h:nz , oil-powered engines

5、,the noise from building sites and so on.The noise makes us upset and reduce the quality of our life。Traffic jamWith the fast development of our economy and living standard ,the number of vehicles is rising sharply。 However, the road condition needs improving。 It has seriously influenced peoples dai

6、ly life and economic development。Bad influence on agricultural development.Many farmers go to cities to work,and many of them have abandoned agriculture。Its bad for agricultural development。Social conflictsIn the process of building a city,many houses will be pulled down。In the process,there are many contradictions kntrdknz矛盾 between people and local government。Whats more, there are also lots of conflicts between migrant marnt workers and developers。For example,the contradiction of wages wedz。

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