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1、 本科生毕业论文题目:论瓦尔登湖构建的思想乌托邦与影响A STUDY OF UTOPIA IN WALDEN AND ITS INFLUENCE A Bachelors ThesisPresented toThe Department of Foreign LanguagesModern College of Northwest UniversityXian, China In Partial FulfillmentOf the Requirements for theBachelor of Arts Degree ByYu ZhenghaoApr,2015诚信声明本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的毕

2、业论文(设计)是在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。毕业论文(设计)中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或在网上发表的论文。特此声明。 论文作者签名:日 期:2015 年4月 15日ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I am particularly indebted to Ms Liu, who gave

3、 me kind encouragement and useful instructions all through my writing. I wish to extend my thanks to all the teacher who guide me.TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTSiTABLE OF CONTENTSiiABSTRACT IN ENGLISHiiiABSTRACT IN CHINESEivChapter one1Introduction11.1 Research background11.2 Significance of the s

4、tudy2Chapter Two3The major idea and Classic review of Walden32.1 The author and his achievement32.1.1 Emerson and Thoreau32.1.2 A briefly introduction of Transcendentalism42.1.3 The Confucius Classic of the book52.2 Social conditions in that time52.3 A briefly introduction of the book62.3.1 The poem

5、 Greek mythology and The religious element from book82.3.2 Additional Remarks10Chapter Three11The influence113.1 The pros and cons113.2 Learning from the book133.3 The New Waldenlism14Chapter Four15Conclusion15Bibliography17I. Works in English17II. Works in Chinese17ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH Walden pond i

6、s located in the northeastern United States, Massachusetts. The world famous institution Harvard University and the MIT are over there. Walden is a life record from Thoreau during the solitude. It is about his thoughts and what he saw and heard when he was living in the forest .We can find the pursu

7、it of natural life between the lines, from seasons change to the battle between ants under the uncanny workmanship of nature. His book become the bible among peoples mind and their spiritual utopia. This text ,by reviewing the authors life and original interpretation of the book ,analyzing the relev

8、ant historical material, referring to mainstream culture, then dialectically arrived at a conclusion that is returning to the innocence. It also reminds us dont forget the pure and happy from our inside or dominated by corruption material life .An objective summary which was called New Waldenlism. W

9、e can also realize harmonious co-existence between the human and nature within the concrete jungle. Furthermore, the Confucian Classics that appeared into book tells more about Chinese culture and western culture could be organic combination. I Hope I can through this book to help each one to pick u

10、p the love of life with childlike innocence! keywords: Life, nature, truth, innovation, transcendentalism.摘要瓦尔登湖位于美国东北部马萨诸塞州,世界著名学府哈佛大学和麻省理工学院都在此。瓦尔登湖是作者梭罗在瓦尔登湖独居期间的生活记录,生动的描写了两年多时间的所见所闻和所思所想,字里行间体现着对返璞归真的追求,以及大自然的鬼斧神工,大到季节变换,小到蚂蚁之间的战争。这本书百年来成为许多人心中的圣经和精神乌托邦。本文通过回顾作者的生平并解读该书原文,分析相关历史人物,参考当今主流文化,辩证的分

11、析出梭罗的回归自然(不忘初心)这一重要思想。这也要求我们不应该忘记本属于人类灵魂深处的纯洁与快乐,不应该过多的被的物质生活所主宰,也客观的总结了在新的钢铁丛林中一样可以做到人与自然和谐,我称之为“新瓦尔登主义”。另外,作者在书中提到的儒家经典,更说明了中华文化和西方先哲的思想是可以有机结合的。希望通过研读此书来帮助每一个人重新拾起那份对生活的热爱与童真。关键词:生命,自然,真理,创新,超验主义 Chapter oneIntroductionWhy should we be in such desperate haste to succeed and in such desperate ente

12、rprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.(Walden) People in China now always judge a man by his fortune, but how is that different from western countries, which announced democracy and freedom ? Actually, they are all the same. What

13、 is known as rich ? what is success ? Who can decide the meaning of these words ? In another way, do they still have the same meaning after hundreds or thousands of years ? A narrow definition cant be neutral and a bold assumption cant be caution. That is why we never stop thinking for truth. The de

14、velopment of our society not only needs huge mansions but also some kind of thought which can inspire peoples heart .It is request for us to calm down when studying Walden because only in this way can we understand what Thoreau really wants to say . After several times of reading ,I am willing to sh

15、are what I learnt from book.1.1 Research background In 2015, a documentary with smog and environmental protection theme which named Under The Dome has a world buzzing .That makes the people restart to think the relationship between environment and human development. Environmental protection has been

16、 one of the important problems all over the world . Pollution not only exist in our environment, but also in our heart .Like Thoreau feel sick about the train that cross the wood. How can we hear the bird singing rhyme with the sound of train whistle ? City vagrant lost into abyss of money with endl

17、ess desire and walk into the place where betrayed their initially belief .Who else care about the dirty air and murky river ? How many people repeat the word again and again :Do you think, because I am poor, I have no relatives, I am shameless ?. Human move to the city from forest, dont afraid light

18、ning anymore ,use torch drive beast away ,but why do they still have to bend their knees to power and wealth? I think we could find the answer within Walden. 1.2 Significance of the study So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.It is from the end of The Great G

19、atsby. Having gone through the hypocrisy of reality and unpredictable people. the leading character came back to his unsophisticated hometown disappointedly. But does he can really end his nightmare in this way? I dont think so. Because this is just the end of the novel, not the real life, people st

20、ill have to face it. Thoreau is no exception. I research this book not because in memory of the good old past time. we all need to keep moving. Walden is a book that help us to explore our inside of heart. Walden is a guide who teach us make life easier. Walden is ironic for human being. Walden is a

21、lso a text feast for literature. Benefiting from the influence of this book ,we have more multi angled and direction to create a new life philosophy with new revelation . Chapter Two The major idea and Classic review of Walden2.1 The author and his achievement Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was Ame

22、rican writer, philosopher and representative of Transcendentalist. He graduated from Harvard with flying colors in 1837. He came back to Concord then began to practice Transcendentalism and write under the Emersons help in 1841. It is interesting that Thoreau benefited from university meanwhile he l

23、ooked down upon it which is due to his idea of breaking the worship. In 1845, he lived in seclusion next to the Walden about 2 miles far from Concord. He made his life by own efforts, simple and closeness to nature and finished the long prose Walden that became the classic works of transcendentalism

24、. During he stayed in Walden, Thoreau had been arrested in prison one time because he refused to pay the poll tax. After that he developed the famous political comment Civil Disobedience. He didnt contact any jobs or careers ,no marriage, no meat ,no alcohol, no smoke. He preferred to be a bachelor

25、within mind and body . And he knows how can be a nobility under the poverty and poor. Thoreau passed away by lung disease in 1862. In peoples eyes, he is a weird person but follower of Emerson. His work shone until in the 19th century and Walden was the most popular book ever had in America literatu

26、re history ! 2.1.1 Emerson and Thoreau Emerson and Thoreau are not so much being good friend as master and apprentice. As we all known, Emerson was the pioneer of American transcendentalist. His American Scholar was known as the thoughts of the declaration of independence in United States. He critic

27、ized the money worship in state and emphasized the importance of human itself. As a adherent of the Transcendentalism, Thoreau was helped and supported by Emerson. By the way, Thoreau didnt have to pay the tax for the land of Walden because Emerson owned it. But Emerson is too close to Thoreau like

28、his teacher, coach and father. He forgot the one thing that Thoreau s rebellious spirit. Thoreau questioned everything he didnt agree, even If Emerson. It led to strained relations between them. Although they are all the advocators of Transcendentalism, they lived in two different world. In essence,

29、 Emerson is a normal guy who still regard highly of fame, wealth, status, and family. But Thoreau is absolutely opposite. He didnt like regular things, always talked enigmatic things to the people who visited him, then depreciated all the guest in the end. Thus, we could understand why we cant find

30、a word with Emerson and appreciation of him in Walden. It is what it is, two mountains cant get close to each other forever. We just cant tell who is better. They are all have great contributed tremendously to human society. 2.1.2 A briefly introduction of Transcendentalism Transcendentalismis a rel

31、igious and philosophical movement that developed during the late 1820s and 30sin the Eastern region of the United States as a protest against the general state of spirituality. Among the transcendentalists core beliefs was the inherent goodness of both people and nature. They believe that society an

32、d its institutionsparticularly organized religion and political partiesultimately corrupt the purity of the individual. They have faith that people are at their best when truly self-reliant and independent. It is only from such real individuals that true community could be formed.In short , it tells

33、 us people can surpass the sense and reason, touch the truth directly and emphasize the importance of instinct. But how does Thoreau embody transcendentalism in his book? He said, The reason I went into the forest and not to live cheaper or more expensive, but wanted to at least some people want to

34、do. He through the plenty of description with affect infusion, different posture of seasons and animal activity to conduct a deep thinking that find mutual service between humans and the natural world .And finally, To reach the extraordinary refined , unity of man and heaven . 2.1.3 The Confucius Cl

35、assic of the book Thoreau quoted Confucius Classic many times in the book .It can be reflected from one point that is author knows a lot about Orientalism .He quoted what Confucius say in Chapter one, To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowle

36、dge. that was true of Thoreau, who treated knowledge seriously and never pretend to know. In Chapter Solitude ,he quoted Confucius say, Virtue does not remain as an abandoned orphan; it must of necessity have neighbors. that means a man with virtue will never feel lonely and someone who have common

37、goal will come to you. even if who lived in the deepest forest .In the last Chapter ,“From an army of three divisions one can take away its general, and put it in disorder; from the man the most abject and vulgar one cannot take away his thought.”it means a man with ambition will never change his wa

38、y. Standing firmly for ones conviction just like Thoreau. So far It is obviously that chase the true meaning of life no matter in west or east ,they all works.2.2 Social conditions in that time The main contradiction of the United States in 19th century is between the advanced industrial development

39、 of capitalism and the backward slavery plantation economy with more ethnic, racial discrimination problems etc. Under such circumstances, it can have a huge impact on Thoreau, thus he decided to practice transcendentalism, advocated independent personality and broke away from the mundane things of

40、life. Moving to the Walden is one of his purpose. It is his behavior which really surprised us such as being vegetarianism to declare creatures coexist ,refusing coffee to despise capitalism and not paying poll tax to against slavery. Besides, he was a lucky man ,because he passed away before Americ

41、a Civil War. It was the top of the domestic conflicts in that time and Mr. Thoreau had already away from the war with his sagacity. 2.3 A briefly introduction of the book The book has 18 chapters all. Each chapter spells out what Thoreau want to say and it is easy to understand. The first chapter Ec

42、onomy ,compared his life in wood with other so-called civilization society around him, which some social phenomenon was criticized. We could find it from book through the analysis of the original composition.What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true to-day may turn out to be falsehood to

43、-morrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rain on their fields. (Walden) Thoreau is implicitly critical of empiricism by saying this. He advocated the new thinking and broke the routine. When he talked about the basic necessities of life by qu

44、oting this : Perhaps we should never procure a new suit, however ragged or dirty the old, until we have so conducted, so enterprised or sailed in some way, that we feel like new men in the old, and that to retain it would be like keeping new wine in old bottles. If our soul didnt sublimate, so whats

45、 the meaning of fancy outside ? She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. Most men appear never to have considered what a house is, and are actually though needlessly poor all their lives because they think that they must have such a one as their neighbors have.(W

46、alden) Is this not the story of our lives? Why we have to become a house slave when we were young? Or this just convince ourselves being debt-ridden can makes us more safety ? From the third Chapter Reading until seventeenth Spring. Thoreau record amount of interaction between man and nature to make

47、 us being personally on the scene by detail description of life in the forest. Took time with his book to show the benefit of reading. He satirized the hubris of human by all kinds of the calling of animals and train whistle. To express his ambitions, he used a word solitude as Chapter name. lonely is relative ,but whoever find their own inner peace, the lonely transform into solitude, which pursuing the oracle from far away. In a another way, distance h

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