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1、PEP四年级英语常用句子一1. Are youintheclassroomnow ?你现在在教室里吗? Yes, I am . 是的,我在。 / No, Im not .不,我不在。2. Do you have a library ? 你有一个图书馆吗? Yes, I d o . 是的,我有。 / No , I dont .不,我没有。Yes, we d o . 是的,我们有。/ No , we dont .不,我们没有。3. Is this your jacket ?这是你的夹克衫吗? Yes, it is . 是的,它是。 / No, it isnt .不,它不是。4. Is Miss L

2、iu your English teacher?刘小姐是你的英语老师吗? Yes, she is . 是的,她是。/ No , she isnt .不,她不是。5. Is Mr Zhang your Chinese teacher?张先生是你的语文老师吗? Yes , he is . 是的,他是./ No , he isnt .不,他不是。6. Are you on the second floor ? 你(你们)在第二层吗?Yes, I am. 是的,我在。/ No, Im not . 不,我不在。Yes, we are. 是的,我们在。/ No, we arent . 不,我们不在。7.

3、Where is the playground ? 操场在哪里? Its on the first floor .它在第一层。8. How many students are there in your class ? 你班里有多少个学生? There are forty-six .有46个。9. The picture is on the wall .图画在墙上。10. Is his T-shirt on the wall ? 他的T恤衫在墙上吗? Yes , it is .是的,它在。 / No , it isnt .不,它不在。11. Your school is cool .你的学校很

4、酷。 Thank you !12. Lets go there .让我们去那儿吧. OK . / All right .好的。13. Your school is beautiful.你的学校很漂亮. Thank you .14. Go to the garden .去花园。 OK . / All right .15. This way , please. 请走这边。 OK. / All right .16. I like story-book . 我喜欢故事书。 Me too .我也是。17. Whats on it ? 上面是什么? Its a computer.它是一台电脑。18. wh

5、ere 在哪里(问地点) what 什么(问物品) who 谁(问人) what time什么时间(问时间) what colour什么颜色(问颜色) how 如何(问情况) how many 多少(问数量) how much多少钱 (问价钱) how old 多少岁(问年龄)句子末尾是句号的(.),应:This is./ That is .句子末尾是问号的(?),应:Is this?/ Is that?二1. What time is it ?几点了? Its eight oclock .八点了。 / Its seven nine .7:09 分了。2. Wheres your bag ?你

6、的书包在哪里? Its in the desk .它在书桌里。 / Its here .它在这里。3. Where are you ? 你在哪里?Im in the classroom .我在教室里。/ Im at school .我在学校。/ Im at home . 我在家。4. How old are you ?你几岁了? Im twelve .我12岁。5. How old is your mother ? 你妈妈几岁了? She is 36 .6. Who are you ? 你是谁? Im Chen Jie .我是陈洁。7. Who is he ? 他是谁? He is Mike

7、.他是迈克。8. How are you ?你好吗? Fine , thank you . / Very well , thanks ./ Im fine , thank you .我很好,谢谢你。9. Is it time to go home ?是回家的时候了吗? Yes , it is . 是的,它是。 No , it isnt .不,它不是。Is it time for English class ? 是上英语课的时候了吗? Yes , it is . 是的,它是。No , it isnt .不,它不是。10. Can I wear my new shirt ? 我可以穿我的新衬衫吗?

8、 Yes , you can .是的,你可以。/ No , you cant .不,你不可以。11. Lets run. 让我们跑吧。OK. / All right. 好吧。12. Good night. 晚安。回答也是: Good night. 三1. What colour is it ?它是什么颜色? Its white .它是白色。2. What colour are they ? 它们是什么颜色? They are yellow .它们是黄色。3. Whats this ? 这是什么? Its a dress .它是一条连衣裙。4. What are these / those ?

9、这些 / 那些是什么? They are jeans . 它们是牛仔裤。5. Whose shirt is this ?这是谁的衬衫? Its my shirt . 它是我的衬衫。/ Its my brothers .它是我的哥哥的。6. Whose shoes are they ? 它们是谁的鞋? They are his shoes . 它们是他的鞋。/ They are Johns.它们是约翰的。7. I like blue and black . 我喜欢蓝色和黑色。 Me , too .8. Where are my socks ? 我的袜子在哪里? They are on the b

10、ed .它们在床上。9. Is it a garden ? 它是一个花园吗? Yes , it is . 是的,它是。/ No , its not .不,它不是。10. Lets go to the canteen . 让我们去食堂吧。OK . / All right . / Good idea .好的。四1.Where is your classroom?Its on the second floor .2.I have a yellow shirt . 我有一件黄色的衬衫。/ I am hungry .我饿了。 回答都是: Me , too.3.Nice to meet you.很高兴认识

11、你。Nice to meet you , too .4.Can I use your shoes ? 我可以穿你的鞋吗? Yes , you can .是的,你可以。/ Certainly, Here you are . 当然可以,给你。/ Sure . Here you are .5.Wheres your teacher ? 你的老师在哪里? She is in the classroom .她在教室里。6.Lets go and have a look . 让我们去看一看吧。 OK . / All right .好的。7.Whos your English teacher ?你的英语老师

12、是谁? Miss White .PEP英语四年级下册46单元主要句子Unit41.Can I wear my new jacket? 我可以穿我的新夹克衫吗?Yes, you can.是的,你可以。/ No, you cant.不,你不可以。2.Whats the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?Its sunny.天气晴朗。3.Can you play football? 你会踢足球吗? Yes, I can. 是的,我会。/ No, I cant.不,我不会。4.It is warm today.今天天气暖和。5.Is it hot today? 今天天气炎热吗?

13、Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. / No , its not .6. Lets play football. 让我们踢足球吧。 OK. / All right.7.Where are my shoes?我的鞋在哪里? They are on your feet.它们在你的脚上。8. I have to close the window. 我不得不关窗户。9.Its snowy.下雪了. Lets make a snowman. 让我们堆雪人吧。10.Heres a new shirt for you. 给你一件新衬衫。Thank you.11.Whats the matt

14、er with you?你怎么了?I have a cold.12.Heres your coat.给你外套。 Thank you.Unit 51. How much is this dress?这条连衣裙多少钱? Its twelve yuan. 12元。2. How much are your shoes? 你的鞋多少钱?They are twenty yuan. 它们20元。3. Can I help you? 我可以帮你吗?Yes, please. / No, thank you.4. Is it pretty?它很漂亮吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.5. W

15、hat do you want?你想要什么? I want a pair of sneakers.我想要一双网球鞋。6. What size?几号? Size five.5号。7. Are they all right?Yes, they are. / No, they arent.8. Whose shirt is this?这是谁的衬衫? Its Mikes.9. Whose is this shirt? Its my shirt.10.The pretty dress is too expensive.这件漂亮的连衣裙太贵了。11.The red skirt is nice. 这件红色的

16、短裙很好看。12.Whose shoes are they? Theyre my shoes.13.Put on your sneakers. 穿上你的网球鞋。 OK. / All right.14.Look at the hens. 看母鸡。 OK. / All right.Unit 61. What are they? 它们是什么? They are goats.2. Are they sheep? 它们是绵羊吗? Yes, they are.是的,它们是。/ No, they arent.不,它们不是.3. How many cows do you have ? 你有多少头奶牛?I ha

17、ve eleven cows.我有11头奶牛。4. How many geese can you see? 你能看见多少只鹅?I can see thirteen geese.5. How many horses are there? 有多少匹马?There are fifteen horses.6. What are these? 这些是什么? They are tomatoes.7. What are those?那些是什么? They are potatoes.8. Are these ducks?这些是鸭子吗? Yes, they are.9. Are those lambs?那些是小羊吗? No, they arent.10.What do you see in the picture?在图画里你看见什么? I see five cats.我看见五只猫。11. I have some fruit. 我有一些水果。 Me too.我也有。

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