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1、邦德华纳一对一人教版六年级下册英语第四单元试卷 姓 名: 得 分: I. 写出下列动词的过去式。1. ride 2. eat 3. take 4. buy 5. hurt 6. see 7. go 8. do 9. are 10.stay 11. is/am 12.swim II. 根据句意写出所缺单词。1. We r (读) an English book yesterday.2. They went to a Guangdong restaurant and a (吃) good food.3. He went to the zoo and s (看) the pandas.III. 选择

2、。( ) 1. I _ fresh food in my grandparents house last night. A. ate B. eat C. easy( )2. We go hiking last week. A. dont B. arent C. didnt( ) 3. He went yesterday. A. swimming B. skate C. skiing( )4. Did you a mountain on your holiday? A. climbed B. climb C. climbing( )5. I like traveling plane. Its f

3、ast. A. by B. in C. on( )6. Did he go shopping? A. Yes, he did. B. Yes, he didnt. C. No, he dont.( ) 7. Did you _ your homework yesterday? A. does B. do C. did( )8. People _ by plane in old days(古代). A. traveled B. didnt travel C. dont traveledIV. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1. What you (do) last night?2. We (go)

4、 to Hainan last year. We (see) the sea.3. I often (go) shopping on Sundays. But I (not go) shopping. I (stay) at home last Sunday.4. Can you (speak) Japanese? -No, I cant.V. 根据答句写问句。1. ? I went to Harbin on my holiday.2. ? I went by train.3. ? I got there on December 31st.4. ? I went skiing.VI. 根据中文完成句子。1. We and yesterday? 昨天我们去公园并照了许多照片。2. _ you last night? No, I _ . I _ .昨晚你听音乐了吗?没有。我学汉语了。3. He often on Saturdays. 他经常在星期六划船。4. They on the weekend. 假期他们爬山了。英语学习是马拉松比赛,谁坚持到最后,谁就是胜利者,请写几句话表表你的决心吧: _ _ _ _2

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