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1、考研必备高频词组总结20道(汇总整理)2023年考研备考的重点之一便是高频词组的掌握。良好的英语词组能够提高自己的写作和口语表达能力,使得文章更加优美,讲话更加精准。在这里,我们为大家整理了20个高频词组以供参考。1. Take into account- 考虑到,顾及到在给出个人意见或建议时,需要考虑多方面的因素。E.g.:When evaluating the candidates performance, you should take into account their communication skills and leadership abilities.2. Meet the

2、 needs of - 满足需求适应客户需求是商业成功的关键所在。E.g.:Our company has always been committed to meeting the needs of our customers through innovative and high-quality products.3. Give rise to- 导致,引起某些行为会导致一系列的连锁反应。E.g.:Poor time management often gives rise to stress and anxiety, which can ultimately affect a persons

3、 productivity.4. Make up for- 弥补,弥合在某些情况下,需要通过弥补缺陷来提高产品或服务的质量。E.g.:While our software has some minor bugs, we have implemented measures to make up for these issues and deliver a better user experience.5. Learn from experience- 从经验中学通过反思以前的工作经历,可以使人在未来更加成功。E.g.:I have learned from experience that its

4、 important to build strong relationships with colleagues and communicate effectively to achieve business goals.6. In the long run- 长此以往,最终在工作或生活中,良好的决策往往需要考虑到长期效益。E.g.:Although pursuing higher education can be challenging in the short term, it is likely to pay off in the long run by opening up new o

5、pportunities and career paths.7. Go through- 经历,遭受在经历挫折后,需要重新审视事情并从中汲取教训。E.g.:The team went through a difficult period last year, but through perseverance and hard work, we were able to turn things around and improve our performance.8. Set an example- 树立榜样领导者应该成为组织中努力工作的榜样。E.g.:As a senior manager,

6、its important for me to set an example for my team by demonstrating strong leadership traits, such as integrity, transparency, and accountability.9. Take into consideration- 考虑到,顾及在做出决策时,需要深入思考和权衡各种因素。E.g.:Before investing in a new product line, its critical to take into consideration factors such a

7、s market demand, production costs, and potential growth opportunities.10. Contribute to- 促进,有助于在工作和生活中,我们需要寻找自己能够为他人和社会做出的贡献。E.g.:Volunteering to help disadvantaged youth can greatly contribute to their well-being and personal growth, as well as benefit society as a whole.11. Keep in mind- 记住,牢记在工作和

8、生活中,保持专注和决心非常重要,以实现自己的目标。E.g.:As I embark on my research project, I will keep in mind the importance of focused effort, careful attention to detail, and perseverance in the face of challenges.12. Make an effort- 努力,尽力为了实现自己的目标,需要全力以赴地付出努力。E.g.:Although the road to a successful startup can be long an

9、d difficult, I am willing to make a sustained effort and take calculated risks to achieve my goals.13. Take advantage of- 利用,充分发挥在工作和生活中,需要充分利用现有的资源和机会。E.g.:As a business owner, I aim to take advantage of emerging technologies, such as AI and blockchain, to improve productivity and drive innovation.

10、14. Make progress- 取得进展,有所提升不断进步是个人和组织成功的关键所在。E.g.:Through hard work and dedication, our team has made significant progress in developing the new product line and expanding our market share.15. Pay attention to- 注意,留意在工作和生活中,需要对细节和重要因素保持警觉。E.g.:As a software engineer, I pay close attention to emergi

11、ng trends in the industry and stay up-to-date on best practices for coding, testing, and debugging.16. Get involved in- 参与,积极参与积极参与社区生活和公益活动可以帮助我们建立更多人际关系和实现个人成长。E.g.:I believe it is important to get involved in community service and volunteer work, to give back to society and develop new skills and

12、 experiences.17. Take responsibility for- 承担责任,负责在工作和生活中,需要勇于承担自己的行为和决策带来的责任。E.g.:As a project manager, I take responsibility for ensuring that our team delivers high-quality work on time and within budget, and that we communicate effectively with stakeholders.18. Make a difference- 产生差异,有所作为我们每个人都有

13、能力通过自己的行动和选择,为社会和他人带来巨大的改变。E.g.:By supporting sustainable development and investing in renewable energy, we can make a real difference in mitigating the effects of climate change and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.19. Take action- 采取行动,实现目标行动是实现成功和个人成长的重要前提。E.g.:In order to achieve my goal

14、of becoming a successful entrepreneur, I must take action to develop my business plan, secure funding, and build a talented team of professionals.20. Keep up with- 跟上,紧随在工作和生活中,需要时刻保持对新变化和趋势的敏锐感和适应能力。E.g.:As a marketer, it is essential for me to keep up with emerging trends in social media, content marketing, and digital advertising, in order to stay ahead of the competition. 总之,掌握高频词组是提高英语表达能力的关键所在。通过熟练掌握这些词组,我们可以更好地传达我们的想法和意见,提高自己的口语和写作技能,在工作和生活中更加成功和有成就感。第 6 页 共 6 页

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