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1、1b Lesson 18The CaterpillarWhat is this?Do you like it?It is a caterpillar.Yes/No.What are these?They are butterflies.Lets listen to the story.What did you hear?I heard How did the caterpillar turn into a butterfly?It turned into a chrysalis,and then the butterfly.Lets listen and read.Kipper had a c

2、aterpillar.Kipper put the caterpillar in a box.He put leaves in the box.Then it was not a caterpillar.It was a chrysalis.But it was not a chrysalis.It was a butterfly.a caterpillara chrysalisa butterflyListen and number.Reading DramaticallyLets retell.Kipper had a _.Kipper put the _ in the _.He put

3、_ in the _.Then it was not a _.It was a _.“Can we see the _?”But it was not a _.It was a _.caterpillarcaterpillarboxleavesboxcaterpillarchrysalischrysalischrysalisbutterflybutterfly life cycleegg(s)caterpillarchrysalisbutterflyDraw pictures and tell a story.HomeworkHow does a caterpillar become a bu

4、tterfly?Draw pictures and tell a story.Listen to the story and read it skillfully and dramatically.It is a cocoon.It is a chrysalis.silkwormcocoon a pupa covered with silk or silky envelopchrysalis a pupa covered with a hard,chitnous shellThats a good question.Heres the scientific explanation:In mos

5、t cases a butterfly does come from a chrysalis,but not all.Theres a rare genus called Parnassian,that pupates in a cocoon.These butterflies live in the Pacific Northwest,in Siberia,and as far away as North Korea and the northern islands of Japan.And heres my unscientific explanation:My caterpillar i

6、s very unusual.As you know caterpillars dont eat lollipops and ice cream,so you wont find my caterpillar in any field guides.But also,when I was a small boy,my father would say,“Eric,come out of your cocoon.”He meant I should open up and be receptive to the world around me.For me,it would not sound right to say,.“Come out of your chrysalis.”And so poetry won over science!

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