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1、人教版七年级英语上册第四单元测试题及答案人教版七年级英语上册第四单元测试题及答案 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(人教版七年级英语上册第四单元测试题及答案)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为人教版七年级英语上册第四单元测试题及答案的全部内容。6七年级上Unit 4检测题 Name _ Numbe

2、r_ Score_I。 选择填空(30分)( )1。 _ your hat?A. Where B. Wherere C. Wheres D。 Where are( ) 2. Is his pencil case _ the drawer?A。 in B。 at C. of D. to( ) 3。 Hello, mum! I need my English book。 Can you _ it to school?A. need B. take C。 bring D. have( ) 4。 The CDs _ in the drawer。 A. am B。 is C。 are D. be( )

3、5。 Are the shoes under your bed? _。 A。 Yes, it is B。 Yes, they are C. No, it isnt D. Yes, theyre()6_ under the tree? No,they arent。AWhere are BWhat is CAre they DIs it( ) 7I need to take the video tape _ school. A。 for B. of C. at D. to( ) 8。 Please _ this key to your sister。 She is at school. A。 br

4、ing B。 brings C. take D. to take( ) 9. Look. This is _ clock。 Its _ alarm clock.A. a; an B。 an; an C. an; a D. a; a( )10. _ my toys. They are new. A。 Here are B。 Here is C。 This is D. That is( )11。 _under the desk? No, they arent。A。 Where are B。 Whats C. Are those rulers D。 Is that ruler( )12. Where

5、 is your father? _.A. They are in the bedroom B。 It is in the bedroom C。 I dont know ( )13。 Are Jack and Mary your friends? _。A。 Yes, they areB。 They areC。 Yes, theyre( )14。 My computer game is _ the drawer and my books are _ the sofa. A. on; on B. in; in C。 on; in D. in; on ( )15。 Look。 This is a p

6、icture _ my room. _ bedroom is clean. A。 of; A B。 of; The C。 for; A D. for; The( )16。 Look at those _。 They are nice.A。 photoes B。 photos C. photo D。 a photo( )17Is your photo in the drawer? _。AYes, I am BNo,it is CYes,it is DNo,Im not( )18-_ my baseball? -Its under the chair.AWhere BWheres CWherere

7、 DWhere are( )19-_ under the tree? -No,they arent.AWhere are BWhat is CAre they DIs it( )20I need some things_ class this afternoon. A. in B。 at C. of D。 for( )21There _ a computer on the desk。Aare Bhave Chas Dis( )22A notebook and an eraser _ in the pencil case。 A. are B. is C。 am D. have( )23I nee

8、d to take the video tape back _ the store after school. A. for B。 of C. at D. to( )24。 Look at those _。 They are _. A。 photoes; hers B. photos; his C. photo; her D。 photoes; mine( )25. _ behind _? - My alarm clock. A. Whats; the chair B. Wheres; the chair C. What are; the chair D. Where are; a chair

9、( )26He _ a small room。 _ a nice desk in it. Ais, There is Bhas, Has Chave, There is Dhas, There is( )27Lucy and Lily _ a new bike。 Ahave Bhas Cthere is Dthere are( ) 28。 Sally. I need my dictionary。 Can you _?A。 bring me it B. take me it C。 bring it to me D。 take it to me( )29。 Please _ the eraser

10、_ here。 I need it. A. bring, / B。 take, / c。 bring, to D. take, to( )30. -Is my baseball _ the chair? I cant see it。 Yes, its there。 A。 under B。 for C. of D. onII. 选择合适的答语(10分)。( ) 31。 Whats in the room? A。 Your baseball? I dont know.( ) 32。 Is that Jeff? B. Yes, they are。( ) 33. Are these your gran

11、dparents? C. No, they are in the backpack。( ) 34. How about my pencil case? D. Its on the desk.( ) 35. Are the books on the sofa? E。 No, its Jack.( ) 36。 Is the computer on the desk? F. Yes, it is.( ) 37。Who is your friend? G。 No, its my cousin.( ) 38.Whats this in English? H. There are some things

12、in it。( ) 39. Is that boy your brother? I。 Guo Peng。( ) 40。Wheres my baseball? J. Its a clock。III。 阅读理解: (10分) AThis is a room in Kates house。 There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it。 Theres a glass and some books on the table. There is a picture on the wall. Kate is in the roo

13、m. She is looking at the picture。 Her father and mother are in the school. They work hard。 ( )41Is there only one room in Kates house?AYes, there is。 BThere is a bed。 CThere is a computer。 DI dont know。( )42Whats in the room? AOnly a bed. BOnly a table。 COnly some chairs。 DA bed, a table, a computer

14、 and some chairs。( )43Is there anything on the table? AYes, there is. BNo, there isnt. CSome books. DA glass.( )44Who is at home? AKates father. BKates mother。 CKate s brother。 DKate.( )45Kates father and mother are _。 Ateachers Bstudents Cfriends Dat home BMy name is Jeff. Im English. But now I liv

15、e (住) in China. I am a student。 This is my classroom。 Fifteen small desks and thirty chairs are in the classroom。 They are for (给) classmates (同班同学) and me. A big desk is in the classroom, too。 Its for my teacher。 A clock is on the back (后面)wall of the classroom。 Next to the clock is a map。 Its a ma

16、p of China. My classroom is nice and clean。 I like it very much. ( )46. Who is Jeff? A。 A schoolboy。 B. A schoolgirl。 C. A Chinese student D. American。( )47. What is Jeff talking about? A. The family。 B。 The school. C。 The classroom。 D. The park.( )48。 Whats on the back wall of the classroom? A。 A c

17、lock. B。 A map。 C。 A map and a clock。 D. A picture。 ( )49。 How many desks are there (有) in the classroom? A。 Fifteen. B. Sixteen。 C. Thirty。 D。 Thirty-one。( )50. What does the underlined (划线) “it” mean (意思) in the passage (文章)? A. The classroom. B. The map of China。 C. The big desk。 D. The schoolIV英

18、汉互译 (10分)1在桌子下_ 2。 在抽屉里 _ 3在沙发上面 _ 4。 在图片里 _ 5在书架上 _ 6. 把 带走到 _ 7. 我不知道 _ 8。 把 带来到 _9。在地板上 _ 10. 他的录像带_V、句型转换。(10分 )1。 His baseball is under the table. (变为一般疑问句) _? 2. His dresser is next to his bed。 (变为否定句) _。 3. My keys are on the sofa。 (对划线部分提问) _? 4. They are on the sofa。(改为单数句子) _ _ _ on the so

19、fa.5.Your baseball is under the chair.(对划线部分提问) _ _ your baseball?VI、 根据所给汉语, 完成句子(20分)1、 请把这些东西带去给你的哥哥。Please _these_ _ your brother。 2。 你能带一些你家的照片来学校吗? Can you _some photos of your family _ school? 3。这是我的全家福。_ is the photo_ my _.4. 他的书包在桌子下面。His _ is _ the table.5。 我的字典在沙发上。My _ is _ the sofa.6. 我

20、的棒球在哪里?_ my baseball?7。 我的钥匙在梳妆台上吗?没有。_ my _ on the dresser? No,_ _。8。 她的闹钟在我的桌子上面。Her is on my 。VII、 书面表达(10分)李雷想要他妹妹李梅给他带些东西到学校来:地板上的笔记本;书桌上的尺子;桌底下的录像带;书橱上的数学书。请你给他写一张留言条.Dear Li Mei, - Thanks, Li LeiKeys: I. 1-5 CACCB 610 CDCAA 1115 CCADB 16-20 BCBCD 2125 DADBA 26-30 AACAAII. 31-40 HEBDCFIJGAIII.

21、 41-45 DDADA 4650 ACCBAIV. 1. under the table 2。 in the drawer 3。 on the sofa 4。 in the picture 5. on the bookcase6. take to 7. I dont know。 8。bringto 9. on the floor 10。 his video tapeV. 1。 Is his baseball?2. isnt 3. Where are your keys?4。 It is on the sofa。5. Where isVI. 1。 take things to2。 bring

22、to3. Here(This) of family4。 backpack, under5。 dictionary, on6。 Wheres7.Is key is isnt (Are keys they arent)8. alarm clock tableVII.Dear Li Mei,Can you bring some things to school? My notebook, my ruler, my video tape and my math book。 The notebook is on the floor。 The ruler is on the table。 The video tape is under the table. And the math book is on the bookcase. Thanks, Li Lei

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