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1、_五年级英语上册第五六单元试卷听力部分:一、听音选单词。 ( )1、A. tree B. three ( )2、A. lake B. like ( )3、A. bridge B. fridge ( )4、A. high B. hill ( )5、A. mouse B. mouth 二、选出与句子相对应的图片。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内。( ) 1. The rat(老鼠) is _ the box. A. 旁边 B. 上面( ) 2. The rat is _ the box. A. 下面 B. 后面( ) 3. The rat is _ the box. A. 上方 B.前面( ) 4.

2、The ball is _ the dogs. A. 前面 B.中间( ) 5.The ball is _ the dog. A. 上方 B.旁边三、听音,找出句子的最佳答语。1.( ) 2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )A. Yes, there are many fish.B. No, there isnt.C. They are on the lake .D. There are many trees. E. There are two.F. They are ducks and rabbits. 四、听短文,给下列句子排序号。 ( ) There are some rivers

3、in my village. ( ) There arent any tall buildings in my village. ( ) This is a picture of my village. ( ) There is a bridge on each river. ( ) There are many tall trees beside the new road.笔试部分:六、填入所缺字母,完成单词。1. 植物 pl _ _ t 2.瓶子b_ _ t _e 3自行车b i_e 4.照片ph _t_5时钟 c _o_ k 6.正面 fr _ _t7. 在中间bet_ _ _n 8.在

4、下面 _ nd _ r9 在后面b _ h _ nd 10.在旁边 n _ _r 七、 将汉语与对应英语连线。新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网( )1.我的房间 A. on the third floor ( )2.在第三层 B. in front of the desk( )3.在书桌前面 C. my room( )4.在墙上 D. beside the bed( )5.在床的旁边 E. on the wall 八、判断下列每组单词的划线部分的发音是否一致,用“”或“”表示。( )1.say ,way ( )2.sound ,soup( )3.down ,window ( )4.rainbow

5、 paint ( ) 5. sound count 九、单项选择。( )1.There _ a hill in the picture. A. is B.am C. are( )2.Is there a nature park? Yes,_. A.is there B. there is C. there are( ) 3 There _ three fish on the table. A. is C. are C. am( )4._ there any flowers in the nature park? A. Am B.Is C. Are( ) 5.My father can draw

6、 very_. A. good B. well C. pretty ( ) 6.This is _ garden. A. Toms B. Toms C. Toms( )7.There is a bridge _ there. A.in B.at C. over( )8.Are there _ tall buildings in the city? A. any B. some C. a( )9._ are the flowers? They are near the river.A. What B. Where C. How( )10.Tom is behind Jim, Jim is _To

7、m.A. front B. in front of C. behind( ) 11.There is a bridge _ the river. A.in B. on C. over ( ) 12.Your room is _ nice. A. really B .good C. sure ( ) 13.I just moved into _ old house. A. an B. a C. /( ) 14.There _ a clock, two flowers and three books. A. is B. are C. am( ) 15. My grandmother can _ v

8、ery well. A. sing B. sings C. singing十、根据汉语意思填空 1、公园里有一座小山。 There is a in the .2、 村庄里有一条河吗? _ there a in the village?3、 森林里有湖吗?不,没有。Is there a in the forest? No, _.4、公园里有一座桥。There is a in the park .5、自然公园里有高楼吗?Are there tall in the nature park? 十一、按要求改写下列句子。1. There is a computer on the desk.(改为一般疑问

9、句)_ ?2. Is there a forest in the nature park?(否定回答)_ .3. Are there any photos in the room?(肯定回答)_ .4. There are some pretty flowers.(变成一般疑问句)_ ?5. in, zoo, the , animals ,there, are ,any (连词成句)_ 十二、阅读短文,作出判断。(对的话写T ,错误的写 F) Im from a small village. Its in the mountain . The houses are small . The tr

10、ees are green and tall . In front of my house there is a river. There are many fish in the river. My favourite seasons is summer. I often swim in the river and catch the fish with my friends. Behind my house there are two trees. One is an apple tree and the other is an orange tree . The apples are r

11、ed and sweet . The orange are juicy. Next to my house there is green grass. Its very beautiful. I like my village very much.( )1.The houses in my village are tall and big.( )2. There is a bridge in front of my house.( )3. There are two trees behind my house. One is a pear tree and the other is an apple tree.( )4.There is green grass next to my house.( )5.I like my village.Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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