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1、1七年级英语期中复习知识点归纳七年级英语期中复习知识点归纳UnitUnit 1 11 1 HowHow toto looklook afterafter youryour e-dog?e-dog?怎样照料你的电子狗?怎样照料你的电子狗?look after 的意思是“照顾,照料”,相当于 take care of。如:(a)Millie often her mother.米莉经常照顾她的妈妈。(b)Could you help me my bird?你能帮我照料一下我的小鸟吗?(c)他妈妈生病了,他必须在家照看她。His mother is ill.He must her.look after

2、well=take good care of 好好保管(d)你们要好好保管你们的新书(翻译)You should your new book =You should your new book.2 2 .I.I lovelove readingreading.我喜欢看书。我喜欢看书。I like (listenlisten )to music.我喜欢听音乐。He enjoysenjoys (play)computer games.他喜欢玩电脑游戏。like,love,enjoy 后面接动词的-ing 形式,构成句型“like/love/enjoy doing sth.”意为“喜欢干某事”。例如

3、:She loves (dance).).她喜欢跳舞。She loves (swim ).).她喜欢游泳。I really enjoy (teach)you.我真的一直很喜欢给你们上课。Mary (like)(play)the violin.玛丽非常喜欢拉小提琴。3.My3.My parentsparents comecome fromfrom Shanghai.Shanghai.我父母是上海人。我父母是上海人。come from 意为“来自(地方),是(地方)人”。come from=be fromMy parents comecome fromfrom Shanghai.=My paren

4、ts Shanghai.例如:Jim comes from America.=Jim America.吉姆来自美国。4.I I amam goodgood a at t football.football.我擅长于足球。我擅长于足球。be good at 意为“在学(干)得好”,相当于 do well in。at 是介词,所以它后面接 sth 或doing sth。例如:Im good at music,but he doesdoes wellwell inin sports.我擅长音乐,而他体育很好。IsIs she goodgood atat singing?=Does she singi

5、ng?她唱歌唱得好吗?Tom isis goodgood atat playing basketball.=Tom playing basketball.汤姆篮球打得好。5.Im5.Im inin ClassClass 1,Grade1,Grade 7.7.我在七年级(我在七年级(1 1)班。)班。在表达地点时,小地点在前,大地点在后。几年级几班,班级在前,年级在后。eg.She was born in Wuhan City,Hubei Province.她出生在湖北省武汉市。Hes in Class 4,Grade 9.他在九年级(4)班。改错:We are in grade 7,Class

6、 9.We are in Class 9,Grade 7.6.Im6.Im 1212 yearsyears oldold .我我 1212 岁岁 。(1)表达某人多少岁时,可以用“年龄+years old”,不能单独用 year 或 old;还可以直接用数字表示。eg.My father is 35 years old.我父亲 35 岁。=My father is 35.改错:My little brother is only three years.My little brother is only three years old.27A7A UnitUnit 2 21.manymany t

7、imestimes a a dayday 一天许多次eg.一年三次 _ 一个月两次_这里 time 表示次数,是可数名词。当其表示时间时,是不可数名词。2.你最爱什么运动?_3.你怎么样?/你呢?_ 做某事怎么样?_4.a a membermember ofof =a a partpart ofof .,.,的一员 eg.Amy 是游泳俱乐部的一员。_5.look sad/happy/young相似的动词还有:look/sound/feel/smell/touch/feel/turn,他们后面加形容词6.ItIt makesmakes himhim happy.happy.这使他感到快乐。It

8、It makesmakes meme feelfeel great.great.它使我感觉很棒。make sb/sth+形容词(adj.)使某人/某物处于某状态make sb do sth 使某人做什么事 e.g.这电影让他哭了。_7.想要做_8.hopehope 的用法为的用法为(1)hope to do sth;(2)hope(that)+句子。eg.我想成为英语老师。_注意:hope sb to do sth.是错误的。错误的。I hope you to come today.(错!)comecome truetrue 实现实现9.ReadingReading isis funfun.读

9、书很有趣。Reading,动名词作主语。10.I I readread a a lotlot ofof interestinginteresting booksbooks.我读了很多有趣的书。a lot of=lots of,许多,很多,后接可数名词和不可数名词。e.g.a lot of books=many books;a lot of water=much water区别:I read a lot.我读书很多。a lot 是程度副词,表示大量地。e.g.I work a lot recently.11.人称代词主格的用法 我们用人称代词来代替表示人或物的名词。当我们替代的名词是主语时用主格

10、。用人称代词来代替表示人或物的名词。当我们替代的名词是主语时用主格。eg.1)My name is Millie._ live in Beijing.2)This is Mr.Hu._ is our English teacher.3)Here are my friends and I._ are in Grade 7.4)There are Sandy and Amy._ are playing tennis.5)This is an interesting book._ is about cartoons.6)Hello,Simon!What are _ doing?7)My sister

11、 is wearing a red sweater._ looks pretty in it today.12.当我们用实义动词来问问题和回答时需要借代助动词。而当一个句子的主要谓语动词是“be”动词时,不需要使用“do/does”eg.1)他们都喜欢游泳吗?不,吉姆不喜欢。他喜欢画画。_ _ like swimming?No,Jim _._ likes drawing.2)你每天打网球吗?是的。我每天都与我的堂弟打。_ _ play tennis every day?Yes,_ _.I play tennis with y cousin every day.3)桑迪喜欢走路吗?是的。_ Sa

12、ndy like walking?Yes,_ _.4)她是一位学生吗?不,她是老师。_ _ a student?No,_ _ a teacher.37A7A UnitUnit 3 31.你最喜欢哪个科目?of the do you like?2.今天几号?the today?3.家长会在下午两点钟开始。The meeting two oclock in the afternoon.(注意复数所有格)4.让我带你参观 Let me .5.Were in front of the classroom building.我们在教学楼的前面。6.我们学校有 18 间教室。eighteen in our

13、 school.7.你们的图书馆看起来很现代。Your .8.那个穿白衬衫的人是谁?that man?(汉语说“那个穿白衬衣的男子”,英语的词序不同)9.从我家到学校是很长的一段路程It a long way my home the school.(it 表示距离的用法,该句和汉语词序不同)10.花我大约半个小时 到校。about 30 minutes to school.11.她总是在早上七点钟到校She always school seven in the morning.12.图书馆几点开门?the library?(这个 open 是动词吗?)13.我们的图书馆有各种各样的书。Ther

14、e books in our library.14.你从图书馆借书吗?Do you books the library?15.谢谢你的信。your.16.我们只有几件教室。We have =only classrooms17.她常常课后在教室前面玩He often classroom .18.我住的离学校很远。I live the school.19.你们学校有多少件教室?How many at your school?20.你们怎样到家?do you?21.我步行/乘公共汽车/自行车去上学I go to school /every day.7A7A Unit4Unit41.醒来_把某人叫醒_

15、2.做早操 _ 做眼保健操_4 锻炼_做数学练习题_3.上一节英语/舞蹈课_4.进行课外活动_ 5.上课/上学/上班迟到_6.互相聊天_ 互相交谈_ 互相学习_ 互相帮助_7.练习做某事_ 他经常课后练习弹钢琴。_8.(做某事)过得愉快 have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself(doingdoing sth.)午餐时,他们互相聊天得很愉快。_9.每周一次 _ 每月两次_10.太多作业 _(tootoo muchmuch +不可数名次不可数名次 “太多太多”)太胖 _ (much(much tootoo +形容词形容词 “太太”)11.getget read

16、yready forfor sth.sth./toto dodo sh.sh.为某事作准备/准备做某事 我们在为生日聚会做准备。_早操有助于我们为一天做好准备。_ bebe readyready forfor sth.sth.某事准备好了 孩子们已准备好吃午饭了。_12.遍及世界;全世界_13.了解许多关于_14.wish 与 hope 区别wish to do sth.希望做某事例:_ 我们希望再见到你。hope to do sth.希望做某事例:_ 我们希望再见到你。wish sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事例:I wish him to make progress.我希望他取得进

17、步。hope+(that)+句子(将来时)例:_ 我希望我的梦想成真。n.祝愿 最好的祝愿_v.祝愿 祝你生日/周末愉快 _ 祝某人好运_n.希望adj.hopeful 有希望的 adj.hopeless 无望的15.how to have fun 是“疑问词疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式”结构,在句中作 know 的宾语。我在考虑穿什么。Im thinking about _ _ _.他不知道该去哪里度假。He doesnt know _ _ _ onon holiday.holiday.16.ItIt isis timetime forfor sth.sth.该某事的时间了。ItIt isi

18、s timetime forfor sb.sb.toto dodo sth.sth.该某人做某事的时间。该我做回家作业的时间了。_17.After lunch,I always need a good rest.午饭后,我总是需要好好休息。1)need 作行为动词:need sth.I need some help.need to do sth.You need to take good care of your mother.Do I need to finish my homework first?We dontdont needneed toto get up early at week

19、ends.2)need 作情态动词(用于疑问句和否定句)You needneed notnot do it again.NeedNeed he dodo his homework first?518.我最喜欢的科目是英语。1)._ 2)._19.在海南,冬天从不下雪。In Hainan,it never snows_ _._.20.我们的暑假七月一日开始。Our summer holiday starts _ _._.21.中国儿童 6 岁开始上学。Children in China start school _ _ _ _._.22.Sandy 没有许多时间打网球 Sandy _.。23.你多久参观一次博物馆?_你多久去一次野餐?_

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