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3、toclean11.What_totreesinthedifferentseason?A.happenB.happensC.happened12.Lastsummer.I_inthelakeandplayedonthebeach.A.swimB.swamC.willswim13.DidyoueatgoodfoodinChina?_.A.Yes,IdoB.No,IdidntC.No,Idid14.Weplayedbasketball_.A.sometimesB.onSaturdaysC.lastSaturday( ) 1. She watered the flowers _. A .tomorr

4、ow B .sometimes C .yesterday morning ( ) 2.What _ Mike do last weekend ? A do B does C did ( ) 3. I _ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning ( ) 4. I often help my mother _ housework. A does B did C do ( ) 5. _ you _ TV last night . A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched ( ) 6.-Did yo

5、ur father write an e-mail yesterday ? A Yes, he did. B Yes, he does C No, he dont ( ) 7.They _ on a trip in February ,2007. A are going B going C went ( ) 8.Were going to _ mountains tomorrow A climb B climbed C climbing( ) 1. She watered the flowers _. A tomorrow B sometimes C yesterday morning ( )

6、 2.What _ Mike do last weekend ? A do B does C did ( ) 3. I _ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning ( ) 5. _ you _ TV last night . A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched ( ) 6.-Did your father write an e-mail yesterday ? A Yes, he did. B Yes, he does C No, he dont ( ) 7.They _ on a t

7、rip in February ,2007. A are going B going C went ( ) 9. _ he _ football two days ago? A Does , play B Did , played C Did , play 二、改错题(请改正每个句子中的一个错误) 1How is Jane yesterday? _ 2He go to school by bus last week. _ 3He goes home at 6:00 last month. _ 4Did you saw him just now ?_ 5He wait for you three

8、 hours ago. _6. I readed an English book last week_三改写句子: 1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home. 2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge? 3、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup? 4. Frank read an inter

9、esting book about history. (一般疑问句) _ Frank _ an interesting book about history? 5. Why not go out for a walk? (同义句) _ _ _ out for a walk?四写出下列动词的过去式 isam_ fly_ plant_ are _ drink_ play_ go_ make _ does_ dance_ worry_ ask _ taste_ eat_ draw_ put _ throw_ kick_ pass_ do _visit - water- live- watch- pl

10、ay- want- need- work- stay- study- listen- stop- shop- like- hate- call -第一类Amy is fat now.Amy is very thin two years ago.The dog is old nowThe dog was young three years ago.The water is dirty now.The water was clean last year.第二类They were students last yearThey were happy just nowWe were in the cla

11、ssroom five minutes agoThey were in America in 2013.第三类I go to school every dayI went to school yesterdayJohn visits the museums on FridaysJohn visited the museums last summerTim buys a book in the morningTim bought a book last Sunday一般现在时用法:描述过去某时刻发生的动作或所处的状态句型变换J将下列句子变为否定句、一般疑问句第一类:I was in the market yesterdayYou were a studentThe cat was illI was unhappy 第二类We had 4 lessonsI slept just nowI had a dream yesterdayI went to school last weekI became an alien 20 years ago.小结:助动词did本领大 ,否定疑问都靠它Did还是照妖镜,动词见它现原形5

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