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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:2134279 上传时间:2024-05-17 格式:DOC 页数:1 大小:22.55KB
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1、My favourite foodThere is a lot of food in the world. My favourite food is rice. It is small and white. It is soft. It tastes yummy. It smells nice. I like to eat it at noon. It makes me full. I like rice best. Do you like it?My favourite fruitThere is a lot of fruit in the world. My favourite fruit

2、 is grapes. They are purple and round. They are smooth. They taste sweet and sour. They smell nice. I like to eat them in summer. Do you like them?My favourite animalI have a dog. Its name is Henry. It is my favourite animal. It has a small nose and two big eyes. Its legs are long. It can run fast a

3、nd jump high. It is clever. I like it very much.My favourite sportMy favourite sport is basketball. I always wear a T-shirt to play basketball. I can throw the basketball in the net. I can catch the basketball too. I like to watch basketball games on TV. I want to be a basketball player.My favourite

4、 seasonThere are four seasons in a year. My favourite season is summer. In summer, its hot and wet. The flowers are beautiful. The leaves are green. I can go to the beach and swim in the sea. I can eat ice cream too. My favourite festivalMy favourite festival is the Spring Festival. My parents buy m

5、e new clothes before the festival. On New Years Eve, we have a big dinner together. I can visit my relatives and friends. I can watch colourful fireworks too. I like the Spring Festival. My familyI have a small family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My fath

6、er is a worker. My mother is a worker too. I am a student. We are happy. I like my family.My dayI go to school at seven oclock every weekday. I usually have seven classes at school. I often go home at half past four in the afternoon. After dinner, I do my homework in the living room. Then, I have a

7、bath and go to bed.My weekI go to school on weekdays. I often go to the school library on Monday and Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, I usually go to the Chinese chess club. I go home early on Friday afternoon. At weekends, I go to the park. I always have a good time there.My

8、shadowThis is my shadow. It is also my friend. I go to school at seven oclock in the morning. My shadow often goes with me. Sometimes my shadow stays behind me. Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me. Sometimes my shadow grows short and small. Sometimes my shadow grows big and strong. I like my shadow.

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