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1、个人收集整理 勿做商业用途Lesson 1 A private conversationKey words: theatre; interesting; enjoy; angry; turn round; pay attention; bear; none of your businessGrammar: simple statements(Basic Sentence Patterns):1)主 + 动(SV)eg:I work。 2)主 + 系 + 表(SVP)eg:John is busy。 3)主 + 动 + 宾(SVO)eg:She studies English。 4)主 + 动

2、+ 宾 + 补(SVOC)eg:Time would prove me right. 5)主 + 动 + 间宾 + 直宾(SVOiOd)eg:My mother made me a new dress.Teaching procudure:Warm-up questions :Do you often go to the cinema ? Why ? Which cinema do you like to go ? Today we are going to learn a story happened in cinema.1. Ask two questions to attract stu

3、dents attention to the topicWhy is it a private conversation ?Why did the writer complain to the people behind him ?2. Let students dragon to read the passage and underline the new words while reading.Teacher write down the new words on board and ask students to guess the meaning according to the co

4、ntext。 For some words, teacher will add English explanations。3. Compare the result with New words and expressions 4. Teacher leads the students to read the new words.5. Ask students to make sentences with the new words。6. Retell story with giving clues writing by teacher on board.Last week theatre s

5、eatinterestingenjoy-young man and young womanbehindloudlyangryactors-lookedatangrily-attentionbearturned round again-said angrilysaid rudelyprivate conversation7. Grammar teaching 8. Finish Multiple choice questions on P7Lesson 2 Please send me a cardKey words: spoil; Italy; Italian; lent; pass; pos

6、tcard; decision; spent; Grammar: Past tense 1.肯定句:主语+动词过去式 I played football yesterday。2。否定句:主语+didnt+动词原形 She didnt have lunch yesterday.3。一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形- ? Did he do his homework last night ?4.时间短语:yesterday last night ( month year week ) two days (months years weeks ) agoTeaching procudures:1

7、. New words teaching 一.Postcards always spoil my holidays。 Holiday1. on holiday度假 in holidays在假期中二。I visited museums and sat in public gardens。 Visit1。visit(动词) 拜访;参观 visitor (名词) 游客;来访者 2.(短语)pay a visit to sp / sb 拜访某人(游玩某地)三。A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Friendly1。 friend(名词

8、)朋友 make friends with含义:_2。 friendly (形容词) 友好的 be friendly to sb含义:_Teach1。teach(动词) 教授(知识) teacher (名词) 教师2.teach sb sth = teach sth to sb 教某人某事格林先生这学期教我们英语 Mr Green _ _ English this term.四.Then he lent me a book。 Lend1. lend sb sth含义:_ lend sth to sb含义:_ 他昨天把自行车借给了我 He lent _ _ _ yesterday.2. borr

9、ow sth from sb含义: _ 我上星期从她那里借了一本书 He _ a book _ _ last week.五.I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word。 Few1. a few 一些(修饰复数名词) few 几乎没有一些( 否定副词)2。a little 一点、一些(修饰不可数名词) little几乎没有一些(否定副词)Fill in the blanks : A。 a little B。 a few C. little D。 few a。 Hurry up ! There is _ time left. b。 Im

10、thirsty. Give me _ water , please。c. There are _ apples at home . Go and get some. d. Dont worry! We have _ friends and they can help us。六。Everyday I thought about postcards。 Think about / of1。think of 认为 你认为这本书怎么样? _ do you _ _ this book ? 2. think about doing sth 考虑做某事他在考虑买一本字典 He _ _ about _ a di

11、ctionary.七。My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends。 Pass1.Pass sb sth含义:_ pass sth to sb含义:_请把书递给我 _ _ the book , please.Send1。Send sb sth = send sth to sb 他总是给我寄些卡片 He always _ some cards _ _。八。On the last day I made a big decision. Decision1。decision(名词) 决定 decide(动词)决定2

12、。make a decision to do =decide to do含义:_ 我决定去大连度假 _.九.I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. Buy1。Buy sb sth含义:_ buy sth for sb含义:_爸爸常常给我买食物吃 My father often _ _ nice _.2. Give students time to read the article and underline the past form of verbs.Then ask them to write down the verb on board

13、.3. Check the correct form of simple verbs and simple past verbs.4. Finish the exercises on book. Lesson 3 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行【New words and expressions】 生词和短语exciting adj。 令人兴奋的excite:激动excited:ed: 自己感到 / ing:令人感到exciting boy 令人兴奋的男孩interesting manThe man is interesting.The news exciting,I am

14、excited这类动词的宾语是人The news excited me。让后面的人感到。interesting:令人感到有趣的interested: 感到有意思的The book interests me。那本事让我感到很有趣receive v。 接受, 收到accept : 同意接收receive:客观的收到This morning I received a bunch of flowers from a boy,but I didnt accept it.firm n。 商行, 公司companydifferent adj. 不同的centre n。 中心abroad adv。 在国外副词

15、, 直接和动词连用go abroad 去国外live abroad 国外定居study abroad 国外学习【课文讲解】received a letter from just和完成时连用I have arrived in Beijing. (has been)arrive 是瞬间动词不能和段时间连用He has been in Beijing for one year.has been + in 地点a great number of 类似于, 约等于a lot ofa great number of 后面一定要加可数名词复数a lot of 可加可数名词也可加不可数名词I have a l

16、ot of friendsI have a great number of friends.has gone to :去了某地没回来has been to :曾经去过某地, 现在不在那个地方Have you been to Paris?soon:很快(时间)from there:从那地方起from 即可以加时间又可以加地点before副词, 在此之前现在完成时态的标志find trip excitingfind +宾语+形容词做宾补find the room cleanfind her happybe finding Im finding.。 。 。 Were finding.。. .在口语中

17、经常使用语法精粹下面表示状态、感觉、情绪、精神活动的动词不可用于进行时believe;doubt see hear know understand belong thinkconsider feel look seem show mind have sound taste require possess care like hate love detest desirearrive不能和断时间连用用进行时态表示将来时态的 : go, come ,leave ,arrive一般过去式和现在完成式的相同点, 不同点, 用的时候要注意什么下面几个词一出现就标志着完成式 : just before a

18、lreadyreceive take(拿 带, 一般不作收到用)他到某地有多久了. He has been.。 。. I have been here for three years。find:发现, 找到find the book dirtyfind+n。+a。(宾补)Lesson 4 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 pigeon n. 鸽子Its not my pigeon。 这不是我的过错None of my busness.message n. 信息information.。不可数leave sb. a m

19、essage:给.。留便条Ill leave you a message.take a message for sb:替。.捎口信Can I take a message for you? 你能替我捎个口信吗?Can you take a message for me?打电话 : Hello!-May I have a word with Tom ?/May I speak with/to Tom?Can you take a message for me?cover v. 越过cover:覆盖cover+距离 : 越过cover the distancedistance n. 距离 dist

20、ant:(a)远距离的importance:(n.)重要 important:(a.)重要的difference : (n.)不同 different:(a.) 不同的keep distance:保持距离Can I share this table? Can I join you?request n. 要求, 请求request for: 对.。有请求, 有需求I have a request for the cake.request sb.to do sth。要求某人做.。ask sb.to do sth。require sb。to do sth.you are required/asked

21、 to do。对人要求习惯用被动语态spare part 备件service n。 业务, 服务serve:(v。) 服务, 接待service:(n。)服务, 业务at your serviceglad to be at your service-I am glad to be at your service. 我很乐意为您效劳.Thank you.You are welcome.(下次又需要再来找我)/Not at all。(根本完全不用谢)/Thats (all)right.(绝对正确, 绝对过时)/(Its) My pleasure。(我很高兴这么做)/Thats ok.(类似于Tha

22、ts (all)right。)-Thank you for your listening.在讲课, 演讲结束时说, 即感谢大家的合作的概念情急之下, 可通用以下 : -No thanks.No sorry.【课文讲解】another:其它的很多个中的一个other: 其它的the other:两者中另外for:为了just.完成时态from。.to.。.:从一个地点的另外一个地点英语中能使文章生辉的一个是动词一个是介词carry:带着, 携带 其强调所携带的东西不会着地, 体会下例 : I take my sister to the cinema.I carried my son。I carr

23、y the bag.cover the distance:飞过那段距离up to now:到现在为止(现在完成时)request for:对.。的需求a great many:许多(+可数名词复数)a great number of : 许多(+可数名词复数)。.request and 。.message(并列)urgent(adj):紧急的sth。urgent:紧急的事情another:其它中的一个(+单数名词)the other:两个之中的另外一个one.。the otherother:(a.)+n。 其它的 (可+单/复数名词)others=other + 名词复数(不用再加名词)Som

24、e boys are playing football。and others are rowing/(going boating)。One is watering the flowers,and the other is reading。 Can you show me another?【Special Difficulties】 难点in this way:这样,以这种方式in a friendly wayin a way : 从某种意义上来说: In a way,you are kind。in the way:挡路: Sorry,you are in the way。(在口语中很少用, 一

25、般用Excuse me)out of the way:让路 : Get out of the way!。你给我滚出去!by the way:随便说一声, 随便问一下(开头-转移话题, 随意)on the way(to):在去。.的途中 on the way to school/the office,on the way home。另 : in the family way:怀孕了, 快有小孩了(have a baby)The woman is in the family way.Exercise1 _ from Athens to London, the plane stopped at Ro

26、me.2 I cooked this _ you showed me.3 _ , where is my coat?4 Yes, _ he has been very successful.5 Children get _ during the holidays。(1) .。.On the way。.。Athens:雅典London:伦敦(2).in the way这种方式I do。.in the way you showed me.I fly the kite in the way you showed me.(3)。By the way。(4)。.in a way.。从某种意义上来说(5)

27、。.。.get ones own way:随心所欲 (at ones pleasure)关于系动词 : 一般来说, 如be become 一定不单独使用, 往往要在后面加上表语, 我们称它为系动词. 但另外还有一些系动词同时又是不及物的实义动词, 常见的有 : seem look appear sound taste feel smell stay remain keep grow trun go run get prove stande等, 这些词有的语法书上称为半联系动词。 A little 修饰不可数名词; a few 修饰可数名词soon:不久以后, 强调的是时间上的快He will

28、soon visit Darwin。He will visit Darwin, (a)quickly (b)for a short time (c) shortly (d)in a hurryHe went quickly 。quickly指的是动作上的快for a short time:不久, 表示动作延续一段时间soon:不久以后, 表示在这段时间之后shortly=soon。不久以后in a hurry:匆忙的指的是动作【时态填空】1 What _ you _ (buy) yesterday?2 Up till now, he never _ (lend) me anything.3 _

29、 you (burn) those old papers yet?4 He _ (fight) in Flanders in the First World War.5 They already _ (leave)。6 When _ you _ (lose) your umbrella?7 _ you _ (listen) to the concert last night?8 We just _ (win) the match。1。.。did。.。yesterday,一般过去时2。.has never lent.up till now/up to now,现在完成时never属于频率副词,

30、频率副词一定会放在实义动词之前, 非实义动词之后3。.。.。have you burned.。burn:燃烧, yet,现在完成时的标志4.。.。.fought。.。(fight的过去分词)in the first World War,in+具体的过去年代是具体的过去时间, 一般过去时5.。.。have already left。.。already:已经6。.did you lose.When,对时间点提问要不然和将来时连用, When will you do sth?如果确定不和将来时连用, 一般情况When的出现意味着一般过去时现在完成时会用How long定位7。.。Did you li

31、sten.。.last night,一般过去时8.。have just won。just动词的时态的第一种概念 : 根据这句话本身找关键词完形填空一句话的出的结论不一定是正确, 往往要根据上下文的时间得出时态 Lesson 5 Too late 为时太晚【New words and expressions】 生词和短语detective n. 侦探detective story 侦探小说airport n. 机场airfield n. 飞机起落的场地port 港口; airport航空港field 田野; airfield 停机坪expect v. 期待, 等待except (prep)除之外

32、expect/ikspekt/ v。 期待, 等待I think so.I expect so。我希望如此口语expect sb。to do sth。期待某人做某事expect sth.及物动词 : I expect your letter。I expect you to write back。wait for sth。/wait for sb.不及物动词expect:心理上的等待wait for:动作上的等待I wait for my mother。I expect my mother to come back.valuable adj. 贵重的precious adj。 珍贵的value

33、n。v -valuable adj.有价值的sth.is valuable/sth。is preciousprecious 带有感情色彩的precious photo 珍贵的照片price 价格; priceless adj.-less 表否定; 没有价格的, 无价的valueless adj。 没有价值, 不足道的 worth 值 : worthless adj。 无价值的parcel n。 包裹diamond n。 钻石precious stone 宝石 crystal 水晶; jade 玉 diamond ring 钻石戒指steal v. 偷steal,stole,stolen ste

34、al sth。 偷(某物)rob sb. 抢(某人)My wallet was stolen。I was robbed.rob the bank 与地点相连的偷抢都用rob+地点main adj。 主要的main building; main streetmain sentence; main idea 但不能与人连用guard n. 警戒, 守卫life guard 救生员/body guard 保镖stone n. 石子sand n. 沙子本课重点 : 过去进行时, 一般过去时一般过去时与现在完成时共同点 : 动作在过去都做过了。 区别 : 过去式只能强调过去的事, 和现在没有任何关系.

35、I ate a piece of bread。现在完成时, 过去的事情对现在产生的影响. I have eaten a piece of bread this morning.Im not hungry.The clock stopped.陈述事实The clock has stopped。过去的事实对现在造成影响It snowed yesterday。It has snowed yesterday.强调对现在造成影响【课文讲解】all morning=all the morningThe plane was late 飞机晚(点)了The bus was late./The train wa

36、s late。.。were waiting.。. 故事背景, 用进行时态They were expecting。期待着心理上的等They were waiting for。.a valuable parcel of diamondsSouth Africa 南非a few hours earlier 几个小时以前a few hours before/a few hours agosomeone had told.。过去完成时, 过去以前发生的事情.。that thieves would try to.。would+do 过去将来时,间接方式, 转述, 站在过去看未来that 从句.典型的宾语从

37、句, 起转述作用steal sth。one。.。the other.。/some。others.。others=other+名词复数。.the plane arrived,.。were waiting inside the main buildingwhile others were waiting on。when; while 当时候while能用when代替; 但是when却不一定能用while代替。while+从句, 动作一定会延续when+延续性动词/瞬间动词; when he arrivedwhen he diedwhen,while强调动作同时发生过去进行时 : 在过去的某一点时间

38、, 或者是过去某一动作同时发生的另外一个动作瞬间动词(arrive)无进行时态I am arriving 进行时态表示将要When he arrived,I was having dinner.同时发生的两个动作, 均用过去进行时When I was doing my homework,my mother was cooking.When my mother was doing the housework,my father was watching TV.同时发生的两个动作1。一个用一般过去时, 另一个用过去进行时2。分工的情况, 均用过去进行时When the plane arrived,

39、.。were waiting inside the main buildingwhile others were waiting on。Two men took the parcel off。take sth.off.=take sth.away from。.and carried it into。.carried 表示看得很重Customs House 海关While.。were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel。表面上是分工, 两个动作同时发生, 不是同时开始同时结束, 延续时间不一致, 长一点时间的动作用进行时态

40、, 短时间的动作用过去时.When someone knocked at the door,I was having dinner.keep guard 守卫; at the door 在门边(固定搭配)two others=two other detectivesTo their surpriseto ones surprise,让某人惊讶的是To my surprise,the teacher was late.To ones +表达人情绪的名词to ones joyTo my joy, my mother came here yesterday.to ones excitementTo

41、our excitement,our team wins。be full of .装满My bag was full of books。The cup is full of water。总结a few hours ealier 几个小时以前two othersto ones surprise,.。be full of 装满重点 : 过去动作同时发生的时态1。过去两个动作同时发生, 习惯上一个用一般过去时, 另一个用过去进行时; 动作长用过去进行时, 动作短用一般过去时; 分工的情况, 动作的开始时间和结束时间几乎相同, 均用过去进行时; I was listening to the radio

42、,my sister was dancing。2.两个动作在同时段进行, 在不同时间结束, 先发生的动作未结束, 另一个动作发生, 先发生的动作用进行时态, 另一个动作用过去时。When the telephone rang,I was opening the door。先开门When the telephone was ringing, I opened the door.电话先响3.瞬间动词没有进行时态, 所以两个动作同时发生, 延续性动词用进行时态, 瞬间动词使用过去时态. 【Special Difficulties】 难点Do you remember these sentences?

43、come and look at.。I am looking for。v。+prep。+宾语Now read these sentencesv.+prep。/adv。代表不同的意思look at 看; look after照料v。+prep。/adv.+宾语(n.)v.+宾语(n./pron。)+prep./adv。take off the coat.。.。take the coat off/take it offcoat n。作宾语put on your shoes/put your shoes on/put them on宾语的位置和词性取决于施加动作的动词介词出现, 一定要有宾语, 所以

44、v.+prep.+宾语(n.)副词可省略。v.+宾语(n./pron。)+adv. 或v.+adv。+宾语(n.)at,after prep; off adv.vt。+宾语(及物)vi。+prep.+宾语(不及物)take vt。/look vi.I always take money with me.我身上总带些钱Exerciseput the book on the desk- put vt.put out.-out adv。He is looking for his pen。.。.for prep.1 He gave away all his books.2 She woke up the children early this morning。3 He is looking for his umbrella。4 They cut off the kings head。5 Put on your hat and coat.6 Give

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