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1、北京版小学英语五年级上册复习 Lesson 1 重点词 肉类: meat(肉) 甜点类: sandwiches(三明治) fish (鱼) hamburgers(汉堡) chicken(鸡肉) donuts(面包圈) cupcakes(纸杯蛋糕) 主食类:rice(米饭) 饮料类:milk shake(奶昔) noodles(面条) apple juice(苹果汁) hot dog(热狗) milk(牛奶) French fries(薯条) water(水) Fried rice(炒米饭) soup(汤) 重点词组 a bottle of juice(一瓶饮料) a bottle of wat

2、er(一瓶水) 重点句型 Chicken or fish, which do you like better? 鸡肉和鱼,你更喜欢哪个? I like fish better. 我更喜欢鱼。 Sandwiches or hamburgers, which do you like better? 三明治和汉堡,你更喜欢哪个? I like sandwiches better. 我更喜欢三明治。 Donuts or cupcakes ,which do you like better? 面包圈和纸杯蛋糕,你更喜欢哪个? I like donuts better. 我更喜欢面包圈。 Milk sha

3、ke or apple juice, which do you like better? 奶昔和苹果汁,你更喜欢哪个? I like milk shake better. 我更喜欢奶昔。我会说What is your favourite food? What is your favourite drink?My favourite food is sandwiches. My favourite drink is milk shake. Lesson2 重点单词:English 英语 P.E. 体育 Chinese 语文calligraphy 书法 science 科学 art 美术maths

4、 数学 music 音乐 computer 电脑 重点词组:Over there 那里 favourite subject 最喜欢的科目 very much 非常 重点句型:Which class do you like best? I like English best.I do best in English 我会说: English is my favourite subject. I like English best. Lesson 3 重点词:reading drawing singing dancing 读书 画画 唱歌 跳舞 skating swimming keeping b

5、irds 滑雪 游泳 养鸟 growing flowers throwing beanbags 养花 扔沙包 skipping rope 跳绳重点词组:Around the World fairy tale 环游世界 神话故事 science fiction wait a minute 科学小说 稍等重点句型:I like(reading),but I like(drawing) better. 我喜欢阅读 ,但是我更喜欢画画 。 我会说:(Mingming)likes(reading)better.(He)(reads)a lot of(books).Lesson 5重点词组1. come

6、to my house . 来我家 2. go to your house.去你家 3. stay at home.待在家里 4. wait for my brother.等我弟弟 5. say that again.再说一遍 6. here you are. 给你7. walk the dog. 遛狗 8. tidy my room.整理房间 重点句型Would you like to come to my house ?你愿意来我家吗?Sorry, I cant. I must stay at home. 对不起,我不能。我必须待在家里。 我会说Would you please Lingl

7、ing: Would you please pass me that books?Sara: Sure , here you are, Lingling .Lingling: Thank you, Sara. Lesson 6 一、句子1. Can I use your computer?Sorry. I need to finish my homework first. 2. Can I open the gift box?Sorry. Its not for you. 3. Can I go out and play?Sorry. Its raining outside. 4. Can I

8、 watch the cartoons?Sorry. Dad is watching the news. 二、词组1.No problem没问题 2.half past four四点半3.on your own 靠自己 三、我会说1. May I use your pen?Sure. Here you are./Sorry. You cant. Because I need to- 2. May I use your ruler?Sure. Here you are./Sorry. You cant. Because I need to- 3. May I use your rubber/er

9、aser?Sure. Here you are./Sorry. You cant. Because I need to- Lesson 7 重点词组 tidy my room 整理房间 water the plants浇植物 wash his socks 洗他的袜子 clean and bright干净又明亮 keep your room tidy 保持你的房间整洁 join us 加入我们 表示建议的句子Shall we-?我们-好吗?Lets -.让我们-吧。 重点句型The windows are dirty. Shall we clean them this afternoon?Yes

10、, lets. The bike is broken. Shall we fix it this afternoon?Yes, lets. The plants are dry . Shall we water them this afternoon?Yes, lets. 我会说The windows are dirty. Lets clean them.The plants are dry. Lets water them.The bike is broken. Lets fix it. Lesson 9 重点词the MidAutumn Festival (中秋节) the Double

11、Ninth Festival (重阳节) the Lantern Festival (元宵节) the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) 重点词组 moon cakes(月饼) Chinese calendar(农历) Whole family (全家人) 重点句型 When is the MidAutumn Festival? Its on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. 我会说 The Mid Autumn Festival is on the fifteenth day of

12、 the eighth month In the Chinese calendar. We eat moon cakes .And we enjoy the bright full moon. Lesson 10 一、重点词组 climb mountains(爬山) do something for the old(为老人做事情) 二、重点句型 We eat Chongyang cake on that day. 在这天,我们会吃重阳糕。 We eat jiaozi on the Spring Festival. 在春节,我们会吃饺子。 We eat zonzi on the Dragon B

13、oat Festival. 在端午节,我们会吃粽子。 We eat yuanxiao on the Lantern Festival. 在元宵节,我们会吃元宵。三、我会说 What will you do on the Double Ninth Festival? I will visit my grandparents.Im going to visit my grandpa. I have a gift for him. Lesson 11一、重点单词:Halloween enjoy superheroes 万圣节前夜 享受 超人aliens sounds exciting外星人 听起来

14、令人兴奋的二、重点词组:a lot of dress up at night 许多 打扮 在晚上 knock on doors 敲门 三、重点句型:Can you tell me more about Halloween?你能告诉我更多关于万圣节前夜的知识吗?Children dress up at night and knock on doors for candies. 孩子们在晚上打扮自己去别人家敲门,要糖。 Can you tell me more about the Dragon Boat Festival ?你能告诉我更多关于端午节的知识吗? People have dragon

15、boat races and eat zongzi.人们举行赛龙舟吃粽子。 Can you tell me more about Thanksgiving Day?你能告诉我更多关于感恩节的知识吗?Families get together and eat turkey.全家人聚在一起并吃火鸡。Can you tell me more about Easter?你能告诉我更多关于复活节的知识吗?Children have an Easter egg hunt孩子们进行寻找复活节彩蛋活动。 我会说:What will you dress up as at Halloween? Id like t

16、o be an alien . 我想当外星人。I want to be superheroes . 我想当超级英雄。I will be a witch. 我要做巫婆 介绍节日1The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. We eat moon cakes. The whole family gets together. We eat moon cakes and fruits. and enjoy the bright full moon. 2 The

17、Double Ninth Festival is on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar. We eat Chongyang cakes. Old people climb mountains with their families.Young people usually do something for the old .Im going to visit my grandpa. I have a gift for him. 3 Halloween Its on October 31st. Children d

18、ress up at night. We enjoy dressing up as superheroes or aliens. We knock on doors and say “Trick or treat”.We get candies. We must have a lot of fun and get a lot of candies. Lesson 15一、 重点词组New York纽约 mother tongue 母语 North America北美 the capital of the U.S.A. 美国的首都 in the east of the United States

19、 of America 在美国的东部speak both English and French 说英语和法语 二、重点句型1、Where are you from ? 你来自哪里?Im from New York in the U.S.A.我来自美国的纽约。 2、Where are you from? 你来自哪里? Im from Canada我来自加拿大Im from Toronto in Canada . 我来自加拿大的多伦多 3、Where are you from? 你来自哪里? Im from Australia.我来自澳大利亚 Im from Sydney in Australia

20、.我来自澳大利亚的悉尼。4、Do you know my country? 你知道我的国家吗? 三I can say我会说1、Where are you from? Im from Kunming in Yunnan.2、Lingling: Where are you from, Mike? Mike: Im from Canada.3、Baobao: Where are you from ,Sara? Sara: Im from New York. Lesson 16 一、重点单词:The U.K(英国) China(中国) The U.S.A.(美国) Australia(澳大利亚)Can

21、ada(加拿大) Russia(俄罗斯) France法国 二、重点词组:Good morning(早上好) look at(看)in the U.K. 在英国 in Europe 在欧洲long and wide(又长又宽) the national flag of China中国的国旗 三、重点句型: Where is the U.K.? Its in Europe. 英国在哪? 在欧洲。 Where is China? Its in Asia. 中国在哪? 在亚洲。 Where is the U.S.A.? Its in Europe. 美国在哪? 在欧洲。 Where is Austr

22、alia? Its in Oceania. 澳大利亚在哪? 在大洋洲。 Where is Canada? Its in North America. 加拿大在哪? 在北美洲。 Where is Russia? Its in Europe and Asia 俄罗斯在哪? 在欧洲和亚洲之间。 四、我会说 How much do you know about the world? This is the national flag of China. The capital is Beijing of China. Lesson 17 一、重点词组:at home 在家 in the east of

23、 the country. 在国家的东部the land of the maple 枫树之国 maple leaf 枫树叶 the national flag 国旗 二、重点句型:1. Where is Ottawa? 渥太华在哪里? Its in the east of the Canada. 在加拿大的东部2. Where is Shanghai? 上海在哪里?Its in the east of China. 在中国的东部3. Where is Lhasa? 拉萨在哪里?Its in the west of China. 在中国的西部4. Where is Hohhot? 呼和浩特在那?

24、Its in the north of China. 在中国的北部5. Where is Guangzhou? 广州在哪里?Its in the south of China. 在中国的南部三、我会说 I can say.Canberra is in the south of Australia. 堪培拉在澳大利亚的南部Beijing is in the north of China. 北京在中国的北部Washington,D.C . is in the east of the U.S.A. 华盛顿在美国的东部Moscow is in the west of Russia. 莫斯科在俄罗斯的西

25、部 Lesson 19 一、重点单词球类rugby badminton basketball tennis ice hockey 橄榄球 羽毛球 篮球 网球 冰球,冰上曲棍球 volleyball 排球 table tennis乒乓球 baseball棒球 二、 重点词组1.horse racing赛马 2.in the U.K. 在英国 3.sports lovers体育运动爱好者 三、 重点句型1、Whats your favourite game?你最喜欢的运动是什么? Its rugby.是橄榄球2、Whats your favourite game? Its badminton.是羽

26、毛球3、Whats your favourite game? Its basketball.是篮球4、Whats your favourite game? Its tennis.是网球5、Whats your favourite game? Its ice hockey.是冰球6、Whats your favourite game? Its baseball.是棒球7、Whats your favourite game? Its volley ball.是排球8、 Im sorry. 对不起;真遗憾 9、 Its fun and exciting.很有趣也很令人兴奋四、我会说 My favou

27、rite sport is basketball.Lesson 20一、 重点单词American football(美式足球) baseball(棒球)football(足球) table tennis(乒乓球)taekwondo (跆拳道) Chinese kung fu(中国武术)二、重点词组1、play basketball(打篮球) 2、every day(每天)3、 fun and popular(很有趣也很流行)4、 basketball player(篮球队员) 5、have to(必须) 三、重点句型American football is popular美式足球很流行。 S

28、o is baseball. 棒球也很流行Football is popular. 足球很流行。 So is table tennis. 乒乓球也很流行。Taekwondo is popular.跆拳道很流行。 So is Chinese kung fu.中国功夫也很流行。Good luck(祝你好运)四、我会说 Find out the popular sports in these countries. “Badminton is popular in China.”China: badminton、table tennis、basketball、football、tennis.The U

29、.S.A.: American football、basketball、baseball.Canada: ice hockey、skiing、skating.The U.K.: rugby、football、tennis、golf.France: football、bicycling、tennis、skiing. Lesson 21一、 重点单词 ice sports diving table tennis skating skiing 冰上运动 跳水 乒乓球 滑冰 滑雪ball games water sports ice hockey球类运动 水上运动 冰球,冰上曲棍球二、 重点词组 ta

30、ke a break sports lovers be good at ice sports 休息 运动爱好者 擅长 冰上运动 in the world世界上 go skiing 滑雪三重点句型1、What are you good at? We are good at ice sports你们最擅长什么? 我们最擅长冰上运动.2、What are you good at ? We are good at diving. 我们最擅长跳水3、What are you good at ? We are good at table tennis. 我们最擅长打乒乓球4、What are you go

31、od at ? We are good at skating. 我们最擅长滑冰 5、What are you good at ? We are good at skiing. 我们最擅长滑雪6、What are you good at ? We are good at ice hockey. 我们最擅长打冰球. 7、What are you good at ? We are good at ball games. 我们最擅长球类运动8、What are you good at ? We are good at water sports. 我们最擅长水上运动 四.我会说What are you

32、good at? I am good at table tennis. 你最擅长什么? 我最擅长打乒乓球。 Lesson 23一、重点词组by car by plane by subway by taxi 乘小汽车 乘飞机 乘地铁 乘出租车 by train by bus on foot by bike乘火车 乘公共汽车 步行 骑自行车二、重点句型 Are you going to Chengdu by train?你们打算乘火车去成都吗? No,we are going by plane. 不,我们打算乘飞机去。 Are you going to Birds Nest by car? 你们打

33、算乘小汽车去鸟巢吗? No,we are going by subway. 不,我们打算乘地铁去。 Are you going to the Summer Palace by bus? 你们打算乘公共汽车去鸟巢吗? No,we are going by taxi. 不,我们打算乘出租车去。 我会说 I will go to the supermarket by bus. I will go to Xian by subway.I will go to the cinema by car. Lesson 24一、 重点词组would like 想要 How about -怎么样 pick up

34、接;捡起一、 重点句型1、What will you do in Sichuan? I will visit Do-jiang-yan.2、What will you do in Shandong? I will visit Mount Tai.3、What will you do in Gansu? I will visit the Mogao Caves.4、What will you do in Tibet? I will visit the Potala Palace.三、我会说 What would you like to drink? Id like some apple juic

35、e.Lesson 25一、重点词组1 Nice to see you很高兴见到你 2 a good driver一名好司机 3 What time几点了4 at seven thirty在七点半 5 after breakfast早饭后6 in the afternoon在下午 7 busy day忙碌的一天8come back 回来 9 Have a nice day祝你们玩儿的愉快二、重点词组 get up(起床) have breakfast(吃早饭) visit the palace(参观宫殿)meet at the gate(在大门口见面) have lunch(吃午饭)leave

36、for the museum(出发去博物馆) have dinner(吃晚饭)leave for the show(出发去看展览) get back to the hotel(回到旅馆)go home (回家)三、 重点句型1、What time are we going to get up? 我们将要在几点起床? We are going get up at 6:30. 我们将要在6:30起床2、What time are we going to have breakfast? 我们将要在几点吃早饭?We are going to have breakfast at7:00. 我们将要在7:30吃早饭 3、What

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