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1、。Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Section A 1 (1a-2d)一Teaching aims: Language goals 1. Talk about how to study. 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. Ability goals 1.Words and phrases: aloud pronunciation work with friends ask the teacher for help, read aloud , look up , practice pronunc

2、iation2.Sentence patterns How do you study English? I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster? You can read faster by reading word groups.二Emotion and attidute: Developing students ability of learning English 三

3、Key points and difficulties 1. Key words and phrases2.Questions intrduced by “how”and the sentence pattern: “by +doing ”四Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do yo

4、u study English?S: I study English by _. by working with friends.by making word cards.by asking the teacher for help.by reading the textbook.by working with a group.by listening tapes.Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study._ a. by working with friends._ b

5、. by making word card._ c. by reading the textbook._ d. by listening to tapes_ e. by asking the teacher for help.Step 3 Listening 1) Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.2) Check the answers: b (Meiping); e (Peter); d (Tony)Step 4 Guess Show some pictures. Gues

6、s: How does he/she study English? He/She studies English by How do they study English? They study English byStep 5 Pairwork 1c Make conversations about how you study for a test. A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by working with a group. A: How do you study for a test? B: I study byStep 6 Li

7、stening 2a Listen and check the questions you hear.1 _ Does anyone learn English by watching videos?2 _ Do you have conversations with friends in English?3 _ What about listening to tapes?4 _ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?5 _ Have you ever studied with a group? Answers: 1, 2, 4,

8、 52b Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above. a. Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.b. Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills.c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps.d. No. Its too hard to understand spoken English. Answers: d, b, c, aStep 7 Pairwork1. 2c Make conve

9、rsations using the information in 2a and 2b A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. Show some pictures.1) A: Do you learn English by watching movies? B: Yes, its a very interesting way. C: No, its too hard to understand spoken English. 2) A: What about writ

10、ing letters to a pen pal in America? B: Yes, it helps to improve my writing skills and know a lot about America. 3) A: Do you have conversations with friends in English? B: Of course, we can talk about plenty of things like school, pets, movies, and our parents. Step 8 Summary How do you study Engli

11、sh? 1. by working with friends2. by watching English movies. 3. by making word cards. 4. by reading the textbook.5. by listening to tapes. 6. by asking the teacher for help. 7. by reading aloud.Step9 Homework How do you study English? What about physics and Chinese?Make a list.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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