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1、English Report on ReadingBIG DATA EMPOWERS TO CREATE A NEWERA目录CONTENTSIntroductionThe benefits of readingHow to choose English reading materials that are suitable for oneself目录CONTENTSReading Skills SharingSharing of Reading Practice ExperienceSummary and suggestionsBIG DATA EMPOWERS TO CREATE A NE

2、WERA01IntroductionTheme The impact of digital technology on readingBackground With the rapid development of digital technology,peoples reading habits and methods have one significant change,leading to different impacts on individuals and societyReason This report aims to explore the impact of digita

3、l technology on reading,including its positive and negative effects,and provide useful suggestions for readers and publishersTheme Introduction01To invest the impact of digital technology on reading02To analyze the positive and negative effects of digital technology on reading03To provide useful sug

4、gestions for readers and publishers in the digital age04To promote the health development of reading culture in the digital ageReport purposeBIG DATA EMPOWERS TO CREATE A NEWERA02The benefits of readingImprove sb.s EnglishRegular reading practice can improve your ability to read smoothly and effortl

5、essly,making you more confident in your language skillsDevelop fluencyReading in English exposes you to new words and phrases,increasing your vocabulary and comprehensionEnhance vocabularyThrough reading,youll account for various sensitivity structures and grammar rules,helping you to understand and

6、 use English more accuratelyImprove grammar010203Gain knowledge about different cultures Reading books,newspapers,and other materials in English provide an opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectivesUnderstand global issues English reading can help you stay informed about global e

7、vents,trends,and issues,broadcasting your understanding of the worldExpand your interests You may discover new interests and hobbies through reading,allowing you to explore diverse topics and subjectsExpand knowledge baseDeveloping thinking abilitiesBy analyzing texts and formulating opinions,readin

8、g in English can enhance your ability to think critically and make informed decisionsDevelop creativityThrough creative writing or imaging storylines,reading can spark your imagination and resource creativityEnhance problem solving skillsReading scenarios or problems in English can help you understa

9、nd complex issues and develop solutions,improving your problem solving abilitiesImprove critical thinkingBIG DATA EMPOWERS TO CREATE A NEWERA03How to choose English reading materials that are suitable for oneself1Choose based on personal interestsIf you are interested in history,choose historical no

10、vels or non fiction books about historyIf you like science fiction,choose science fiction novels or short storiesIf you enjoy biographies,choose biographies or memoriesIf you are passive about cooking,choose cookbooks or food writingBeginners Choose materials with simple language and clear grammar,s

11、o as childrens books or easy readersIntermediate Move on to materials with more complex language and presence structure,such as young adult novels or popular fictionAdvanced Challenge yourself with materials that require a high level of vocabulary and comprehension,such as academic books or literary

12、 criticismAdvisor the diversity level of the reading materialIf you want to improve your vocabulary and grammar,choose materials that focus on language learning,such as language textbooks or workbooksIf you want to learn about a specific topic or area,choose materials that are focused on that topic

13、or area,so as books about business or technologyIf you want to improve your reading speed and comprehension,choose materials with a modeled diversity level and diverse content,such as newspapers or magazinesChoose the type of reading material based on actual needsBIG DATA EMPOWERS TO CREATE A NEWERA

14、04Reading Skills SharingExtensive reading By extensively reading English original works,news reports,magazines,etc.,improve reading speed and comprehension ability,expand vocabulary and language sense.Intensive reading Select some excellent English articles for in-depth reading,understand the struct

15、ure,logic,and language characteristics of the articles,and improve the quality and depth of reading.Combining extensive and intensive readingAccumulate vocabulary Continuously accumulate new vocabulary and phrases through reading,and use tools such as vocabulary lists and electronic dictionaries to

16、deepen memory and understanding.Learning sentence structures Pay attention to excellent sentences and patterns that appear in reading,imitate and learn their expression methods and grammatical structures,and improve English expression ability.Pay attention to accumulating vocabulary and presence str

17、ucturesVS Attempt to translate some excellent English paragraphs into Chinese,deepen understanding of the original text and mastery of expression by comparing the original text and translation.Translation skills Learn some basic translation techniques,such as literal translation,free translation,add

18、itive translation,subtractive translation,etc.,to improve translation accuracy and fluency.Translation practiceAttempt to translate excel paragraphsBIG DATA EMPOWERS TO CREATE A NEWERA05Sharing of Reading Practice ExperienceDetermine reading goals When formulating a reading plan,it is necessary to f

19、irst clarify ones reading goals,such as improving English reading ability,expanding vocabulary,understanding Western culture,etc.Choose suitable reading materials Based on your reading interests and goals,choose suitable reading materials such as English novels,news,magazines,etc.Schedule reading ti

20、me and progress Develop a weekly or monthly reading plan,including the reading time period,the number of pages or chapters read per day,etc.Develop a reading planRecord reading notes During the reading process,timely record important words,phrases,sentence structures,as well as ones own insights and

21、 thoughts.Organize reading materials Organize new words,phrases,and sentence patterns encountered during reading into a notebook or electronic document for easy review and reference.Summary of Reading Gains After each reading,summarize your own gains and reflections,such as understanding the topic o

22、f the article and opinions on the authors viewpoint.Record reading experience Join an English book club or participate in online book sharing sessions to exchange reading experiences and insights with other English enthusiasts.After reading a book,write a book review and post it on reading websites

23、or social media to share your insights and reviews with more people.Invite friends or classmates to share their reading experiences together,and improve their oral expression skills through storytelling,character analysis,and other methods.Participate in book sharing sessionsWrite a book reviewOrgan

24、ize small sharing activitiesShare reading experience with othersBIG DATA EMPOWERS TO CREATE A NEWERA06Summary and suggestions Reading is an effective way to improve English proficiency.Through continuous reading,one can accumulate vocabulary,become familiar with grammar,cultivate language sense,and

25、ultimately improve their English proficiency.Reading is not only for learning,but also a form of enjoyment.Choose English books,articles,or news that interest you and enjoy the pleasure of reading,making learning English a habit.Persist in readingEnjoying readingPersist in reading and enjoy readingA

26、ctively exploring more English reading resourcesIn addition to textbooks and textbooks,you can also find more English reading materials that are suitable for you through libraries,bookstores,and the internet,such as novels,essays,news,popular science articles,etc.Expand reading materialsTry differen

27、t types of English reading materials,such as novels,biographies,history books,popular science articles,etc.,to enrich the reading experience and improve reading ability.Diversified readingLooking for English communication opportunities Participate in English corners,find foreign teachers or communic

28、ate with native English speakers,and improve oral expression skills through practical dialogue practice.要点一要点二Imitation and reading practice By imitating the pronunciation and intonation of native English speakers,as well as practicing reading practice,correct ones pronunciation and intonation,and improve oral proficiency.Communicating with native English speakers to improve oral skills感谢观看THANKS

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