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1、考研英语一作文高分模板(绝密) So thought-provoking is the phenomenon portrayed in the uppercartoon that we must give serious thought to it.发人深省的是以上漫画所描绘出的现象是我们必须认真思考的 As is depicted in the picture根据漫画中所描绘的.( 描述漫画中所呈现的表面的内容, 即漫画中何时何地发生了什么事情 ).Needless to say , this drawing is intended to convey毋庸置疑,这个绘画意在表达. ( 自己写

2、出来在漫画背后深层的含义,即出题者想要我们讨论的某个问题,一定不能写错 ). It is no difficult job for me to come up with some contributing factorsfor this phenomenon找出这种现象的成因,与我而言不是难事 . At the top of the list , with the rapid development of our economy and society ,there is an increased demand for在列表的顶部,随着经济和社会的迅速发展,对.的需要也相应增加( 依题意填 )

3、 at present . According to an official report , approximately 65% of citizens in big cities are postively in favor of the trend of目前,根据官方报道,在大城市约65%的公民支持.的趋势( 看图表 ). In addition , we must admit that with the rapid globalization of economy and culture , this phenomenon has become a trend that any cou

4、ntry/city/people cannot evade另外,我们必须承认,随着迅速的经济和文化全球化,这种想象已经成为一种任何国家、城市、民族不可规避的趋势. Finally ,the fact cannot be ignored that最后,不容忽视的事实是( 自己加一句话 ) .Taking into account what has been discussed above , a conclusion can be drawn safely that the current situation is positive and beneficial考虑到以上我们已经讨论过的,得出个结论,现状是积极和有益的 .And I finally believe that it is bound to continue in the forthcoming years anddue importance should be attached to this evident trend.最后,我相信在不远的将来,这必将继续, 这种明显的趋势应该受到应有的重视。

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