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1、Unit 11 Cyber WorldA Famous QuoteThe Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.- Bill GatesBill Gates (1955- ), American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and author. Gates is the former chief executive officer (CEO) and current chairman of Microsoft, the soft

2、ware company he founded with Paul Allen.Text A Cyber LovePre-reading Questions:1. Have you ever made a friend on the Internet? How did you develop your friendship?2. What suggestions can you give if one hopes to make friends on the Internet?Thanks to the late 20th century technology, Maria of Denmar

3、k and Martijin of Holland met on a chatline. For months theyve talked and sent letters to each other with the help of their computers as they found themselves falling head over heels in love. It was then that they decided to meet in the real, not only the virtual, world. It was not easy to arrange a

4、s the young man and his lady were separated by 700 very real kilometers, but the date was a success and Maria and Martijin have been living together happily ever since. Theyve created a home page to let the world know how theyve found happiness via the Internet and introduce couples whove met under

5、similar circumstances.Throughout history men and women have used a variety of means to find each other. Internet romance, according to some, is a bizarre method, and to others it is a natural way for the 90s to meet potential mates.Romances formed on the Internet follow a characteristic script. The

6、development of emotional intimacy is a long progress, sometimes taking several months. “Love at first byte” is rare although there are examples. The initial light exchanges, whether by e-mail or in chat rooms, are generally followed by increasingly self-revealing topics, and then after a while, the

7、two strangers perceive each other as a true friend. Hearts open, an avalanche of e-mail crosses cyberspace carrying literary quality, and electronic messages are even enhanced with verse and virtual gifts (flowers, kisses, animated pictures). Could any heart with romantic inclinations resist? When y

8、ou reach for the mouse with sweaty palms and butterflies in the stomach to look in the in-box for new mail theres just no way to escape the fact love has arrived.How does a cyber romance vary from a real life romance? Perhaps one significant difference is that communication plays such a large part.

9、Words that convey feelings have enormous effect. While before a real date we fix our hair and our clothes, on the Internet we polish our intellect, imagination and personality. In essence, the sequence is reversed first we show our inner beauty and only after it has won victory does the veil fall of

10、f the physical vehicle of that personality at the time of that first meeting in person.It is a popular topic in cyberspace to debate whether or not true love can develop merely on an intellectual level, without physical attraction or the familiarity of the others appearance. To put in another way: D

11、oes the physical appearance of the man or woman play a part in the relationship if, through the exchange of thoughts and feelings, they already fell in love?Many say it is against the nature of love to be deprived of the sense of sight, the look, the movement, and body language being present. There

12、are those, of course, who favor Internet relationship claiming that the intensity of the emotional relationship that develops in such a way is superior to the mere stirring of the flesh.Whatever the opinion may be on cyber love, it must be said in favor of the Internet that it puts people in touch w

13、ith those who they otherwise would never have met. I would never have suspected that the first person I met by e-mail would be a German chimney sweeper, with whom, after a year of correspondence, albeit not romantic, a common interest still exists.It is silly to perceive the Net as a demon, when we

14、determine how we meet its challenges. While there are those who can use the Net to their advantage extracting useful information, there are those who become addicts losing common sense, hopping from chat room to chat room, writing piles of e-mails full of lies to chosen victims, and whose virtual re

15、ality, the flirtation, become part of their everyday lives, as if a disease. One thing is true the net is very addictive. According to the confession of a multiple substance addict, it was easier to give up cocaine than the IRC.In any case, keep your eyes open off-line as well. Turn off the machine

16、and go to a dance or a club, because most woman still expect to be courted in a real, old-fashioned, and romantic way.Text B The Impact of the Internet on SocietyPre-reading Questions:1. Can you imagine what your life would be like without the Internet?2. What do you think is the impact of the Inter

17、net on society?The Internet has had a profound effect on society over the last two decades. Although it began as a government operation, over time this innovative technology eventually evolve into a public novelty. Looking at society today, one may find that the situation has certainly evolved. For

18、many, the Internet has become an essential for daily living, no longer the fun novelty it was 10 years ago. Even a decade ago if you were to think about whether or not the Internet had a significant impact on society, the answer would likely have been probably not. While the Net may have been consid

19、ered a neat innovation, it was not like anyone “needed” it.However, over time this perception has changed for many individuals in society. The Internet has become, for the most part, and absolute necessity, either by requirement or by desire. Going online has become as natural as doing other daily t

20、asks people have traditionally done. People take it for granted that the Internet will be available, and dependency on being connected has become the norm. Both business and individuals alike depend upon the routine availability of the Internet. Due to the fact that many business, government agencie

21、s ant other organizations have navigated to the online environment, generally people require consistent access, or 24/7 access, if you will.In many ways the Internet has had a very positive effect on society. It has improved communication, simplified handling tasks and errands, offered huge convenie

22、nce, enabled faster processing, and provided more options, all of which have freed more time to do other things.Yet, interestingly enough the Internet has, in some ways, had negative effects. The quality of communication has declined; people are impatient because they have become accustomed to insta

23、nt gratification, and using the Internet also takes up a lot of time. As website such as Facebook and other socially based interactions increase in usage, many hours a day are consumed as people keep up with their various networks, taking away from other activities.When looking at it from the latter

24、 perspective, one may wonder whether or not the Internet has truly benefited society. Realistically, as with anything else, the Internet has its pros and cons. Tools such as e-mail and instant messaging have become the standard; social networks are quickly evolving into the next level of communicati

25、on, and people enjoy their constant access. In this respect the benefits of the Internet are tremendous. This is not only evidenced by the many activities people engage in when they connect to the Internet, but also by the continuous progression and development of mobile devices such as smart-phones

26、.Society has evolved to the point where people expect and rely on reality available information. People also expect to receive rapid responses when doing business ad personal tasks. The Internet makes this possible. Many of the things that society takes for granted nowadays are all made possible by

27、the development of the Internet.What kind of an impact has the Internet had on society? Wrapped up in the advantages and disadvantages one thing is for certain: the Internet has a significant effect on society. To imagine the impact all one has to do is try to envision the consequences if the Intern

28、et was suddenly removed from society. Imagine a world where the Internet was unavailable. How would it affect on you? Looking at it from this respect, for many it likely brings to light just how reliant and dependent society has become on the Internet and it would be extremely hard to turn back the clock.

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