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1、.尊敬的先生:我们很乐意通知你方,CA321号合同项下的货物已装“Evergreen”号轮,将于明天从广州驶往悉尼。按合同规定,我们随函附上相关装运单据副本(商业发票、原产地证书、装箱单、检验证书、保险单和清洁已装船的提单),这样你们在货物到达时提货就不会有麻烦了。我们用于包装的纸箱是内衬防水纸的,你们可以对它的适航性放心。我们希望货物能及时到达并令你们完全满意。 谨上We are glad to inform you that the goods under the Contract No.CA321 have been shipped on board the S.S. “Evergree

2、n”,which is sailing from Guangzhou to Sydney tomorrow.As per the contract stipulations, we enclose copies of the relevant shipping documents (Commercial Invoice, Certificate of Origin, Packing List, Inspection Certificate, Insurance Policy and Clean, On Board B/L) so that you will have no trouble in

3、 taking delivery when the goods arrive.The cartons we used for packing are lined with water-proof paper and you can be assured of their seaworthiness.We hope the goods will arrive in time and will be to your full satisfaction.Yours faithfully,. 执事先生:非常感谢你方3月21日的报价和样品。我们认真地研究了你方的报价,并赞赏你们产品的良好品质,但是你方的

4、报价大大高于其他(供应商同等质量货物的)价格。很遗憾我们别无选择,只有谢绝你方的报价而从别处定货。我们经常采购此货,并且今后会继续邀请你方报价。此致Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your quotation and samples of March 21.We have carefully studied your quotation. We appreciate the high quality of your products, but your prices are much higher than those (offered by other s

5、uppliers for the products of the same quality. Regretfully, we have no alternative but to decline your quotation and meet our requirements elsewhere.We are regular buyers of these articles and we shall invite your quotations in the future. Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生:很高兴收到你方8月10日关于永久(Forever)牌自行车的询价函。兹回复

6、,我方报300辆永久牌自行车CIF纽约价格为每辆60.00美元,该报价以我方在本月底前收到你方的答复为准。所报价格为 不含佣金的 净价。如果你们的订货量超过500辆,则我方将给予2%的折扣。永久牌自行车因其优良品质和合理的价格,在世界各地都卖得很好。我们建议你们尽快订货 以便我们能保证供货 及时安排交货。盼早日回复。 谨上 Dear Sir,We are glad to have received your enquiry of 10th August for our Forever Band bicycles.In reply, we would like to offer 300 Fore

7、ver Band bicycles at USD60.00 CIF New York per set, subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month. Our prices quoted are net without any commission.If the quantity to be ordered exceeds 500 sets, we may grant you a 2% discount.Owing to the fine quality and reasonable prices, our For

8、ever Band bicycles sell well all over the world. We suggest your placing an order without delay, so that we may guarantee the supply and arrange delivery in due time.We look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely51.尊敬的先生: 感谢10月1日的电子邮件。你们增长的销售额,是你们成功分销我产品的明证。 我们认识到价格是维持、拓展市场的一个重要因素。在不降低质量的前提下,我

9、们一直努力降低成本。实际上,我们的利润一直很低。这就是我们不能再降低价格的原因。但我们不会停止降低成本的努力。 作为一个选择方案,可行的方法也许是提供一个 低档的但是质量仍可接受的 低价产品。一些品种的说明书在附件中。请告知你们对哪些产品有兴趣。 谨上五、撰写书信。Dear Sir ,Thank you for your email of October 1. Your increased sale is a good indication that you are doing well in distributing our products.We realize that price is

10、 a very important factor in maintaining and enlarging your market share. We have been doing our best to keep our cost down without sacrificing quality. As a matter of fact, we have kept our margin to the minimum. That is why it is impossible for us to lower price any more. However, we shall spare no efforts in further reducing our cost.As an alternative, it might be viable to offer a lower grade with acceptable quality at a lower price. Attached is the information sheet of some of our varieties. Please let me know your interests. Yours sincerel

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