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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-Subject主题: Hotel Construction Site management Policy 酒店施工现场管理制度Effective Date执行日期: Dec. 2014Policy No制度编号: ENG-CMR-002Issued by发布: Director of ENG工程总监Page页数: 3Approved by批准人:General Manager总经理Distribution分发: Division & Department Heads / All Associates 部门

2、总监和经理 / 所有员工 1.0范围Range本标准适用于成都高新豪生酒店内的施工现场管理。This standard applies to construction site management in the Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza Chengdu.2.0规范性引用文件Normative references下列的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。Th

3、e following terms through reference to this standard become the provision of this standard. All reference files have be marked dates, All subsequent amendments (except corrections) or revisions do not apply to this standard. However, encourage the parties of reach an agreement in accordance with thi

4、s standard to use the latest versions of these documents. All reference files arent marked dates, the latest versions apply to this standard.3.0 人员、材料、工具出入管理 Come in and out management for personnel and material and tools3.1 必须办理酒店临时施工出入证(须每人一证)。 Must apply for temporary hotel construction pass(one

5、pass one person) 3.2 进出酒店施工,必须着装整洁,胸前佩戴好临时施工出入证。 Must dress neatly and wear construction pass during the construction period.3.3 施工材料、人员必须按指定路线出入,不得出入与此无关的区域。 Construction material and personnel must come in and out from specified route, dont come in and out unrelated areas.3.4 严格按照酒店工程部许可的时间进出酒店施工。

6、 Strictly according to the time admitted by ENG to construct.3.5 施工材料与施工垃圾的堆放,必须在指定地点,不能阻碍消防疏散通道。并及时清运施工垃圾。 The construction material and waste should be putted in the specified place, not prevent fire evacuation passageway, and should clean construction waste timely.3.6 施工材料及工具等物品离店,必须按酒店规定开具出门条放行。

7、 The construction unit only gets key card issued by hotel security department, then can take the construction material and tools away from hotel.4.0 作业现场管理: Site management4.1 现场施工人员必须做好施工现场的消防、安全等防护措施,以确保施工安全。必要时知会酒店安全部。 Site construction personnel must take the fire, safety and other protective me

8、asures to ensure construction safety. if necessary , inform the hotel security department.4.2 对施工现场的其它物品和装饰面必须做好保护措施,以避免损坏。若有损坏,照原样恢复。 Other items and the decorative surface protection measures on the construction site must be taken in order to avoid damaging. If damaged, as it is restored.4.3 产生噪音、

9、异味等影响酒店营业的施工,须按照值班工程师和大堂副理安排,选择合适的时间施工。并对所产生噪音、异味影响控制在最小范围内。 The Construction that will cause noise, odors etc. should construct in the proper time according to the arrangement of duty engineer and assistant manager, control the noise and odors in minimum range.5.0 安全管理 Safety management5.1 如需要动火、动焊

10、的施工,必须征得当值工程师的同意,并在安全部办理动火证后,由当值工程师监督,且做好现场的消防安全防护措施后,才可施工。 If the construction need hot work and welding, must obtain the consent of the duty engineer and handle hot work permit issued by Security Department, supervised by the duty engineer, and well take on-site fire safety measures.5.2 服从安全部、工程部对

11、现场施工的消防安全监督管理。 Comply with the Fire safety supervision and management.5.3 每日撤离施工现场前,施工现场负责人须与当值工程师一起检查清理施工现场情况,确保无消防安全隐患。 Before leave from construction site everyday, construction person in charge should check and clean the site with duty engineer to ensure fire safety.6.0 项目质量管理: Project quality m

12、anagement6.1 每日进场施工前,施工现场负责人应到当值工程值班室报道,并知会当日的施工重点及预计进度。 Before begin to construct, construction person in charge should report to the ENG duty office and inform the daily construction key point and expected progress.6.2 服从工程部对现场施工工艺、安全的监督管理。 Obey the supervision and management about construction te

13、chnology and safety from ENG.6.3 服从工程部对施工过程的全面监督,必须保证施工材料材质、数量,施工质量、进度等方面严格按照合同内容执行。 Obey the general supervision on the construction process from ENG, ensure the construction material quality and quantity, strictly carry out contract contents.6.4 如遇到重要接待等酒店大事,需要临时停工或延后施工,施工单位必须服从工程部的安排。 If hotel need the construction to stop, the construction unit must obey the arrangement of ENG.6.5 现场施工所需要的协助,由当值工程师负责与各部门协调。 Assistance that the construction site needs by duty engineer coordinating with each department. -精品 文档-

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