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1、四册笔记:M1语法:1.感官系动词五“起来”,形容词紧紧跟上来。look n._ v._ smell, n._ v._ taste n._ v._ sound n._ v._ feel n._ v._2.感官实义动词四看二听:see, watch, find , notice, hear, listen to ,接v原表示经常或过程,接ing表示正在。M1,U11.What a delicious smell!多香的味道。感叹句:How +adj (+主谓)!What +a/an +adj +n(+主谓)!2.Would you like to do sth ?=Do you want to

2、do sth ?你想要做某事吗?3.try some / try a piece / have a try. 尝一些,尝一块,尝一尝。 4. yes, please. / No, thanks .(当别人主动提供你东西时的答语。)5.Whats that on top? 顶部是什么? 6.Im afraid +that从句 /of sth / to do sth 我恐怕7.It doesnt smell fresh. 感官动词借助于助动词来完成句型变化。8. a bit sour. 有点酸。a bit +n = a little +n / a bit +adj = a little +adj

3、9.be done (被)做完了10.in the middle. 在中间11. make an apple pie 做个苹果馅饼12.have a sweet tooth爱吃甜食13. Shall I/ we do sth ? 我、我们做某事好吗?14 Are you sure + to do sth /of sth / that 从句 你确定.吗?15.strawberry jam草莓酱 16.Everything tastes so sweet! 所有东西都尝起来这么甜。(不定代词做主语谓语用单数。)17.Its my lucky day! 是我的幸运日。 M1 Unit 2 1. We

4、le to sw 欢迎来某地2.Thanks for sth doing sth 为(做)某事儿感谢你3.hear from sb= receive a letter from sb收到来自某人的信4.cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事5.know me from my photo 从照片中认识我6.arrive at= reach = get to 到达7. with short fair hair 有短的金色的头发8.wear glasses戴眼镜 / wear jeans 穿牛仔裤9.Im sure of sth / to do sth / that从句 我确信10.

5、each other 互相11.tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事12.You sound just like me!你听起来恰好就像我。13.Sb spend time doing sth = It takes sb time to do sth花费某人时间做某事14.play classical music演奏古典音乐15.dance music 舞曲16.as well也17. in the school tennis team 加入校网球队18. be proud of 因为而自豪 be proud to do sth做某事很自豪19.be good at every

6、thing擅长一切20.get bad marks 得到差的分数21.work hard 努力学习 work harder 更努力地学习22.How do you feel?你感觉怎么样?23.at first 起初,起先= first of all 24.in a few days 几天后25.how to do sth如何做某事 (句中的疑问词接不定时)26.in the right way用正确的办法27.be afraid of doing sth / to do sth害怕做某事28. See you next week.下周见。 See you 再见M2 语法:现在完成时:意义:1

7、.过去对现在的影响。 2.过去持续到现在。结构:助动词have /has done, 切记:句型变化借助于助动词have , has 完成。信息词:1.never从不, ever曾经, just刚做完, before以前, already(肯)已经, yet尚,还(否,疑句末)2.for, since ,how long for+一段时间= since +一段时间+ago 提问for, since 用how longfor, since, how long不与瞬间动词连用。 (替换为:be+adj ,be+介词短语, 持续动词 )3.recently近来 ,so far到目前为止, in /d

8、uring/ over the last years在过去的年里 重点句型:have/ has been to sw去过某地(不在说话地点),have/ has gone to sw 去了某地(不在说话点)M2,Unit 1 1.enter a petition 参加一场比赛 2.What kind of ? 哪种, 什么种类的3.a speaking/ writing petition.一次演讲/写作比赛4. help三句型:help sb do sth / help sb to do sth / help sb with sth5.improve your speaking 提高你的演讲能

9、力6.win a prize获得一个奖 win +名词或项目, beat + 对手 7.the first prize 一等奖 9.Have you ever done sth before?你以前做过某事吗? 10.go on a dream holiday 去度过一个梦想假日11.I cant afford sth 买不起某物12.the plane tickets飞机票13.Good luck. 祝你好运。14.stop doing sth 停止做某事,stop to do sth 停下来去做某事15.Thats a pity.真遗憾。真可惜。16.think about 考虑 17.W

10、hat do you mean?你是什么意思?18.Around the World in 80 Days. 80天环游世界19.need to do sth 需要做某事20.That sounds wonderful.听起来棒极了。21.Ive never done sth .我从未做过某事。 22.Dont worry. 别担心。23.It doesnt need to be true! 它不必是真的。24.make up (代词在中间,名词可随便) 编 ,造25. called = named 被叫做M2, U2 1.a fifteenyear-old American boy有连字符,

11、不加s,是形容词,一定修饰名词。2.At the moment=now 此刻,现在3.one of 的用法:_4.works for 为效力,工作5.Sb have/ has done sth before. 某人以前做过某事。6.The Robinsons “Robinson一家” the +姓s= the +姓+family 某人一家7.have been to 去过 have gone to 去了8.For example例如9.begin to do sth开始做某事10.is different from 和不同11.in many ways在很多方面12.find sth +adj

12、 to do sth发现做某事怎么样(adj前一般不带be)13.enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事14.So far 到目前为止15.mix sth混淆某事物16.ask sb (not) to do sth要求某人(不要)做某事 17.all over the world全世界18.miss ones friends 想念朋友19.count down the days 倒计时,倒数日子 M3 Has it arrived yet ? 语法:现在完成时:意义:1.过去对现在的影响。 2.过去持续到现在。结构:助have /has done, 切记:句型变化用have , has 完成

13、。信息词:1.never从不, ever曾经, just刚做完, before以前, already(肯)已经, yet尚,还(否,疑句末)2.for, since,how long提问for, since 用how long (for+一段时间= since +一段时间+ago) For, since, how long不与瞬间动词连用。(替换为:be+adj ,be+介词短语, 持续动词 ) since + 过去时间点Since三个结构: since + 时间段 + ago Since+一般过去式从句3.recently近来 ,so far到目前为止, in /during/ over t

14、he last years在过去的年里 三个重点句型:1.have/ has been to sw去过某地 (在说话地点),2.have/ has gone to sw 去了某地(不在说话地点)3.have/ has been in 在某地(有for, since, how long时)注意:when不用于完成时中。M3,U1.What are you up to? = What are you doing ?你在做什么?2.Ive just done sth.我刚刚做了某事3.make a model spaceship 做一个模型宇宙飞船 4.I havent done sth yet.

15、我还没做某事5.Im not sure to do sth /of doing sth / that 从句。我不确定6.how to do sth 如何做某事(句中的疑问词 +不定时)7.Can you help me?你能帮我吗? 8.No problem. 没问题9. the latesd news最新消息 (news 不可数)10.send sth to sw发送某物去某地11.take several months花费几个月12.Have /Has sb done sth yet? 某人已经做了某是吗 13.Sb have/has done sth already. 某人已经做了某事。

16、14.Thats why+从句 那就是为什么的原因。15.on the news 在新闻上,上了新闻 16.discovered life on Mars 在火星上发现生命17.Not yet. 还没有。 18.have been to sw 去过某地, have gone to sw去了某地, have been in sw 在某地19.no one = nobody 没有人 (不接of ,谓语是单数。)none 指人也指物,可以接of,,谓语单复数都行.20.because +从句 ,because of + 名词或词组 21far away遥远,有数字不用far, 没数字用far.22.

17、much , a little ,even ,far, a lot 修饰比较级23.work hard at sth 努力学习24.in order to 为了25.one day(过去/将来)有一天,some day (将来)有一天26.get information on space travel得到有关太空旅行的信息(on =about 关于) 27.go online上网 28. search for sth 搜寻M3,U2 Sb havent done sth yet . 某人还未做过某事。1.therehave/hasbeen已经有2.onearth 在地球上3.hundredso

18、fmillionsofyears 数亿年(数百个百万)4.goaroundthesun 绕太阳转5.Noneof中没有 no one = nobody 没有人不接of ,谓语是单数。none 指人也指物,可以接of,,谓语单复数都行.6.haveanenvironmentlikethatoftheearth有个像地球一样的环境7.arecalledthesolarsystem 被叫做太阳系8.asmallpartof的一小部分9.a groupof一群,一组10.theMilkyWay银河系11.billionsof数十亿12.intheuniverse = in space 在宇宙中,在太空

19、中13.faraway 遥远14.Howlargeistheuniverse?宇宙多大?15.Itisimpossibletoimagine.不可能想象。16.takephotos拍照17outsidethesolarsystem.在太阳系之外 18.enough的用法:放在名词前,adj后,后接不定时。19.inourGalaxy.在我们的星系20.bealone 独自 , lonely 孤独 21.municatewith sb 和某人交流22.Not yet. 还没有 M4 语法:经常替换的动词:(只有遇到for, since, how long时,没有这三个词时不要乱换)buy-hav

20、e/has had, borrow - have/has kept, begin to do- have/ has done go/e - have/ has been in +地点, join - have/has been in+组织, begin- have/has been on leave- have/has been away, die- have/has been dead, open (v) - have/has been open (adj) finish-have/has been over 1.have/ has been to sw去过某地 (在说话地点) 2.have

21、/ has gone to sw 去了某地 (不在说话地点)3.have/ has been in 在某地 (有for, since, how long时) here, there, home 前不加介词M4,U1 1.How can I help you?我怎么帮你。2.I feel ill.我感到不舒服/ 病了。3.have got a stomach ache 肚子疼,胃疼 4.My head hurts . = I have a headache 我头疼5.How long have you been like this?你像这样多长时间了?6.Since的三个结构:_,_,_7.I

22、see. 我明白了。8.catch / have a cold 受凉了,感冒了9.I dont think so.有think时,一定要 _否定think_.10.take ones temperature量体温11.Theres no fever. 没有发烧。12.What kind of 什么种类的,哪种13.fast food快餐14.Not usually 不经常 15.Thats the problem! 那就是问题所在。16.Thats why+从句 那就是为什么的原因 17.What about 怎么样?18.do/ get some exercise 锻炼19.Not real

23、ly.的确不20.spend too much time花费太多时间 21.in front of 在前面22.be harmful to your health对你的健康有害23.What should I do?我该做什么?24.Dont worry. = Dont panic. 别担心,别着急25.Its not serious. 不严重。26.stop doing sth不要做某事,停止做某事= give up doing sth放弃做某事27.such as 比如28.give sb some medicine给某人些药 29.take the medicine 吃药30.three

24、 times a day 一天三次 (提问用how often)ache 、sore和hurt 的区别:ache是一个名词后缀,如:toothache , headache ,stomachache; sore是一个形容词,用来修饰名词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:have a sore back / sore throathurt是一个动词,指“刺痛,使受伤痛”。如:He hurts his leg.他伤了腿。还可以说“His leg hurts.”他腿疼。M4 ,U21.healthy living = healthy life 健康的生活2.Im not feeling very we

25、ll. = I dont feel well. 我感觉不舒服3.check my heart 检查我的心脏4.give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物5.get exercise 得到锻炼6.take sb for a walk 带某人散步7.have had sth for three months 买了某物三个月了8.feel healthy = feel fit 感到健康9.decide to do sth 决定做某事10.start a girls football team开办一个女子足球队11.What a great idea!多好的主意啊!12.th

26、e first member of 的第一个成员13.take (an active) part in(积极)参加(活动) , join + 组织或宾格人称代词。14.in excellent condition健康状况很好15.on the underground 在地铁上16.feel sleepy 感觉困倦 17.Since then自从那时18.ride to work 骑车上班19.my daily exercise 我的日常锻炼20.arrive in /at = get to = reach 到达21.with a smile on ones face某人的脸上带着微笑22.I

27、was weak after a long illness在长时间的生病之后我感觉身体弱/差23.Why dont we do sth ? = Why not do sth ?为什么不做某事?24.go for a run 去跑步25.start doing sth / to do sth 开始做某事26.enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事27.feel awful感到不舒服/恶心28.all over遍及全身29.too +adj (for sb) to do sth (对某人来说)太而不能30.What do you think? 你怎么认为? M5,语法:(1).一般现在时:表示经

28、常性、习惯性的动作;表示现在的状态、特征、能力和感觉;表示客观真理、科学事实和客观存在;在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来;表示按照规定要做的事,或按自然规律会发生的事。常与 always, often, usually, sometimes,once/ twice a day, every day等频度时间状语连用。“谓语用动原或三单”(2).一般过去时:表示在具体过去某个时间发生的行为,常与yesterday, last ,ago, just now等连用。“谓语用过去式”(3).一般将来时:“will, shall +v原” 表示将来的动作或存在的状态。“be goin

29、g to +v”原强调“计划、打算”“有迹象表明”等。表示位置移动的词常用进行时表示将来时。常与 tomorrow, next, in+一段时间,in the future,from now on 等连用。(4).现在进行时:表示正在进行或发生的动作, 常有 look, listen, now, at the moment, Dont make any noise 等。 “谓语用am ,is, are +ving ” (5).过去进行时:用法:过去某个时间正在发生的动作 过去某段时间正在发生的动作。常与at nine last night/at that time= then/ at this

30、 time yesterday/或有when the teacher came in/while he was reading的提示。“谓语用was/ were +ving”(6).现在完成时:“过去持续到现在,过去对现在的影响。”。常有:1.never ever, just, before, already(肯), yet(否,疑句末)2.for, since, how long 3.recently, so far, in /during/ over the last years在过去的年里.“谓语用have/ has done”M5,U11.What kind of 哪种2.end in

31、 a happy way 幸福快乐的结局3.the answer to the question 问题的答案4.Its time to do sth = Its time for sth该做某事了。到做某事的时间了5.watch a cartoon看动画片6.Good idea.好主意。 7.Why dont sb do sth?=Why not do sth? 为什么不做某事?8.more modern更现代9.fly through the sky飞过天空 through 内部过, across表面过, by/past 旁边过,over上面过10.fight bad people同坏人斗争

32、 ,have a fight with sb 和某人吵架fight against/with与做斗争, fight for 为什么目的,fight about 关于原因打架,fight with与某人一起战斗,fight over争夺11.climb up buildings爬楼 12.Thats cool.太酷了 13.I want to be someone like him.我想成为一个像他那样的人。14.keep doing sth一直做某事,保持做某事15.Thats a real hero!那是真英雄16.I dont think we agree. (Think的否定前置。)17

33、.All right.好吧。18.cant help doing 忍不住做某事19.beat +对手,win+名次或项目20.fight a lot很多争斗a lot 修饰动词,放在动词后,a lot of修饰n,放在名词前。21.love each other and protect each other彼此相爱,彼此保护 22.work together团结协作23.Theres a lesson!有经验教训。 teach sb a lesson 教给某人道理,给某人一个教训M5, U21.both of / both and两个都,(谓语用复数)。either or 或者或者/ 两者之一

34、, neither nor既不也不, 两者都不(谓语就近,其他单数)(前提都是两者)2.win the hearts of sb 赢得某人的信(heart与of后面人的数保持一致)3.all over the world = around the world全世界4.for example例如5.in heaven在天堂,在天宫6.lead a group of against领着一群对抗 7.make a mess弄得一团糟,in a mess一团糟 , a mess of sth 一团8.expect to do sth 期待着做某事9.over = more than 多于, 超过10.

35、ever since 自从11.work for 为 工作, 为效力12.have lots of exciting experiences 有很多激动人心的经历13.in the 1980s在二十世纪八十年代14.his 60th birthday他的第六十个生日15.live in his own private world 生活在他自己得私人世界里16.real life 真正的生活17.find sth hard to understand发现很难理解(find + 宾语 + 宾语补足语)18.satisfy sb 使某人满意 , be satisfied with 对满意satisf

36、ying令人满意的(指事物), satisfied 满意的(指人)19.as well as 还有,也有20.invent,发明(新东西), create,创造(精神上的新东西),discover发现(本来存在的东西) Invent v. 发明, inventor n. 发明家 (人), invention n. 发明(物)M6语法:简单句结构5+1:1.主 + 谓2.主+ 谓+ 宾(及物动词+宾语,宾语能换成被字句)3.主+ 谓+ 双宾(sb 间接宾语 ,sth 直接宾语)4.主+ 谓+ 宾+ 宾补(对宾语进行补充说明)5.主+ 系+ 表 (be动词,感官系动词,三变得,五起来)6.Ther

37、e be + 主 (there be 就近一致)M6,U11.e in 进来2.find somewhere to sit down 找个地方坐下(不定时做后置定语)3.its a bit of a mess 有点乱4.on the shelf 在架子上(shelf变复数-shelves)5.Let me have a look.让我看一下6.Most of them 他们中大多数7.give sb sth as presents 给某人某物作为礼物8.because + 原因状语从句9.British pounds and US dollars英镑和美元10.They must be rea

38、lly valuable. 他们一定很值钱 11.show sb sth=show sth to sb 给某人看某物 12.from all over the world来自全世界13.six or seven books of stamps六七本邮票14sth cost sb money某物花了某人钱15.as much as 一样多16.look at sth看某物17.something important 重要的事情/东西(形容词修饰不定代词,放在不定代词后。)18.in ones life在某人的一生中19.take up he most time 占用 最多的时间M6,U21.su

39、ch as比如2.grow vegetables 种菜3.look after animals照看动物4.hobbyhobbies, activityactivities, storystories5.some others 一些另一些(全包括带the,不全包括不带the.)6.make ,let +动原 ,make sb +adj 7.grow as a person长成人8.develop your interests提高你的兴趣(interest,可数n.兴趣 , interested adj. 感兴趣的, interesting adj.令人感兴趣的)9.learn new skill

40、s学习新技能10.one of + adj最高级,n 复数,谓语用单数。11.at a summer camp在夏令营12.as well as 还有,也有13.please v.请,pleased,(指人)高兴的,pleasant(指物)令人愉快的 pleasure n. 快乐,乐趣succeed v. 成功, success n. 成功, successful adj.成功的, successfully adv.成功地14.a writing class一堂写作课15.ask sb (not) to do sth 要求某人(不要)做某事16.talk about our lives谈论我们

41、的生活 17.tell interesting stories讲有趣的故事18.encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事19.write about our experiences 写有关我们的经历20.the life of sb某人的生活21.a sixteenyearold boy(有连字符,不加s,是adj, 一定修饰n.)一个十六岁的男孩22.e out as a book 出版成书23.as a result结果24.bring sb sth带给某人某物25.pleasure and success快乐和成功26.be interested in sth 对感兴趣

42、27.my free time=my spare time我的自由时间28.sb spend time (in) doing 某人花费时间做某事/ sb spend money on sth 某人花钱买了某物M7:语法:并列复合句:指由并列连词and, but, or等把两个或以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。即:简单句+并列连词+简单句。1.表示并列、顺承关系的连词:and并且。2.表示转折关系的连词:but但是, though 尽管,yet然而 ,while而。(but 和though 不能同时使用。)3.表示因果关系的连词:for因为 , so 因此,because 因为。 (becau

43、se和so不能同时使用。)4.表示选择关系:or或者。5.表示否定假设关系:or 否则,要不然。M7,U11.prepare for = get ready for 为做准备1.make a list of 列个的单子2.get sth ready 把某物准备好 3.Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?4.How can I help? 我怎么帮你?5.It sounds crazy。它听起来很荒唐、疯狂。6.what to take “带什么” 句中的疑问词+不定时7.how long 多长 8.at the end of 在的末尾9. light trousers 薄长裤10.a

44、 pair of 一双11.Thats a good idea. 好主意。 12.Is 200 dollars enough .两百美元够吗?当表达时间,距离,金钱,温度等数量的词作主语时,作为一个整体看,谓语用单数。enough的用法:放在名词前,形容词后,接不定时。 13.pay for sth 为付钱14.the air tickets = the plane ticket飞机票15.What else? 别的还有什么?else 放在疑问词,不定代词后。16.weigh too much 重太多17.had better(not)do sth 最好(不要)做某事18.ask sb abo

45、ut sth 问某人关于某事19.the travel pany 旅行公司20.the total weight 总重量21.by the way 顺便说,顺便问22.dont forget to do sth不要忘了做某事 = remember to do sth23.have a great time. 过得愉快24.write to me 写信给我25.send sb sth = send sth to sb送给某人某物26.祈使句的答语:肯:yes, I will. 否:Sorry, I wont.M7,U21.offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 提供给某人某物2.summ

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