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1、Unit51. 每当给获胜者颁发奖牌时,颁奖音乐就会响起。_2. 他喜欢湍急的流水声和飒飒的风声,因为对他来说,最美妙的音乐来自于大自然。_.3. 通过控制水流的速度,谭盾从中创造出50多种声音。_.4. 我所有的老师和同学都赞扬我为艺术节所做的设计。_.5. 看着这块水彩印,我决定吹一吹。_.6. 水彩朝四处流淌,构成了一幅非常有趣的画。_.7. 虽然这是个传统的中国派对,但他穿得很西式。_.8. 飒飒的风声在不同人的脑海里会产生不一样的画面吗?_.9. 这位世界著名的音乐家成功地将一口古钟的声音与现代音乐糅合在了一起。_. 10. 他对大自然的声音表现出极大的兴趣,所以多次将其应用在作品中

2、。_.11. 他用这件特殊的乐器奏出了一段令人惊叹的曲子。_.12. 我喜欢画画,因为它能给我身心带来平静。_.13. 由于她擅长弹钢琴,她就为我们弹奏了一首名曲。_.14. 因为出发晚了,所以他们气喘吁吁地赶到电影院。_.15. 因为他工作努力,所以上司对他高度赞扬。_.16. 既然这个艺术展只开放两天,我们今天下午就去吧。_.17. 我最喜欢的艺术形式是摄影。_.18. 当父亲在我十岁生日那天送给我一个相机时,我就对摄影产生了兴趣。_.19. 父亲总是鼓励我不要丧失信心。_.20. 自从在学校摄影比赛中获奖以后,我一直热衷于摄影。_.21. 我认为我并没有摄影天赋,但我不断尝试拍出精彩照片

3、。_.22. 我在光与影的世界里感到非常愉快。_.23. 大家都欣赏她为学校艺术节做的设计。_.24. 美术老师赞扬了我的作品并鼓励我刻苦练习。_.25. 她的梦想是为无声世界里的人们搭建一座桥梁。_.26. 既然有音乐天赋,你应该去美国深造。_.27. 他的音乐才华令人惊奇。_.28. 我的作品是无边际的梦想。_.29. 在美国,我有机会认识世界各地的伟大的艺术家们。_.30. 读完这本书, 不同的人的脑海里会产生不一样的画面。_.31. 我能用一些普通的东西,比如石头、纸,做出精美的艺术品。_.32. 他已经成功地把音乐和文化糅合在一起了。_.33. 中国古钟的声音在这首乐曲里被用得很多。

4、_.34. 由于他自视甚高, 我们不愿意和他工作。_.35. 民间文化有强烈的地方色彩。_.36. 古典音乐有永恒的价值。_.37. 李老师高度赞扬了我的最新绘画。_.38. 后来我确实创作了一些美妙的音乐。_.39. 当我拿走水杯是时,我把一些水滴到了书上。_.40. 我的妹妹在跳舞方面有很好的天赋。_.41. 爸爸的建议对我来说很有价值。_.42. 有突出地方特色的中国民间音乐吸引了越来越多的外国人。_.43. 我认为一些电视广告真得很有创意,看他们并不是浪费时间。_.1. Each time a medal was presented to a winner, the award mus

5、ic was played.2. He loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because, to him, the best music es from nature.3. Tan makes over 50sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow.4. All my teachers and classmates praised my designs for the art festival.5. Looking at the mark,

6、 I decided to blow it.6. The paint ran in all directions and made a very interesting picture.7. Though it was a traditional Chinese party, he was dressed in a western style.8. Can the sounds of the blowing wind create different pictures in different minds.9. The world-famous musician successfully br

7、ought the sounds of an ancient bell and modern music together. 10. He showed a great interest in the sounds of nature and use them a lot in his works.11. He made an amazing piece of music with the special musical instrument.12. I like painting because it can bring peace to my mind and body.13. Since

8、/as she was good at playing the piano, she played a famous piece of music for us.14. They arrived at the cinema out of breath because they started late.15. His boss thought highly of him because he worked hard.16. Since/as the art show is open for only two days, lets go there this afternoon.17. My f

9、avorite art form is photography.18. I showed interest in photography when my father gave me a camera on my 10th birthday.19. My father always encourages me not to lose heart.20. I have been crazy about photography since the school photography petition.21. I dont think I have a gift for photography,

10、but I have kept trying to take wonderful pictures.22. I enjoy myself in the world of light and shadows.23. Everybody thought highly of her designs for the school art festival.24. The art teacher praised my works and encouraged me to practice hard.25. Her dream is to build a bridge for the people in

11、the world without sounds.26. You should go on to study in the USA since/as you have a gift for music.27. His musical talent is amazing.28. My work is to dream without boundaries.29. In the USA, I got to know great artists from around the world.30. After reading the book, it will create different pic

12、tures in different minds.31. I can make beautiful art works with mon objects like stones and paper.32. He has successfully mixed music and culture together.33. The sounds of ancient Chinese bells are used a lot in the music.34. We are not willing to work with him as he thinks too highly of himself.3

13、5. Folk culture has strong local color.36. Classical music has a lasting value.37. Ms Li praised my latest paintings highly.38. I did make some wonderful music later.39. As I took the cup away, I dropped some water onto the book.40. My sister has a good gift for dancing.41. Fathers suggestions are very valuable to me.42. Chinese folk music with strong local color attracts more and more foreigners.43. I think some TV advertisements are so creative that watching them is not a waste of time.

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