1、G.8032Ethernet Ring Protection OverviewMarch,2008ITU-T Q9 SG 15AgendaG.8032 Recommendation IntroductionG.8032 Objectives and PrinciplesG.8032 ConceptsG.8032 Protection SwitchingG.8032 R-APS MessagesG.8032 Items Under Study2ITU-T SG15/Q9 G.8032 RecommendationG.8032 Recommendation consented February 2
2、008This Recommendation defines the APS protocol and protection switching mechanisms for ETH layer ring topologies.Included are details pertaining to bridged ring protection characteristics,architectures and the ring APS protocol.JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDE
3、CJANFEBMAR200620072008G.8032 Proposals G.8032 Proposals and Contributionsand ContributionsG.8032 Converged ProposalsG.8032 Converged ProposalsG.8032 ERP Work G.8032 ERP Work Item Approved in Item Approved in ITU-TITU-TG.8032 Objective,G.8032 Objective,Principles,and Principles,and Requirements Setti
4、ngRequirements SettingG.8032 Recommendation G.8032 Recommendation ConsentConsent3G.8032 Objectives and PrinciplesUse of standard 802 MAC and OAM frames around the ring.Uses standard 802.1Q(and amended Q bridges),but with xSTP disabled.Ring nodes supports standard FDB MAC learning,forwarding,flush be
5、haviour and port blocking/unblocking mechanisms.Prevents loops within the ring by blocking one of the links(either a pre-determined link or a failed link).Monitoring of the ETH layer for discovery and identification of Signal Failure(SF)conditions.Protection and recovery switching within 50 ms for t
6、ypical rings.Total communication for the protection mechanism should consume a very small percentage of total available bandwidth.4G.8032 Terms and Concepts Ring Protection Link(RPL)Link designated by mechanism that is blocked during Idle state to prevent loop on Bridged ring RPL Owner Node connecte
7、d to RPL that blocks traffic on RPL during Idle state and unblocks during Protected state Link Monitoring Links of ring are monitored using standard ETH CC OAM messages(CFM)Signal Fail(SF)Signal Fail is declared when ETH trail signal fail condition is detected No Request(NR)No Request is declared wh
8、en there are no outstanding conditions(e.g.,SF,etc.)on the node Ring APS(R-APS)Messages Protocol messages defined in Y.1731 and G.8032 Automatic Protection Switching(APS)Channel-Ring-wide VLAN used exclusively for transmission of OAM messages including R-APS messages5G.8032 Timers G.8032 specifies t
9、he use of different timers to avoid race conditions and unnecessary switching operationsWTR(Wait to Restore)Timer Used by the RPL Owner to verify that the ring has stabilized before blocking the RPL after SF RecoveryHold-off Timers Used by underlying ETH layer to filter out intermittent link faultsF
10、aults will only be reported to the ring protection mechanism if this timer expires6Controlling the Protection Mechanism Protection switching triggered by Detection/clearing of Signal Failure(SF)by ETH CC OAMRemote requests over R-APS channel(Y.1731)Expiration of G.8032 timers R-APS requests control
11、the communication and states of the ring nodesTwo basic R-APS messages specified -R-APS(SF)and R-APS(NR)RPL Owner may modify the R-APS(NR)indicating the RPL is blocked:R-APS(NR,RB)Ring nodes may be in one of two statesIdle normal operation,no link/node faults detected in ringProtecting Protection sw
12、itching in effect after identifying a signal fault7A.Physical topology has all nodes connected in a ringB.ERP guarantees lack of loop by blocking the RPL(link between 6&1 in figure)C.Logical topology has all nodes connected without a loop.D.Each link is monitored by its two adjacent nodes using ETH
13、CC OAM messagesE.Signal Failure as defined in Y.1731,is trigger to ring protectionLoss of ContinuityServer layer failure(e.g.Phy Link Down)RPL OwnerRPLETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCETH-CCPhysicaltopologyLogicaltopology126435RPL126435Ring Idle State8Protection Swit
14、ching Link FailureA.Link/node failure is detected by the nodes adjacent to the failure.B.The nodes adjacent to the failure,block the failed link and report this failure to the ring using R-APS(SF)messageC.R-APS(SF)message triggersRPL Owner unblocks the RPLAll nodes perform FDB flushingD.Ring is in p
15、rotection stateE.All nodes remain connected in the logical topology.PhysicaltopologyLogicaltopology126435RPL126435RPL126435126435RPL OwnerRPLR-APS(SF)R-APS(SF)R-APS(SF)R-APS(SF)9Protection Switching Failure RecoveryA.When the failed link recovers,the traffic is kept blocked on the nodes adjacent to
16、the recovered linkB.The nodes adjacent to the recovered link transmit R-APS(NR)message indicating they have no local request present C.When the RPL Owner receives R-APS(NR)message it Starts WTR timerD.Once WTR timer expires,RPL Owner blocks RPL and transmits R-APS(NR,RB)messageE.Nodes receiving the
17、message perform a FDB Flush and unblock their previously blocked portsF.Ring is now returned to Idle stateRPL OwnerRPLR-APS(NR)R-APS(NR)R-APS(NR)R-APS(NR)R-APS(NR,RB)R-APS(NR,RB)PhysicaltopologyLogicaltopology126435RPL126435126435RPL12643510Signaling Channel Information ERP uses R-APS messages to ma
18、nage and coordinate the protection switching R-APS defined in Y.1731-OAM common fields are defined in Y.1731.Version 00000 for this version of RecommendationOpCode defined to be 40 in Y.1731Flags 00000000 should be ignored by ERP1234876543218765432187654321876543211MELVersion(0)OpCode(R-APS=40)Flags
19、(0)TLV Offset(32)5R-APSSpecificInformation(32octets).37optional TLV starts here;otherwise End TLVlastEndTLV(0)Defined by Y.1731Defined by G.8032Non-specified content11R-APS Specific Information Specific information(32octets)defined by G.8032Request/Status(4bits)1011=SF|0000=NR|Other=FutureStatus RB(
20、1bit)Set when RPL is blocked(used by RPL Owner in NR)Status DNF(1bit)Set when FDB Flush is not necessary(Future)NodeID(6octets)MAC address of message source node(Informational)Reserved1(4bits),Status Reserved(6bits),Reserved2(24octets)-Future development123487654321876543218765432187654321Request/St
21、ateReserved1StatusNode ID(6 octets)RBDNFStatusReserved(Node ID)Reserved2(24octets)12Items Under Study G.8032 is currently an initial recommendation that will continue to be enhanced.The following topics are under study for future versions of the recommendation:a)Interconnected rings scenarios:shared
22、 node,shared linksb)RPL blocked at both ends configuration of the ring where both nodes connected to the RPL control the protection mechanismc)Support for Manual Switch administrative decision to close down a link and force a“recovery”situation are necessary for network maintenanced)Support for Sign
23、al Degrade scenarios SD situations need special consideration for any protection mechanisme)Non-revertive mode Allows the network to remain in“recovery”configuration either until a new signal failure or administrative switchingf)RPL Displacement Displacement of the role of the RPL to another ring li
24、nk flexibly in the normal(idle)condition g)In-depth analysis of different optimizations(e.g.,FDB flushing)h)Etc.13 Thank You14Backup15G.8032 Basic FunctionsFailureRobustness:Source Steering Protection 50ms Switch TimesConnectivity:Unicast,MC and BC Data Transfers Multicast FlowUnicastFlow16ERP Funct
25、ionality Decomposition Inputs Local node requests,ETH signals,R-APS messages,WTR Timer.Filters Local Priority Logic,Validity Check,Guard Timer,Priority Logic guarantee that highest priority message arrives for processing.ERP Processing R-APS Request Processing processes filtered message according to
26、 State Machine with knowledge of current state and RPL-Owner indication Outputs Node functions(FDB Flushing,Block/Unblock port),sending(or stopping)R-APS messages17State MachineThree node states Initialization when first defining the ringA(Idle)the normal state of the ring nodes with RPL blocked and
27、 all nodes/ports workingB(Protecting)when protection switching is in effect,RPL unblocked,other(usually fault)link is blocked.Different input messages assigned priority as appears in the State Machine description.Priority mechanism to allow proper reaction to faultsState Machine describes the action
28、s to be taken by the node dependent on current state and input message.Only message with highest priority will pass through the filtering.Different actions include transmission of R-APS message,blocking/unblocking a port,flushing the FDB,switching current state of node,and starting/stopping timers.I
29、nputs OutputsNode StateHigh Priority requestRow#ActionsNext node state*Initialization0Stop guard timerStop WTR timerIf RPL Owner:Block RPL portUnblock non-RPL port Tx R-APS(NR,RB)Else:Block both ports Stop Tx R-APSBA(Idle)Local SF1Block failed port;Unblock non Failed port;Tx R-APS(SF);Flush FDB;BLoc
30、al Clear SF2No action AR-APS(SF)3Unblock non Failed port;Stop Tx R-APSIf not“DNF”Flush FDB;BWTR Expires4No action AWTR Running5No action AR-APS(NR,RB)6Unblock non-RPL port AR-APS(NR)7No actionA18State MachineInputs OutputsNode StateHigh Priority requestRow#ActionsNext node stateB(Protecting)Local SF
31、8Block failed port;Unblock non Failed port;Stop WTR;Tx R-APS(SF);BLocal Clear SF9Start guard timer,Tx R-APS(NR),BR-APS(SF)10Stop WTR,Unblock non Failed port,Stop Tx R-APSBWTR Expires11Block RPL port,Unblock non-RPL portTx R-APS(NR,RB)Flush FDB,AWTR Running12No action BR-APS(NR,RB)13If not RPL Owner:
32、Unblock both ports,Stop Tx R-APS,If not“DNF”Flush FDB AR-APS(NR)14If RPL Owner:Start WTRBFDB flushing will clear all of the learned filtering rules within the node.Current Recommendation includes basic optimization only flushing once on fault discovery and once on recovery.DNF status flag is for fut
33、ure definition19Switching Triggers Detection/Clearing of SF(Signal Fail):SF:Loss of CCM,SF signal passed up from underlying(sub)layerSwitching is performed when hold-off timer expires after detection of SF.Operators request:Lockout,Forced switch,Manual switch,Clear(for future specification)Remote re
34、quest:Switching request indicated in received R-APS information from the other node.Protection switching algorithm is based on priorities assigned to all triggers20Ethernet Rings and the RPLEthernet nodes connected in a ring topology.Each node connected to two neighbors via links(E&W ports)Determini
35、stic network topologyAvoid loops within ring by blocking a designated link(RPL)Node responsible to control the blocking state of RPL is RPL ownerRPL is unblocked during protection state and may revert to blocked during recoveryRPL21E.RPL Owner receives SF message and unblocks its end of RPL link row
36、 3F.Stable State SF messages on the ring G.Further SF messages trigger no further action row10BCDEFGASFNormalProtectionstatefailureR-APS ch blockClient ch blockSFSFAScenario A-Normal to ProtectionA.Normal StateB.Failure Occurs C.Nodes C and D detect local Signal Failure condition and after respectin
37、g hold-off time and Block failed port row 1D.Node C and D periodically send SF message,on both ring ports,while SF condition persists.Each node performs a FDB Flush when receiving the SF messageRPL OwnerBMessage sourceSFSFCDESFSFSFSFSFSFF50 msGRPLFlushFlushFlushFlushFlushFlushFlush22E.When node C an
38、d D expire the guard timer,they may accept the new R-APS messages that they receive.in guard timerF.At expiration of WTR timer,RPL owner blocks its end of the RPL,sends,NR RB message row 11G.Each node that receives the NR,RB message it flushes its FDB.When Nodes C and D receive NR RB message,they re
39、move block on their blocked ports.row 13H.Stable normal condition all nodes in Idle stateBCDEFGRPLANormalProtectionstaterecoveryfailureScenario B recoveryA.Stable SF condition Nodes C and D continue to send SF message every 5 secs.B.Recovery of Link failureC.Nodes C and D detect clearing of SF condi
40、tion,start guard timer and initiate periodical transmission of NR message on both ring ports.(Guard timer prevents reception of R-APS messages)row 9D.When the RPL Owner receives NR message,it starts the WTR timer row 14RPL OwnerBCSFSFSFSFSFSFFAENRNRNRNRNR,RPL BlockedNR,RPL BlockedNR,RPL BlockedGNRNR,RPL BlockedNR,RPL BlockedNR,RPL BlockedNRNRDFlushFlushFlushFlushFlushFlushFlush50 msConfirmation timeH23