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1、Module9- Module10试题单项选择 ( )1. Is boy under the tree from Japan? No, he isnt. Hes from European country.A. an; an B. the; an C. a; an D. the; a( )2. Do you know about India? Yes, its an old country a long history like China.A. for B. inC. with D. at( )3. Hello, can you hear me? Sorry, the machine is

2、making a loud . Please call back later.A. voice B. noise C. price D. pronunciation( )4. Which city has a population, Beijing or New York? Beijing, I think.A. largerB. lessC. more D. fewer( )5. Whats the meaning of this word “litter”? It has the same meaning as the word “”.A. little B. country C. rul

3、e D. rubbish( )6. Is your home far from your school? No. Its my school.A. far from B. not near C. close to D. long way to( )7. You should not eat meat every day. It can make you fatter. I wont, thanks.A. too many B. much too C. too much D. many too( )8. is the population of your city? About three mi

4、llion.A. How B. What C. How many D. How much( )9. Mum, I cant learn English well. Dont worry! It will take you a long time a foreign language well. A. to learn B. learn C. learns D. learning( )10. Can you help me read out this number 7, 300, 543, 000 in English? Sure. Its .A. seven billions, three h

5、undreds million, five hundreds and forty-three thousandB. seven billion, three hundred, five hundred and forty-three thousandC. seven billion, three hundred millions, five hundreds and forty-three thousandD. seven billion, three hundred million, five hundred and forty-three thousand( )11. Who will g

6、o on a trip to the Great Wall with you next week? My aunt, , my mothers sister.A. that is B. first of all C. not at all D. at first( )12. Do we need to pay for the tickets if we play on the beach? No, its free. Its a place for people to relax.A. personal B. public C. crowded D. busy( )13. Whats your

7、 plan for this summer vacation? Id like to go to London my uncle.A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. will visit( )14. Where does Mr Green live? He lives in a big with three bedrooms and two living rooms. A. stopB. office C. familyD. flat( )15. Hello, may I speak to John? . He is ing to answer your p

8、hone.A. Hang on B. Speaking C. Sorry, he isnt inD. This is John ( )16. Its reported that some fishermen saved a whale (鲸鱼) on the coast. Yes, it is about 150 tons. A. smallB. huge C. lightD. little ( )17. How did the police catch the criminal (罪犯) in the strange mountains? With the help of some peop

9、le. They know the mountains well.A. localB. newC. badD. polite( )18.Because of the petrol (汽油) price, fewer and fewer people will choose to have a car, I think.A. improving B. falling C. increasing D. low( )19.Doctor Li tried her best. , she didnt save the boy in the end.A. So B. Or C. However D. Be

10、cause( )20. Im sorry to tell you Tim lost his life in the car accident. I saw him playing football yesterday.A. Thats true. B. Good luck!C. Believe it or not.D. I cant believe it.( )21. Do you know about San Francisco? Yes, its a famous city the west coast of America.A. in B. of C. on D. above ( )22

11、. There was a great earthquake in Ludian, Yunnan. Yes, many people had to live outside. them, we are lucky.A. pared to B. Close to C. Thanks to D. Look for( )23. Whats the weather like today? Its . A. high B. sun C. green D. sunny( )24.It is a day today. Lets make a snowman.A. hot B. shower C. snowy

12、 D. rainy( )25. its very hot, some farmers are still working on the farm in the sun. A. Although B. If C. Until D. While( )26. What is your brother going to do this weekend? I have no idea. He go swimming.A. shall B. may C. need D. must( )27. Its quite hot. Whats the today? Its about 35。A. weather B

13、. price C. temperatureD. number( )28. Goodbye, John. Dont forget my best wishes to your parents. I wont, thanks.A. taking B. take C. taken D. to take( )29. I dont like such TV programmes. They are too boring. . Its a waste (浪费) of time.A. Me, neither B. Im sorryC. The same to youD. Thats OK ( )30. T

14、he ice on the river is . Can we play on it? No, it is still dangerous.A. soft B. thick C. snowD. thin( )31. A famous singer from Canada will China and many of her fans are looking forward to her ing.A. arrive in B. look after C. look at D. care for( )32. I am nervous to give a talk in front of the c

15、lass. . Believe yourself. You can do it. A. Sorry to hear that B. e on C. Thats too bad D. Thats right ( )33. You had better the fish in the fridge. It goes bad easily.A. to put B. putting C. puts D. put( )34. When is the best time trees? In March, I think.A. planting B. plant C. to plant D. plants(

16、 )35. Lets play football now. Your leg is still broken. You need to rest in bed.A. Are you joking?B. Thats nice of you.C. Good luck! D. Have fun. ( )36. Today is the coldest day this winter. Yes, the weather report says the temperature will be 20.A. about B. more than C. above D. minus( )37. Can you

17、 ? Yes, and I can do it on the real ice, too.A. swimB. ski C. skateD. fly( )38. Shall we go to the zoo on Sunday? . I like seeing monkeys.A. Sorry, Im afraid not B. That sounds greatC. I dont think so D. Thanks a lot ( )39.There a storm this afternoon. Youd better not go out.A. will be B. was C. has

18、 D. will have( )40.When the autumn es, the day shorter and the leaves yellow. A. changes; getB. turn; getsC. gets; turnD. bees; gets完形填空(10分)It seems that the cities in the future will have to change. Because the worlds population 1 , there will be 2 people in the cities tomorrow.It may be 3 for any

19、 family to live in a house with land around it. There 4 enough space for them. 5 to solve this problem may be the skyscraper city(摩天城). The highest building in the world today is in Taipei. Its about 509 metres high. The skyscraper cities in the future will be many times 6 .In a skyscraper city abou

20、t 250,000 people will live. Nearly a million people can 7 in four of these great buildings. Each skyscraper city will have four towns in it and each town will have ten villages. They will live, work and 8 their free time in them. They wont need to leave the city 9 they want to. They will be able to

21、move about in the city by transport controlled 10 puters. Lets imagine how the life will be then!( )1. A. has grownB. is growing C. are growing D. have grown( )2. A. many B. much C. more D. larger( )3. A. impossible B. possible C. important D. necessary( )4. A. arent B. wont be C. wont have D. haven

22、t( )5. A. A way B. A road C. An answer D. An idea( )6. A. lower B. shorter C. taller D. higher( )7. A. live B. study C. work D. be( )8. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take( )9. A. until B. when C. while D. unless( )10. A. by B. at C. with D. in请根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。(10分)1.Dont make much n_. The baby is slee

23、ping.2.Tell him to give up s_ soon. Its bad for his health.3.M_ notes is a good way to learn English.4.I got my r_ card yesterday. 5.Our countrys economy is i_ in recent years.6.Two f_ of my classmates are girls.7.My dream is to be a l_.8.The l_ government gave the news about the earthquake.9.Im afr

24、aid of speaking in p_.10.The water p_ is getting worse and worse.请根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. It usually takes me half an hour _ (walk) to school. 2. The government should pay much attention to the _ (increase) population.3. The grand piano takes up too much _ (room). 4. I think Beijing is one of th

25、e _ (beautiful) places in the world. 5. No one _ (know) when he will be back.6. The population of this city _ (be) not large.7. Those poor children need somewhere _ (live). 8. You should protect the children from _ (catch) cold. 9. How long does it take you _ (walk) 50 meters? 10. Something serious

26、is _ (happen) to me.请根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。(10分)1. There are a lot of clouds today. It is going to r_ later on.2. It will p_ snow. You should put on warm clothes.3. It is p_ for little Tom to win the English match.4. Look at the c_ in the sky. They look like some sheep.5. It is often s_ in winter in the

27、northeast of China.6. It is raining outside now. Can I borrow your u_.7. In Taian, it is c_ in spring and autumn.8. If you put your clothes under the sun, they will get d_ soon.9. When I was ill, I had a high t_. I felt very hot.10. May I use your c_ to take some photos? -Of course. Here it is.请根据句意

28、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. When did you learn to swim? -I _ (can) swim at the age of 6.2. Whats the weather like today? Its _ (sun).3. The sun _ (shine) and there was no wind yesterday morning.4. The best time _ (visit) China is Spring Festival because its an important festival in China.5. The days get

29、 longer in summer and the weather _ (start) to get hotter.6. Its a good idea _ (bring) your swimsuit when you visit Hainan.7. Remember _ (take) your pen because you might want to write something.8. It is great fun to go _ (hike), isnt it? -Yes, I enjoy it very much.9.What about _ (go)to the town wit

30、h us?10. When I _ (arrive)there, Ill call you.阅读理解Every time you turn on the television or take a ride in a car, you could be adding to a problem called acid rain(酸雨). In this article, youll learn how acid rain is created, and how it affects us, and more importantly, what we all can do to prevent it

31、.How is acid rain created?When people use fuels(燃料), such as coal and gasoline, poisonous gases are given off. When these gases mix with rain, acid rain forms. Many power stations burn fuels in order to create the electricity(电) that we use in our homes and offices every day. Cars and trucks also se

32、nd these gases into the air when they burn gasoline. When rain mixes with these gases, harmful things called acids form. This is acid rain.How does acid rain affect us?Acid rain damages everything that it touches. It poisons our rivers, ponds, lakes, and oceans along with all the life in them. It po

33、llutes our soil and crops, harms trees, and can even kill fish and plants. Acid rain also eats away at buildings.How can we prevent acid rain?We need to cut down on the pollution that gets into our air. Turn off lights, televisions, and other electrical appliances if you are not using them. Walk or

34、take a bike whenever possible. If you are traveling a long distance, take a bus or train to save fuel.As research shows, acid rain harms our environment. But people everywhere can take small steps now to help protect our environment for future generations.( )1. When power stations burn fuels, _.A. a

35、cid rain forms B. air pollution is caused C. no pollution is caused D. acid rain gets heavier( )2. According to the article, acid rain affects us _.A. suddenly B. slightly C. seriously D. immediately( )3. What advice does the article give us?A. Go to school on foot or by bike if we can.B. Go to bed

36、earlier in order to use less electricity.C. Travel by bus to prevent acid rain.D. Turn off the television on rainy days.( )4. What is the best title of the article?A. Preventing Acid Rain B. Forming of Acid RainC. Acid Rain, Heavy Rain D. Acid Rain, Killer Rain.任务型阅读(1)Having a good breakfast is imp

37、ortant for you. You can easily understand it. By breakfast time you have not eaten anything for about twelve hours. (2)Your body needs food for morning activities. One good breakfast should contain rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. (3)In a cold morning, a cup of hot drinks is necessary(必需的).A g

38、ood breakfast helps you to(4)smile more easily. It helps you to be friendlier and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you have enjoyed a good breakfast.1. 写出(1)同义句。 2. 对(2)处画线部分进行提问。 3. 找出(3)处画线部分的错误并改正。 4. 写出(4)处词组的中文意思。 5. What does a good breakfast contain?

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