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1、The differenceThe differencebetweenbetweeneat out eat out and and deliverdeliverGroup members:Heyly,Ling,Teresa Lee,Ulrica,At1ng,David DefinitionEat out:to have a meal in a restaurant instead of at home.Deliver:to take some food that have been brought to a person or an place.Six parts of differenceW

2、hatWhereWhyWhenWhoHowWhat to eatEat out:can choose nearly whatever you want and different kinds of restaurants.Deliver:designed food in definite restaurants.1.Chinese restaurants Cantonese cuisineShanghai cuisineChaozhou cuisineSichuan cuisineBeijing cuisine 2.Western restaurantsFrench CuisineItalia

3、n CuisineAmerican CuisineRussian Cuisine3.CafesDishes and snakes in popular styles1.Plentiful Apps of delivering.2.Various kinds of food,though less than which in restaurants.Most are convenient to take away.When The time that people choose to have a meal Eat outUsually the meat time 1).Breakfast2).

4、Lunch3).Dinner4).Midnight snackBreakfast timeDeliverWhenever you like,you can deliver food at meal time or not.We can buy take-away food for the whole day because some restaurant take-out all the time.WhoThe people who you have meal withEat outOften with others(family,friends,classmates)“One of the

5、most loneliness issues is to eat out alone.”DeliverOften alone Sometimes with othersWHY do we prefer deliverThe following three main situationsWhen you are aloneWhen the weather is uncomfortableWhen you are busyWhen you are aloneSome people may feel embarrassed to eat out alone,just imagine when the

6、 restaurant is filled with customers then you have to sit down and share the table with other couples.Or when you are sitting alone and enjoying your food but suddenly you need to go to the restroom,and after you come back to your food,there is nothing left but the clean tableobviously the waiter ha

7、s misunderstood that you have finished up.When the weather is uncomfortableSometimes it is raining heavily or heating outside,when you are reluctant to eat out,then ordering the take-out food may seem expedient to you.For us students it is not rare to go though a time when we are crazy about TV dram

8、as,playing LOL or fully occupied with projects and exams,which means we hardly have time to eat out.Focus on college studentsWhy some people prefer take-out to eat out?DISCOUNTSome Apps used to deliver food has been popular among Chinese people.Such as.Now we can see them everywhere.QUEUING IS ANNOY

9、INGEating outside at lunch time or dinner time is a big hassle.We have to queue for a long time.If summer comes,we may get sweaty before having a hot meal.With delivering,we dont have to do this.VARIETIES OF FOODThe kinds of dishes in school canteen are quite few.What if I want.The answer is.Whether

10、 you like to eat-out or deliver,I hope this could help you learn more.WhyThe reason why people choose to eat out Are you hungry3.15Real placeOnline pictureProblemsFake business licenseDirty environmentFrozen mealsPoor quality of the staffWhen you eat out,maybe you will not have such problems.Feature

11、s Restaurants offer better food and more choices and better services.Restaurants are places of entertainment and communication.Restaurants served us for special occasions Features Maybe we can enjoy the beautiful scenery.How?Eat out1.Eating in the comfortable environmentCompared with delivery,eating

12、 out enables you to choose fantastic place to enjoy delicious cuisine2.Watching the cuisine production processEating out enables you to appreciate the master-hand of chefs3.Meeting with some friendsEating out engages you to enjoy the leisure time with friends togetherDeliver1.Having preferential pri

13、ceThere are many discounts in the apps like Eleme or Meituan,which engage you to enjoy delicacy at a low price2.Choose what you wantChinese food,western-style food,Japanese food,Korean food and Thai food,there are various kinds of foods are waiting for you,so you can enjoy different food in the mean

14、time3.Working while eating palatable cuisine Be convenient and save time for those who are busy at work4.Enjoying the delicious food remain within doorsSatisfy the needs of stay at home or do no want to cook foodConclusion So there are many difference between Eat out and Deliver,no matter the order way,eating environment,the option of the food,the price,or the convenient levelThank you!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!

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