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1、Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?Section B.Teaching aims 1.掌握本section的重点词汇与短语,继续学习并列句。2.能使用谚语表达自我观点与提建议.(1)You nod your head it means agreement.(2)Hurry up,youll miss the train.(3)Water is important some people dont save it.(4)Some people protect anima

2、ls others kill animals.whileandbutorCombine the sentences with or,and,but or while.1b Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers.1.Jane and Michael are mainly talking about _.A.why we should shut off the electricity when we leaveB.what we should use when we go shoppingC.how to be a greener person2.

3、Actions speak louder than words means _.A.words are not as loud as actions B.to do well is better than to say well C.actions can speak,but words cant do it.Actions speak louder than words.Remember some English idioms and try to use them often.Easier said than done.说说起来容易做起来起来容易做起来难难。行行动胜动胜于言辞。于言辞。.1

4、c Read 1a and complete the table.You ought to shut off the electricitytake a bus or a taxiwalk or ride a bikesave energyreduce air pollutiontake a cloth bagplastic bagsdistance.提建议句型You ought(not)to do You should (not)do You had better(not)do祈使句(肯定与否定)ought to 应该应该 情情态动词态动词 ought to+动词动词原形原形ought no

5、t to+动词动词原形原形.You should/ought to ride a bike to your school.You should/ought to take a bus to school instead of taking a taxi.You should/ought to take a cloth bag when you go shopping.Retell 1a using the first person(4 minutes)I would like to be a greener person.First,I ought to shut off the electr

6、icity when I leave a room.Second,Id better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if I travel a short distance.It will save energy and reduce air pollution.Third,I will take a cloth bag when I go shopping.I wont use plastic bags.Its easy to be a greener person.How to be a greener pers

7、on?.2 Choose the correct verbs or phrases to complete the statements.Then match them with the right pictures.shut off reduce grow recycle ride cover use1._ waste.Dont buy cups or boxes which can be used only once.2.Save electricity._ the electricity when you are not using it.3._ boxes and plastic bo

8、ttles.4._ fruit and vegetables yourself.5.Try to _ a bike when you travel.6._ both sides of the paper.7._ pans when you are cooking.ReduceShut off RecycleGrowrideUseCover.2 Match them with the right pictures.3 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct words.Then listen and check.The f

9、irst letter of each word is given.The earth is our home.Some things we have done are good for the earth w_ some are bad.We have polluted the earth,a_ it is sick now.We c_ down too many trees,so lots of rich land has c_ into desert.Factories p_ waste water into rivers.Pollution has caused many s_ pro

10、blems.The earth is crying for help.What shall we do to save it?We should plant more trees,r_ the waste we produce,r_ the waste paper and soft drink cans,and ride bikes to reduce air pollution.I think we should try to be g_ people to protect our earth.After all,we have only one earth.We should do e_

11、to protect it,or well be punished and lose our home.hilenduthangedoureriouseduceecyclereenerverything毕毕竟,竟,归归根根结结底底.3 Read together,and find out the compound sentences.The earth is our home.Some things we have done are good for the earth w_ some are bad.We have polluted the earth,a_ it is sick now.W

12、e c_ down too many trees,so lots of rich land has c_ into desert.Factories p_ waste water into rivers.Pollution has caused many s_ problems.The earth is crying for help.What shall we do to save it?We should plant more trees,r_ the waste we produce,r_ the waste paper and soft drink cans,and ride bike

13、s to reduce air pollution.I think we should try to be g_ people to protect our earth.After all,we have only one earth.We should do e_ to protect it,or well be punished and lose our home.hilenduthangedoureriouseduceecyclereenerverything毕毕竟,竟,归归根根结结底底.Summary1.words:action,distance,electricity 2.phras

14、es:ought(not)to,shut off,instead of ,after all 3.useful sentences:(1)Would you like to be a greener person?(2)First,you ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room.(3)second,youd better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance.It will save ener

15、gy and reduce air pollution.(4)Third,take a cloth bag when you go shopping.Dont use plastic bags.(5)Easier said than done.(6)Actions speak louder than words.Retell 1a using the first person Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences that we learn today.Finish Section B in your workbook.Preview Section C.

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