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1、新目标教材 Unit 9 Can you e to my party? 单元测试题 (原创)第二部分 笔试部分(80分)基础知识运用I. 单项选择(共15小题)( )21. How long did you wait _ the bus station? _ the bus came. P30 A. for; When B. at; Till C. for; Till D. at; After ( )22. This sweater is a bit small. Can you show me _ one? P26 A. the other B. other C. others D. ano

2、ther ( )23. Today is Tuesday. What day is it _? P28 Wednesday. A. yesterday B. the day before yesterday C. tomorrow D. the day after tomorrow ( )24. You are students. How many _ do you have every day? P25 A. lessonsB. booksC. teachersD. students ( )25. She spends _ time (in) watching TV. It is bad f

3、or her eyes. A. much too B. too manyC. too much D. many too( )26. Julia _ see a dentist because she has a bad toothache. P252627 A. had to B. may C. canD. has to ( )27. Why do you want a(n) _? P27 I want to know what the date is today. A. notebookB. calendar C. photoD. card ( )28. Our music party ne

4、eds a musician. Can you _ us? A. tellB. callC. meetD. joinP27 ( )29. When _ he _ bike riding? Next weekend. A. is; goingB. did; goC. does; goD. was; going ( )30. Please keep _, Helen. Your little sister is sleeping. P30 A. healthyB. cleanC. quietD. busy ( )31. I live near your school. Please _ my ho

5、me any time. P30 A. er over toB. help withC. look for D. pay for ( )32. Why didnt _ me? I didnt take my mobile phone with me. P29 A. teach B. callC. visitD. forget ( )33. Are you _ now, Cindy?P30 Sorry. I am very busy. A. happyB. excitedC. pleased D. free ( )34. Whats today? P28 _. A. Its three oclo

6、ck B. Its three kilometers C. Its Saturday the 18th D. Its in the morning( )35. Can you e out to play tennis with us? P2526 _. I have to stay at home. A. Sorry, I cant B. Yes, please C. Yes, Id love to D. Not at all I. 2125 BDCAC 2630 DBDAC 3135 ABDCA 答案简析21. B 在车站,介词用at;在车站一直等到公共汽车来,介词应用till。22. D

7、泛指“另一个;再一个”代词应用another。23. C 今天是星期二,答语有星期三,我们可知是问“明天”是星期几。24. A 由第一句“你们是学生”可知是问你们明天上多少“节课”。25. C time是不可数名词,表示太多,应用too much。26. D 牙痛属于客观原因,情态动词应用has to。27. B 答语“我想知道今天什么日期 ”,我们可知对方是想要日历表。28. D 加入到某个团体中,动词应用join。29. A 本题是用现在进行时表示计划将来要做的动作。30. C 由后面语境“你妹妹正在睡觉”,可知是让对方保持安静,形容词应用quiet。31. A 我住在附近,请随时拜访我。

8、32. B 由答语可知,问句是问“你为什么没有给我打xx?”call在这里意为“打xx”33. D 由答语可知,上句是问“你现在有空吗?”34. C Whats today?意为“今天是什么日子?”一般回答星期几,几号。 35. A 问句发出邀请,答语第二句表明不能去,所以空白处应是否定回答。II. 完形填空。(共10小题,共1篇文章) A 43-year-old woman had a bad illness and was taken to the 36 . While on the operating table (手术台) she had a near death (去世). She

9、saw God, she asked if her 37 was up. God said, “No, you have 38 43 years, 2 months, and 8 days to live.” The woman was very 39 to hear this. Thinking she had so much more time to live, she must 40 her time better. So before 41 the hospital, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a face-l

10、ift (整容手术). She even had 42 e in and change her hair color. She got out of the hospital after the last operation. But while walking 43 the street, she was killed (杀死) by car to the hospital. Arriving in front of God, she asked, “I thought you said I had another 43 Years? 44 didnt you take me out of

11、the way of the car?” God answered, “I didnt know 45 was you.” ( )36. A. schoolB. bank C. park D. hospital ( )37. A. lifeB. illnessC. carD. hair ( )38. A. oneB. otherC. another D. each ( )39. A. thirsty B. happy C. stressedD. sad( )40. A. takeB. stayC. spendD. send ( )41. A. ingB. buildingC. makingD.

12、 leaving( )42. A. someone B. nothing C. everyoneD. something ( )43. A. overB. across C. toD. for ( )44. A. When B. WhatC. HowD. Why( )45. A. heB. itC. sheD. this III阅读理解:(共10小题,共两篇文章。)(A)Help: celebrate 庆祝 ; RSVP敬请答; bathing suit 游泳衣 根据图片内容填空。Look at the card! This is an invitation. Caroline is (46)

13、_ years old. She is going to celebrate her birthday (47)_ (time). She is having it in (48)_ (place). Her address is 14 elm crossing street Belmont, Massachusetts. Her telephone number is (49)_. If you want to join the activity, you must call Caroline by (50)_ and take your bathing suit with you. (B)

14、A farmer got so old that he couldnt work the fields anymore. So he would spend the day just sitting on the porch (门廊). His son, still working the farm, would look up from time to time and see his father sitting there. “Hes of no use any more,” the son thought to himself, “he doesnt do anything!” One

15、 day the son got so angry by this, that he made a wood coffin (棺材), took it over to the porch, and told his father to get in. His father didnt say anything and climbed inside. After closing the lid, the son took the coffin to the edge of the farm where there was a high cliff (悬崖). As he was about dr

16、opping, he heard a weak tapping (敲击) on the lid from inside the coffin. He opened it up. Still lying there peacefully, the father looked up at his son. “I know you are going to throw me over the cliff, but before you do, may I suggest something?” “What is it?” replied the son. “Leave me over the cli

17、ff, if you like,” said the father, “but save this good wood coffin. Your children might need to use it.” ( )51. The farmer spent the day just sitting on the porch because he _. A. didnt want to work B. was too old to work C. had lots of money D. had much food to eat ( )52. The farmers son _. A. thou

18、ght his father was useless B. couldnt work either C. looked after his father well D. had a little daughter ( )53. The son asked his father to get into the coffin to _. A. let his father to have a good rest B. learn how to make a coffin C. throw the coffin and his father over the high cliff D. watch

19、their farm field ( )54. What does the underlined word “lid” mean in Chinese? A. 螺丝B. 天棚 C. 被子D. 盖子 ( )55. What can we learn from the last sentence? A. The old farmer had lots of children. B. Being bad to the old would have a bad result on children. C. The old farmer didnt think the coffin was good.

20、D. The son must drop the coffin after old farmers word. 语言综合运用I. 词汇。A) 根据句意和中文释义填写单词。56. Do you want to go to the _ (音乐会)? 57. _ (化学) is my favorite subject. 58. I am very busy the _ (整个的) week? 59. For _ (谁) did you buy the watch? 60. Yesterdays volleyball _ (比赛) was very exciting。 B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式

21、填空。61. The new (America) _ president (总统) is Barack Obama. 62. Before the volleyball game, they did many volleyball _ (train). 63. Thanks for _ (ask) to your birthday party. 64. How many _ (lesson) do you usually have at school? 65. Dont talk loudly. I am trying _ (sleep). II.句子。(共10小题。)A) 按要求改写句子。

22、66. He can e to the party. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _ he _ to the party? _, he _. 67. I am visiting my grandparents on Sunday? (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ on Sunday? 68. She will go to the party if she has time. (同义句改写) She will go to the party if she _ _. 69. The children didnt go to bed till their parents came bac

23、k home. (同义句改写) The children _ to bed _ their parents came back home.70. I am studying for a test all the week. (同义句改写) I am studying for a test _ _ _. B) 根据所给图片提示,完成句子。71. I dont feel well. So I have to _ this morning. 72. Little Grace cant e to the party because she has to _. 73. What is Peter doi

24、ng this Sunday? _. 74. Did Wang Qiang _ last night? Yes, he did. 75. When did you get Lin Hais _? This morning. III.补全对话。(1-2篇,共10小题。)选句子补全对话(应多给出两个选项作为干扰项)。A. Where is she having her party? B. Yes, I do.C. Can you e to her party?D. Where are you going?E. Sorry, I cant. F. When is her birthday?G. Le

25、ts go to the shop and buy a present for her.B: Hi, Gina. (76)_ G: I am going to a present shop. B: Do you want to buy a gift? G: (77)_ Lindas birthday is ing. I want to buy her present. B: Oh. (78)_ G: It is October 28. B: She is my friend, too. G: Really? Great! (79)_ B: Yes, I can. I have nothing

26、to do that day. G: (80)_ B: Good idea. Lets go. IV. 写作。Frank收到Dale的邮件,邀请他下周六一起去野营。Frank很忙,周六他要和爸妈去购物,然后要去他祖父母家,因为是他的祖父的生日;晚上他必须上钢琴课。假设你是Frank,请你回个邮件,说明原因。要求:1、回件可以适当发挥,但要用上上述要点;2、字数:60左右。Hi Dale,_Thanks for your invitation very much. 单元测试题参考答案基础知识运用I. 2125 BDCAC 2630 DBDAC 3135 ABDCA II. 3640 DACBC

27、4145 DABDB III. (A) 46. 13 / thirteen 47. Saturday, August 23rd 48. Carolines house 49. 781-555-512550. august 15th (B) 5155 BACDB 语言综合运用I. A) 56. concert 57. Chemistry 58. whole 59. whom 60. match B) 61. American 62. training 63. asking 64. lesson 65. to sleep II. A) 66. Can; e; No; cant 67. What a

28、re; doing 68. is free 69. went; after 70. the whole week B) 71.go to the doctor / see the doctor 72. have / take a guitar lesson 73. He is playing soccer. 74. do his homework 75. birthday invitation III.7680 DBFCGIV. (One possible version)Hi Dale, Thanks for your invitation. I am so sorry I cant joi

29、n you in the camping. I will be very busy. On Saturday, I must go shopping with my parents and go to visit my grandparents. It is my grandfathers birthday. In the evening, I have to have piano lessons. Have a good time during your camping. Show me tour photos after your camping. Frank 写作思路点拨本写作属于实用文体。随着电脑的普及和互联网的发展,电子邮件也为同学们所熟知和应用。电子邮件格式和书信大致相同,要求也更宽松。除称呼和署名单独占一行,其他段落可以不空字符。本文让我们回邮件,只要按要求说清楚原因即可,所以文章不宜过多发挥。自己不能去,可表示遗憾,并对对方表示良好祝愿。

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