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1、高一牛津上Unit 5知识点梳理一必知考点牛津版高一(上)Unit 5. Words 单词 词性 中文 词组1. _ _ 牛排2. _ _ 听起来好像 sound + a. 听起来. (_: 听起来有点道理)3. _ _ 素食者 _ a.:素食的 _: 蔬菜4. _ _ 影响 _ n.:影响,作用5. _ _ 航天员 _: 航天学,太空飞行学6. _ _ 聚集 _ n.: 人群7. _ _ 极小的8. _ _ 胡椒粉9. _ _ 种植 _ n.:种植,生长10. _ _ 牛 _: 公牛;_: 母牛;11. _ _ 食欲 _.:对的愿望,欲望 _:学习的强烈愿望12. _ _ 包含 13. _

2、_ 维生素14. _ _ 矿物质15. _ _ 杀虫剂,农药 icide: (后缀)杀 _: 杀虫剂16. _ _ 来源17. _ _ 精力,活力 _: 精力充沛的18. _ _ 多种多样 _: 多种多样的;_: a. 多种多样的19. _ _ 建议 _; _; _建议某人做某事20. _ 干酪汉堡包 _: n. 汉堡包21. _ _ 奶昔22. _ _ 增加 _: v. 减少23. _ _ 聪颖的,有才智的 _: n. 聪明,才智. Phrases1. _ 烤杂排,烤什锦2. _ 猪排3. _ 代替4. _ 心脏病发作5. _ 选定6. _ 区分7. _ 一点,少量8. _ 生病9. _ 失

3、去胃口10. _ 顺便说一下11. _ 均衡的饮食12. _ 缺少13. _ 另一方面14. _ .的风险15. _ 全麦. Sentence pattern(1) You are always influenced by these programmes.(2) Here is my mixed grill.(3) By the way, can you pass the pepper?(4) What is your opinion?. Grammar情态动词have to, must, should, ought to 的用法二核心词汇讲解1. sound V听起来好像 His idea

4、s sounded great他的主意听起来不错。 【拓展】n声音 They heard strange sounds from the next flat他们听到隔壁的公寓里有一些奇怪的声音。 2. influence V影响 His decision to study physics in university was influenced by his Physics teacher他的物理老师对他决定在大学里学习物理起了影响作用。 【拓展】几影响 【必背】have influence onupon对有影响 Her friends words have a great influence

5、 on her behaviours她朋友的话对她的行为有很大的影响。 3. crowd V聚集 Shoppers crowded into the store买东西的人涌人商店。 【必背】 be crowded with挤满了 The bus is crowded with passengers公交车上挤满了乘客。 【拓展】n人群 A big crowd gathered on the road马路上聚集了一大群人。 4. grow vi. 生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 vt. 种植, 栽培, 培育 This farm grows mainly flowers and veget

6、ables. Babies grow very quickly. grow angry; _ grow closer_5. instead of adv. 而不是. instead 而是 How about reading more books instead of watching TV? If there is no coal, oil can be used instead.6. cattle 牛, 家养牲畜 pl. n.(复数名词) a herd of cattle 一群牛five head of cattle 五头牛 Make sure all the cattle are safe

7、ly locked up.7. contain V包含 Beer contains alcoho1啤酒含有酒精。【拓展】辨析contain、hold和acmodate 这三个词都含有“包含”、“容纳”的意思。但是contain着重“其中确实包含有”,hold指“能容纳”,acmodate指“为(某人)提供住宿”。 The bottle contains water这个瓶子里有水。 The house can hold 20 people这房子能住下20个人。 This hotel can acmodate 1 00 guests这座旅馆可以接纳1 00位宾客。container n容器;集装箱

8、8. advise V建议 【必背】 advise somebody to do something建议某人做某事 advise doing something建议做某事 advise somebody on something向某人提供关于的建议 The manager advised them to carry out the project as soon as possible经理建议他们尽早实施这个项目。 He advises thinking carefully before making the final decision他建议在作最终决定前要仔细考虑。 The teacher

9、 advised the students on how to write term essays老师教学生们如何写学期论文。 【拓展】 n意见;劝告 【必背】take ones advice听从某人的劝告 You should take others friendly advice你应该听从别人友好的劝告。 adviser 顾问 Her mother works as an adviser她母亲的工作是顾问。9. increase V增加 The village is increasing fast in population这座村庄的人口在迅速增长。 【拓展】n增加;增长 Because

10、of excel lent performance last year,he has received an increase in salary 由于去年有出色的表现,他获得了提薪。 【注意】 increase的反义词是decrease。The number of the club members decreased from 1,000 to 200这家俱乐部的会员人数从1 000人减少到200人。 A big decrease in sales caused the bookstore to close销售量大减使这家书店关门了。10. decide on 就做出决定, 决定要 Pete

11、r decided on a blue sweater. 彼得选定了一件蓝色的运动衫. We decide on blue paint for the bedroom.11. tell from 辨别 Can you tell her from her twin sister? 你能将她和她的孪生姐妹分开吗? How can we tell the good from the bad? _12. variety多种多样 【必背】a variety of多种多样的 The shop has a variety of children clothes. 这家小店有各种各样的儿童服装。 【拓展】 变

12、化;多样化 Her essay lacks variety她写的文章缺乏变化。 various adj各种各样的 The store sells various kinds of toys这家小店出售各种各样的玩具。13intelligent adj聪颖的;有才智的 Her son is very intelligent她的儿子非常聪明。 【拓展】 intelligence n聪明;智力;情报 She asked her son to solve the problem by using his own intelligence 她让儿子自己动脑筋去解决这个问题。 He used to be

13、an officer in intelligence他过去曾是一名情报官员。 14. energy门精力;活力 He is a person full of energy他是一个充满活力的人。 【拓展】 能量;能源He is interested in studying machines operated by solar energy他对研究由太阳能运行的机器感兴趣。 Oil is a precious source of energy石油是一种宝贵的能源。 energetic adj精力充沛的 After a long flight,he still appeared energetic在

14、长途飞行后,他仍然显得精力充沛。15.appetite,食欲 Proper exercising will increase ones appetite for food适当的运动会增进一个人的食欲。 【拓展】n强烈欲望 【必背】 have an appetite for喜欢;爱好 He has an appetite for oilpainting他非常喜欢油画。16. vegetarian n素食者 She turned from a meateater to a vegetarian她从一个肉食者变成了一个素食者。 【拓展】 adj素食者的 He opened a vegetarian

15、restaurant他开了一家素食餐馆。 vegetarianism n素食主义 vegetable n蔬菜 Vegetables are good to our health蔬菜对我们的健康有益。活学活用A. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box below. Change the form where necessary.astronautinfluenceappetitetinyvegetariancontainpesticideincreasevarietysource1. My Physics teache

16、r _my decision to study science.2. The baby has a good _ ; so it can eat a lot.3. The album _ many memorable songs.4. His employer has _his wages.5. The farmer plans to spray(喷撒) the_ on the fruit trees tomorrow.6. Therere three_ in the spacecraft.7. This shop sells a _of toys.8 Where is the _ of th

17、e Nile.9. She became a strict _ two years ago because she thought herself too fat.10. The baby put its _ hand in mine. B. translation1. 这个演讲包括一些有趣的思想。(contain)_2. 他过去住在这里,但现在不再住在这里了。(no more)_3. 这辆公共汽车里挤满了乘客。(crowd)_4. 我的胃空空的,却没有食欲。(appetite)_5.顺便问一下,你能在去超市的路上帮我买本杂志吗?(way)_6. 我可以不喝茶,而喝咖啡吗?(instead o

18、f )_7. 你的建议听起来很可行。(sound)_8. 农民应该保护羊不被狼吃掉。(ought to )_9. 这家新超市经营得非常成功,这使得附近的一些小店不得不停业。(have to)_10. 他们不仅影响了我们这一代,而且会影响到子孙后代。(influence)_ Keys:Unit 5 Think before you eatA. 1. influenced 2. appetite 3. contains 4. increased 5. pesticide 6. astronauts 7. variety 8. source 9. vegetarian 10. tinyB. 1. T

19、he speech contained some interesting ideas.2. He used to live here, but he no more lives here now.3. The bus was awfully crowded with passengers.4. My stomach is empty but I have no appetite.5. By the way, can you buy me a magazine on your way to the supermarket?6. Can I drink beer instead of tea?7.

20、 Your proposal sounds quite feasible.8. Farmers ought to protect the sheep from wolves.9. The new supermarket has been so successful that some small shop have to close down.10. Not only have they influenced our generation but they will also influence generations to e.三Grammar: Model verb 1. must必须,应

21、当You must get to the airport before nine oclock.Your homework must be clear and plete. He must be in the reading room now. 他现在准是在阅览室。(表示说话人对事物的推测)She must be writing a letter to her mother. 她现在一定在给她妈妈写信。(must加动词不定式进行时也可表示对现在发生的动作的推测,表示“一定”或“准是”的意思。)The road is wet. It must have rained last night. 马路

22、湿了,昨晚一定下雨了。(must加动词不定式的完成式,说明对过去事物的推测,表示“一定”或“准是”的意思。)两种否定式的比较must not表示“不应该”、“不许可”,语气比较强烈。如:或者翻译为:禁止!We mustnt waste our time.我们不应该浪费我们的时间。need not(不必)表示must在必须意义上的否定。如:-Must we clean our classroom today?-No, you neednt.我们必须今天清扫教室吗?不,不必。2have to(不得不,必须)To launch satellites into space, we have to us

23、e big powerful rockets.要把卫星射入太空我们必须得使用巨型强力火箭。There is no bus to the village and we have to walk there.没有到那个村子的公共汽车,我们必须步行去那里。have to的含义与must相似,两者往往可以互换使用,但have to有各种形式,随have的变化而定。must与have to有下列几点不同: must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而have to则往往强调客观需要。如:The play is not interesting. I really must go now.I had to work

24、 when I was your age. must一般只表现在,have to则有更多的时态形式。 二者的否定意义不大相同。如:You mustnt go. 你可不要去。You dont have to go. 你不必去。 询问对方的意愿时应用must。如:Must I clean all the room?3should应当You should listen to your fathers advice.你应当听你爸爸的话。(表示“劝告”、“建议”)The doctor should be here by now.医生现在可能到了。(表示“预测”、“可能”)She should be on

25、 campus.她应当在校园里。(表示“预测”、“可能”)Why should I leave?我干吗要离开?(表示“不满”、“惊奇”)should后跟动词不定式的完成式时,这时句子指的是过去的事情。如果是肯定句,说明事情本应完成而未完成;如果是否定句表示发生了不应当发生的事情。如: The little boy shouldnt have eaten the apple without washing it first.You should have worked hard earlier. shall和should的用法对比1. Shall用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意愿。如:What s

26、hall we do this evening?2. Shall用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。如:Shall we begin our lesson?When shall he be able to leave the hospital?3. Shall用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁。如:You shall fail if you dont work harder. (警告)He shall have the book when I finish reading. (允诺)He shall be punished. (威胁)4.

27、Should表示劝告、建议、命令,其同义词是ought to;在疑问句中,通常用should代替ought to。如:You should go to class right away.Should I open the window?Should的含义较多,用法较活,现介绍三种其特殊用法。请看下面的句子: I should think it would be better to try it again. 我倒是认为最好再试一试。 You are mistaken, I should say. 依我看,你是搞错了。 I should advise you not to do that. 倒是

28、劝你别这样做。 This is something I should have liked to ask you. 这是我本来想问你的。从以上例句可以看出:情态动词should用于第一人称时可以表示说话人的一种谦逊、客气、委婉的语气。此外,Why(or How) + should结构表示说话人对某事不能理解,感到意外、惊异等意思。意为“竟会”。如:Why should you be so late today? 你几天怎么来得这么晚? Where is Betty living? 贝蒂住在哪里? How should I know? 我怎么会知道呢?I dont know why you sh

29、ould think that I did it.我真不知道你凭什么认为这件事是我干的。4ought to 应当,总该语气比should重,比must轻,表示有“义务”或“必要”做某件事,还可表示“劝告”等。You ought to practice more.你应该多练习。You ought not to stay up too late.你不应该熬夜太晚。Your grandpa oughtnt to drink so much.你爷爷不应当喝大多的酒。ought后加动词不定式的完成式时,指过去的动作。肯定形式(ought to have done)表示某件事应当做而未做,相当于shoul

30、d have done。否定形式(ought not to have done),则表示一件不应该做的事情发生了,相当于should not have done。如: I was fined. I ought to have returned these books to the library last month.我被罚款了,我上个月就应当把这些书还给图书馆。You oughtnt to have got up so late.你不应该起这么晚。注意:在美国英语中,ought to用于否定句和疑问句时,to可以省略。如:Ought you smoke so much?You oughtnt

31、 smoke so much.第四步:【应对情态动词考题的技巧】技巧1 充分利用句子语境综观历年高考英语情态动词的考查情况,有相当一部分考题从本质上看都是在考查情态动词在具体语境中的运用,即只要考生能弄清各个被考查情态动词的意思,就可作出正确选择。如:(1) Helen _ go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sure yet. A. shall B. must C. may D. can分析:答案选C。由于下文说“她还没有把握”,所以前文要用may表示没有把握的肯定推测,即“可能会与我们去旅行”。(2) Ive taken someone e

32、lses green sweater by mistake.It _ Harrys. He always wears green. A. has to be B. will be C. mustnt be D. could be分析:答案选D。后文说“他总是穿绿色衣服”,据此语境可推知,这件衣“可能是”哈利的,could表示可能性。(3) Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere.Well. He _have gone farhis coats still here. A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. can

33、tD. wouldnt分析:答案选C。后文说“他的外套还在这里”,据此语境可知“他不可能走远了”,故选cant。(4) He paid for a seat, when he _ have entered free. A. could B. would C. must D. need 分析:答案选A。could have done的意思是“本来可以做某事”。句子语境为“虽然他本来能够免费入场,但他买了票”。(5) Lucy doesnt mind lending you her dictionary.She _. Ive already borrowed one. A. cant B. mus

34、tnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 分析:答案选C。既然“我已经借了一本”,所以“她就没有必要借给我了”。neednt在此表示“不必”。技巧2 根据时间确定时态即要分清情态动词表推测时涉及的是现在情况还是过去情况。原则上说,若对现在情况进行推测,情态动词后接动词原形或进行式;若对过去情况进行推测,则后接动词的完成式(这通常是高考的重点);若是对正在发生的情况进行推测,后接动词的进行式。如:(1) Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.Thanks. You _it. I could manage it myself. A. nee

35、dnt do B. neednt have doneC. mustnt do D. shouldnt have done分析:答案选B。句子的语境是:“我自己能做”,所以“你本不必做的”。选A还是B呢?根据前面一句中的 have cleaned 可知,动作已经发生,所以此处谈论的是一个过去情况,故选 neednt have done。(2) This cake is very sweet. You _ a lot of sugar in it. A. should put B. could have put C. might put D. must have put分析:答案选D。前文说“蛋糕

36、很甜”,下文的语境显然应该是“你一定是在里面放了很多糖”,故用“must+完成式”表示对过去情况的肯定推测。(3) The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.Oh, dear! She _ a lot of difficulties!A. may go through B. might go throughC. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through分析:答案选D。由上文的stayed可知

37、,此题是对过去情况有把握的肯定推测。句意为“那个女生物学家呆在非洲研究野生动物13年才回来。”“天啊!她一定经历了不少苦难!”技巧3 注意分清适用句型即要分清所考查的情态动词是用于肯定句型,还是用于疑问句型或否定句型,同时还要注意情态动词在某些特殊情况下所使用的特殊句型。如:The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _be very slow. A. should B. mustC. will D. can分析:答案选 D。在通常情况下,情态动词can 表示推测时,只用于否定句和疑问句,不用于肯定句,但有一种特殊情况就是它可以用于肯定句中表理论上的推测或表示“有时”之意,而此题考查的正是can 表示“有时”的用法。精典名题导解选择填空1. I was really anxious about

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