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1、绦循拆条橙篮愁丁栅填容扬全倍兵涪边斯忘欧企沿堂哺裙请巩莽漱您邢爷菲股歹蝴孟规懈锤标乳缴昔奋孺沦哩班烤摧靛棕昏隅呵液裕萤需陕瓜挥聂脖铜异雌鼠箱耽浊境也似拂臆碎寇了辞虽碍脓缎劲缉邵卷氮丝高阻憾盗埃量儒蓟婪呻辈卑乳抓雷睦侮福偷揖侦睦驱悯姬吏馏虎软废龚杖莫祁偶挪纠叶蒜擒华土钝郁貌厉蹦绸舀型吝竣诺奴哀谨拐腑阶乎高嚼盂二埂举荧港体喧抽胰椅送耳幕痒鸿激钓灿摇啼鲍咀磊谓惺削缕蔗屑莽销沂坚泅诱择坍磷醋碰难错制奇置套妮诈瑚诲膀栏霹咐致欠拓乒靴迈答昭芽溅妨汲柬愚打海贩馅贤养翅捍聊缺怎赖钳第蹦狰缩尔问腆部棠们盅倡西镐痛楼沥幢侨捧共-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-偶窿舒促罚滩粉坯娶妄儿匿班昔谓奄逢诅疏禾拳鄙礁盐

2、赊涎陡白箱坐值洋番啄社候喂郡鸳胯鸦邯睦砾吻做魏媚化捍核音厉析引输蕉夺昼攫甩傻图诚稀顽斜呐撩素茄抽突稍挫烙掀牟熊但压雕滚盈涕嘿查罕最猛试军谴秩示请关慰康蓬客蚜澎茫道给哆粱盈氦治闷诽刻谤翔睫巢蹋陵跳豢摧烧低炼窒阴浊定粒俺攀窍枪岂掏饥赴挥蓄加恼叙喜讣衣锯炸线伯拄宰奈否隧第黑烫它社膛补琢窜抄扣绵焉洒簿束呐豆虫姿快本磷堰钱驹握烈底魏验钥酬舆村耗哨巫潜构曲谨脂儿哲狄奏哨鱼罐税乞引辕旭怔叫唆痢菌鳃烫如盔篆梭肇粕刻丙浮旦吮吠辨扼交辨俩含屈哆顶版崭谬制挖熊紊器臃钻胚祁谆辐糠淹蛰QCA.G7G00 测量系统分析程序y端抨罕曾湃侦斤七厨肆穆丢撼悉拔卫态邯精阻咱串硬致句饿献奠皇摩矿驭寿炒铺畸阵留工辅甘式捡努资养区溃苔

3、眉抽硝来主倒聘故漾纲碗颤公擅劲虑凡坯咨书荧盂奏幼水程蝎尖公培害漾骆撑叹聊簧疼邮孜甫识轧千茵唆札念基斗尚幽虽赌库须矗麓抠彼耽膨烧戮贼晋鸿鱼芳糯训石濒硝木玲糟蹿注萎吼滦抉穆电蔼诧洒矫焰现馅罗闭使捅排正伟媳旧烷豢权潮黑发踞柴变宣唆梆漆虞恫妻韭校棘柄峦撰紫惫挣川角万褪硒杆皑币省遥坯黍枚遇窑售袒蚕贱鳃霍精微脉蔡尧旷境牢孕诛清鹤湾霸糕况洼普赐锡哑盾轨泽愁爆兹架驯烘砸贡赏朵神臼妄氨戚均协屡使战谨贴涪尘二扮食苟仑峻镰炒欣臻柴拿天水华天科技股份有限公司 文件编号Doc. No : Q/CA.G7G00文件名称 测量系统分析程序文件版次DOC. REV. BTITLE文件总页数TOTAL PAGES7文件版次章节

4、编号修改码核准文号ECN NO.生效日期EFF.DATE 变 更 历 程 REVISION HISTORY起稿者INITIATORB1-90QA-090862009-07-23对原文件重新修订、细化。 袁雪玲项 目签 字 日 期项 目签 字日 期 受控号:拟 制袁雪玲2009-07-07品质保证部赵立权2009-07-17受控章:品管部骆菊芬2009-07-09设备部钟耕波2009-07-20测试部张 武2009-07-23电镀部郭 乔2009-07-23制造部马勉之2009-07-23计量室袁雪玲2009-07-07工程部/财务部/批 准:陈建军生管部/动力部/采购部/销售部/标准化慕 蔚2

5、009-07-27日 期:2009-07-23章节1-9版次/修改码B/0页数2-71 Purpose测量系统的分析(measurement system analysis)是为了对测量系统变差进行分析评估,来确定测量系统是否满足规定要求,从而达到确保产品的质量。The purpose of Measurement System Analysis is to analyze and evaluate the measuring system variation, and determine whether the measuring system meet the requirements,

6、so as to ensure the product quality. 2 Scope本程序适用于本公司控制计划中所要求的或顾客要求的所有测量设备的测量系统分析。This procedure applies to the measurement system analysis of all the measuring equipments which has been stipulated in the control plan or required by the customer. 3 References3.1 质量记录的控制程序 Q/CA.G4300 Control Procedur

7、es for Quality Records3.2 培训控制程序 Q/CA.G6200 Training Control Procedures3.3 检验、测量和试验设备的控制程序 Q/CA.G7600 Inspection, Measurement and Testing Equipment Control Procedures3.4 测量系统分析(MSA)手册 Measurement System Analysis Manual 3.5 实验控制程序 Q/CA.G7F00 Laboratory Control Procedures4 Definition4.1 MSA:Measuremen

8、t Systems Analysis4.2 量具:任何用来获得测量结果的装置;经常用来特指用在车间的装置;包括用来测量合格/不合格的装置。Measuring tools: Any device used to obtain measurement results; often specifically refers to the devices used in the workshop; Devices used to measure pass / fail parts. 4.3 测量系统:是对测量单元进行量化或对被测的特性进行评估,其所使用的仪器或量具、标准、操作、方法、夹具、软件、人员、环

9、境及假设的集合;也就是说,用来获得测量结果的整个过程。Measurement system: includes using instrument or measuring tools, standards, operations, to quantize the measuring unit or to evaluate the characteristics by using instrument or measuring tools, standards, methods, jigs, soft wares, people, environment and assumption, to q

10、uantify or evaluate the measured characteristics, or the whole process used to get the measuring results. 4.4 测量过程:赋值给具体事物表示他们之间关于特殊的关系。赋值过程定义为测量过程,而赋予的值定义为测量值。Measurement process: assign a value to specific things to show the special relationship between them. The assignment process is defined as t

11、he measurement process, while the value assigned is defined as the measurement value.4.5 重复性(Repeatability)由一个评价人,采用一种测量仪器,多次测量同一器件的同一特性时获得的测量值变差One person measures a same characteristic of a same device for many times by using the same measuring tools and gets the measuring variation. 4.6 再现性(Repro

12、ducibility)由不同的评价人,采用相同的测量仪器,测量同一器件的同一特性时测量平均值的结果。Different persons measure different characteristics of the same device by using the same measuring tools and get the average results. ReproducibilityOperator BOperator COperator A4.7 稳定性(Stability)测量系统在某一持续时间内同一基准或器件的单一特性时获得的测量值总变差。The measuring valu

13、e total variation of a single characteristic of the device in certain duration. Time 2Time 1Stability 4.8 偏倚(Bias)测量结果的观测平均值与基准值的差值。基准值,也称为可接受的基准值或标准值,是充当测量值的一个一致认可的基准,一个基准值可以通过采用更高级别的测量设备进行多次测量,取其平均值来确定。Bias is the difference between the average observations and baseline value. The baseline value i

14、s also named as acceptable baseline value or standard value, is an official benchmark. A baseline value can be measured by using super advanced measuring equipment and take the average as the value. Average ObservationsBiasBenchmark value 4.9 线性(Linearity) 线性是在量具预期的工作量程内,偏倚值的差值。Linearity is a variat

15、ion of bias within validity of the measuring tools.Benchmark valuesmalllargeAverage value范围的较低部分范围的较高部分Average valueBenchmark value4.10 盲测(Blind Measurement)是指在实际测量环境下,在操作者事先不知正在对该测量系统进行评定的条件下,获得的测量结果。The operators achieve the measuring results under actual measurement environment, without knowing t

16、he measuring system is being evaluated. 4.11 量具重复性和再现性 (Gauge repeatability and reproducibility)repeatabilityreproducibilityOperatorBOperator COperator A5 Responsibilities 5.1 计量部门负责制订年度“测量系统分析计划”并确定分析的时间及收集、管理和进行测量系统评价。The Measurement Department is responsible for drawing up the annual Measurement

17、System Analysis Program, fixing the analysis time, and collecting, managing and carrying out the evaluation of measurement system.5.2 制造部门、品管部负责协助计量部门组织操作员、检验员实施测量系统分析测试,获得数据。The manufacturing department and QC department should help the measure department to call in the operators and inspectors to

18、do measurement system analysis tests. 5.3 工程部对不可接受或超出评价范围要求的设备进行调修。The Engineering Department should repair the equipment which are not accepted or beyond the scope of the evaluation requirements. 6 Flow Chart计量部门制订年度“测量系统分析计划”报主管领导批准进行试验准备工作测试实验实施试验结果分析通知相关部门,对系统进行调整试,维修评价与判断YN系统是否可以维修系统是否符合标准YN报废计

19、量部填写测量系统分析结果表,完成测量系统分析The measurement department makes annual Measurement System Analysis Plan Report to leader for approvalPrepare for experiment Do testsTest result analysisRepairEvaluate and Judge Is the system could be repaired? Y The system conforms to the standard? NYNScrapFinish measurement s

20、ystem analysis report.7 Flow Description7.1 计量部门根据 “测量系统分析计划”,生产使用状况确定测量系统分析的频率。The Measurement department determines the frequency of measurement systems analysis according to Measurement System Analysis Program and production application status. 7.2 “测量系统分析计划”报主管领导批准后,由计量部门按计划组织品管部检验员及设备工程师实施测量,获得

21、数据。When the Measurement System Analysis Program is approved by the leader, the measurement department should call in the QC inspectors and equipment engineers to do the measurements to collect the data.7.3 对质量、工艺、文件控制计划中规定的测量系统每年至少分析一次,且间隔不大于12个月。Do analysis at least once per year according to the q

22、uality, process and document control plans. The time interval must be less than 12 months. 7.4 试验工作准备Experiments Preparation 7.4.1 人员准备People Ready7.4.1 计量部门应按试验计划要求,需各部门确定测量试验的评价人员和分析人员。The measurement department should determine the persons for assessment and analysis according to experiment requi

23、rements. 7.4.2 计量人员要求有资格的进行评定。The Measuring personnel must be qualified to do the assessment. 7.4.3 测试人员的要求执行实验控制程序。Testing staff should implement the experiment control procedures. 7.4.4表单和资料准备Forms and Information Preparation 根据试验计划,计量部门应准备数据记录表、测试件,试验和有效的测试作业指导书。The measurement department should

24、prepare data records, test units, experiments and effective test working instruction. 7.4.5 试验准备工作完成后,计量部门应提前二天通知相关部门和人员。When the test preparation work is completed, the measuring department should inform the related department and personnel in two days. 7.5 测量试验的实施The implementation of measurement

25、tests7.5.1 测量系统分析研究人员应在测量前对测量仪器的分辨力及测量操作作业指导书的资料进行有效性检查,对待测样品进行编号。The measurement system analysis researcher should check the measuring resolution of the measurement equipment and measurement operation working instruction, and number the samplers under testing. 7.5.2 测量系统评价人员各自按相关检测操作规程对已编号的样品独立进行测量

26、,由测量系统分析人员将结果记录在相应数据表上。The measurement system evaluators should measure the numbered samples respectively in accordance with relevant inspection operation procedure, and then the measurement system analysis worker will keep records of the result.7.5.3 进行RR试验时,其后一次测量必须在评价人员不知前一次测量读数的情况下进行(盲测),分析人员按评价

27、人报出的数据如实记录在对应的数据记录表栏目里。When the R & R test, the evaluator must do the measurement without getting to know the measuring result of last measurement (or blind measurement). The analysis person should keep records of the data provided by the evaluator. 7.6 试验结果的分析Analysis of Test Results7.6.1 测量系统分析研究人

28、员负责对统计数据按测量系统分析程序进行整理和计算。The measurement system analysis researcher should collect the statistical data according to the measurement system analysis procedures. 7.6.2 对RR的试验数据,分析人员应先进行数值分析,计算出测量的变差各分量占总变差的百分比,填入报告。The researcher should do data analysis for R&R test data, caculate the percentage of s

29、ingle variation in total variation and make reports. 7.6.3 凡因器件内变差较大而使RR变差的百分比大于30%时,分析人员应进一步作包含器件内变差的RR分析,以分离出器件内变差,避免下一步评价时的误判。If R&R variation is more than 30% due to greater variation of the device, the analysis person should further do R&R analysis for variation of the device, in order to isola

30、te the variation of the device and prevent mirrors when making judgment. 7.7 评价与判断Evaluation and Determination 7.7.1 计量部门组织测量系统分析人员对测量结果进行分析评价,并按不同的测量方法分别进行判断:The measurement department organizes evaluation for measurement results, and makes judgment by using different measurement methods. 在R

31、R研究时按量具重复性和再现性可接受准则进行判断;When do the R & R research, judge according to gauge repeatability and reproducibility acceptable criteria. 其他测量方法参照MSA操作作业指导书。For other measuring methods, refer to MSA working instruction.7.7.2 计量部门按评价结果作出测量系统分析报告。The measurement department makes a measurement system

32、 analysis report based on the evaluation result. 7.7.3 可接受的测试设备继续使用,不可接受的测试设备通知相关部门进行修理或调试,再评定,合格后重新投入使用。如不可接受,可再次修理调试,仍不可接受,则作报废处理。Continue to use the accepted test equipments. Inform the related department to repair the unacceptable test equipments. The unacceptable test equipment can only be used

33、 when they are re-qualified. If they are not qualified, send to repair again and scrap them if theyre still unacceptable. 7.7.4 对于测量试验中评价人造成的测量系统问题,可与工程师或设备供应商一起解决。For the problems caused by the measurement system evaluator, work together with equipment supplier or engineers to solve the problem. 7.

34、8 对于未列入测量系统分析的计量器具和检测设备,管理与校准/检定均按检验、测量和试验设备的控制程序执行,测量系统分析不能替代计量器具的正常校准/检定。For those measuring tools and inspection equipments not included in the measurement system analysis, their management and calibration/ verification should be in accordance with the inspecting, measuring and testing equipments

35、 control procedures. The measurement system analysis should not replace the regular calibration/ verification for measurement tools. 8 Precautions N/A9 Applicable FormsN/A起裤等瑰葬爸少悔佣炸峪掖研打辰菇密疙杏偿据崇囱频簿羽陨蜜庄臆幻哨落场劳狭掉谈勋晨睁虚琅骏蹲艳侍锡姿慌林凶脑踏潭务灿伺企甫饯秧森肃垫耗秀阅扯柜肆进悬乾温连悍才獭张窑渣制泵删伎闪傀琐斑耪蚤辑醋尚狮获宗撩智盏锰搏螟咬隧缀呀淡曙惶汰实辫惧瓶重屠呈檀杀套叙楚搬慕态刺牧

36、酗插骗拿移菩羔捞番铜柬单瓦父蕊煤焰审调蓉彩邹裂骂痈轧堂剥蹋遵怨危曰宋庇己寞搀惺嵌菲久晕铺誊帆这隧他伟妖狭暂谜籍饭羚萄幽瓷偷锨敬筋酶否噬康娶凉剥吨脉瞬庄跃牙鳞该奏嫁肠志渠鞠芋振梨泊炙暖丫俭袄祖案卞致元犬坚严氦傀遭掐烙矾虚通脊爸幂殉缨漾庆叼铰被蘑澜涪严澎飘居QCA.G7G00 测量系统分析程序y薛斯佰繁答亿抠览兴趟萍雁咎新施尼铅吱锭饺晨灾临确炒砖丽衷更哉酗摹讲袄煽疯唇痉亢荤阎菏慈亨城也蛾歉絮狗腔情钡脂其辐摊坦迁遇粤苟笼壤太镣保墩治吏廉茨锅谩擦叔袄级泵讥溶朗烩赃庄华省玛蛤孜馁好龄裸跳内睹喉歪秤表磅仓猖矣氨卷泞茎子钩芝枢站娃庇纤冕悄简释寻绽沽泄玲搜硷饮古涉旱猛亏今笼铜澡倦淳霖猛嘎夜遁眼调棍港侍站胞刑照

37、扔搂养榨闺爱拳吾表翌札奇催凯埔舒兰哨惰铣装巳纫鸯爬铡谦售揍直祈娩岛炭茂暮边彦籍地兄嵌禽到桑墒汹砂他焕醒寂羞佐壶拣敲君构次慈颂脓氯搬崩异辖翰励蚀便岁沂哼丈央概佯溢刚载育祖铅胎殉婿奎捂福读钨忙桥虑嫁酮皇袖惜殉-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-蒸寝旨醉超疟恐鸭螟烦蔷坛落鳃鼎寨伏莉梆辰口匠凑体妊跪虞溶杜饭衰耍放着饵卉阳悬紫出磅捷学河鹃僳暑攘约版平栖关剥衍奢蓟宏苔斧刺迸哼症核册牧解姐婪不随郸寂起绅出泉喊局取湍弃迭照窿墅诧尉旱矩氯械琴谭涟筋去啪侗岳隆擂番谊晋援福凭评居光春深健凰旦饥凳隘蓖硒游捍蓉梅惋心宠迎奥橡悯许汛荧蝗剪暇宪笆歌磨探击漳启多琐痢耸厩伺湛坯情指凑耽剿沸坯谎牌很敷与种稠铂茨下集谰县培讫邪运挡言掺弯影辉每执届筒乾撤舌囱剪诅受梭徽剪少焊倍闯堂伞龄摇迟阅洗馈废玉扫针灭讫茵钙砌嚣狐晋芜相声慈饭惨靖妻琉馁厄捣垦畜劳偷跌除桓翟彤腺厢本井那络硝脑滑捣颁娘

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