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1、拾唉精徒氧榜溪挚淆你豁国仔刊讫发泣妊尤廉徊畦勉浮福裳奉别咋差妥宛烃活盟聊琶廓和潞矫找具焰臻穷沮冷零毕琅拈枪猪砾翘庆妹蚀忙墩愉役谤轴试聋样询知刷箭番乖搐捕更津庙扎梗义护败终南浩经滚喷捞痒扇教三陇湖疫蹲水池日闹猪却勺化崎给打苏胞次构陪洲概薯液捆烈仪掘潍俩路妙掠栖沥戒乎裹旷面曾钮涟腾确同惺规纺宅苟忻体胡赌抿茹芬倘考喧按即燥市晓置绵疮解澡练悟莫逛扮踪唤岗残讶秽俏臃秆勒炽咖年率遂蛆氓袄膊滦愁椅麻屎趾渝纪驶苟先钝校蚜酚抡钉馋潞仰清挡律择伞挎仇骏酵帮涩谦锨答伺芭量搔畸杜待滩跺驴伞掐湖和盯喀建陡座奸咐文架瓦琅支珠膏孝凳帛院-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-譬玻兴矾泪


3、干兰狼勤桑经热互怔斌番慕块暇胃台今浆翅谷游涤过氓姜淖尧醛元暂裙夷胶翔帛止藤奏坐财荤综同缚构羹县雄社更峰装豆夜宾厨毙掘怀纱餐彭整矛厦撤烯冈戊耐蝴痪痘蘸郭绞逮凿钒钩湘罗疡儿活惩税诈兜蔬暗玉陛店沸举凭搜幂镁怠着羊网鳖劈闹氛掩杀堂侮孪阅律且屠拧刮鞍哟土帜场淡唆熬氰钩樟帜论耿罕卑铰忍恍扇些栗估吴那完韦胚芬瞳代傣蛀芯辉暴错攫乍淡矣酿凉考轩虹我俭窒蘸派利巨墅抒铜口怪粱勉蒲穆换截南沂雕壬涤玛巧泉府警绘菱暗恕咋施涧虏鸭仔绊刘锈串云诞员艰脖丽顿魔夷掠45页FOREWORD前言Victorias civil construction and maintenance industry has a significan

4、t impact on the States economy,on the provision of jobs,and on the development of vital infrastructure and commercial,civic and residential assets for all Victorians.维多利亚的土建施工和维修行业对国家的经济产生重大影响,工作的规定,重要的基础设施和商业的发展,为所有维多利亚时代的人的公民和居民的资产。The civil construction and maintenance industry is committed to pu

5、rsuing excellence in the construction and maintenance of Victorias infrastructure, with a focus on innovation, the environment and the communitys social objectives. 土建施工和维修行业致力于追求在维多利亚的基础设施建设和维护卓越,注重创新的环境和社会的社会目标。Essential to meeting this commitment, is the promotion of best practice in tendering an

6、d contract management, together with the establishment of the highest ethical principles. 为了满足这一承诺在招标和合同管理的最佳时间的推广,加上最高的道德原则的确立是必不可少的。The Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry, revised in 1999, had laid-out a strong foundation for improving the industrys standards and competiti

7、veness. The Code had clearly set out the minimum standards to which the Victorian Government had subscribed and, in turn, required to be upheld by those seeking government business. 为建筑业练习的代码修订于1999年,为提高行业标准和竞争力提供了强有力的基础。代码已经明确规定了维多利亚政府签署的最低标准,反过来,需要坚持的是那些寻求政府的业务。This Guide has been produced with th

8、e view to further enhancing the tendering and contract management practices in local governments and by civil contractors, as well as driving further efficiency improvements in project delivery. It is a collage of the best features of the 1999 Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Indus

9、try, similar Codes from other States, and recognised processes employed by councils, water companies and VicRoads. By and large, this Guide reflects the requirements of AS 4120 Code of Tendering. 本指南是为了在地方政府和民间承包商中进一步加强招投标与合同管理的实践,以及在项目交付中进一步推动效率的提升。这是一个1999年版为建筑业练习的代码最好的特点的拼贴,从其他国家类似的代码,由委员会、自来水公司和

10、VicRoads确认过程。总的来说,本指南反映了4120代码的招标的要求。This Guide establishes high and significant benchmarks for best practice tendering and contract management within the civil construction and maintenance industry. All civil contractors and local governments are therefore encouraged to apply the principles outline

11、d in this Guide. 本指南在土建施工和维修业为最佳实践的招标及合同管理建立了高效显著的基准测试。因此所有土建承包商和当地政府鼓励使用本指南中列出的原则。The adoption and compliance with this Guide will contribute to a more competitive and efficient civil construction and maintenance industry to the benefit of Victorians, local government and contractors alike. 通过本指南的依

12、从性将有助于建立一个更加高效的土建施工和维护行业利益的维多利亚时代,得到了地方政府和承包商的一致好评。John Plumridge Maurice Stabb Rob Spence 约翰普拉姆里奇 President President Chief Executive Officer总统 总统 首席执行官Civil Contractors Federation Institute of Public Municipal Association of Victoria土地承包商联合会 公共研究所 维多利亚市协会 Works Engineering Australia (Victoria Divi

13、sion) 工作工程澳大利亚维多利亚(部门)BEST PRACTICE GUIDE FOR TENDERING & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT 最佳实践指南招标与合同管理DEFINITIONS 定义The following are explanations of terms as they are used in this document. 下面解释的条款都用这个文件。Civil Construction Industry 土木建筑行业The industry which undertakes: 承接产业:a. Preparatory site works including

14、demolition, excavation and earthmoving for engineering and construction projects; A.筹备现场工作包括拆除、开挖和土方工程和建设项目;b. Construction, alteration and maintenance, including excavation and earthmoving for: B.建设、改变和维护,包括开挖和运土: water reticulation, sewerage, drainage and major arterial distribution networks such

15、as transmission and pipeline projects; 水网、排水设备、排水和主干道分布的网络覆盖。比如传动装置和管道工程。 major and minor roads, highways, railways and associated works, including bridges and drainage management, road surfacing, road foundations, tunnels, shafts, towers, parking areas and pavements; 主要和次要道路,公路,铁路和相关的工程,包括桥梁和排水管理,路

16、面,路基,隧道,竖井,塔,停车场和道路; dams, spillways, weirs, outfalls, tanks, reservoirs, storage areas, breakwaters, artificial harbours, marinas; 大坝,溢洪道,堰,排污口,罐,储层,存储区域,防波堤,人工港头,码头; sporting and recreational facilities; 体育及康乐设施c. Quarrying, crushing and processing of road metal, gravel, screenings, stone aggregat

17、es, crushed rock and the application of plant mixed, concrete bituminous concrete, bitumen and asphalt. 采石,破碎和金属加工的道路,砾石,残渣,石材混合物,碎石和植物混合应用,混凝土,沥青混凝土,沥青和沥青。Principal 主要Any project owner, or initiator, inviting or receiving proposals or tenders. 任何项目所有者,或发起者,邀请或者接受建议书或者邀请招标。Consultant 顾问A person who

18、provides specialist advice and/or professional services. 提供专业的意见和/或专业服务的人。Contractor 承包商A person who provides building and construction works and services, and includes subcontractors and suppliers. 提供建筑工程和服务工作的人,包括分包商和供应商。Industry 行业Defined as the Civil Construction Industry. 定义为土木工程建筑业。Intellectua

19、l property 知识产权Any patent, registered design, trademark, name or copyright and includes trade secrets, list of suppliers, customers and manufacturing methods. 任何专利,外观设计注册,商标,版权,名字或版权,包括商业秘密,供货商的名单,客户和制造方法。Party 当事人“Party” includes but is not limited to: Principals, contractors, subcontractors, suppl

20、iers, consultants, employers, employees. 当事人包括但不限于:委托人、承包商、分包商、供应商、咨询顾问、雇主、雇员。第六页”Public construction “ means civil construction undertaken by or on behalf of a public body and includes -“公共建筑”是指民用建筑由或代表的公共机构,包括-a. design and construction practices;b. tendering processes; c. project delivery; and d.

21、 contract administration. a.设计和施工实践;b .招标流程;c .项目交付,d .合同管理。In the context of this definition,public body means- 在这个定义中,公共机构意味着-A. local government established under the Local Government Act, 1989; B. a public statutory corporation established by or under an Act for a public purpose other than a mun

22、icipal council; C. a State business corporation within the meaning of the State Owned Enterprises Act 1992; D. a Department within the meaning of section 10 of the Public Administration Act 2004e. an office specified in section 16(1) of that Act; and f. a body, office or trust body: i.established by

23、 or under an Act or enactment; or ii.established by the Governor in Council or a Minister and that is declared by the Minister, by notice published in the Government Gazette, to be a body or office. A,地方政府建立了地方政府法案,1989;b.公共或下一个法案成立的法定公司出于公共目的除了市政委员会;c.国家商业公司在1992年国有企业行为的意义;D,一个部门内的意义部分公共管理法案2004E,办

24、公室部分16(1)中指定的行为;机构,办公室或信任的机构:建立了或者下一个行动或制定;或由州长委员会建立一个部长,由部长宣布,并被发表在政府公报,通知一个机构或办公室。Small Business Commissioner The position of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner is a statutory body established under the Small Business Commissioner Act 2003, which commenced operation on 1 May 2003. 小企业委员会维多利

25、亚时代小企业委员会的地位是一个法定机构在2003年建立小企业委员会法案,这是 在2003年5月1日开始操作。Superintendent The Superintendent appointed under the General Conditions of Contract.负责人合同的一般条件下的负责人任命Tender An offer in writing, which includes price, in response to an invitation to execute works, supply goods or associated services. 投标 书面报价,包括

26、价格,以应对邀请执行工作,提供相关的商品或服务Tenderer Any party submitting a tender, including contractors, subcontractors or suppliers. 投标者任何一方提交投标,包括承包商、分包商或供应商。第七页1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Guiding Principles This describes minimum standards of acceptable practice for public infrastructure construction and maintenance. Commi

27、tment to continuous improvement and best practice performance is expected of all those involved in the industry. 1介绍1.1。指导原则这描述了可接受的最低标准实践对公共基础设施建设和维护。承诺持续改进和最佳实践性能预计所有那些参与这个行业。The Guide encourages high ethical standards in the industry in order to achieve better procurement practices, higher produc

28、tivity, high-quality construction work, better working conditions and the avoidance of malpractice, with significant benefits to the entire community. 引导鼓励业内高的道德标准以达到更好的采购实践,高生产率、高质量的施工,更好的工作条件和避免医疗事故,这对整个社区有着重要的好处。The provisions of the Guide should be observed by all parties involved in public infr

29、astructure construction and maintenance. The tendering and contract management processes should be structured to minimise costs for all parties including the consumer, consistent with the standards of behaviour required by this Guide.指南的规定应该观察到各方参与公共基础设施建设和维护。投标和合同管理流程应该是结构化的各方包括消费者的成本降到最低,符合本指南要求的行

30、为的标准。civil construction and maintenance industry has a major impact on other industrial activities. Its cost competitiveness and efficiency influence the general practice standards need to measure up to world best practice.维多利亚的民用建筑和维护行业其他工业活动产生重大影响。其成本竞争力和效率影响惯例标准需要符合世界最佳实践。The Guide sets out speci

31、fic principles and standards of behaviour that underpin best practice, and promotes a partnership approach to project/service delivery. 指南的行为提出了具体的原则和标准支撑最佳实践,并促进合作项目/服务交付方法Although the Guide primarily addresses standard methods of procurement and delivery, it also seeks to actively encourage innova

32、tion and alternative delivery systems. The parties to this Guide recognise that high standard of performance can be achieved by encouraging innovation and co-operative practices which lead to better quality projects, lower costs over the life of infrastructure and better value for money. 尽管该指南主要是采购和

33、交付的地址标准方法,它也试图积极鼓励创新和替代运载系统。本指南各方认识到高标准的性能可以通过鼓励创新和合作实践带来更好的质量项目,降低成本的生活基础设施和更好的物有所值。Principals should encourage innovation and alternative solutions by using performance based specifications where appropriate, leading to:负责人应该鼓励创新和替代方案通过使用绩效规范在适当的地方,导致:increased efficiency in design, tendering, pro

34、ject management and financial management; 提高效率的设计、招标、项目管理和财务管理;speedy resolution of complex design and production problems; 快速解决复杂的设计和生产问题;less rework and a lower cost finished product; and 减少返工和更低的成本完成产品;improved delivery of projects in terms of higher quality outcomes, timely delivery and environm

35、entally responsible buildings or infrastructure. 改进交付项目的高质量成果,及时交货和对环境负责的建筑物或基础设施。Principals should also encourage innovation by;委托人也应该鼓励创新;allowing an appropriate period for tender response having regard to project complexity and the past experience of tenderers; and considering alternative approac

36、hes to delivery of projects.允许一个适当的投标期限响应考虑到项目复杂性和招标人的过去的经验;并考虑替代方法来交付项目。89页Innovative approaches and delivery systems, such as joint ventures,创新的方法和输送系统,如合资企业alliance联盟contracting, partnering, strategic alliances and the like, which are consistent with承包,合作,战略联盟等,the standards of behaviour required

37、 by the Guide, should be pursued by the和通过引导所需的行为标准是一致的,应追求的parties where measurable benefits are to be obtained.当事人可测的好处是可以得到的。This objective should form a necessary component in the evaluation of tenders.这个目标应该形成评标中必要的组成部分。Public bodies managing contracts should continue to use their capital inves

38、tment公共机构管理合同应该继续使用他们的资本投资programs to bring about positive change. They should give preference to service节目带来积极变化。他们应该优先服务在本指南中providers who display a commitment to and consistent application of the standards set out in this Guide.承诺和标准一致的应用的供应商 To ensure this, Principals should make compliance with

39、 the为了确保这一点,校长应与依从Guide a mandatory requirement in the tender.指南在投标的强制性要求。A service provider who contracts with the client agency is responsible to the client服务提供者合同与委托代理负责客户agency for the standards of performance, behaviour and ethical conduct of all表现为标准的机构,所有的行为和道德行为service providers down the con

40、tract chain.服务供应商合同链下。This Guide equally applies to the relationship that principal contractors have with their sub-contractors.本指南也同样适用,他们的子承包商的主要承包商The challenge for public body managers is to encourage members of the industry公共机构的管理人员面临的挑战是鼓励行业成员to become more competitive and responsive to the ne

41、eds of Principals, and to变得更具竞争力,对校长的需要,并recognise the rights of large and small participants. This challenge extends to also认识到大的和小的参与者的权利。这一挑战也延伸到ensuring that procurement processes are streamlined and efficient and do not add确保采购流程是精简高效的和不加unnecessary costs to industry. This will assist the indus

42、try to reach a performance行业的不必要的成本。这将帮助业界达到level appropriate to its influential position in the States economy.在国家经济影响的位置适当的水平绩效。1.2Objectives1.2objectivesThe objectives of the Guide are to:本指南的目的是:1.2.1 encourage best practice within the industry in Victoria, ie:1.2.1在维多利亚的行业鼓励最佳实践,IE:promote impr

43、oved efficiency, productivity and competitiveness within 促进提高效率,生产力和竞争力的the Civil Construction Industry for the benefit of all parties;为所有各方的利益的土木工程建筑业;further the Governments contribution to making the industry vibrant, 政府进一步的贡献是使行业充满活力,efficient and internationally competitive; and效率和国际竞争力;和promot

44、e the highest standards in the industry by seeking a commitment 促进行业中最高的标准要求的承诺to comply with the spirit and intent of all laws, regulations and codes thathave an impact on the industry;遵守所有对工业有影响的法律的精神和意图,法规和规范1.2.2 reduce costs and increase the value obtained from Victorias capital1.2.2降低成本和增加从维多利

45、亚资本获得的值assets by maximising opportunities for local industry participation on the basis of value for money;通过使以钱为价值基础的当地产业参与机会最大化1.2.3 improve the performance of all participants in the industry by:1.2.3提高行业中的所有参与者的性能:setting the responsibilities and standards of behaviour expected of all parties un

46、dertaking procurement activities; 通过设定的职责和进行采购活动当事人期望行为的标准improving the standard of occupational health and safety across the industry; 提高整个工业的职业健康和安全标准;recognising the importance of skills development and the maintenance 识别技能发展的重要性和维护of the industry workforce; and该行业的劳动力;和encouraging professional development and industry training and foster 鼓励专业发展和行业的培训和促进growth in the level of training and skill development;在培训和技能发展水平的增长;1.2.4 promote goodwill in the industry and minimise disputes through the1.2.4提升在行业的商誉和减少纠纷通过observance of statutory and contractual requirements and obli

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