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1、五年级英语摸底测试 姓名: 成绩: 一、选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。(10分)( )1. A. study B. student C. umbrella( )2. A. timetable B. watch C. what( )3. A. social B. October C. homework( )4. A. favourite B. IT C. English( )5. A. puter B. Music C. Science二、单项选择题 ,将正确答案的序号填入题前的括号内(20分)( )1. This is interesting timetable.A. a B. an

2、C. /( )2. I usually play violin at weekends.A. the B. a C. /( )3.We usually do exercise the playground.A. at B. on C. in( )4.When I study Chinese?A. does B. do C. is( )5. Merry music Wednesdays. A. has; at B. have; in C. has; on( )6.I like_.A. writing B. write C. writeing( )7. We dont have new subje

3、cts. A. any B. some C. much( )8. Are you a student(学生)? A. Yes, you are B. No, I not. C. Yes, I am.( )9. We sometimes go to the school library_.A. read B. reading C. to read( )10. Have a good trip! A. Have a good trip! B. Youre wele. C. Thank you!三、按要求写出答案 (15分)1. 英汉互译 Social Studies 星期三 talk about

4、科学 2. 写出相应的反义词easy big long same 3. 写出相对应的职业名称 farm work 四、用所给词的适当形式填空 (10分)1. When ( do ) Andy study English?2. This is ( we ) new timetable this term.3. They are ( visit ) our new music room4. ( be ) Chinese easy?5. Do you want ( play) soccer now?五、情景交际。(15分)( )1. 你想问朋友星期一上什么课,会问: A. What do you d

5、o on Monday? B. Do you have subjects on Monday? C. What subjects do you study on Mondays?( )2. 当你想问对方现在去打篮球吗,你会说: A. Do you want to play basketball now? B. Do they want to play basketball now? C. Do you have basketball now?( )3. 你想说你们也学音乐和信息技术课,应说: A. We also study PE and Chinese. B. We also study m

6、usic and IT. C. We study Maths, English, and PE.( )4. 当你想表达“它很有趣”时,你会说: A. Its beautiful. B. Its interesting. C. Its far away.( )5. 你想让对方看你新班级的课程表,你会说: A. Look at my new class timetable. B. See my new class timetable. C. Watch my new class timetable.六、连词成句 (15分)1. goes the he sometimes to English li

7、brary study to (.)2. have we Science and Monday on PE (.)3. they do play now want basketball to (?)4. very a this timetable year I interesting have(.)5. your day time whats of favourite the (?) 七、阅读理解。(15分)Linda is a new pupil. She is eleven. She is from America. She can speak English very well and

8、she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Xuchang. Her parents are teachers. Linda is studying in a school near her home. There are fifty students in her class. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Ch

9、inese friends.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1. Linda is .A. a Chinese B. a teacher C. a new pupil( )2. Linda is from .A. England B. America C. China( )3. Lindas father is a . A. worker B. teacher C. farmer( )4. There is a near her home. A. zoo B. park C. school( )5. Linda often on Saturdays and Sundays. A. learns Chinese B. plays games C. washes clothes

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