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1、Unit 5 What Does She Do?1精选课件2精选课件Lets startI teach lessons.I am a _.I clean streets.I am a _.I sing songs.I am a _.I dance.I am a _.I drive cars.I am a _.I write stories.I am a _.teachercleanersingerdancerdriverwriter3精选课件Lets startI report news.I am a TV _.I work in a factory.I am a _.I work on a

2、farm.I am a _.reporterfarmerworker4精选课件Different jobs(各种职业)singer歌手writer作家TV reporter电视台记者policeman男警察policewoman女警察cleaner清洁工salesperson售货员5精选课件 anactor 男演员actress女演员artist 画家engineer工程师accountant会计6精选课件A:Lets talkChen:What does your mother do?John:She is a TV reporter.Chen:What does your father d

3、o?John:He is a teacher.He teaches English.7精选课件B:Lets talkWhat does your mother do?She is an accountant.Where does she work?She works in a car comany.How does she go to work?She goes to work by bus.8精选课件提示词:singer,a music company,by car,likes singing He is_.He_ in a music company.He _by car.He _sing

4、ing.a singerworksgoes to worklikes9精选课件Is he a writer?No,he isnt.Is he an engineer?No,he isnt.Is he a singer?Yes,he is.10精选课件writerBeijing writing11精选课件TV reporterTV company12精选课件actorBeijing13精选课件actressBeijing14精选课件5089+3546+accountantShanghai 15精选课件engineerUSA16精选课件salespersonsupermarket17精选课件pol

5、icemanpolice station18精选课件policewomanpolice station19精选课件cleanerstreet20精选课件Other jobs!21精选课件postman28精选课件gardengardener29精选课件Practice(练习)What do they do?他们是做什么的?What do you do?你是做什么的?他的姐姐是做什么的?你的父亲是做什么的?她是做什么的?想一想想一想,下面的句子如何说?下面的句子如何说?What does his sister do?What does your father do?What does she d

6、o?30精选课件1.If you like singing,you can be _ _2.If you like drawing,you can be _ _3.If you like Chinese,you can be _ _4.If you like playing football,you can be _ _5.If you like acting,you can be _ _ a singer an artist a writer a football player an actor/actress32精选课件按要求改变句子。按要求改变句子。Im a TV reporter.(换

7、成换成He作主语作主语)_ _ a TV reporter.He is(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ _ a TV reporter?Is he(否定回答)(否定回答)_,_ _.No he isnt33精选课件My uncle is an actor.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _ your uncle _?What does doAnn goes to school on foot.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _ Ann _ to school?How does go34精选课件nurse护士doctor医生 gardener园丁 postman 邮递员farmer农民worker工人dancer舞蹈演员driver司机teacher教师What are you going to be?I am going to be a/ansinger歌手writer作家TV reporter电视台记者actor男演员actress女演员artist画家policeman男警察policewoman女警察engineer工程师accountant会计cleaner清洁工salesperson售货员说梦说梦想想35精选课件See you!36精选课件

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