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1、My favourite_My favourite MuseumI visited a lot of museums last year, the Science Museum, the History Museum and so on. But I like the History Museum best. Its in the Nanjing Road. I usually get there by subway. I can see some stones and skulls and many interesting things there. I can learn a lot ab

2、out human history as well. My favourite museum is History Museum. What about you? My favourite filmHi, Iam Tom. Today is Sunday. I want to see a film with my friend. There are two films on at City Cinema: Toy Story and Rabbit Run. I want to the first one. Its my favourite film. Its about toys having

3、 a party in a toy shop. Its funny. I like toys. Its on at two oclock this afternoon. So I should leave home at one oclock. I get there by subway. My favourite festivalMy favourite festival is Spring Festival. Its in January or February. People in China celebrate it, and there are many things to do.

4、We often have a big dinner at the Spring Festival Eve. We visit relatives and friends, and children can get some lucky money from adult relatives. We also let off fireworks during the festival. Spring Festival is very interesting, isnt it?/ I like the Spring Festival. What about you ?My favourite se

5、asonAutumn is my favourite season. I like it because autumn is so beautiful.In the autumn, the weather is cool. We dont have much rain. And the leaves are yellow. Its my favourite color. I can also pick up some fallen leaves and put them into my books. Autumn is a harvest season, a golden season. Th

6、ere are lots of fruits, vegetables, crops and so on. I like autumn, what about you?There are four seasons in a year. I like spring best. Its warm,sunny and wet. The high temperature is usually twenty degrees. And the low is usually ten degrees. I can have a picnic in the park. I can ride a bike. I c

7、an see beautiful flowers too. This is my favourite season. How about you?We have four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. But I like summer best. It s from July to August. The weather in summer is sunny and hot.I can swim with my father. And I can eat ice-cream and watermelon everyd

8、ay. And I have a summer holiday. I dont have go to school. So I dont have to get up early. This is my favourite season. How about you? My favourite subjectHi, Im Ben. This is my timetable for today. I have six classes. I like PE best. Mr. Zhang is my PE teacher. He is tall and nice. I can play in th

9、e playground. I can play football and basketball with my friends. I can also jump. I have great fun in PE class. This is my favourite class. How about you?We have many subjects at school, such as maths, Chinese, English and music. But I like music best. Because it is very interesting and relaxing. W

10、e have music class on Wednesday mornings. Our music teacher will tell us something about the music. And we sing happily in music class. Whats more, we dont have exam for music. I lie it very much. How about you?My favourite personI like my mother best. My mother is a teacher. She has long black hair

11、. She is tall and thin. She is nice. She does good every things for me. She likes cooking. And she can cook nice food. She likes singing and dancing. She can sing and dance well. My mother loves me. And I love her, too. This is my favourite person. How about you?My favourite fruitFruit is good for u

12、s. I like eating fruit. It makes me healthy and strong. And my favourite fruit is grapes. Grapes are soft and smooth. Some are green, and some are purple. Taste them. Theyre sweet and sour. I like sweet grapes. Because they taste good. I usually eat grape before meal. This is my favourite fruit. How

13、 about you?My favourite animalAnimals are our good friends. I like dogs best. I have a pet dog. Its white and small. Her name is Kim. She is two years old. She likes eating bones and dog food. She likes playing with me in the park. She can dance. She can help me help to keep the bad people away. She

14、 is brave and helpful. I like her so/very much. This is my favourite animal. How about you? Watch it growThis is an egg. Its white. Its small. It was an egg. Now its a caterpillar. It has many legs. It was a green caterpillar. Now it is a cocoon. It was a cocoon. Now its a butterfly. Its blue and pu

15、rple. It can fly. It likes flowers.It is so beautiful. I like it. Do you like it?The growth process of a butterflyA butterfly is an insect. Firstly, it lays eggs on a leaf. The eggs are small and white. Next the eggs bee small caterpillars. The small caterpillars eat leaves and they grow. Then they

16、are big and fat. They make little houses. They are cocoons. The cocoons are brown. Finally the cocoon opens and a butterfly es out. It is a beautiful butterfly. I like it very much.A healthy bodyHi, Im Ben. I am a boy. I have a healthy body. I have some rice every day. And I eat lots of vegetables a

17、nd fruit. I have some meat and milk, too. I dont eat too much sweet food. I like running and playing basketball. I always play basketball with my friends after school. I go to sleep and get up early every day. I am strong and happy. How about you ?My breakfastBreakfast is the most important among th

18、ree meals. We always have healthy breakfast. I usually have breakfast at home at 7 oclock. I have different food for my breakfast.I eat eggs, bread, noodles, and some vegetables and fruit for breakfast. I drink some hot milk or fruit juice too. I dont eat too much sweet food for my breakfast. My mot

19、her always cook me healthy breakfast. I like them. How about you?Signs/ Rules _ Signs in my schoolWe can see signs around us. There are also many signs at our school. You can see “Dont talk” in our classroom. It means that you should not chat with your classmates during the class. You can see “Be qu

20、iet” in the library. It says that you have to keep quiet and make no noise. These are some signs in my school. Can you tell something about your school signs? Rules in the parkToday is Sunday. Its also a sunny day. I am going to the City Park with my friends. The park is big and nice. There are many

21、 rules in the park. We cant litter. We cant walk on the grass. We cant pick the flowers. We cant smoke there, too. But we can have fun there. Do you know these rules?My timetable for MondayHi, I am Ben. This is my timetable for Monday. I have six classes today. In the morning, I have four classes. T

22、hey are music, IT, English and art. In the afternoon, I have two classes. They are Chinese and PE. I like PE best. I can run and play with my classmates. I have great fun at PE class. This is my timetable for Monday. How about you?I go to school from Monday to Friday. Here is my timetable for Monday

23、. I always get up at seven oclock in the morning. I brush my teeth and wash my face firstly. After that I have my breakfast and go to school. We have six classes on Monday from 8 to 15. I have lunch at school at half past eleven. After school I do my homework for three hours. And I go to sleep at ni

24、ne. This is my timetable for Monday. How about you?A noisy dayHi, I am Ben. Today is Saturday. It is a noisy day. In the morning, I hear a drill outside of my window. Its so loud. In the afternoon, I hear buses in the street. Its noisy. At night, I hear a TV at home. I cant do my homework.What a noi

25、se day it is for me!I dont like it. Today is a noisy day for me. In the morning, I was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock rang. I was unwilling(reluctant) to open my eyes. But Moms voice resounded in my ears. So I got up. I hurried to wash my face, and had lunch. Then I got onto a crowded bus to

26、head for school. Many people were chatting cheerfully, but I just wanted to keep quiet and have a doze. What a noise day it is for me!Todays weather reportHi, Im Ben. I am ten. Here is todays weather report. It was sunny and hot yesterday. But its windy and rainy today. Its wet. And it will be cloud

27、y and cool tomorrow. The high temperature will be 22 degrees. And the low will be 18 degrees. It will be a good day for riding bicycle and flying kites. I like weather reports because theyre useful. Dont you think so? Here is todays weather report. Yesterday it was sunny and hot. But this morning it

28、 is rainy and a little cold. The high temperature will be twenty degrees and the low will be fifteen degrees. This afternoon it is going to rain again. There will be eleven millimeters of rain. It will be very windy, because a storm is ing from the East China Sea. This is todays weather report. Than

29、ks for your listening and be ready for the bad weather. Changes in my bedroomI like moving the furniture in my bedroom. Its very fun to move furniture. The mirror was beside my bed. Now it is under the window. My family picture was behind the door. Now it is next to the mirror. The book shelf was ne

30、ar my bed. Now it is in front of the bed. This are the changes in my bedroom. They look nice. I love moving furniture. How about you?Changes in shanghaiShanghai was a small village. Not many people live here. Today, shanghai is a big city. There are a lot of tall buildings. And many people live here. People usually went to school and work by bike in the past. Now they have buses, undergrounds and cars and so on. To learn more about shanghai, you can go to Shanghai History Museum. It will tell the story of Shanghai.

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