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1、毕业设计(论文)附属过程管理材料(201 届)专 业 计算机科学与技术 学 号 学生姓名 教 务 处 印 制目 录1. 本科毕业设计(论文)选题审批表2. 本科毕业设计(论文)任务书3. 外文原稿(复印件)与译文4. 文献综述(前言、主题、总结、参考文献)5. 本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告6. 本科毕业设计(论文)中期检查报告7. 本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师审阅表8. 本科毕业设计(论文)评阅人评阅表9. 软件验收评分表10. 本科毕业设计(论文)答辩记录表11. 本科毕业设计(论文) 答辩评分表12. 本科毕业设计(论文)评分表13. 校级优秀毕业设计(论文)推荐表本科毕业设计(论文)选题

2、审批表学生姓名班级设计(论文)选题名称基于ASP.NET的酒店管理系统选题理由及准备情况:一、 选题理由随着科学技术的不断进步,信息技术高速发展,计算机应用无处不在,可应用于各行各业,其中酒店宾馆行业紧跟电子商务时代的步伐,广泛启用计算机软件对企业进行精确、全面的管理。现代化的宾馆是集客房、餐饮、通讯、娱乐、商务文化及其他各种服务与设施为一体的消耗场所。我国的酒店管理系统虽然起步较晚,但是拥有良好的发展前景和众多的借鉴基础。我国于上世纪80年代逐渐发展起来的酒店管理系统,在不断吸收国外先进软件系统特点同时融合自身的实际情况,取其精华去其糟粕,继承原有的管理理念并不断创新,使酒店管理系统发展到一

3、个新的时期。我国众多优秀软件公司自主研发的搞笑管理系统早已打破国外系统的垄断形式,并时刻接受新的挑战。新的客户群体不断涌现,必定出现新的服务需求,迫使酒店管理系统向智能化、多元化发展。二、 准备情况在校期间我学习了c语言,数据库原理,ASP.NET简明教程,软件工程,汇编语言程序设计,计算机网络等基础知识。我还自学了div+css,Html等做网站的基础知识,为这次毕业设计做了准备。我主要用div+css来制作网站布局与设计,Photoshop来处理图像,C#语言,使用.NET和SQL server2005数据库系统开发整个网站。力求全面完整地实现基于ASP.NET的酒店管理系统的功能,方便广

4、大用户的操作和应用。指导教师意见: 指导教师(签字) 年 月 日教学院长意见:教学院长(签字) 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)任务书学院专业计算机科学与技术班级学号姓名毕业设计(论文)题目基于ASP.NET的酒店管理系统毕业设计(论文)进行起止日期毕业设计(论文)的内容及技术参数本文讨论了基于ASP.NET的酒店管理系统的研究和开发现状,介绍了相关的开发工具和技术。根据此系统的需求分析,规划了基于ASP.NET的酒店管理系统的各个功能模块,并给出了具体实现方案。本系统的主要模块有房间类型管理、经营状况管理、房间经营管理、客户信息查询、房间信息管理等,其中管理员在登录后可添加、删除、修改房间类型、客

5、房信息等,及时对已预定、入住房间及退房进行管理。用户登陆平台后,可以查看各个模块的详细信息。本系统采用的技术参数主要有.NET开发平台,SQL Server 2005后台数据库开发工具和DIV+CSS页面布局等。毕业设计(论文)的要求1、根据公布的毕业论文选题计划,结合自己具体情况在指导教师的指导下进行选题,在题目确定后必须尽早与指导教师一起,做好毕业论文的准备工作。2、在毕业论文任务书下达后两周内,必须写出对毕业论文所选题目的意义和研究现状、研究目标和内容、研究方法和步骤、文献资料查阅情况等文献综述,填写湖州师范学院毕业论文开题报告交指导教师审阅。3、必须认真独立完成毕业论文阶段规定的全部工


7、份交学院保存。毕业设计(论文)查阅的资料1 都大明.现代酒店管理M.复旦大学出版社.2008.10.2 刘学明.饭店客房管理M.广东旅游出版社,2000.10.3 张亚东.酒店企业销售管理信息系统的设计与实现J.管理信息系统, 2000.9:45249.4 C.J.Date. An Introduction to Database Systems(seventh Edtion).机械工业出版社.2001.55 萨师煊,王珊.数据库系统概论(第四版)M.高等教育出版社.2006.5.6 石志国. ASP.NET 程序设计实用教程.电子工业出版社.2006.4.7 孟庆昌.ASP.NET网站开发先

8、锋M.机械工业出版社,2010.2.8 候炳辉,刘世峰.信息管理系统J.信息管理系统分析,2004.5:254-562.9 Huang Z,Zeng D,Chen H.Analyzing consumer-product graphs:Empirical findings and applications in recommender systems.Management Science,2007, 53(7):1146-1164. 10 Huang Z,Chen H, Zeng D.Applying associative retrieval techniques to alleviate

9、the sparsity problem in collaborative filtering,IEEE Trans Information Systems,2004, 22(1): 116-142.11 夏玮.ASP.NET3.5 AJAX Visual Studio2008 WEB系统开发完美演绎M. 北京:中国铁道出版社,2009.11.12 翟广宇.基于C/S结构的酒店管理系统. 兰州工业高等专科学报,2004.6.2-4.13 李朝晖.PowerBuilder开发实例完全剖J.PowerBuilder10.2006:122-189. 14 童德利,田娟,谢琪,陈世福.基于B/S模式的

10、构件式酒店管理信息系统的设计与实现.2003.4.1-4.15 张虹.软件工程与软件开发工具M.清华大学出版.2004.9.16 Ian sommerville.Software Engineeering(6th Edition).机械工业出版社.2003.817 韩万江.软件工程案例教程M.机械工业出版社.2007.5.毕业设计(论文)进度安排序号毕业设计(论文)各阶段进度名称日期备 注1完成选题,下达毕业设计任务书2查阅、收集、资料,了解毕业设计流程及其.NET的开发环境;撰写文献翻译、文献综述3完成文献翻译、文献综述、开题报告上交开题报告4基本设计基于ASP.NET出酒店管理系统的主要功

11、能的总体框架和论文框架,对整个系统的实现过程有初步、系统地认识,总体思路基本明确。开题答辩日中期检查5完成系统设计,撰写毕业设计论文,完成程序测试试 6上交毕业设计论文,毕业设计论文答辩毕业设计答辩 指导教师(签名) 学 生(签名) 开始执行任务日期 年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(原文)Appropriate Uses For SQLiteSQLite is different from most other SQL database engines in that its primary design goal is to be simple:l Simple to administ

12、erl Simple to operatel Simple to embed in a larger programl Simple to maintain and customizeMany people like SQLite because it is small and fast. But those qualities are just happy accidents. Users also find that SQLite is very reliable. Reliability is a consequence of simplicity. With less complica

13、tion, there is less to go wrong. So, yes, SQLite is small, fast, and reliable, but first and foremost, SQLite strives to be simple.Simplicity in a database engine can be either a strength or a weakness, depending on what you are trying to do. In order to achieve simplicity, SQLite has had to sacrifi

14、ce other characteristics that some people find useful, such as high concurrency, fine-grained access control, a rich set of built-in functions, stored procedures, esoteric SQL language features, XML and/or Java extensions, tera- or peta-byte scalability, and so forth. If you need some of these featu

15、res and do not mind the added complexity that they bring, then SQLite is probably not the database for you. SQLite is not intended to be an enterprise database engine. It is not designed to compete with Oracle or PostgreSQL.The basic rule of thumb for when it is appropriate to use SQLite is this: Us

16、e SQLite in situations where simplicity of administration, implementation, and maintenance are more important than the countless complex features that enterprise database engines provide. As it turns out, situations where simplicity is the better choice are more common than many people realize.Anoth

17、er way to look at SQLite is this: SQLite is not designed to replaceOracle. It is designed to replacefopen( ).Situations Where SQLite Works Welll Application File FormatSQLite has been used with great success as the on-disk file format for desktop applications such as financial analysis tools, CAD pa

18、ckages, record keeping programs, and so forth. The traditional File/Open operation does an sqlite3_open() and executes a BEGIN TRANSACTION to get exclusive access to the content. File/Save does a COMMIT followed by another BEGIN TRANSACTION. The use of transactions guarantees that updates to the app

19、lication file are atomic, durable, isolated, and consistent.Temporary triggers can be added to the database to record all changes into a (temporary) undo/redo log table. These changes can then be played back when the user presses the Undo and Redo buttons. Using this technique, an unlimited depth un

20、do/redo implementation can be written in surprisingly little code.l Embedded devices and applicationsBecause an SQLite database requires little or no administration, SQLite is a good choice for devices or services that must work unattended and without human support. SQLite is a good fit for use in c

21、ellphones, PDAs, set-top boxes, and/or appliances. It also works well as an embedded database in downloadable consumer applications.l WebsitesSQLite usually will work great as the database engine for low to medium traffic websites (which is to say, 99.9% of all websites). The amount of web traffic t

22、hat SQLite can handle depends, of course, on how heavily the website uses its database. Generally speaking, any site that gets fewer than 100K hits/day should work fine with SQLite. The 100K hits/day figure is a conservative estimate, not a hard upper bound. SQLite has been demonstrated to work with

23、 10 times that amount of traffic.l Replacement forad hocdisk filesMany programs use fopen( ), fread( ), and fwrite( )to create and manage files of data in home-grown formats. SQLite works particularly well as a replacement for thesead hocdata files.l Internal or temporary databasesFor programs that

24、have a lot of data that must be sifted and sorted in diverse ways, it is often easier and quicker to load the data into an in-memory SQLite database and use queries with joins and ORDER BY clauses to extract the data in the form and order needed rather than to try to code the same operations manuall

25、y. Using an SQL database internally in this way also gives the program greater flexibility since new columns and indices can be added without having to recode every query.l Command-line dataset analysis toolExperienced SQL users can employ the command-linesqliteprogram to analyze miscellaneous datas

26、ets. Raw data can be imported from CSV files, then that data can be sliced and diced to generate a myriad of summary reports. Possible uses include website log analysis, sports statistics analysis, compilation of programming metrics, and analysis of experimental results.You can also do the same thin

27、g with an enterprise client/server database, of course. The advantages to using SQLite in this situation are that SQLite is much easier to set up and the resulting database is a single file that you can store on a floppy disk or flash-memory stick or email to a colleague.l Stand-in for an enterprise

28、 database during demos or testingIf you are writing a client application for an enterprise database engine, it makes sense to use a generic database backend that allows you to connect to many different kinds of SQL database engines. It makes even better sense to go ahead and include SQLite in the mi

29、x of supported databases and to statically link the SQLite engine in with the client. That way the client program can be used standalone with an SQLite data file for testing or for demonstrations.l Database PedagogyBecause it is simple to setup and use (installation is trivial: just copy thesqliteor

30、sqlite.exeexecutable to the target machine and run it) SQLite makes a good database engine for use in teaching SQL. Students can easily create as many databases as they like and can email databases to the instructor for comments or grading. For more advanced students who are interested in studying h

31、ow an RDBMS is implemented, the modular and well-commented and documented SQLite code can serve as a good basis. This is not to say that SQLite is an accurate model of how other database engines are implemented, but rather a student who understands how SQLite works can more quickly comprehend the op

32、erational principles of other systems.l Experimental SQL language extensionsThe simple, modular design of SQLite makes it a good platform for prototyping new, experimental database language features or ideas.Situations Where Another RDBMS May Work Betterl Client/Server ApplicationsIf you have many c

33、lient programs accessing a common database over a network, you should consider using a client/server database engine instead of SQLite. SQLite will work over a network filesystem, but because of the latency associated with most network filesystems, performance will not be great. Also, the file locki

34、ng logic of many network filesystems implementation contains bugs (on both Unix and Windows). If file locking does not work like it should, it might be possible for two or more client programs to modify the same part of the same database at the same time, resulting in database corruption. Because th

35、is problem results from bugs in the underlying filesystem implementation, there is nothing SQLite can do to prevent it.A good rule of thumb is that you should avoid using SQLite in situations where the same database will be accessed simultaneously from many computers over a network filesystem.l High

36、-volume WebsitesSQLite will normally work fine as the database backend to a website. But if you website is so busy that you are thinking of splitting the database component off onto a separate machine, then you should definitely consider using an enterprise-class client/server database engine instea

37、d of SQLite.l Very large datasetsWith the default page size of 1024 bytes, an SQLite database is limited in size to 2 terabytes (241bytes). And even if it could handle larger databases, SQLite stores the entire database in a single disk file and many filesystems limit the maximum size of files to so

38、mething less than this. So if you are contemplating databases of this magnitude, you would do well to consider using a client/server database engine that spreads its content across multiple disk files, and perhaps across multiple volumes.l High ConcurrencySQLite uses reader/writer locks on the entir

39、e database file. That means if any process is reading from any part of the database, all other processes are prevented from writing any other part of the database. Similarly, if any one process is writing to the database, all other processes are prevented from reading any other part of the database.

40、 For many situations, this is not a problem. Each application does its database work quickly and moves on, and no lock lasts for more than a few dozen milliseconds. But there are some applications that require more concurrency, and those applications may need to seek a different solution.出处:http:/ww

41、w.sqlite.org/whentouse.html毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(译文)SQLite的最佳应用领域SQLite不同于其他大部分的SQL数据库引擎,因为它的首要设计目标就是简单化:l 易于管理l 易于操作l 易于嵌入到其他大型程序l 易于维护和配置许多人喜欢SQLite,因为它占用空间小,运行速度快。然而,这些特性只是它的部分优点,还存在着许多其他特征。用户发现SQLite是非常稳定的。稳定性源于它的简单。随着数据结构的简单化,数据库出错的概率会降低。越简单就越不容易出错。所以,除了上述的简单、小巧和稳定性外, 最重要的在于SQLite力争做到简单化。一个数据库引擎的简易化既可能成


43、而且事实也证明,人们在许多情况下已经清楚的认识到简单就是最好的选择。另一种看法是:SQLite不是要取代Oracle公司的产品,而是用来取代fopen( )函数功能的数据库。SQLite最佳适用场合l 应用程序文件格式SQLite作为为桌面应用程序服务的磁盘格式文件取得非常大的成功,如金融分析工具,CAD软件包,档案管理程序等等。一般的数据库打开操作需要调用sqlite3_open()函数,并且标记一个显式本地事务的起始点(BEGIN TRANSACTION)来保证以独占的方式得到文件的内容。 文件保存将执行一个提交(COMMIT)同时标记另一个显式本地事务起始点。 这种事务处理的作用就是保证

44、对于应用程序数据文件的更新是原子的、持久的、独立的和一致的。临时的触发器可以添加到数据库中,把所有数据库内容上的改变记录到一个(临时)撤消/重做日志表中。用户在数据库中撤销或重做某些内容时,这些改变都会回滚。使用这种技术,深度无限撤消/重做的实现只需要编写很少的代码。l 嵌入式设备和应用程序因为SQLite数据库几乎不需或者很少需要管理,对于那些无人值守的设备或者无需人工支持的服务,SQLite会是一个很好的选择。SQLite适用于手机,掌上电脑,机顶盒,以及其它设备等。同时,在可下载的消费者应用程序中,它作为嵌入式数据库也能很好的的应用于客户端程序。l 网站在所有的中低流量的网站(也就是说,

45、99。9的网站)中,SQLite作为数据库引擎通常能够运行良好。当然, SQLite可以处理的网站流量取决于网站数据库有多大的压力。一般而言,任何使用SQLite的网站每天少于10万次的访问量应该工作正常。一个网站每天被访问10万次只是一个保守的估计,而不是一个硬性上限。然而事实证明SQLite能够在上述流量上限的10倍情况下工作正常。l 替代特别的文件许多程序使用fopen( )函数,fread( )函数和fwrite( )函数来创建和管理自定义文件格式。SQLite作为替换这些特设磁盘文件的数据库工作效果显著。l 内部或临时数据库对于那些有许多数据且必须用不同方法筛选、分类的程序,相对于编

46、写同样功能的代码,它往往更容易、更快速地加载到内存中的SQLite数据库,并使用连接查询和ORDER BY(排序)子句按一定的顺序和排列提取数据,以这种方式使用SQL数据库内部连接查询使程序拥有更大的灵活性,当新的列和索引添加进入时无需给每个查询重新编码。l 命令行数据集分析工具有经验的SQL用户可以使用命令行sqlite的程序来分析各种复杂的数据集。原始数据可以从CSV文件导入,然后这些数据可以被分割产生无数的报告摘要。可能的用途包括网站日志分析,比赛数据统计分析,指标编制规划以及实验结果分析。当然,你也可以用企业级客户端/服务器数据库做以上同样的事。相比之下,在这种情况下使用SQLite的

47、优势是:SQLite更容易设置,由此产生的数据库是一个单独的文件,它可以存储在软盘、闪存记忆棒,也可以将这些数据以电子邮件的形式发给同事。l 作为在演示或测试的企业数据库替代品如果你正在编写一个企业数据库引擎的客户端应用程序,使用允许你连接到许多不同种类的SQL数据库引擎的通用型数据库是明智的,最好使用混合模式静态连接到客户端的SQLite数据库引擎。在那种方法下客户端程序可以使用一个SQLite数据文件单独测试或验证。l 数据库教学因为SQLite设置简单、使用方便(安装方法简捷:只要复制SQLite或sqlite。exe可执行文件到目标计算机,并运行它即可)。在学习SQL语言的教学过程中,SQLite会成为

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