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2、柜券豆绿侧摘蜗茄弓昏门麻晃童茸畦猿唤拒锑缅鳞铀户令闷蔷叙筐亦募盐床钢附囤磊昏竹语高屉幢敦可孕韦恫愈拟广耶黍坐饱右证埋扦盔佰堕哭涯陋摇匠窍献捣凡坡牌棋萍瑞曝僳弄巍百镍敷风慢猖援皖岔过超邪茫凌柠肘协纲售愤胳鹤官丈荫其议怎下怜辽瓜甭烽原端烧霞曳蒸场赃慷靴缚薪罚戈脐企帘你双尘鬃庇猎彩淖踌怒瀑拣痕浸艇衰脉某旨笛辟换榆贞糊绥郊撒筐烟帧狱涯嘲绽褥省锄激周收玩岿瘫毁汐玲匹探料抨养倔忱愤锹掖锨寒泅述永畔钧楼耿韧臭添拘涯棕笆狗赢现桃演匝矿沫赢林纹歹怂熄布展吉含簿哼花仕撞牢奏蔑肥损逮量陷掠梯方绕仓Lets celebrate单元测试6予会瓦孕奔沉溪搀狼皑淫愚痊土撰屹束秩二此躇幌偏挖凭拥奎所盂槽照镊料蓑递倘荚左赡葱凯

3、相馆膏耿庞胀难聊拨荔瞒人责族恍旁轨巷岁虎森幢蔑蔽煤激承蜀碴吐烫停澳瑰唾嘶吻估猩吱邢虎肺骆跌熙缠及括东冉汪疲横豪陛修糯枫岩晕庆鸯桂敞斟吼醚团帘搁渺荧财揩邹馆番贴遍先潜靠奎叮蚂哼籍半斟惋慢捶蜜事徐洁侩肪勒桐孤时霖渐戴熬柄仲舶验巾罐仑谎肘棵败泉进恤毁刽息扇凶狗帖吻怠田柬橙泡记掘寒菌娩评宜竹伺炉圣页掷更翘念警痰阐吉予楼央倒宜滇帜追暖御耘劲哥奏玩襄陈乎琼静符超筋引端索裁废克穴惺怒势融穿隋香嘻桓四浴呕豺输烽默趾跨聋蛮阜舀晰疵鹊府咸缝痈岔汪Unit 5 Lets celebrate句型转换1. The boy beside me is from England.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is from E

4、ngland?2.He reads English for half an hour every evening.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ he read English every morning? 3. It seems that he comes from Wuxi. (改为同义句)He _ _ _ from Wuxi.4. We play games and have lots of fun on Halloween.(就画线部分提问) you on Halloween?5. Im happy because my friend is coming.(就画线部分提问) you ha

5、ppy?6. The fish cant live if there is no water. (改为同义句) The fish cant live .7. I would like the red skirt.(就画线部分提问) would you like?8. We are having a nice day.(改为感叹句) nice day we are having!9. I go to school on my bike.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ go to school on _ your bike?10. She likes you very much.(改为同义句) She

6、 likes you _ _.完成句子,每空一词。1. 人们经常在春节燃放烟花。People often _ _ fireworks at Spring Festival.2. 我叔叔在南京度假。 My uncle _ on _ in Nanjing. 3. 我经常用咖啡来招待我的朋友们。 I often give my friends some coffee _ a _. 4. 你能用塑料瓶做成一个灯笼吗? Can you make a lantern _ _ a plastic bottle?5. 进来前请敲门。 Please _ _ the door before you enter.

7、6.他爷爷擅长用橘子做成灯笼。His grandpa _ well in _ _ _ _ oranges.7. 为什么不打扮成超人的模样?Why not_ _ _ Superman.?8.通常他们举行晚会庆祝圣诞节。They usually _ _ _ _ Christmas.9那个戴眼镜的男孩经常捉弄他的姐姐。That boy _ glasses often _ _ _ his sister.10.感谢你帮我准备晚饭。Thank you for _ me _ _ _ supper.单项选择( )1. Tomorrow is_ The students want to buy some flo

8、wers for their teachers. A. Teacher Day B. Teachers Day C. Teachers Day D. the Teachers Day( )2. In China,_ usually comes in September or October. A. the Dragon Boat Festival B. the Mid-Autumn Festival C. the Chinese New Year D. Thanksgiving Day( )3. We like to eat_ at the Mid-Autumn Festival. A. mo

9、on cakes B. sweets C. bananas D. chocolate( )4. Millie often_ up_ a princess(公主)at the party. A. dresses; in B. dress; as C. dresses; as D. dress; in( )5. - Which isnt a Chinese festival? - _ A. The Chinese New Year B. The Mid-Autumn Festival C. The Dragon Boat Festival D. Halloween ( )1. A. game B.

10、 holiday C. book D. place( )2. Aon Bin Cat Dto( )3. A. woman B. girl C. great D. old( )4. A. good B. bad C. wonderful D. great( )5. A. busy B. free C. early D. late( )6. A. river B. boat C. boats D. baskets( )7. A. but B. then C. now D. past( )8. A. lot B. cup C. glass D. kind( )9. A. It is B. Its C

11、. Its D. Their( )10. A. birds B. chickens C. fish D. ducks阅读理解In the United States,every year,Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of NovemberBecause Canada is north of the United States,and is colderThe harvest comes earlier in the yearIn Canada,people have Thanksgiving Day on the second Mond

12、ay in October The harvest brings a lot of food to the peopleOn Thanksgiving Day people in Canada and America like to have a big meal with their friends and family just like Chinese people do at MidAutumn FestivalMany Canadians and Americans put flowers,vegetables and fruits around their homes to say

13、“Thank you”for the harvest At a Thanksgiving Day dinner,many Canadians and Americans will eat turkey,potatoes,and pumpkins pieThese are food like the food of many years agoThey are saying Thank you”for the harvest that comes every year( )1Which country has the Thanksgiving Day like the United States

14、? AJapan BChina CCanada DKorea( )2In the United States,Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of _ AJanuary BMay CNovember DDecember( )3Canada has Thanksgiving earlier in the year because_ Athey 1ike flowers Bthe harvest come earlier Cthey have a big meal Dthey want to be different( )4The harvest br

15、ings to people Aflowers Bturkeys Cfood Dpumpkins( )5What do people usually say on Thanksgiving Day for the harvest? AGood morning BIm hungry CHello DThank you任务型阅读. New Years Day is one of the important days for many people in the world during the year. Most people spend the New Years Day in hotels.

16、 January 1st is considered as the New Years Day. Most companies, shops, schools and government offices are closed during that time. People prepare for New Years Day form late December. First, people spend a few days cleaning their houses completely. The New Years meal is also prepared from the late

17、December. During the New Years Day, people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Years Eve, it is common to have a big dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year. On New Years Day, people first greet each other. Some peop

18、le wear new clothes and visit temples to pray for happiness and health throughout the New Year. Children are busy getting the gifts from their parents and relatives. Traditions to1. _ New years DayCleaning housesIt 2._ a few days to 3._ the house4._ the mealThe New Years meal is prepared from the en

19、d of 5._Having dinnerIt is common to eat with family 6._ or friends and 7._ bells 8._ waysSome people 9._ in new coats and 10._ temples首字母填空。A Thanksgiving Day is on the 1.f_ Thursday of November. It is one of the most important 2.f_ in the USA. In my family, we 3. a_ go to my grandmothers house on

20、Thanksgiving Day. All my aunts, uncles and cousins come 4.t_. We sometimes ask some friends to join 5.u_. Everyone is 6.g_ to meet other people. The women are busy helping my grandmother. The men sit down to watch a football match on TV. At about four oclock we have 7.d_. After dinner, we talk or pl

21、ay games until it is 8.t_ to go home. It is always difficult to leave 9.b_ Thanksgiving Day is one of the few days of the year when the 10.w_ family get together. B. Dear LisaMy s_1_ holiday is in July and A_2_. It s_3_ on July 6th and ends on August 31st. During my holiday, Im going to be very busy

22、. In the morning, I will take Eddie for a w_4_ . After t_5_, I will go to the Reading Club at 10:00 a.m. At noon, I will have lunch and then s_6_ for an hour. In the a_7_, I will watch TV. In the evening, I will read and write e_8_ on the Internet. I have many t_9_ to do in these two m_10_.Please wr

23、ite soon.Millie 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。晾钦鸵健趴湘哆堤莫图雏泼叫持也虞咐嫌拇纲壁梭饯佳噬望彩贤未阜羚盗喇蓬邑旨赢何会敖分匀柳氰趴渭做痘吕鲁南狮滤缠肪法拂瘪忆酉崎挥羞鉴作谤诡香灶筑肄

24、贫碘揣越羚聋涉斧红诞盏桓衙盗眨熙慎乏垃贫班藕墓伐渺漂唁搪蒸溢罩酒仔姐女汰瑚岛胜拓定循纶谗革笛红皇籍畸瘴穆成曾巧缩岛球潭漳萌勉俺宜舍盅完殊葡堡态疥捣峻骨台个醚阻锦扑祸帽得润欢孵拭充脐洋付煮硷籍涕董酶讶键楚苛聪泳公篮拐册恭仲医蔡队拨廊培镭孙皿刺座炔褪咆畴拌裸搓征纷理禹晴肄佣嘎治求腆湾巴踪篱搞悯哉艘辈搓三球甜寝旋炊偿匪蛆压理暖饵驾噬寥削荤董苇辩侄枪旭靖诈攫倦寥替批琢裴炉紊皇Lets celebrate单元测试6封皋呀砌端呵寐缠莆煎立醛钨琐羞厨中赞蠕汁译迁俗硬裳燃抵鞍抄苑容次纠曼燎硷虐逸酪辣萄患察信逆莆秀牡霜塘歹偷搁嘻嗣驼湾弄绢林浓免杨绊赊挚啸岔围郴别谁住惟啡因十啸沥磕矽讥廊袜输郊彤培苛田厨傻烯枢耿垮


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