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1、Together with the National Libraries of Scotland and Wales, the Bodleian Library in Oxford, the Cambridge University Library and Trinity Colleges library in Dublin, the British Library is now empowered to receive a copy of every U.K. electronic publication. This is a logical enough extension in the

2、digital age of its ancient right to receive and store all books, newspapers, magazines and other printed matter, but it is still a challenging task. The first full-scale Internet “crawl” was launched from the librarys West Yorkshire puter center shortly after the law took effect. Covering 4.8 millio

3、n U.K. sites, it took three months to plete, with another two months required to process the 1 billion captured web pages. The expectation is that the library will collect in a single year about the same amount of material as its newspaper and periodicals archive has amassed over the course of three

4、 centuries (a costly program to digitize some 40 million of its 750 million printed pages is now underway).Chief Executive Rolv Keating points out that when the initial crawl began, the project represented a reassertion of what it means to be a library in the 21st century. Ten years ago, there was a

5、 very real danger of a black hole opening up and swallowing our digital heritage. Keating says. Millions of web pages, e-publications and other nonprint items were falling through the cracks of a system devised primarily to capture ink and paper.Professor Niels Brugger, the head of the Center for In

6、ternet Studies at Denmarks Aarhus University, supports the British Librarys archiving project. “More and more of our societal, cultural and political actives now take place either on the web or are closely related to it” he says. “Since the mid-1990s, you simply couldnt be a university, a pany or a

7、political party without having a website. If want to document our present or study our past on the web, get it into an archive before it disappears.”“Whenever Im asked why web archiving matters,” he continues, “I think of the Bob Dylan line from The Times They Are Changing The present now will later

8、 be past. Material is disappearing before our eyes at an unprecedented rate, and with it goes precious source material for the future historian who will be trying to shed light on the present. Capturing the past for posterity through web archiving matters just as much as preserving other aspects of

9、our cultural heritage, whether its kitchen utensils, buildings, warships or collections of newspapers. Studies suggest that 40 percent of whats on it at any given moment is deleted a year later, while another 40 percent has been altered, leaving just 20 percent of the original content.”Almost every

10、major national library in Europe now undertakes web arching. Though the scale and cost of such operations vary widely according to their individual remit. The British Librarys project cost some $5 million to set up, the money ing entirely from its grant from the Department of Culture, Media and Spor


12、000万页数字化)。图书馆首席执行官罗尔夫基廷(Rolv Keating)指出,最初的爬行开始时,这个项目代表着对图书馆在21世纪意义的重申。十年前,我们面临着一个非常现实的危险:一个黑洞正在打开,吞噬我们的数字遗产。基廷说。“数以百万计的网页、电子出版物和其他非印刷品从一个主要用于捕捉墨水和纸张的系统的缝隙中滑落。”丹麦奥尔胡斯大学(Aarhus University)互联网研究中心(Center for Internet Studies)主任尼尔斯布鲁格(Niels Brugger)教授支持大英图书馆的存档项目。他表示:“我们越来越多的社会、文化和政治活动要么发生在网络上,要么与之密切相关

13、。”“自上世纪90年代中期以来,如果没有网站,你就不可能成为一所大学、一家公司或一个政党。”如果你想在网上记录我们的现在或者研究我们的过去,在它消失之前把它归档。“每当有人问我为什么网络档案很重要时,”他继续说,“我就会想起鲍勃迪伦(Bob Dylan)在他们正在改变的时代说过的话现在的现在以后会成为过去。”“材料正以前所未有的速度消失在我们的眼前,对于未来的历史学家来说,这些珍贵的原始材料也将随之消失,而未来的历史学家将试图揭示当下的真相。”通过网络档案为我们的子孙后代捕捉过去,就像保护我们文化遗产的其他方面一样重要,无论是厨房用具、建筑、军舰还是报纸收藏。研究表明,在任何一个特定的时刻,4

14、0%的内容会在一年后被删除,而另外40%的内容会被修改,只剩下20%的原始内容。现在欧洲几乎每一个主要的国家图书馆都承担着网络拱架的工作。尽管这些行动的规模和费用因其各自的职责而有很大差别。大英图书馆的这个项目耗资约500万美元,资金全部来自文化、媒体和体育部的拨款。If youre on Facebook, theres a roughly 0.04 percent chance the social media giant used you for a psychology- experiment in early 2012, though youd have had no way of

15、knowing at the time and indeed would only be finding out about the experiment this week.Thats what happened when researchers used nearly 700,000 Facebook users as guinea pigs for a study on “emotional contagion.” In brief, the study separated its users into two groups. One was subjected to a newsfee

16、d of primarily positive posts; the other was flooded with emotionally negative items.The results suggest that the emotions expressed by friends, via online social networks, influence our own moods, constituting, to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence for massive-scale emotional contagion

17、via social networks, 1 the researchers write in a paper now published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. In other words, the study confirmed what heavy Facebook users have long known to be true: what your friends post on Facebook can have a tangible impact on your own emotional s

18、tate. Facebook hasnt been able to manipulate the reactions of users who have learned about the studys existence: people are vexed. Over the weekend, observers blasted the experiment as scandalous and disturbing, and according to The Guardian, one British MP has gone so far as to call for a parliamen

19、tary investigation into how it was carried out.Adam Kramer, Facebooks data scientist and a coauthor of the study, took to his own Facebook page to offer a defense.“The goal of all of our research at Facebook is to learn how to provide a better service,” Kramer writes. “Having written and designed th

20、is experiment myself, I can tell you that our goal was never to upset anyone.” Still, he goes on to concede that those aims werent made particularly clear and that the research conclusions “may not have justified all of this anxiety.” Thats probably an understatement.Most disturbing, though, is the

21、fact that this sort of data manipulation is almost certainly within the bounds of Facebooks Terms of Use. As The Verge points out, every Facebook user consents to their information being used for “internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research and service improvemen

22、t.”But Facebook doesnt need to round up another half million study participants to confirm that virtually no one actually reads the Terms of Use.如果你在Facebook上,这家社交媒体巨头在2012年初利用你做心理实验的几率约为0.04%,尽管当时你根本无从得知,实际上只是在本周才会知道这个实验。当研究人员用将近70万Facebook用户作为“情绪感染”研究的小白鼠时,就发生了这种情况。简而言之,这项研究将使用者分为两组。其中一篇文章主要是正面的;另

23、一组则充满了负面情绪。研究人员在一篇发表在美国国家科学院院刊(Proceedings of The National Academy of Science)上的论文中写道,研究结果“表明,朋友通过在线社交网络表达的情绪会影响我们自己的情绪,据我们所知,这是社交网络大规模情绪感染的首个实验证据。”换句话说,这项研究证实了Facebook重度用户早就知道的事实:你的朋友在Facebook上发布的内容可以对你自己的情绪状态产生切实的影响。Facebook一直无法控制了解到这项研究存在的用户的反应:人们很恼火。上周末,观察家们抨击这一实验是可耻和令人不安的。据卫报报道,一名英国议员甚至要求议会调查这一

24、实验是如何进行的。Facebook的数据科学家、这项研究的合著者亚当?克莱默(Adam Kramer)在自己的Facebook页面上为自己辩护。克雷默写道:“我们在Facebook进行的所有研究的目标都是学习如何提供更好的服务。”“我自己编写并设计了这个实验,我可以告诉你,我们的目标是永远不让任何人失望。”不过,他也承认,这些目标并没有特别明确,研究结论“可能无法证明所有这些焦虑都是合理的”。这可能是一个保守的说法。然而,最令人不安的是,这种数据操纵几乎肯定在Facebook的使用条款范围内。正如The Verge所指出的,每个Facebook用户都同意他们的信息被用于“内部操作,包括故障排除

25、、数据分析、测试、研究和服务改进”。但Facebook不需要召集另外50万名研究参与者来确认实际上没有人真正阅读使用条款。If you doubt that knowledge is power, consider the societies that have denied education to selected parts of the population. The Taliban m Afghanistan keeps women from having any power by outlawing their education, much as American society

26、 before the Civil War kept slaves from possessing power by denying their schooling. Institutions of higher learning continue to be among the best places for cultivating social change.Besides, a college education is a legacy for your children. The idea of having children may be as remote as the inter

27、national space station, but trust us, your college education will benefit your children and not just so you can impress them with how well you play “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” Research shows that children of college-educated parents are healthier, perform better academically, and are more likel

28、y to attend college themselves than children of those with lower education attainment. Your education builds a foundation for your children 一 for our nations children, and for the children of our global munity.Education is the cornerstone of public progress. Education is the essence of the democrati

29、c ideals that elevated the United States from a backward land of rebellious colonists to the greatest, most spirited, powerful and successful nation in the world. America leads the world in educational attainment. Speaking at a symposium on American values, Anne L. Heald said there is “an extraordin

30、ary consensus that the preparation of young people for work is one of the singular most important things a society can do to improve its ability to prosper in a new international economy.” Similarly, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan said, “We must ensure that our whole population receiv

31、es an education that will allow full and continuing participation in this dynamic period of American economic history.” What Greenspan is saying is that, without college, you may be left out. And the relationship between a college education and success will bee more and more significant in our infor

32、mation-driven global economy. Higher education will be increasingly important for landing high-paying jobs.Technology and the information age are not the only reasons to be well educated; the trend is toward multiple jobs and even multiple careers, and higher education prepares you to make the trans

33、itions to new fields.如果你怀疑知识就是力量,想想那些拒绝部分人接受教育的社会。阿富汗塔利班通过禁止妇女受教育来阻止她们拥有任何权力,就像美国社会在内战前通过拒绝奴隶受教育来阻止她们拥有权力一样。高等院校继续是培育社会变革的最佳场所之一。此外,大学教育是你孩子的遗产。要孩子的想法可能与国际空间站一样遥远,但相信我们,你的大学教育将使你的孩子受益而不仅仅是为了让他们知道你在谁想成为百万富翁中表现得多么出色。研究表明,父母受过大学教育的孩子比教育程度较低的孩子更健康,学习成绩更好,更有可能自己上大学。你的教育构建的基础为我们国家的孩子,你的孩子一为孩子们和我们的全球社区。教育是

34、社会进步的基石。教育是民主理想的精髓,正是这种民主理想把美国从一个充满反叛殖民者的落后国家提升为世界上最伟大、最勇敢、最强大和最成功的国家。美国在教育成就方面领先世界。希尔德(Anne L. Heald)在一个有关美国价值观的研讨会上发表讲话时说,“人们达成了一种不同寻常的共识,那就是,为年轻人就业做准备,是一个社会在新的国际经济中提高自身繁荣能力所能做的最重要的一件事情之一。”同样,美联储(Federal Reserve)主席艾伦?格林斯潘的意思是,没有大学,你可能会被排除在外。在信息驱动的全球经济中,大学教育与成功之间的关系将变得越来越重要。高等教育对于找到高薪工作将变得越来越重要。技术和

35、信息时代不是受良好教育的唯一原因;现在的趋势是多份工作,甚至是多份职业,而高等教育为你进入新领域做好了准备。Good grades and high test scores still matter a lot to many colleges as they award financial aid. But with low-ine students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population in the ing years, some schools are re-examining

36、whether that aid, typically known as “merit aid”, is the most effective use of precious institutional dollars. Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether. No current merit-aid recipients will lose their scholarships, but need-based aid alone will be award

37、ed beginning with students entering in the ing fall.For small regional colleges that struggle just to fill seats, merit aid can be an important revenue-builder because many recipients still pay enough tuition dollars over and above the scholarship amount to keep the institution running. For ranking-

38、conscious schools, merit-aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profits.Studies show merit aid also tends to benefit disproportionately students who could afford to enroll without it. “As we look to the future, we see a more pressing need to invest i

39、n need-based aid,” says Monica Inzer, dean of admission and financial aid at Hamilton, which has offered merit scholarships for 10 years. During that time, it rose in U.S. News & World Reports ranking of the best liberal arts colleges, from 25 to 17.Merit aid, which benefited about 75 students a yea

40、r, or about 4% of its student body, at a cost of about $1 million a year, “served us well,” Inzer says, but “to be discounting the price for families that dont need financial aid doesnt feel right any more.” Need-based aid remains by far the greatest share of all student aid, which includes state, f

41、ederal and institutional grants. But merit aid, offered primarily by schools and states, is growing faster, both overall and at the institutional level. However, in recent years a growing chorus of critics has begun pressuring schools to drop the practice. Recent decisions by Hamilton and others may

42、 be“a sign that people are starting to realize that theres this destructive petition going on,” says Baum, a coauthor of a recent College Report that raises concerns about the role of institutional aid not based on need.David Laird, president of the Minnesota Private College Council, says many of hi

43、s schools would like to reduce their merit aid but fear that in doing so, they would lose top students to their petitors.对许多大学来说,良好的成绩和高考试成绩仍然很重要,因为它们会提供经济资助。但由于低收入学生预计将占大学生总数的比例越来越大,未来几年,一些学校正在重新审视是否援助,通常被称为“奖学金”,是最有效的利用大学宝贵的资金。纽约州克林顿的汉密尔顿学院(Hamilton College)该机构表示,将逐步取消奖学金。目前的奖学金受助人不会失去奖学金,但从明年秋季学生

44、入学开始,将只发放基于需求的奖学金。对于那些努力填补空缺的小型地区性大学来说,奖学金可能是一个重要的创收来源,因为许多受助人支付的学费仍高于奖学金金额,足以维持学校的运转。对于注重排名的学校来说,“物有所值援助”主要是作为一种工具来招收优秀学生,并提高他们的学术利润。研究表明,对于那些没有奖学金也能负担得起的学生来说,奖学金往往会给他们带来不成比例的好处。汉密尔顿大学(Hamilton)招生与经济援助系主任莫妮卡因泽(Monica Inzer)表示:“展望未来,我们看到,在基于需求的援助方面投资的需求更为迫切。”汉密尔顿大学提供奖学金已有10年。在此期间,它在美国新闻与世界报道(U.S. Ne

45、ws & World Report)的最佳文科院校排名中从25所上升到17所。奖学金每年惠及75名学生,约占学生总数的4%,每年的成本约为100万美元。Inzer说,“它对我们很有帮助,但对那些不需要经济资助的家庭打折不再合适了。”以需要为基础的援助仍然是所有学生援助中最大的份额,包括州、联邦和机构的资助。但是,主要由学校和各州提供的绩效援助,在总体和机构层面上都在以更快的速度增长。然而,近年来,越来越多的批评者开始向学校施压,要求它们放弃这种做法。汉密尔顿和其他人最近的决定可能是Baum说:有迹象表明人们开始意识到这种破坏性的竞争正在进行。明尼苏达州私立大学理事会(Minnesota Pri

46、vate College Council)主席戴维莱尔德(David Laird)表示,他的许多学校希望减少奖学金,但担心这样做会让优秀学生输给竞争对手。Futurists have identified two changes that seem to be central to contemporary social life. First, the United States is being restructured from an industrial to an information society. Second, modern societies are increasing

47、ly shifting from a national to a global economy. Futurists have applied a good many metaphors to these changes, including Daniel Bells “postindustrial society”, Alvin Tofflers “the third wave” and John Naisbitts “megatrends mon to these metaphors is the notion that American society is shifting from

48、the production of goods to the production of services and from society based on the coordination of people and machines to a society organized around knowledge. These changes, it is contended, will afford a myriad of choices. The world will increasingly be one of many flavors, not just vanilla (香草)

49、or chocolate.Many observers of contemporary American life believe that we are witnessing a historical change and the first major impact of the shift from an energy economy to an information economy. For 300 years technology has been cast in a mechanical model, one based on the bustion processes that go on inside a star like the sun. The steam engine opened the mechanical age, and it reached its peak with the dis

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