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1、职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsUnit 3ENGLISH FOR CAREERSUnit 3 Business Meals新职业英语新职业英语职业综合英语职业综合英语 1 1第第 2 2 版版职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsContentsListening&Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6职业综合职业综

2、合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsWarm-1TaskTaskCompletethefollowingtableseatingarrangement.Principles of SeatingArrangement1.1.SeatpeoplewhohaveSmonintereststogether.2.2.PairmaleandfemalePairmaleandfemaleguests.guests.3.3.SeatguestsofhonorinSeatguestsofhonorinorder.Themostimportantorder

3、.Themostimportantpersonshouldbeseatedatpersonshouldbeseatedattherighthandofthehost.therighthandofthehost.HenryisretiringonHenryisretiringonMonday.Mr.Nelson,Monday.Mr.Nelson,ChairmanofChairmanofyourcompanyyourcompany,asksyoutoarrangeasksyoutoarrange thetablethetableseatsforHenrysfarewellseatsforHenry

4、sfarewelldinner.Herearesomedinner.Herearesomeprinciplesforarrangingseatsprinciplesforarrangingseatsataata dinnertableandthedinnertableandtheinformationabouttheinformationabouttheguests.guests.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsWarm-2Guest InformationHenrymale,former HR Manager.Susa

5、nfemale,CEO.She loves traveling.Georgemale,Sales Manager.Davidmale,Production Manager.He loves traveling.Maryfemale,Customer Service Manager,a good friend of George.WhowouldyouputinseatsAthroughtE?WhowouldyouputinseatsAthroughtE?职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsWarm-2Food and dri

6、nks every dayPeople rely on all kinds of food every day.Try to see if you happen to know the following food.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsWarm-2FruitsApricotStrawberryPineapplePeachLemonPlum Pitaya职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsWarm-2Vegetables Cauliflowe

7、r Eggplant Carrot Cabbage Asparagus 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsSeafoodOystersCrabPrawnLobster职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsWarm-2Table Manner in Western Countries1)As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin(餐巾),pick yours up and lay it on your lap.2)T

8、he Soup Course Dinner usually begins with soup.The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon.It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side.3)The Fish Course If there is a fish course,it will probably follow the soup.There may be a special fork for the fish,or it may be similar to the meat

9、fork.Often it is smaller.4)The Meat Course The main course is usually served by the host himself,especially if it is a fowl(鸡禽)or a roast which needs to be carved.He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers,and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat,dark(红肉)or light(白肉)

10、.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsWarm-25)Using Knife and Fork The English keep the fork in the left hand,point curved downward,and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables,by placing it firmly on the fork in this positio

11、n with the knife.Americans carve the meat in the same position,then lay down the knife and taking the fork in the right hand with the point turned up,push it under a small piece of food without the help of the knife and bring it to the mouth right-side-up.6)Helping Yourself and Refusing If a servant

12、 passes food around,he will pass the dish at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand.Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right;it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right.It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you.But if the

13、re is something you may not like,you may quietly say:No,thank you.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsWarm-27)The Salad Course A salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up.There is usually a special one for the salad,a little smaller than the meat f

14、ork.8)Bread and Butter Bread is taken in the fingers and laid on the side plate or the edge of the large plate;it is never taken with a fork.Butter is taken from the butter dish with the butter knife and placed on the side plate,not on ones bread.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Meals

15、Warm-29)Other Things on the Table When there are things on the middle of the table,such as bread,butter,jelly,pickles,nits,candies,you should not take any until the hostess has suggested that they be passed.10)Leaving the Table It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal,or before th

16、e hostess gives the signal at the end.When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over,she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests rise from theirs at the same time.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-howReading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英

17、语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsText A-1Deals over Meals 1AsaformofbusinessAsaformofbusinessentertainingentertaining,business,businessmealsareincreasinglyusedtomealsareincreasinglyusedtobuildupbuilduppersonalpersonaltrustandconfidence.Westernersdoantrustandconfidence.Westernersdoanextraordinarya

18、mountofbusinessovermeals,fromextraordinaryamountofbusinessovermeals,fromaquickbreakfastto“workinglunches”tococktailaquickbreakfastto“workinglunches”tococktailreceptionsandreceptionsandformalformaldinners.dinners.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsText A-22 BreakfastBreakfa

19、stmeetingsmeetingsrarelyrarelylastlastmoremorethanthanananhour.hour.TheyTheyimplyimply certaincertainurgencyurgency andandareareoftenoftenconvenientconvenientduringduring businessbusiness travels.travels.LunchLunch isis usuallyusually bestbest forforgettinggetting toto knowknow aa guestguest aa bitb

20、it better.better.PeoplePeople dodo notnothavehavetototalktalkaboutaboutbusiness,business,ofofcourse.course.AfternoonAfternoonteateaororcoffeecoffeeisisaarelaxedrelaxedwaywaytotospendspend4545minutesminutesororananhourhourtalkingtalkingaboutaboutbusiness.business.DinnerDinnerisisaamoremoreformalforma

21、lbusinessbusiness event.event.Generally,Generally,thisthis isis notnot aa timetime toto talktalkaboutaboutbusiness,business,butbutratherratheraatimetimetotogetgettotoknowknowthetheotherpersonandenjoyeachothersotherpersonandenjoyeachotherscompanycompany.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3

22、 Business MealsText A-33 3 BusinessBusinessmealsmealsarearemulti-taskingmulti-taskingjobsjobswhichwhichcancanoftenoften turnturn outout toto bebe nightmares.nightmares.IfIf youyou wantwant totomakemake aa lastinglasting impression,impression,thenthen itit payspays toto bebe ononyouryourbestbestbehav

23、iorbehavior atatanyanysuchsuchmeal.meal.OfOfcourse,course,youyouneedneedtotobebeknowledgeableknowledgeable ininyouryourfield,field,butbutyouyoualsoalsoneedneedthethestylestyleandandgracegracetotoseeseeyouyouthroughthrough thesetheseevents.events.DuringDuringaatypicaltypicalbusinessbusinessmealmealyo

24、uyoumustmustbebeaagoodgoodlistener,listener,askaskandandansweranswerquestionsquestionsintelligentlyintelligently,talktalk aboutabout youryour companycompany confidentlyconfidentlyandappearpleasantandrelaxed.andappearpleasantandrelaxed.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsTex

25、t A-44 4 YourYourmasterymasteryofofgoodgoodtabletablemannersmannerscomescomesininhandyhandy.ItIt givesgives youyou thethe confidenceconfidence ofof knowingknowing thatthatyouyoucancanconductconduct yourselfyourselfproperly.properly.AfterAfterall,all,youyouarearetryingtrying toto havehave aa conversa

26、tionconversation withwith youryour guest,guest,notnotconcentratingconcentrating onon whichwhich forkfork toto use.use.ChoosingChoosing thethecorrectcorrectsilverwaresilverwarefromfromthethevarietyvarietyininfrontfrontofofyouyouisisnotnot asas difficultdifficult asas itit maymay firstfirst appear.app

27、ear.AlwaysAlways startstartwithwith thethe knife,knife,forkfork oror spoonspoon thatthat isis farthestfarthest fromfromyouryourplateplateandandgraduallygraduallyworkworkyouryourwaywayin.in.AAsimplesimpleruleruletotorememberrememberisisthatthatliquidsliquidsarearetotothetherightrightandandsolidsareto

28、theleft.solidsaretotheleft.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsText A-55 5PolitediningatthetableisoneofthePolitediningatthetableisoneofthecodesofbehaviorthatpeopleintheWestcodesofbehaviorthatpeopleintheWestconsiderimportant.Bymasteringtheseconsiderimportant.Bymasteringthese

29、skills,youbecomeabetterrepresentativeskills,youbecomeabetterrepresentativeofyourcompany,awonderfulhost,andofyourcompany,awonderfulhost,andevenmoreevenmoresought-aftersought-afterasadinnerguest.asadinnerguest.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsA-Trans-1TranslationTranslatio

30、n饭桌生意经饭桌生意经 作作为为商商务务宴宴请请的的一一种种形形式式,商商务务聚聚餐餐被被越越来来越越多多地地用用于于增增进进彼彼此此间间的的信信任任和和信信心心。从从匆匆忙忙的的早早餐餐到到“工工作作午午餐餐”,从从鸡鸡尾尾酒酒会会到到正正式式的的晚晚餐餐,西西方方人人大大量量的的商商务务活活动动都都是是在在饭饭桌桌上上进行的。进行的。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsA-Trans-2 早早餐餐会会晤晤很很少少超超过过一一个个小小时时,带带有有一一定定的的“紧紧迫迫”意意味味,在在商商务务旅旅行行中中

31、很很方方便便安安排排。要要加加深深对对客客人人的的了了解解,午午餐餐则则是是最最好好的的形形式式。当当然然,午午餐餐中中并并不不是是非非谈谈生生意意不不可可。花花上上4545分分钟钟或或者者一一小小时时喝喝喝喝下下午午茶茶或或咖咖啡啡,可可以以轻轻轻轻松松松松地地谈谈生生意意。晚晚餐餐则则比比较较正正式式,通通常常不不宜宜谈谈生生意意,这是个彼此了解并享受相互之间交往的时刻。这是个彼此了解并享受相互之间交往的时刻。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsA-Trans-3 商商务务聚聚餐餐背背负负着着重重重重任

32、任务务,常常有有可可能能演演变变为为噩噩梦梦连连连连。如如果果想想给给人人留留下下持持久久的的印印象象,在在任任何何此此类类应应酬酬中中都都拿拿出出最最佳佳表表现现是是非非常常有有利利的的。当当然然,你你得得熟熟知知所所从从事事的的领领域域,还还得得举举止止优优雅雅,才才能能顺顺利利应应付付这这些些场场合合。在在典典型型的的商商务务应应酬酬中中,你你必必须须认认真真倾倾听听,机机敏敏问问答答,并并满满怀怀自自信信地地谈谈论你的公司,同时表现得轻松自若、心情愉悦。论你的公司,同时表现得轻松自若、心情愉悦。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit

33、3 Business MealsA-Trans-4 掌掌握握良良好好的的进进餐餐礼礼仪仪非非常常管管用用,它它能能让让你你充充满满信信心心,相相信信自自己己可可以以做做到到举举止止得得当当。毕毕竟竟,你你是是要要跟跟客客人人交交流流,而而不不是是专专注注于于用用哪哪只只餐餐叉叉。正正确确选选择择你你面面前前的的一一堆堆银银餐餐具具并并不不像像一一开开始始看看起起来来那那么么困困难难。一一定定要要先先取取用用离离你你餐餐盘盘最最远远的的刀刀叉叉和和汤汤匙匙,然然后后逐逐渐渐地地向向内内取取用用。要要记记住住一一条条简简单单的的规则:液体放在右边,固体放在左边。规则:液体放在右边,固体放在左边。R

34、eading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsA-Trans-5 礼礼貌貌进进餐餐是是西西方方人人认认为为重重要要的的行行为为准准则则之之一一。通通过过掌掌握握这这些些技技巧巧,你你会会更更好好地地代代表表公公司司的的形形象象,会会成成为为一一位位令令人人愉愉悦悦的的东东道道主主,一位更受人欢迎的宾客。,一位更受人欢迎的宾客。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealsv v.to invite people to your home fo

35、r a meal or party or take your companys customers to have a meal,drinks,etc.;to do something that amuses or interests peopleReading Aentertaine.g.e.g.Ill entertain my friends over the weekend.The child was entertaining himself with his toys.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealse.g.e.

36、g.They have built up a good reputation.The noise built up until she couldnt stand it any longer.Reading Abuild upto build;to increase,or become bigger or stronger gradually职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealse.g.e.g.I only wear this suit for formal dinners.Our boss is very formal;sh

37、e doesnt call anyone by their first name.Reading Aformala a.appropriate for official or serious situations or occasions职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealse.g.e.g.I do not imply that you are wrong.Reading Aimplyv.v.to make something understood without expressing it directly职业综合职业综合职

38、业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealse.g.e.g.Well,take it easy!It isnt a matter of urgency.Reading Aurgency n.something very important and needing to be dealt with immediately职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealse.g.e.g.Ritas husband is away for the week,so I think Id better g

39、o over and keep her company.Reading Acompany n.n.the state of being with someone职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealse.g.e.g.That man we met turned out to be Marias second cousin.Dont worry.Im sure it will all turn out fine.Reading Aturn outto have a particular result;to happen in a

40、particular way职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsReading Apaye.g.e.g.It usually pays to tell the truth.v.v.to bring a good result or advantage for someone职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealsto behave as well and politely as you can,especially in order to please som

41、eoneReading Abe on ones best behaviore.g.e.g.I want you to be on your best behavior at Granddads.It pays to be on your best behavior at any such meal:to behave well and politely at such meals will bring benefits for you.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealse.g.e.g.Dick is very knowle

42、dgeable about wines.Reading Aknowledgeable a.(of a person)knowing a lot职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealsto help someone continue doing something,especially something difficult or unpleasant,until it is finishedReading Asee sb.through(something)e.g.e.g.This overcoat has seen me th

43、rough many severe winters.He saw me through all the hard times.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealsa.having a high level of mental ability;good at understanding ideas and thinking quickly and clearly Reading Aintelligente.g.e.g.All teachers regard Jimmy as an intelligent student.Int

44、elligentlyIntelligently:a ad d.in an intelligent way e.g.e.g.You have to speak intelligently at this important business meeting.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Mealsto be usefulReading Acome in handye.g.e.g.Ill put these bottles in the cupboardthey might come in handy someday.职业综合职业综

45、合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Meals v.to behave in a particular way,especially in a situation where people judge you by the way you behave;to carry outReading Aconducte.ge.g.Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves responsibly.The company conducted a survey to find out what their

46、customers think about the new product.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business Meals v.to think very carefully about something that you are doingReading Aconcentrate(on)e.g.e.g.She was concentrating on her book and didnt know what had happened.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business M

47、ealsa.wanted by a lot of peopleReading Asought-aftere.g.e.g.Doctors are the most sought-after people in the area.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsReading Aa set of behavior that are generally accepted by society or a social groupCodes of behavior职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Un

48、it 3 Business MealsA-Task 1TaskTask1 1Readthepassage.Thenmatchthebusinessmealswiththeircharacteristics.CharacteristicsCharacteristicslastingabout45minuteslastingabout45minutesconvenientduringbusinesstravelsconvenientduringbusinesstravelslastinglessthanonehourlastinglessthanonehourrelaxingtotalkabout

49、businessrelaxingtotalkaboutbusinessnotnecessarilytotalkaboutbusinessnotnecessarilytotalkaboutbusinessgettoknowaguestabitbettergettoknowaguestabitbetterformalformalgettoknowotherpeoplegettoknowotherpeopleBusiness Business MealsMealsbreakfastbreakfastmeetingsmeetingslunchlunchafternoonteaafternoonteao

50、rcoffeeorcoffeedinnerdinnerReading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 1 1 1 1Unit 3 Business MealsA-Task 2Task2Task2DecidewhichofthefollowingbehaviorsareDosorDontsforbusinessmealsaccordingtothepassage.get nervous talk too muchshow style and gracechoose the correct silverwarebe a good listenertalk with confid

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