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1、all of them were killed,some were taken to Britain to improve the environment of the beautiful park which belonged to the Duke of Bedford.He liked them so much that he took them all the way from China to Britain.The Milu deer liked the cool,wet weather in England and their number increased year by y

2、ear.As a result,when in 1985 the government of China wanted to reintroduce the Milu deer,the Duke of Bedford was happy to help.The first deer came back to China to the Nanhaizi Milu Park 20 kilometers south of Beijing and the centre in Dafeng,Jingsu Province. The deer centainly seem happy to be back

3、 in China because their numbers have grown rapidly.There are now so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hebei Province.At the moment the Milu deer live in centres where they are being well protected and care for .It is hoped that one day there will be enough animals to let them

4、live in the wild again.So Britain helped China by bringing back an animal that had disappeared from its homeland.This is a good example of friendship and understanding between these two countries.Unit 5The band that wasntHave you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musicians? Have

5、 you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? Do you sing Karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famou

6、s. But just now do people form a band?Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music.They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someones house is the first step to fame. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the s

7、treet or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash. Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires!However, there

8、 was one band that started in a different way. It was called the Monkees and began as a TV show. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. The TV organizer had planned to find four musicians who could act as well as sing. Th

9、ey put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other three members of theband.As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other musicians to help them. So during the broad

10、casts they just pretended to sing. Anyhow their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups. They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs written by other musicians. However, after

11、 a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band. Then they produced their own records and started touring and playing their own music. In the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles and sold even more

12、records. The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s. They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their former time as a real band.Freddy the frog()Not long after Freddy and the band became famous, they visited Britain on a brief tour. Fans showed thei

13、r devotion by waiting for hours to get tickets for their concerts . Freddy was now quite confident when he went into a concert hall. He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations afterwards! His most exciting invitation was to perform on a TV programme called “ Top of pops “. He had to go to London

14、, wear an expensive suit and give a performance to a TV camera. It felt very strange. But as soon as the programme was over, the telephones which were in the same room started ringing. Everybody was asking when they could see Freddy and his band again. They were truly stars.Then things went wrong. F

15、reddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed. Even when they wore sunglasses or beards people recognized them. Fans found them even when they went into toilet. They tried to hide in the reading rooms of libraries, but it was useless. Someone was always there! Their personal li

16、fe was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they close friends. At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them. So they left Britain, to which they were never to return, and

17、 went back to the lake.必修三Unit 1Festivals and celebrationsFestivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters

18、 had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Todays festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the Dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or

19、 satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico,

20、people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early Novemver. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits

21、 of dead people. It is now a childrens festival, when they can dress up an go to their neighbours homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweers, the children might play a trick on them.Fetivals to Honour PeopleFestivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Fe

22、stival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain Indias independece from Britain.Harvest FestivalsH

23、arvest and Thanksgiving festival can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Som

24、e people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes.Spring FestivalsThe most energetic and important festivals are te ones that look forward to

25、 the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumpings ifsh and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals , and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting car

26、nicals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of all kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Chiristians around the world. It celebrates th

27、e return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japans Cherry Blossom Festical happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow.People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals

28、let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget ou work for a little while.A Sad Love StoryLi Fang was heart-broken. It was Valetines Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. But she didnt turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She sa

29、id she would be there at seven o clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now he was alon with his roses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, he ws not going to hold his breath for her to apologize. He wouldSOHO(中国)置业财务管理制度汇编二八年二月all of them were

30、 killed,some were taken to Britain to improve the environment of the beautiful park which belonged to the Duke of Bedford.He liked them so much that he took them all the way from China to Britain.The Milu deer liked the cool,wet weather in England and their number increased year by year.As a result,

31、when in 1985 the government of China wanted to reintroduce the Milu deer,the Duke of Bedford was happy to help.The first deer came back to China to the Nanhaizi Milu Park 20 kilometers south of Beijing and the centre in Dafeng,Jingsu Province. The deer centainly seem happy to be back in China becaus

32、e their numbers have grown rapidly.There are now so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hebei Province.At the moment the Milu deer live in centres where they are being well protected and care for .It is hoped that one day there will be enough animals to let them live in the wild

33、 again.So Britain helped China by bringing back an animal that had disappeared from its homeland.This is a good example of friendship and understanding between these two countries.Unit 5The band that wasntHave you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musicians? Have you ever dreame

34、d of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? Do you sing Karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. But just now

35、do people form a band?Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music.They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someones house is the first step to fame. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway

36、so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash. Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires!However, there was one band th

37、at started in a different way. It was called the Monkees and began as a TV show. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. The TV organizer had planned to find four musicians who could act as well as sing. They put an advert

38、isement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other three members of theband.As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other musicians to help them. So during the broadcasts they just

39、pretended to sing. Anyhow their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups. They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs written by other musicians. However, after a year or so in

40、 which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band. Then they produced their own records and started touring and playing their own music. In the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles and sold even more records. The ban

41、d broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s. They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their former time as a real band.Freddy the frog()Not long after Freddy and the band became famous, they visited Britain on a brief tour. Fans showed their devotion by wa

42、iting for hours to get tickets for their concerts . Freddy was now quite confident when he went into a concert hall. He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations afterwards! His most exciting invitation was to perform on a TV programme called “ Top of pops “. He had to go to London, wear an expens

43、ive suit and give a performance to a TV camera. It felt very strange. But as soon as the programme was over, the telephones which were in the same room started ringing. Everybody was asking when they could see Freddy and his band again. They were truly stars.Then things went wrong. Freddy and his ba

44、nd could not go out anywhere without being followed. Even when they wore sunglasses or beards people recognized them. Fans found them even when they went into toilet. They tried to hide in the reading rooms of libraries, but it was useless. Someone was always there! Their personal life was regularly

45、 discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they close friends. At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them. So they left Britain, to which they were never to return, and went back to th

46、e lake.必修三Unit 1Festivals and celebrationsFestivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught anim

47、als. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Todays festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the Dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or satisfy the anc

48、estors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate

49、 the Day of the Dead in early Novemver. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a childrens festival, when they can dress up an go to their neighbours homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweers, the children

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